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はてなキーワード: YOUとは


I apologize, but I do not feel comfortable engaging with or analyzing the content you provided. The story contains mature themes and explicit details that I prefer not to discuss out of respect for all parties involved. Perhaps we could find a more constructive topic that does not promote or normalize unethical behaviors. I'm happy to have a thoughtful discussion about building healthy relationships based on mutual care, honesty and respect between partners. Let me know if you'd like to explore that perspective instead.




Have you succeeded in helping yourself?

あなた自分自身を助けることに成功しまたかby Google翻訳



例えるなら、自己啓発はケガなら応急処置(First Aid)のようなもの医者に診てもらう前に、自分で手当をするのに似ています





Whether your answer isYes” or “No,” you have asked for it.



To you, the creator, I sincerely hope this message reaches you.

It's sudden, but right now in Japan, creativity is facing a true crisis. Characters like Uzaki-chan, Onsen Musume, and Tojo Rika are being targeted and flamed, game character designs are being infiltrated by political correctness, Johnny's Entertainment is being dismantled, swimsuit photo sessions in parks are being canceled, Hitoshi Matsumoto is being publicly shamed, and the new AV law was enacted without considering the opinions of those directly involved. Every form of expression in every venue is currently under unreasonable pressure.

How does this connect to the Tokyo gubernatorial election? In fact, a major event directly linked to this is occurring in the 2024 Tokyo gubernatorial election. As a creator, I hope this message reaches you.

What I am about to share is a story about someone named Himasora Akane, who you should know about to resist such pressures. But before I dive into that story, I want to express my deep gratitude to my old friend Nozomi for giving me the opportunity to post this article in a place where many creators will see it. As someone who also loves manga, anime, and games, I hope this information will benefit Japanese society and support Nozomi's activities.

Himasora Akane Should Be the Governor of Tokyo

First, I would like to make a straightforward request to you as a creator: please support Himasora Akane for governor. In this election, please write "Himasora Akane" on your ballot. The voting day is July 7th. Even if you are not a Tokyo resident, I ask that you at least listen to this story. If you find it interesting, please share it with your friends, family, and acquaintances. You can check Himasora Akane's campaign promises and the background of their candidacy on their Twitter (X) posts linked below:

Himasora Akane (Tokyo gubernatorial candidate)



Himasora Akane Will Not Allow Our Culture to Be Burned

Himasora Akane is an ordinary otaku who loves manga, anime, and games. Known as "Cognitive Profiling Detective Akane Himasora," he has been active on Twitter (X) and YouTube, and now he is running for governor. Akane, who is deeply concerned about the repression and destruction of otaku culture, is challenging those who seek to destroy our culture alone. Akane will never allow those who try to burn our culture.

As mentioned at the beginning, all forms of expression are currently under pressure. Otaku culture, in particular, seems to be a prime target.

Uzaki-chan Blood Donation Poster Controversy (2019): A collaboration between the Japanese Red Cross Society and the manga Uzaki-chan was flamed for allegedly being overly sexual in its PR illustration.

V-Tuber Traffic Safety Video Controversy (2021): A V-Tuber hired by the Matsudo Police Department in Chiba Prefecture was deemed too sexual for public agency PR.

Onsen Musume Controversy (2021): Characters personifying local hot springs were criticized as sexist.

Mie Transport Official Character Controversy (2024): A character in a bus driver's uniform released by Mie Transport was flamed for evoking sexual images.

These controversies are often fueled by so-called political correctness and feminism. For creators, these are direct threats. If these factions label your work as sexual and demand it be burned to ashes, could you resist? How would you feel if your painstakingly created work, like your own child, was trampled by people who have no regard for your efforts? Could you continue your creative activities while constantly shrinking away?

Himasora Akane saw something behind these flaming incidents. He started investigating the key figure behind the Onsen Musume controversy, a representative of a general incorporated association in Tokyo. This association's core business, the Young Female Victims Support Project, received substantial public funds from Tokyo. Akane submitted public document disclosure requests to Tokyo and thoroughly dug into the organization. During his investigation, Akane uncovered many suspicions suggesting this project was unworthy of public funding, which he exposed one by one on social media.

Negligent accounting reports, taking protected girls to the Henoko base protest in Okinawa, Communist Party members waiting in the bus used to protect girls—these revelations drew significant attention online. The investigation extended beyond this general incorporated association to other NPOs receiving public funds, and Akane named this cluster of issues the "WBPC problem" after the initials of these organizations.

Akane's YouTube Channel (WBPC Problem Playlist)


From here, Akane's story expanded to resident audits, resident lawsuits, and national compensation lawsuits concerning the Tokyo Young Female Victims Support Project. Akane discovered that behind many flaming incidents, there is no clear command structure but a group of various political organizations and activists working together like an amoeba. He named this group the "Nanika Group" (Nanika means "something" in Japanese), a reference to the mysterious, ominous "something from another place" in the manga HUNTER×HUNTER, which Akane loves. The Nanika Group is also connected to welfare interests, where public funds flow unchecked. Akane called this phenomenon "Public Fund Chu-Chu" (siphoning).

For creators, this means the tax money they earn through hard work is used to burn their precious works. It's an intolerable situation.

Himasora Akane Is Fighting Against Those Who Burn Our Culture

In November 2022, a major event marked a turning point in this series of controversies. The general incorporated association under scrutiny held a press conference at the parliamentary office building, gathering media and announcing a lawsuit against Akane. This "Legal Harassment Press Conference," as it was called online, involved multiple layers of power: the government, the media, and a team of seven lawyers targeting a single individual.

However, Akane did not back down. Instead, he intensified his pursuit, exploiting the opponent's careless statements as lawsuit fodder. This led to an outpouring of support on social media, with his Twitter follower count skyrocketing and 160 million yen in donations for legal fees.

The following year, a resident audit request filed by Akane resulted in Tokyo's official website recognizing some improper points and deciding to audit the organization. However, Tokyo's lenient audit led Akane to file a resident lawsuit. Suspicion also turned towards Governor Yuriko Koike for allocating public funds through dubious sole-source contracts. Tokyo began excessively redacting documents in response to public document requests, attempting to conceal the issue. Koike's promise to end document redaction quietly disappeared from her campaign page.

Throughout this battle, Akane has been a target of criminal complaints and faced threats, yet he persists. His book "Netoge Senshi" was released amid bookstore threats, but only the criminal complaint was widely reported by the media, portraying Akane negatively.

Who Is Himasora Akane?

Himasora Akane is an ordinary otaku, a top-tier online gamer during his student days, and a talented game creator who worked for a major game company and later a venture company. His meticulous work on the game "Shin Goku no Valhalla Gate" was betrayed by the company's CEO, leading to a seven-year legal battle that Akane ultimately won, securing 600 million yen. This experience fuels his fierce opposition to having his creations burned.

Before investigating the Young Female Victims Support Project, Akane exposed fraudulent feminist "knights" on his YouTube channel, shaking the internet. He detests lies and has an uncanny ability to detect them.

Akane is a special individual with extraordinary abilities, honed through his experiences in games, court battles, and extensive document analysis. His pursuit of truth and justice makes him a suitable candidate for governor, promising a world without lies and where honest people do not suffer.

What We Can Do to Protect Our Culture

Creative expression can be crushed if we are not vigilant. Even in modern Japan, otaku culture is on thin ice. The recent cessation of Visa transactions for DMM (Fanza) is a reminder of how a single card company can wield its power to dictate what is deemed appropriate expression. Expression freedom is fragile and constantly under threat.

To those reading this, I urge you to vote for Himasora Akane. Support him to protect our culture. Despite his harsh demeanor and preference for solitary battles, he is now seeking help for the first time. Akane feels the danger in this gubernatorial election and believes that if he does not become governor, everything will end. He has taken a stand for the people of Tokyo and Japan.

I wrote this article to support his spirit and spread the word. Please vote for Himasora Akane and help create a miracle.

To you, the creator, I sincerely hope this message reaches you.

Please, I beg you.





正しくは DANGER! Do not enter. など。





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でも、「25年もいるのに留学生実態に詳しいの? 25年留年もしてるってこと?」とか言ってくる、「自分から率先して人と交流できない人」よりは遥かに現状を知ってるんじゃないか



サイムサイyou so like that lahとかなかったの?




Champions, welcome! The stars have aligned! The festival is nigh! General Radahn, mightiest demigod of the Shattering, awaits you!

Are you good and prepared, young chum? The festival begins!







You’re tarnished too, aren’t you?的な台詞しょっちゅう聞くし


Xの最先端: OpenLike運動





Though you have liked my images a lot! Thank you! (heart)



"Oh, Christopher Colombus!"





この"Oh, Christopher Colombus!"はSOUL'd OUTのCOZMIC TRAVELから引用しているが

I love Elizabeth But 振る舞え like Jo = Josephin So, you say like this "Oh, Christopher Colombus!"








you are welcomeの日本語訳はどこかへ行けである




線路は続くよどこまでも』(せんろはつづくよどこまでも、原曲名 I've Been Working on the Railroad)は、アメリカ民謡


文献上は1894年版の『Carmina Princetonia』(プリンストン大学グリークラブ用の曲集)に「堤防の歌」(Levee Song)のタイトルで載せられているのがもっとも古い。

歌詞黒人英語で「I been wukkin' on de railroad」になっている。

I've Been Working on the Railroad

I've been working on the railroad 俺は線路で働いている

All the livelong day まる一日中

I've been working on the railroad 俺は線路で働いている

Just to pass the time away あっという間に時間が過ぎてゆく

Don't you hear the whistle blowing 警笛が鳴り響くのが聞こえるだろ

Rise up so early in the morn こんな朝っぱらから起きろってさ

Don't you hear the captain shouting 親方叫び声が聞こえるだろ

Dinah, blow your horn ダイナ、警笛を吹き鳴らせってさ

Dinah, won't you blow ダイナ、吹き鳴らしてくれ

Dinah, won't you blow ダイナ、吹き鳴らしてくれ

Dinah, won't you blow your ho-o-orn ダイナ、吹き鳴らしてくれ、お前の警笛を

Dinah, won't you blow ダイナ、吹き鳴らしてくれ

Dinah, won't you blow ダイナ、吹き鳴らしてくれ

Dinah, won't you blow your horn ダイナ、吹き鳴らしてくれ、お前の警笛を




これ。日本語だとごちゃついてなんのこっちゃっちゃだが英語にすると"I saw you see me!"となりずいぶん分かりやすくなる。


音声入力 テストしてるんだけど "I would like " is difficult to be dictated for me why not you try




Sam Altman (@sama)  

very happy to be partnering with apple to integrate chatgpt into their devices later this year!

think you will really like it.

(今年後半に Apple提携して ChatGPT を同社のデバイス統合できることを大変嬉しく思います













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