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はてなキーワード: Wasとは


Listening "Button".

Listening this song many times.

Fate may yank us far apart,

But the start was the same for all of us.

Even if it all disappears

That one thing will still remain.

We are going together.









1. イムホテップ

イムホテプ (Imhotep, Immutef, Im-hotep, Ii-em-Hotep, Imuthes) は、古代エジプトの高級神官。第3王朝のジェゼル王に仕えた宰相とされる。また、エジプト第3王朝最後の王フニ王の時代まで活躍したとされる。

生誕 紀元前2690年頃 - 死没 紀元前2610年頃


2. 朱元璋

朱 元璋(しゅ げんしょう)は、明の始祖であり、初代皇帝である。その治世の年号を取って、洪武帝(こうぶてい)と呼ばれる。


3. ナーローパ

Nāropā (probably died ca. 1040 CE) was an Indian Buddhist Mahasiddha.


4. ベンジャミン・フランクリン

ベンジャミン・フランクリン(Benjamin Franklin, グレゴリオ暦1706年1月17日 - 1790年4月17日)は、アメリカ合衆国政治家外交官著述家物理学者気象学者




5. マイトレーヤ

弥勒菩薩(みろくぼさつ)、梵: maitreya(マイトレーヤ)、巴: metteyya(メッテイヤ、メッテッヤ)は仏教において、釈迦牟尼仏の次に現われる未来仏であり、大乗仏教では菩薩の一尊である






Because today was a little bit good, bought an old shot glass. for me, and for cats in heaven to say thank you.



What Japanese Girls Think of Chikan (molesting girls on trains)







Damn, it's really sad and heartbreaking to hear how many of them said yes to being molested...



The comments that were the most shocking was that they would actually take part of the blame for the situation happening. Incredible



Some Random Edgy Guy

Interesting, most women seem to think it's partly their fault, which is worrying. Maybe they're just too considerate and not wanting to give definitive judgement, but if someone molests then he (or she) is on the offensive, taking action and clearly to be blamed. It doesn't matter how short the skirt is or sth like that, if you grope - you're to blame.

2 か月前(編集済み)



Taj Parker

It’s very depressing seeing the ratios. It should’ve been 100% the gropers fault. There’s things that i love about japan but the way they treat women brain washing them into thinking this is somehow their fault is unfathomable.

2 か月前






Culture shock. Very passive attitudes toward sexual harassment.

2 か月前







Was what I told her really the right thing to say?

In reality, I couldn't grow up, and became a NEET.

And those awful bullies probably still have their jobs.

I know the real truth is uglier.

Maybe it wasn't the ugly truth.

But it wasn't a lie.

It's what you really meant, so isn't that enough?

She'll remember someone yelling at her, if not who.

I think what happened today will stay with her.

From the line of "ReLIFE".


Auschwitz surviver "Beware of hate".

The memory of my mother, going with her three children, with my little baby sister and my two younger brothers, going to the gas chamber, is the worst memory that I carry with me for the rest of my life.

My name is Max Eisen, and I'm a survivor of Auschwitz.

I saw her walk, I remember, all I could see was her back.

Carrying a baby in her arm, and my two little brothers.

There were no goodbyes said.

Six million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust. Over 1.1 million of those were killed here, in Auschwitz-Birkenau.

I was fifteen years old when I arrived here, May of 1944.

A9892. Hungarian Transports.

Max has returned every year for the past two decades to tell his story.

Here we are,

I want you to sort try to smell what this place smelled like.

Can you hear the voices?

Scratches with their hands. They were trying to go through cement walls just to get away from the gas that was killing them.

Imagine 2,000 people fighting each other for a breath of air.

You could to say that this is the last will and testament of people who died here.

From darkness to light, what a wonderful thing it is to know that you're alive.

Every year Max joins the March of the Living, in memory of those forced on 'death marches' from the camps.

Some 12,000 people recently marched with Max from Auschwitz to Birkenau on Holocaust Remembrance Day.

I'm thinking of my family, who have to no markers, no graves, whose ashes have been blown to the four corners of the earth.

I don't know how I survived.

I'm amazed how I survived.


I'd like to tell a lot to the world.

Respect each other, no matter what religion or colour you are.

Hatred against Jewish people is alive and well all over the world.

I come back here to tell others not to go down this terrible road of hatred and intolerance.


It' a warning. Beware.

This place reminds you to beware of hatred.

from BBC.


Your Smile

When I met you there was spring light

And breeze in the street

My childish heart cheered

In the distant summer night of that day

I neglected loneliness

As I passed through the autumn day

A warm winter street

Reassured me of your warmth

At all times you have

A sincere look in your eyes

Even if you fall you will stand up again

I drew some strength

From your profile

That only gazes ahead .

Your smile

And your voice

Created my future

The time

That began to move

Carved out slowly changing days.

I should be able to overcome

Difficulty at any time

Because I have a dream

Now I have found

Something precious

Something that I want to protect.

I don't know the reason

for your tears that day

Beyond the upset I saw

A path leading to a dream.

I'm not afraid of mistakes

If I take a step forwards

Then I can have more faith in myself.

People look towards

The other side of sadness

This is what the sight of your back has told me

At my side

By your side

I could cry with longing to live in the moment

A dream

Without end

Must lead to somebody's future.

Don't give up


I heard your voice

I found

Something precious

Something that I want to protect

I am not alone

I am always by your side

Because I want to see your smile

From the line of "Asagao to Kase-san"



Was that environment something narrow-minded ?

Had the narrow-minded environment made Sensei ?

In that environment, in ramen shop, what had he thought about?


You're like the fireworks.

I'm really glad for them. The truth is, I thought that falling in love when you knew you'd have to part seemed pointless.But when I saw them together, I was happy from the bottom of my heart. Maybe worrying about future parting so much that you miss out on happiness in the present is waste.

Yes, Someday, we'll part. Maybe be forgotten. But we're living in the moment in full throttle!

From the line of "ReLIFE".

We'll remember - Our secret code, The red sky you can only see after class,

"Good-bye" ain't our style

Fate may yank us far apart,

But the start was the same for all us

Even if it all disappears

That one thing will still remain.

Frome the song of "ReLIFE"




Yuru Camp, Sora Yori Mo Tooi Basho, Just Because!, Violet Evergarden..

Why it was a lucky year for animations, 2017...

Because 2017 is one of a very special prime number.



Not Found

The requested URL /topics/file/cochrane_review_hihanteki_kenkai20180607.pdf was not found on this server.




In A Brief History of the Internet, the Internet Society denies that ARPANET was designed to survive a nuclear attack:

インターネットコミュニティ」と書くと、ネット上の素人勝手に言ってるだけみたいに読めてしまうが、ここでのInternet Societyは固有名詞では?

インターネットソサエティ - Wikipedia


Bought a new food processor. Nice design, good process and expensive but it seems to be a fragile. Previous processor was tuff. It had worked over 10 years. New one , how long years you last? Welcome.



Mary had a little lamb


little lamb, little lamb


Mary had a little lamb


Its fleece was white as snow




Egg consumption, serum total cholesterol concentrations and coronary heart disease incidence: Japan Public Health Center-based prospective study.

Nakamura Y, Iso H, Kita Y, Ueshima H, Okada K, Konishi M, Inoue M, Tsugane S., Br J Nutr. 2006 Nov;96(5):921-8.




We found that eating eggs more frequently, up to almost daily,

was not associated with any increase in CHD incidence. We

found an inverse correlation between egg consumption and

the frequency of hypercholesterolaemia in both sexes in both

cohorts, probably because hypercholesterolaemic individuals

avoided eating eggs




Walked to a bookshop. In the shop, an old song had come floating up from speaker. It was " What a Wonderful World". I sang It in a low voice.

World is broken, but we'll continue to fly. Just because What a Wonderful World.


Are you mad?

I was mad on the way up, but on the way down, I realized that was hardly justified.

She was born from my kiss and your anguish.

So, you gotta come back, You should've left this Space already!

You definitely can't part from me. You're the one who gave birth to me. I'm the child you made to eat your anguish and sadness. It doesn't matter how many times you kill me, I'll always be born again. Because I'm your true soul. You wanted to throw away your feelings for your brother, and become an adult without me. I won't allow that. In this place, your don't need anything. neither the pain, nor the anguish of becoming an adult.

You're courageous, You don't fear the pain. you're courageous, who be named to be brave. You shall come back to present.

That way, there is nothing but pain and anguish.

That's why, That's why I have to go. Because from now on, I have to carry on living by myself without you.

In the direction where you feel the pain, there's an exit!

I was afraid to open my heart to someone. But I'm not afraid anymore. Even if I lose sight of it, there's always a path somewhere. People are connected through narrow paths. Even if sometimes they lose sight of them, there's no doubt they're connected. Welcome back, you. I'm back ,you.

I don't really know what is means "to be friends."

But you, Yup, you were a companion who got lost on the same path as me, and you looked for the same path I did.

But we're companions only when we're looking for the same path. A person like me, if I always stay with other people;e, I lose sight of my own path.

May be you're right.

But Let's meet again. When we get lost again. Until that time, goodbye.

I'm courageous, You're the one who gave me my name.

From the line of "Dennou Coil"


Ichinose must have been very disappointed.

You're the first like-minded friend he's ever had.

Your performance yesterday was inspiring. I'm impressed though not surprised.

I was hoping your praise in particular wouldn't be so generic.


Can I ever hope to move people with my playing the way Kai did? Can I someday..?

I want the honest truth, so please don't hold back.

Fair enough. Since you're aiming to be a professional, I'll give you the unfettered, honest truth. Amamiya, you need to learn to appreciate your own piano playing more. Do that, and you'll understand. You need compare yourself against others. you gave a good performance. Your future excites me.

From the line of "Piano Forest"


One day,I was sleeping in my bed.


I threw a fool.



I love anal masturbation, intense pleasure and rest

I like anal masturbation, before standing glands reclamation.

I first purchased the prosthetic stimulation device and the milk tweezers electric props.

Gold is still off, I have no head anal masturbation.

Prepare and eat all the wild herbs a few days ago. Ginseng, big root oyster sauce, sirloin boiled. Large amounts of food, lactic acid bacteria captured. The stool is discharged well.

Anorectal beautiful.

The House of Secrets is secretly observing female sexual motion pictures. Instant limitation, I am female.

The female penis is inserted into the scene and my anal imagination is the female device.

Lubricant coated milk and anus.

The breasts caress about the use of electric appliances and anal peristalsis.

Before standing, the glandular stimulator was inserted and I reached the dry ceiling.

Extremely dry, I do not know the end.

Breast milk caressing stimulates the anal sensation of sensation, and the sensitivity of the former gland is upward.

Frontal glands and spermatozoa have the strongest pleasure organs.

I have not been too eager for heart (heart is too no penis to stimulate ejaculation).

I'm worried about the power of space and the stimuli.

I am unfamiliar and practice is necessary.

I am a male enthusiast, that is, anal masturbation enthusiast.

This article penis insertion desire, courage no.

The penis is ideal for all queens.

I haven't even had an anal masturbation, tired limit, and so on.

You are all well-connected!

Thank you.


『The point is, art never stopped a war and never got anybody a job. That was never its function. Art cannot change events. But it can change people. It can affect people so that they are changed... because people are changed by art-enriched, ennobled, encouraged- they then act in a way that may affect the course of events... by the way they vote, they behave, the way they think.

L. Bernstein




People live to save themselves.

You will understand that at the moment of your own death.

Now, I think that the man who gave me the book knew I was a hired killer.

He knew, and spoke to me so that I would stop killing.

He told me his name when we first met.

I'd forgotten that name for a very long time, but I finally remembered what it was recently.

from the line of "Bungo Stray Dogs"

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