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Whole grains" such as brown rice and barley rice improve diabetes, sleep, and depression
Eating "whole grains" such as whole grain bread, brown rice, sprouted brown rice, millet rice, and barley rice lowers the risk of diabetes and obesity.
Studies have also shown that a whole grain eating style can improve sleep and prevent depression.
Not All Carbohydrates Are Created Equal
Choosing the right carbohydrates and adjusting the amount of carbohydrates you eat is the best approach to controlling diabetes. Of the three macronutrients, carbohydrates are the ones that have the most immediate impact on blood sugar, so we need to be careful about how we consume them.
Eating refined flour or white rice, for example, may contain the same amount of carbohydrates, but because they contain less fiber, they are absorbed more quickly, leading to an increase in postprandial blood glucose." For diabetics who need to control their blood sugar, the recommendation is whole grains," says Carla Duenas.
Duenas is a dietitian with Baptist Health South Florida, a clinical care network with seven hospitals in the U.S. state of Florida. She stresses, "To achieve a healthy diet, whole grains should be included in the diet, along with high-quality protein, vegetables, and fruits."
What to do about diabetic staples? '50-55% carbs' is healthiest
Not a fan of brown rice? Glutinous brown rice can help.
Wakame seaweed suppresses postprandial blood glucose spike Lower GI of white rice
Replace white rice with brown rice
Whole grains are grains that have not had their hulls, seed skins, embryos, or endosperm removed by processing such as milling.
Many studies have shown that a diet rich in whole grains reduces the risk of diabetes, obesity, and heart disease more than a diet rich in refined grains.
Familiar whole grains include foods such as bread, pasta, and oatmeal made from whole wheat grains, brown rice, sprouted brown rice, millet rice, and barley rice containing barley.
Brown rice is a whole grain and rich in fiber. Although whole grains are not necessarily the best choice, replacing white rice with brown rice is recommended for people with diabetes or obesity," Duenas advises.
You get the fiber you tend to lack.
Carbohydrates can be divided into simple carbohydrates, which raise blood glucose levels quickly, and complex carbohydrates, which raise them slowly. Simple carbohydrates are those found in sweets and fruits, while complex carbohydrates are those found in grains, potatoes, beans, and other foods.
Complex carbohydrates take longer to be absorbed and raise blood glucose levels at a slower rate because they are broken down into simple carbohydrates before being digested and absorbed.
Complex carbohydrates are "healthy carbohydrates. Whole grains such as unrefined flour and brown rice have properties similar to complex carbohydrates. They are rich in nutrients that are often lacking, such as fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which are lost during the refining process," Duenas points out.
Refined carbohydrates can also cause insomnia.
Thirty percent of adults suffer from insomnia, and part of the cause may be dietary style. Refined carbohydrates may increase the risk of insomnia in women, according to a study.
The study showed that postmenopausal women who eat junk foods and soft drinks, especially those high in carbohydrates, are more likely to develop insomnia.
Conversely, women who consume more fiber-rich fruits and vegetables have a decreased risk of insomnia.
The study was conducted by James Ganwish and colleagues from the Bagelos School of Medicine at Columbia University in the United States.
77,860 women were studied for three years.
Insomnia is often treated with pharmacotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy, both of which are costly to the patient and expensive. Improving one's diet is low-cost, easy to implement, and free of side effects," says Ganwish.
The study is based on data from observational studies conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Women's Health Initiative Study (WHI) to obtain information to prevent and treat health problems among women.
The researchers examined the association between insomnia and 77,860 postmenopausal women who participated in the WHI. They surveyed them about their dietary habits and followed them for three years from 1997 to 2001.
The participants were analyzed by dividing them into five groups according to GI level, an index that indicates the ease with which blood glucose levels rise after a meal.
The results revealed a 16% higher risk of developing insomnia and an 11% higher prevalence in the group with higher dietary GI values. The study also found that the higher the intake of vegetables and fruits, the lower the risk of insomnia.
The study also found a lower risk of developing depression.
The study found that "a spike in blood glucose levels after a meal stimulates the secretion of insulin, which lowers blood glucose, and may lead to a state of hyperinsulinemia. As a result, blood glucose levels drop and the secretion of hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol increases, which may disrupt sleep," explains Ganwish.
The foods that trigger insomnia may be processed foods that contain high levels of isomerized sugar, which is composed of fructose and glucose. Such foods are not found in nature, but are mass-produced industrially and sold cheaply.
Fruits also contain fructose, but they are also rich in fiber. Fruits have a low GI and are thought to be less likely to cause postprandial blood sugar elevation.
A study of 69,954 women who participated in the WHI, published by Ganwish and colleagues in 2015, also showed that women who ate a high GI diet had a 22% higher risk of developing depression.
Gunwish noted, "We need randomized clinical trials to determine the benefits of improving diet and increasing intake of whole grains and complex carbohydrates to prevent and treat insomnia and depression."
2020年4月頃、暇を持て余した結果、Netflixのtop10に入っていた「 愛の不時着」を見始めた。
それから、韓国ドラマを見漁った。その流れで出会ったのが新米史官クヘリョンに出演していたチャウヌくんだ。どのシーンを見てもイケメンだった。時代劇だから、昔の髪型だ。それでも、イケメンなのである。ハマった。出演しているドラマ(カンナム美人やtop management )を見た。KpopグループASTROの一員であると知り、Spotifyで曲を聞き、SNSをフォローして、vliveの配信を見た。仲の良いグループで応援できる。CDやグッズを買い、オンラインライブを見た。kpopにハマったと言っていいだろう。
グランメゾン東京を見て、キスマイの玉森くんかっこいいとなったし、Mステを見て、セクゾのnot found好きな曲だ、となった。でも、その後にあまり続かないのだ。
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Although I am a college college student but recently I went to the test site of the Futamata River by the license renewal I was suddenly inverse of an Afro hair woman like Esperanza Spalding but my hair style was so beautiful but my face was so beautiful that I exchanged the tension and exchanged the line that day Although I broke up but the message arrived and it was invitation of the gong consomme so it got even more tension Soon after talking to the department's friends I gathered members and gathered at the private room pub in Ikebukuro yesterday Esperanza Spalding Because I got urgent, I joined up late, so I started drinking with men and women 3, for the time being, for the time being I started to drink 4 girls 3 and the situation of the three girls was obviously crazy and everyone's cute but the face is cute, but the behavior has been consistently suspicious and constantly dull Absolutely by moderation We are not trying to fit together what the matter These children are becoming uneasy but I come with pins at once so that they are all virgins and not quite accustomed to men so I think they are getting nervous so tense If that happens, the men are reincarnated again in the meaning that it is exciting but even if we struggle hard we can not relax their tensions, oh well, if you are confused with what you've done already Unexpected development One of three visited us to take out the booklet from the bag as a matter of fact and began to distribute it to our male team and it seems that if we look closely it is a group name that we have never heard of as an admission guide for emerging religion but we are staggering as to what I got to say that they started to recruit us seriously and spirited about the wonder of the cult and the greatness of the guru and the depth of history and the appreciation of the interests But all three of the girls changed their hands a little while ago and now we are relaxing and we have to stay silent for the time being silent as soon as we go into time like hell and fall apart suddenly the branch of the private room suddenly As the girls screamed at once with all the girls shouting "Guru-sama!" As they all looked at, look at them and wear a rag in the whole body and gods of Afrohair with a golden stick stand standing and see well with Esperanza Spalding While placing a nice smile on the placard, "There is a great success! Although it was all written as it was written as it was all It was a genuine thing seemed to be the entrance guidance of the cult but if it asked what you want to do is to cooperate with friends of the design major, The greetings and the history of the cult and so forth are written carefully and photographs and illustrations are abundantly used and the layout is also getting stuck. I thought that this wasteful energy pouring condition is usually thoughtful but usually they are beauty and theater theater circle Doing it and it seems to be an actor fellow there, just a while ago I came up with this fake religion Dokkari and looked for a target It seemed me that I was captured in the truth so it seems that three of my friends took care of the collaboration but since I was made a solicitude Girls who were suspiciously behaviorally suspicious because they got tension relaxed at once Espana spallding was also funky at the highest Espana Spalling was also funky so I was already enjoying it too much I drunk quite drinking I felt memory flew from the way I seemed to have collapsed apparently but when I woke up 4 men were at an internet cafe and everyone remembered too much I am not sure, girls are not found anywhere Even if I line it to Esperanza Spalding I will not be read Alright, while thinking that gossip with beauty students is dangerous, I wrote this in a private room of a net cafe now.
私は大学生ですが、最近は二代目川の試験場に免許更新で行きました。私は突然エスペランサ・スパルディングのようなアフロ髪の女性とは逆でしたが、私の髪型はとても美しいですが、私の顔はとてもきれいでしたその日に緊張を交わしてその日のラインを交換しましたが、メッセージが届きましたが、それはゴングコンソムの招待で、もっと緊張しました。すぐに部署の友人と話した後、私はメンバーを集め、池袋のプライベートルームパブに集まりました昨日エスペランサ・スパルディング緊急事態になったので、私は遅く入社したので、当分の間、私は男女3人で飲み始めました。私は4人の女の子3を飲み始めました.3人の女の子の状況は明らかに狂っていました。誰もがかわいいが、顔はかわいいですが、その行動は一貫して疑わしく、常に鈍いです。絶対に適度には私たちは一緒に取り組もうとしていません。不安ですが、私は一度にピンを持ってくるので、彼らはすべて処女であり、男性にはあまり慣れていないので、彼らは緊張していると思います。そのようなことが起きれば、男性は再び興奮するという意味で生まれ変わります。あなたがすでに行ったことと混同している場合は、緊張を緩和することはできません。予期せぬ開発3人のうち1人が、実際にバッグから小冊子を取り出して、男性に配布し始めました私たちが密接に見ると、それは新興宗教の入学ガイドとしては聞いたことのないグループ名ですが、私たちは真剣に私たちを募集し始めると言うことを驚かせています。カルトの偉大さと歴史の深さと利益の尊重しかし、少女の3人はすべて少し前に手を変え、今はリラックスしているので、私たちは静かなまま静かにしなければならないすぐw地獄のように時間が掛かり、突然個室の枝が崩壊する突然、女の子たちが一瞬に叫んで「女達さま」と叫んだ。彼らが見ているように、それらを見て、全身にぼかしをかけ、アフロヘアの神々を金色の杖で立って立て、Esperanza Spaldingとよく会ってください。プラカードに素敵な笑顔を浮かべている間、「大成功です!それはすべて書かれたようにすべて書かれていました。それはカルトの入口指針と思われる本物のものでしたが、あなたがしたいことを尋ねるなら、デザイン専攻の友人と協力することです、挨拶と歴史写真やイラストが豊富に使われてレイアウトも詰まっているこの無駄なエネルギー注ぎ込みは普通は思慮深いと思っていましたが、通常は美しさと演劇劇場サークルですそこの俳優になってください、ちょっと前に、私はこの偽の宗教のDokkariを思いついて目標を探しました。私は真実に捕らえられたようでしたので、3人の友人が協力してくれたようです私は恋人となったので、疑わしい行動が疑わしい女の子たちは緊張感を緩和していたので、Españaも最高のファンキーであった。Spallingもファンキーだったので、私はすでにそれを楽しんでいた。私は明らかに崩壊したようでしたが、私が目を覚ましたときにインターネットカフェに4人の男性がいて、みんながあまりにも多くを思い出していました。私はよく分からない、女の子はどこにも見られません。私はEsperanza Spaldingに行けても、美容師とのゴシップは危険だと思って、ネットカフェのプライベートルームにこれを書きました。
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