はてなキーワード: MOMENTとは







とりあえず、韓国人ラッパーMoment Joonは日本語で超絶カッコいいラップをしてるので聞いてみてください。



I’d like to begin by addressing the heinous attack on the United States Capitol. Like all Americans I am outraged by the violence, lawlessness and mayhem.


I immediately deployed the National Guard and federal law enforcement to secure the building and expel the intruders. America is and must always be a nation of law and order.


To demonstrators who infiltrated the Capitol: you have defiled the seat of American democracy. To those who engage in the acts of violence and destruction: you do not represent our country. And to those who broke the law: you will pay.




We have just been through an intense election and emotions are high. But now, tempers must be cooled and calm restored. We must get on with the business of America.


My campaign vigorously pursued every legal avenue to contest the election results, my only goal was to ensure the integrity of the vote. In so doing, I was fighting to defend American democracy.


I continue to strongly believe that we must reform our election laws to verify the identity and eligibility of all voters and to ensure faith and confidence in all future elections.


Now, Congress has certified the results. A new administration will be inaugurated on January 20. My focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power. This moment calls for healing and reconciliation.


2020 has been a challenging time for our people, a menacing pandemic has upended the lives of our citizens, isolated millions in their homes damaged our economy, and claimed countless lives.


Defeating this pandemic and rebuilding the greatest economy on earth will require all of us working together. It will require a renewed emphasis on the civic values of patriotism, faith, charity, community and family.


We must revitalise the sacred bonds of love and loyalty, that bind us together as one national family. To the citizens of our country, serving as your president has been the honour of my lifetime.


And to all of my wonderful supporters. I know you are disappointed, but I also want you to know that our incredible journey is only just beginning.


Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America.




ところがヤフコメtwitter には「マスコミ英語がわからないのか、敗北したとも政権移行するとも言ってない」と吹き上がっている人がたくさんいる。

おそらく" I also want you to know that our incredible journey is only just beginning." の部分を拡大解釈しまくってるんだろう。ここも普通に読めば、支持者ビジネスで食っていくのでこれからよろしくね、というファン向けのメッセージなのだが。
















梅原大吾(海外ではその獣のような悪魔のようなプレイスタイルからDAIGO The Beastと呼ばれる)といえば日本プロゲーマー第一人者として有名であり、書籍『1日ひとつだけ、強くなる。』もベストセラーとなっており、日本においてはe-sportsといえばウメハラ、みたいなところがある。

その彼も最近は加齢による衰えかあまり活躍できていなかった。あまり活躍できていなかったといっても普通に他のプロゲーマーと勝ったり負けたりといい勝負をしている程度ではあったのだが、他のプロゲーマー配信で言っていた「勝率60%もいけば勝ちすぎといわれるトッププレイヤー同士の対戦なのに、ウメさんだけはトーナメントで優勝以外許されないのハードル高すぎるでしょそらきついよ」という評の通り、我々一般人動画からの期待が高すぎるところがあった。それは過去ウメちゃんが今より遙かにプレイヤーが多数いた時代に一発勝負トーナメント奇跡勝利を何度も続けていたり、ストリートファイターシリーズのような単一ゲームだけではなくギルティなどの複数ゲームトップ層に到達してきており、その時のイメージ動画などで残っているからであった。動画に興味がある方は『evo moment 2004』や『背水の逆転劇』などでお調べください。











動画の一部にテレビ番組映画のワンシーンの映像や音声を使っている広告付き動画があるんだけど(有名所ではスポンジボブの「few moment later」とか、ランボーの叫ぶシーンとか)







I am currently working at a factory in a department where I work day shift and night shift. My workplace is in the countryside, where the nearest station is a station where only regular trains stop, and I live in a cheap apartment near a station where only regular trains stop. If I work the night shift, I have to wait for the train for 30 minutes no matter when it ends.

I once hated these 30 minutes.

Factory work is boring. It just repeats the same process. The only way I can cope with boredom is to think while working, or to take advantage of the noisy environment and sing at a decent volume. I didn't want to spend 30 minutes of idle time after such boredom was over, I wanted to go home early, eat, drink and go to bed, and I had no other feelings.

About this time last year, I started writing down things I'd been thinking about in my workday when I was bored, as a 30-minute reprieve from boredom. I am not a smart man, as many factory workers probably are. The longest I've ever written is perhaps a two-page, one-line book report.I struggled to come up with the best way to express myself while I was on shift, and I wrote it down while smoking a cigarette in the smoking area near the station. I can write about 1,000 or 2,000 words, more than three times the length of two pages and one line, without any difficulty.

Thus, I started to use these 30 minutes only for writing. Since then, I've spent my days finding something to write about for those 30 minutes, figuring out how to write it during my shift, and actually writing it while waiting the train.

I got a glimpse of the joy of writing freely, writing words that no one else will ever know.

And now, for the first time, I'm writing with the intention of getting others to read it.

On the first day of December, it was decided that I would be reassigned to a department that did not have a night shift, starting in April. It's a full-time day job that I've been waiting for for the last year, but after April I might be away from writing. When I thought about this, I felt the urge to have someone else read my writing.

I started this writing on December 2, 9 night shifts = 4.5 hours, so far about 800 words. Oddly enough, it's close to two pages and one line. The moment I want someone to read my writing, I find it very difficult to write. However, I'm proud to say that this text makes a lot more sense than the two pages and one line I once wrote, and above all, I was never bored while writing it.

I wonder if I will still be writing since April. We won't know that until the time is right. However, I will say this.

I now love to wait 30 minutes for the train after my night shift.


I am currently working at a factory in a department where I work day shift and night shift. My workplace is in the countryside, where the nearest station is a station where only regular trains stop, and I live in a cheap apartment near a station where only regular trains stop. If I work the night shift, I have to wait for the train for 30 minutes no matter when it ends.

I once hated these 30 minutes.

Factory work is boring. It just repeats the same process. The only way I can cope with boredom is to think while working, or to take advantage of the noisy environment and sing at a decent volume. I didn't want to spend 30 minutes of idle time after such boredom was over, I wanted to go home early, eat, drink and go to bed, and I had no other feelings.

About this time last year, I started writing down things I'd been thinking about in my workday when I was bored, as a 30-minute reprieve from boredom. I am not a smart man, as many factory workers probably are. The longest I've ever written is perhaps a two-page, one-line book report.I struggled to come up with the best way to express myself while I was on shift, and I wrote it down while smoking a cigarette in the smoking area near the station. I can write about 1,000 or 2,000 words, more than three times the length of two pages and one line, without any difficulty.

Thus, I started to use these 30 minutes only for writing. Since then, I've spent my days finding something to write about for those 30 minutes, figuring out how to write it during my shift, and actually writing it while waiting the train.

I got a glimpse of the joy of writing freely, writing words that no one else will ever know.

And now, for the first time, I'm writing with the intention of getting others to read it.

On the first day of December, it was decided that I would be reassigned to a department that did not have a night shift, starting in April. It's a full-time day job that I've been waiting for for the last year, but after April I might be away from writing. When I thought about this, I felt the urge to have someone else read my writing.

I started this writing on December 2, 9 night shifts = 4.5 hours, so far about 800 words. Oddly enough, it's close to two pages and one line. The moment I want someone to read my writing, I find it very difficult to write. However, I'm proud to say that this text makes a lot more sense than the two pages and one line I once wrote, and above all, I was never bored while writing it.

I wonder if I will still be writing since April. We won't know that until the time is right. However, I will say this.

I now love to wait 30 minutes for the train after my night shift.





音源はここ → https://www.se-radio.net/2019/08/episode-376-justin-richer-on-api-security-with-oauth-2/

3:34 So the user’s not really setting authorization policies and it’s not something like, you know, ざっかまる (?) where you’re setting up things that, you know, "when I see this kind of request, this is the kind of result that I’m looking for."

5:13 And it actually did so well that big companies like Google and Yahoo and bunch of others dropped support of their proprietary versions of delegation protocols, おーせぶん, びびお, and bunch of others that sort of influenced OAuth.

11:20 And that automatically allows both sides of the table 何言ってるかわからん who’s doing more because everyone has a different identifiable access token. Right, exactly. That’s where you can and a lot of large providers have started doing a heuristic べーくす monitoring of API access.

12:03 Yeah. のっだっ similar to what your banks do at the moment (???) isn’t it? If you’re pretty much based on UK or US and all the sudden a transaction pops up in Italy, then they know something’s wrong and you get an email or a call.

12:47 何もわからん 本当に英語

13:25 Yeah, 'cause the traceability, you know, it’s like, for example, when someone famous, a video of them gets posted on Twitter or something or shared, you can trace the original share, but you don’t know if ぱぺっちゃ’s been taken or, you know, once it’s out there, it’s out there.

















| 【全訳】米国史上最年少の女性下院議員キング牧師ばりの演説

| https://courrier.jp/news/archives/150572/


| Watch Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s Inspiring Women’s March Speech | NowThis

| https://youtu.be/TNJZhuZCYow


Hello! Thank you. New York City!

Thank you all.

Are you all ready to make a ruckus?

Are you all ready to fight for our rights?

Are you all ready to say that in the United States of America everyone is loved, everyone deserves justice, and everyone deserves equal protection and prosperity in our country.

It is such an honor to be here, and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that we’re gathering here today, the weekend before Martin Luther King Day.

Because I believe this moment and where we are right now is a resurgence from where the civil rights movement left off.

And we are here to carry the torch forward.

Because when we talked about racial and economic justice, racial and social justice, we started to really extend those issues to the issues of economic justice, environmental justice, and the intersectionality and interconnectedness of all our fights.

Justice is not a concept we read about in a book.

Justice is about the water we drink, justice is about the air we breathe.

Justice is about how easy it is to vote.

Justice is about how much ladies get paid.

Justice is about if we can stay with our children after we have them for a just amount of time – mothers, fathers, and all parents.

Justice is about making sure that being polite is not the same thing as being quiet.

In fact, oftentimes the most righteous thing you can do is shake the table.

Last year we took the power to the polls.

And this year, we’re taking power to the policy, because we have taken back the House of Representatives.

And that’s just step one.

This year we’re gonna organize.

This year we’re gonna fight for voting rights.

This year we’re gonna keep pushing, because 2020, we took – in 2018 we took the House of Representatives, and through 2020, we’re gonna take the White House and Senate, too.

That’s what we’re gonna do because we need to advance and fight for an America where all people are welcome and no people are left behind.

And I know that while this year has been historic, there’s a lot more congresswomen left here in this audience right now.

There’s a lot more city councilwomen.

There’s a lot more workers that will be building businesses.

There’s a lot more – and I know that there’s a future president out here, too.

Let us remember that a fight means no person left behind.

So when people want to stop talking about the issues

that Black women face,

when people want to stop talking about the issues

that trans women or immigrant women face,

we gotta ask them, why does that make you so uncomfortable?

Because now, this is the time that we’re gonna address poverty.

This is the time we’re gonna address Flint.

This is the time we’re gonna talk about Baltimore & the Bronx, and wildfires, and Puerto Rico.

Because this is not just about identity, this is about justice.

And this is about the America that we are going to bring into this world.

Thank you all very, very much.


When I'm running, only when I'm running, I feel clean. Pure white, I can leave all the stuff I'm carrying behind, for just a moment, I feel perfectly clean.

From the line of "Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuite Iru".


The meaning of life

The meaning of life.

It is nothing. Really nothing.

The meaning of life is thought by a lot of people.

Someone said, it is for pleasure. Another one said, Man is being questioned from life.

Okay, I’m not living for pleasure and I don’t like wordplay.

Just moment, think about the meaning of your life.

Each person might find each answer.

But what do you do when it is done? What do you do if the man die? Will you die?

The meaning of life is like a bubble. It will break.

Now is still more! Humanbeing increased too much.

Whatever you do will result in no memory of anyone.

So no one could live meaningful life.

The meaning of life.

It is nothing. Really nothing.


It is all about enjoying every moment in a fleeting life to the fullest.

So we have to support it to the fullest in a way we won't regret, too.

From the line of "ReLIFE".


Fireworks may vanish, but memories remain.

A few years, limited edition of youth.

I may be an illusion that'll be forgotten ..

but I'll treasure every moment, and enjoy ..

my life!

From the line of "ReLIFE".


Your Smile

When I met you there was spring light

And breeze in the street

My childish heart cheered

In the distant summer night of that day

I neglected loneliness

As I passed through the autumn day

A warm winter street

Reassured me of your warmth

At all times you have

A sincere look in your eyes

Even if you fall you will stand up again

I drew some strength

From your profile

That only gazes ahead .

Your smile

And your voice

Created my future

The time

That began to move

Carved out slowly changing days.

I should be able to overcome

Difficulty at any time

Because I have a dream

Now I have found

Something precious

Something that I want to protect.

I don't know the reason

for your tears that day

Beyond the upset I saw

A path leading to a dream.

I'm not afraid of mistakes

If I take a step forwards

Then I can have more faith in myself.

People look towards

The other side of sadness

This is what the sight of your back has told me

At my side

By your side

I could cry with longing to live in the moment

A dream

Without end

Must lead to somebody's future.

Don't give up


I heard your voice

I found

Something precious

Something that I want to protect

I am not alone

I am always by your side

Because I want to see your smile

From the line of "Asagao to Kase-san"


You're like the fireworks.

I'm really glad for them. The truth is, I thought that falling in love when you knew you'd have to part seemed pointless.But when I saw them together, I was happy from the bottom of my heart. Maybe worrying about future parting so much that you miss out on happiness in the present is waste.

Yes, Someday, we'll part. Maybe be forgotten. But we're living in the moment in full throttle!

From the line of "ReLIFE".



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When I continue into distance, I'll surely long for this place.

I see them faintly and chase the sky's fragments.

Light and shadow paint your heart when you run.

Your smiling face fills me with courage.

With just your careless words, you'll fly away on tearful days.

At any time, at any moment..

And the path goes on.

If follow this path, perhaps I'll meet you again someday.

And now, you know that the pain has bought me everything about the warmth of your words.

You paint your heart with light and shadow,

It' time to run.

Yes, it's the laughing face you make in that moment that fills me with courage.

With just your careless words,

I'll fly away on tearful days.

At any time, at any moment, Firmly hand to hand,

The path goes on,

and binds us together.

From the line of "Dennou Coil"


People live to save themselves.

You will understand that at the moment of your own death.

Now, I think that the man who gave me the book knew I was a hired killer.

He knew, and spoke to me so that I would stop killing.

He told me his name when we first met.

I'd forgotten that name for a very long time, but I finally remembered what it was recently.

from the line of "Bungo Stray Dogs"


some comments for an image after 311. 明けない夜はない。


"seems highly radioactive , that landscape ! those glowing colors are suspect....nice capture tough !"


"hahaha. this photo was taken in the spring of 2007 before the Fukushima accident. Here is Yamanashi, be famous for producing peach. The rising sun from behind clouds bathes the peach farm in pink light."


LOL....my friend , when I first saw your pic , I even wasn't aware it was taken in Japan , only later I took a look at your profile ! but I highly appreciate your photography !"


"A dreamy and ephemeral moment. May be you could have cut the black part on the right, may be not. Nice work indead, congrats."

「夢の中のような、そしてはかない一瞬だ。君は右側の暗い箇所をカットできたはずだ。でもそれをしなかった。 文句なしのいい仕事だ。おめでとう。

"Thank you. I recorded both the night and the dawn. I like the Macbeth's lines ”The night is long that never finds the day. ” : )"



ネイティブラップYou better lose yourself in the music, the moment You own it, you better never let it go





Moment.js使うとか、あるいは「javascript strftime」で検索してヒットするなんかを使うとか

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