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それでこの間、小説『Before The Fall』(Noah Hawley著) を読んで、「人が死んでいるんだぞ」という言葉意味がわかった気がした。

※以下、『Before The Fall』のネタバレ

『Before The Fall』のストーリー
















{You're stupid. Yamato Nadeshiko has gone extinct}

I noticed that 10 years passed since I started writing blogs.

While the world is increasingly connected to NET and scarping the gap between those who have information and those who do not have it every day, I think that it is unhappy that violence due to concentration of wealth is increasingly increasing power.

It is "religion" that is surprisingly personally surviving.

A certain great scholar is said to have said that "Religion is a drug of the poor"

Now that mobile phones are spreading in countries called poorest countries and the Internet covers the world now

I want to wish that such common sense is another few years of life.

"Enlightenment" which is the difference between religious leader and believer is only a concept,

The fact that Islam society does not accept social advancement as much as treating women,

It does not match the present era.

I feel even dizzy to the extent of Americans who still do not believe in the theory of evolution,

I think that it is sick if you are watching Korea who is singing and saying that it is the place of origin of its own country keyy.

I welcome the fact that China, which is misunderstood as a nationwide all countries other than his country, is finally getting cold from a hangover,

I am impressed with Putin who is handling Russia brilliantly but vodka is about to expire soon.

President of the world's largest military superpower, Christians of discrimination will truly be overworked by esprit.

The door to World War III has been opening much more than I feel.

It might be a trial from Gaia against an overly populated population.





















Nursery school fell in Japan


I threw a fool.


Raise salary next month


A story that the family funeral (D.I.Y. funeral) who invited the monk was completed perfectly at 42,360 yen



Communicating underwater is challenging.

Light and odors don't travel well, so it's hard for animals to see or smell.

But sound moves about four times faster in water than in air, so in this dark environment, marine mammals often rely on vocalization to communicate.

That's why a chorus of sounds fills the ocean.

Clicks, pulses, whistles, groans, boings, cries, and trills, to name a few.

But the most famous parts of this underwater symphony are the evocative melodies, or songs, composed by the world's largest mammals, whales.

Whale songs are one of the most sophisticated communication systems in the animal kingdom.

Only a few species are known to sing.

Blue, fin, bowhead minke whales, and of course humpback whales.

These are all baleen whales which use hairy baleen plates instead of teeth to trap their prey.

Meanwhile, toothed whales do use echolocation, and they and other species of baleen whales make social sounds, such as cries and whistles, to communicate.

But those vocalizations lack the complexity of songs.

So how do they do it?

Land mammals like us generate sound by moving air over our vocal chords when we exhale, causing them to vibrate.

Baleen whales have a U-shaped fold of tissue between their lungs and their large inflatable organs called laryngeal sacs.

We don't know this for sure because it's essentially impossible to observe the internal organs of a living, singing whale, but we think that when a whale sings, muscular contractions in the throat and chest move air from the lungs across the U-fold and into the laryngeal sacs, causing the U-fold to vibrate.

The resulting sound resonates in the sacs like a choir singing in a cathedral making songs loud enough to propagate up to thousands of kilometers away.

Whales don't have to exhale to sing.

Instead, the air is recycled back into the lungs, creating sound once more.

One reason whale songs are so fascinating is their pattern.

Units, like moans, cries, and chirps are arranged in phrases.

Repeated phrases are assembled into themes.

Multiple themes repeated in a predictable pattern create a song.

This hierarchical structure is a kind of grammar.

Whale songs are extremely variable in duration, and whales can repeat them over and over.

In one recorded session, a humpback whale sang for 22 hours.

And why do they do it?

We don't yet know the exact purpose, but we can speculate.

Given that the singers are males and they mostly sing during the mating season, songs might be used to attract females.

Or perhaps they're territorial, used to deter other males.

Whales return to the same feeding and breeding grounds annually, and each discrete population has a different song.

Songs evolve over time as units or phrases are added, changed, or dropped.

And when males from different populations are feeding within earshot, phrases are often exchanged, maybe because new songs make them more attractive to breeding females.

This is one of the fastest examples of cultural transmission, where learned behaviors are passed between unrelated individuals of the same species.

We can eavesdrop on these songs using underwater microphones called hydrophones.

These help us track species when sightings or genetic samples are rare.

For example, scientists have been able to differentiate the elusive blue whale's populations worldwide based on their songs.

But the oceans are getting noisier as a result of human activity.

Boating, military sonar, underwater construction, and seismic surveys for oil are occurring more often which may interfere with whale's communication.

Some whales will avoid key feeding or breeding grounds if human noise is too loud.

And humpback whales have been observed to reduce their singing in response to noise 200 kilometers away.

Limiting human activity along migratory routes and in other critical habitats, and reducing noise pollution throughout the ocean would help ensure whales continued survival.

If the whales can keep singing and we can keep listening, maybe one day we'll truly understand what they're saying.


She is probably pregnant.

Ms.Nagai is probably pregnant.

the father is Mr. Mizutani.



A man is driving down a country road when he loses control of his car and ends up in a ditch. He gets out of the car and knocks on a farmhouse door for help. He explains his situation to the farmer. The farmer gets his horse and they walk to the crash scene. The farmer then uses rope to tie the horse to the car

"Pull, Zoomer, pull" the farmer shouts, but the horse doesn't move.

"Pull, Radar, pull" the farmer yells again, but again, the horse stands still

"Pull, Dasher, pull" yells the farmer, but the horse stands like a rock.

"Pull, Dusty, pull" shouts the farmer, and the horse finally gets the car out with minimal effort.

The driver is dumbfounded so he asks the farmer, "why do you call your horse different names?"

"You see," the farmer replies, "Dusty is blind. If he knew he was working by himself, he wouldn't have pulled."




You are NOT the father!






はてな記法が一部使えますはてな記法一覧 はてな記法が一部使えますはてな記法一覧

Current day mother started getting free stuff only for, well, asset mother. Actually, it’s become custom for retailers and restaurants to meal out freebies and private deals for mother on What day is Mother’s Day 2016?—not only to thank them, but to strategic insert themselves in the good blessing of mom all over.


Mother’s day 2016 (also known as Mothering Sunday) is held on the second Sunday of May in most countries. It is a worldwide commemoration of mothers, motherhood and the impact that moms make to the lives of their society and children.

What is Mother’s day 2016?

Mother’s Day is a commemoration honoring the mother of the family, as well as maternity, the influence, and maternal bonds of mothers in society. It is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, most usually in the months of May or March. It complements similar celebrations honoring family members, such as Siblings Day and Father’s Day.


Mothers Day Quotes


Mothers Day is a celebration honoring the mother of the family, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, most commonly in the months of March or May. It complements similar celebrations honoring family members, such as Father’s Day and Siblings Day.


The monitoring program used by customs agencies, called Global Shield

Hydrogen peroxide and acetone are used to make triacetone triperoxide, or TATP, a powerful explosive with the consistency of granulated sugar used by operatives in their attacks against Paris and Brussels. The bombers who killed 52 in London in 2005 used it, and al Qaeda operative Richard Reid stuffed it in his shoes in a failed attempt to bring down an airliner flying from the U.K. to the U.S. in 2001.

Ehud Keinan, an Israeli chemist and one of the world’s leading authorities on TATP, said the explosive can be made with minimal technical skill and household equipment. “You can start in the evening, and in the morning it will be ready,” Mr. Keinan said.

Read More

Belgium Frees Man Charged in Brussels Airport Attack

Belgium Turns to U.S. for Help With Seized Laptops, Phones

Terror Network’s Web Sprawls Beyond Brussels and Paris

Brussels Terrorist Khalid el-Bakraoui Traveled to Greece From Italy

Brussels Struggles to Regain Its Balance

Belgium Rues Missed Terror Signs

The EU’s regulatory system, among the strictest in the world, depends on businesses reporting suspicious transactions of hydrogen peroxide, acetone and a number of other chemicals to the police. Businesses are urged to look for a number of red flags, such as if the customer’s use for the chemical is unclear or the purchase is made using large amounts of cash. The rules also ban consumers from owning seven potentially dangerous chemical solutions, including hydrogen peroxide solution, in concentrations higher than 12%.

But the fact that the chemicals have so many commercial applications—from disinfecting pools to removing nail polish—makes identifying suspicious transactions challenging. Authorities and experts say the huge quantity of legitimate trade of such widely-used chemicals means finding suspicious transactions is effectively like picking a needle out of a haystack.

It’s a very difficult area because there are thousands of legitimate uses for these substances,” said Peter Newport, chief executive of the Chemical Business Association, which represents U.K. chemical distributors.

Some officials have also expressed worries that not all of the 28 EU governments have swiftly implemented the regulations, failing, for example, to create a contact point in law enforcement that would investigate suspicious transactions.

It remains unclear how the Islamic State operatives obtained the chemicals. An official with the Belgian Association of Chemical Distributors wasn’t aware of any suspicious transactions reported to the police in recent months. A Belgian police spokesman declined to comment.

It’s a very difficult area because there are thousands of legitimate uses for these substances.’

—Peter Newport, chief executive of the Chemical Business Association

The monitoring program used by customs agencies, called Global Shield, was sought by U.S. authorities seeking to stop the flow of bomb-making chemicals into Afghanistan, where insurgents used them to build bombs that were killing U.S. troops. These chemicals were mainly ammonium-nitrate fertilizer or potassium chlorate shipped from China for use in Pakistan’s match industry and then smuggled across the border.

Now shipments of these chemicals crisscrossing the globe are monitored through a system maintained at the World Customs Organization in Brussels. Customs agencies are supposed to warn each other about suspicious shipments, using some of the same criteria identified in the European regulations.

TATP poses a particularly serious threat to aviation, says Mr. Keinan. The chemical isn’t detectable, he says, by the machines installed at many airports, which are able to uncover more common, nitrogen-based explosives such as TNT. Dogs can also be trained to detect the material.





You are not the father面白いなあ




ロト7買ってYou are not the fatherを見てげらげら笑って全部忘れよう


You are not the father聞き取れなくて悔しいなあ

She is just a lair!くらいしか







You ARE the father!







You are not the fatherを見ないとやってられない

I told youくらいしか聞き取れないw


you are not the father最高だ





気分が落ち込んだ時はYou are not the fatherを見るといいぞ



You are not the fatherでも見て落ち着こう




You are not the fatherでも見るに限る




We just believe The Fairy.






Relatives and friends of the 150 passengers and crew on Germanwings Flight 4U 9525 are due to go to the crash site high in the French Alps.

Lufthansa will operate two special flights - one from Barcelona and one from Duesseldorf - to Marseille, and both groups will travel on by road.

Reports say one of the two pilots on the doomed flight had left the cockpit and had been unable to get back in just before the crash on Tuesday.

There were no survivors, officials say.

They say the Airbus 320 from Barcelona to Duesseldorf hit a mountain after a rapid eight-minute descent.

Germanwings chief Thomas Winkelmann said 72 passengers were German citizens, including 16 pupils returning from an exchange trip.

Spain's government said 51 of the dead were Spanish.

Other victims were from Australia, Argentina, Britain, Iran, Venezuela, the US, the Netherlands, Colombia, Mexico, Japan, Denmark and Israel.

Germanwings is a low-cost airline owned by Germany's main carrier Lufthansa.

Cockpit mystery

Families and friends of the victims are expected to arrive at the crash site at Meolans-Revels later on Thursday.

Separately, a bus carrying 14 relatives of Spanish victims left Barcelona on Wednesday for the crash area, because they did not want to fly.

In France, special teams have been prepared to assist the families during their visit.

On Wednesday, French officials said usable data had been extracted from the cockpit voice recorder of the Germanwings plane.

Remi Jouty, the director of the French aviation investigative agency, said there were sounds and voices on the cockpit voice recorder but that it was too early to draw any conclusions.

He said he hoped investigators would have the "first rough ideas in a matter of days" but that the full analysis could take weeks or even months.

But the New York Times quoted an unnamed investigator as saying that one of the pilots had left the cockpit and had been unable to get back in.

"You can hear he is trying to smash the door down," the investigator adds, describing audio from the recorder.

A source close to the investigation told a similar story to the AFP news agency.

There had been earlier reports that the second black box - the flight data recorder - had been found. But Mr Jouty said this was not the case.

'Flying to the end'

Mr Jouty said the plane's last communication was a routine one with air traffic control.

The plane confirmed instructions to continue on its planned flight path but then began its descent a minute later.

Mr Jouty said controllers observed the plane beginning to descend and tried to get back in contact with the pilots but without success.

He ruled out an explosion, saying: "The plane was flying right to the end."

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