「anything」を含む日記 RSS

はてなキーワード: anythingとは



I know how to become a super-easy Your Life?

Tips on how to live it happily for everyone

I become more comfortable with the power off

Also suffering are all spicy sloppy vision, and white security.

The world's vanities,

The emptiness of the first pain and sadness.

The world is going to change.

Can even change to ease the suffering.

If you can make your day burdened with dirty

It should be possible to throw away what we have so

I understood just how sloppy or the world?

Suffering and illness, and we insist on such things.

And stick to what I see.

Cling to the things that you hear.

Taste and smell differ from person to person

What is also not helpful.

The bad stick to tea mind wavers.

It is "free" What is he.

A big talk and while it is alive, various things are.

You can see what a miserable so difficult.

But I go place to place with us.

Which is invisible to anyone.

I try to be bright and without force.

Because you will enjoy about You can not see the future.

What guy I'm feeling it alive.

Be difficult to live and certainly correctly.

But I'll live can even brighter to anyone.

Tips have a Bodhisattva living. There is no need to live in suffering.

I enjoy living in it becomes Buddha.

Once knowing the risk would be quite bad

Reasonable fear of living is help.

It is misread

Throw away your heart you are, It's not to say.

Do not forget your dreams and fantasies, and compassion,

Once nirvana But even where it is located.

Life is no need to change anything, just the perception of change.

If you have plenty in mind, anyone become a Buddha.

Remember the wisdom of this melt. But few words.

Make sense I know that I'm fine without thinking.

It would be nice suffering becomes smaller.

You all suffering admits even lie no more bullshit, I like that.

Let the past may be a prelude to forget all.

But just want to remember it.

Look tweeting If you're so inclined,

It's just good chanting in the mind

You see, open your ears listen well

"You'll cast, the bad idea is disappears, the soul is silenced, all things in here, it's beyond everything. "

"At that enlightenment will come true. All will be fulfilled in this mantra. "

don't worry -- that's OK


Where Linux crushes Windows like a bug: Supercomputers

The faster a computer goes, the more likely is to have Linux at its heart. The most recent Top500 list of supercomputers shows that, if anything, Linux is becoming even more popular at computing’s high end.

In the latest Top500 Supercomputer list, youll find when you dig into the supercomputer statistics that Linux runs 457 of the world’s fastest computers. That’s 91.4%. Linux is followed by Unix, with 30 or 6%; mixed operating systems with 11 supercomputers, 2.2%. In the back of the line, youll find OpenSolaris and BSD with 1 computer and–oh me, oh my–Windows also with just 1 supercomputer to its credit. That’s a drop from 4 in the last supercomputer round up in June.

Digging deeper, we find that various customized Linux distributions account for 414 of the supercomputers. AIX, IBM’s house brand of Unix, takes a distant second place in individual operating system distributions. It’s followed by various versions of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) and a variety of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) variants including the RHEL clone CentOS. Compute Node Linux is the last significant solo Linux distribution on the list.

Other operating systems that just make the list includes Oracle’s all but dead OpenSolaris with one entry. The sole Windows entry, Windows HPC 2008, placed 58th.

So, while Linux has only a minute share of the desktop, a big chunk of the server market, is the platform for most Web servers, when it comes to one arena: the fastest of the fast, supercomputers, Linux absolutely rules.



Feeling of the cat

Translated from http://anond.hatelabo.jp/20110907020451

For a long time, I am in a dark box.

According to someone's comment I heard outside of the box, a tiny bottle containing deadly poison is located in this box. Although the bottle is completely sealed, a hammer is positioned in the vicinity of the bottle. And they said the hammer would fall down at a certain time.

When is "the certain time"? I don't know. In this very moment? Or distant future? Possibly, it already has come (I don't want to think about it). No one can affect the hammer. As an independent event, it will fall down with probability 50%. The probability is exactly 50%. Possibly, the bottle may be broken, or may not. About myself, dead, or, alive.

I must say, how terrible the situation is.

It is impossible for me to avoid having a furious indignation. My life, the most important issue for me, is completely away from me, and is solely dependent on the simple figure, FIFTY PERCENT! Too much terrible.

Additionally, and I think it is completely unreasonable, I am shackled in many ways to keep the probability at exactly 50%.

Visual perception. The box is completely shielded from any light. It's for avoiding me from finding and destroying the bottle and apparatus. Complete darkness. I am in the total darkness. Thus, now I can’t see even the outline of myself. Possibly it sounds strange, the darkness makes me have a doubt about the existence of my body itself.

Acoustic perception. Maybe, from the reason I mentioned above, a perfect sound insulation is used. I can’t hear even the voice of my own. I don't know the mechanism. In the first place, as I can’t see anything, how can I investigate it? So, this is only a speculation, possibly, my drum membranes were damaged before enclosure in this box, or, some special material is used for the wall of the box.

Anyway, in a dark box too much good at shielding light and sound, my visual and acoustic perception is dead just as the term indicates.

As if further confirmation are needed, a huge fatigue weighing heavily upon me is another shackle for me. It seems that they gave me some kind of muscle relaxant to avoid me from struggling. As I can’t change from the same posture, my tactile perception is almost paralyzed.

No light. No sound. Smell and taste are unreliable. Tactile perception is in malfunction. I am like a puppet. All the five senses are out of control of mine. Too much cruel. Perfect shackles. I wish if they had given a sleeping medicine. I feel I am in agony without any external injury. My life, my existence itself, is completely ignored. Such a humiliation keeps my sanity. Only such a humiliation can.

The right to control the life and death of myself is completely deprived. I hate such situation. The core determinant of the continuity of my life is completely dependent upon, solely upon, a pure probability. Completely away from anyone's will. I hate it, again, I hate it!

Why do I have to be enclosed in such a box? In such a ridiculous box, why do I have to be in fear of life and death with such perfect shackles?

Unreasonable. Cruel.

I am lonely. Am I feeling empty and flat? Difficult to avoid sobbing? No. My loneliness is much deeper. I am in a sea of void. I am alone. Completely alone. As an orphan, I was thrown into this endless darkness. I am quivering in the absolute zero.

There is no perspective in this box. Only the darkness is here. I can’t feel the bottle and the hammer. I can’t feel the wall, the bottom, and the ceiling neither. They should be there. But all the five senses of mine are deprived. I feel like there is nothing. While those things have some meanings.

Speaking honestly, I am not so sure I am in a box. I am sure that what I am exists. I am thinking. I am fantasizing. It is the evidence showing the uniqueness of mine, which is called the ego or the consciousness or the mind, is solid. But, is the uniqueness is truly enclosed in the box? Is it possible that it is floating in another space? I can’t eliminate such doubts.

Possibly, what I am here is floating in the end of the universe, or is lying down at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. Or going down from a vent of the Kilauea volcano, maybe.

I don't have any method to know how the box (enclosing me) is. All the senses of mine are dead. It is impossible for me to determine whether here is inside of a box or not.

In addition to that, I am not so sure that I am truly alive. I don't have any way to confirm such a simple thing. Possibly, the 50% probability has already passed beyond me. Maybe I am already dead. I am still alive, maybe. Injected with muscle relaxant, shallow breathes, weak heartbeats. Or, cessation of all of them, simply leaving meat bolus.

I am deprived of any capability of controlling my own body. Who can say that my mind resides in the body continuing vital activities? The five senses have been poisoned with the total darkness. They can’t function as sensory organs. I don't have any chance to know the truth. Possibly, any supposition is fabricated by myself. The situation surrounding me and the uniqueness of myself are components of programmed role-play, possibly.

About the existence of mine, I can’t determine the behavior. I hate to admit it, but I am in the middle of fluctuation.

I wish someone could find me. I wish someone could open the box and observe how I am, and determine what I am. There is not enough power inside me to do so. All I can do is to continue to quiver in the loneliness.

If I were the Almighty, I could say "Let there be light". I know it is impossible. But I can‘t help feeling how nice it would be if I could say so.

My own free will! It could fix every fluctuation surrounding myself!

At the same time, longing produces shadow. If the box is opened, I will be found and observed. As a result, what I am will be determined. To tell the truth, I can’t look away from the fact I am anxious about being determined.

Although I am unable to determine whether I am alive or dead by myself, I am afraid of the death. I am afraid that I am determined as a dead. I can’t accept. Still I can’t feel, I can’t imagine the death as a specific phenomenon. Probably, that is why I am afraid of death.

No, it should not be restricted to me. King of virtue. Deadly murderer. Regular folks. All the same. Maybe, the elder people or patients of bad disease could have some imagination sufficiently close to the true death. But, even so, it is impossible to know the specific experience of death.

In the end, death is the final destination with overwhelming significance. The time and the consciousness have an absolute irreversibility. Death also has the absoluteness which can’t be changed. Even if it is a ritual pass point or an outstanding impressive event.

Myself, the mind of mine here is, will be vanished at the moment at which how I am is determined. If they deprive the lukewarm water, in which I can’t feel the temperature, it is impossible for me to avoid exposing myself to the air.

I am afraid of such an irreversible change. It is not limited to the determination of death. Also I am so anxious that I am determined being alive.

The current existence of myself is like a tiny, tiny illusion standing on an endless point. Not larger than that. Not smaller than that. Not longer than that. Not shorter than that. No expansion. No shrinkage. Standing upon a unique single point. It is mathematically correct. I am something like a ghost staying upon such a point, having confusion about identity of myself.

The point exists at every position on a plane of coordinates, at the same time, not existing at a certain position. If a certain event occurs, on that moment, it will converge me to a single point among all the space-times, in which the event has occurred, as if having me step off a bus. Without any concern. Even if the point and I have been a one. The illusion, which has stayed in such a point, has possibilities of being real and being vanished like a mist, to an equal degree.

Now, I am existing in every time-space, I have every nature. At the same time, I am suffering from the loneliness that I am away from every nature. I wish someone can find me. At the same time, I am so anxious that where I will be, and that how I will be at that moment.

I have been released from the law of cause and effect. I am undetermined ever, for ever.




完全に人生相談してますw 店員さんの声は確かに癒し系

RT @when_we_cry: ヒアリングできないのに癒されてしまいますた

QT @nofrills: 男は…何故クリスチャンショップに強盗に入ろうと / BBChttp://htn.to/psJAkf


  === 向こうのカウンターで強盗開始 ===
  M: OK. Scared?
  F: No-no?
  M: OK
  M: (何か指示したっぽい?ここは正直さっぱり判らなかった)

  === 神の名の下に反撃開始 ===
  F: You know what? <- 意を決して説得開始(以後の頻度から口癖かね)
  F: I know you can do whatever you want with me.
  F: But we can talk with yourabout the Jesus like I.
     あなたの状況について神を前に話しませんか # Jesus and I でいいのか?
  M: A what?
     えっ #他にどう訳せというのか・・・
  F: The Jesus like I. Before you leave.
  M: ...God bless you for that.
     ・・・あなたは良い人だ #「えっえっー」と訳したい気持ちで一杯です

  === 男、言い訳モード突入 ===
  F: I'm Christan and...
  M: So am I and I have to say I hate doing this.
  F: I know.
  M: I do. I-I, OK, I'm embarassed for doing this. But I have no choice.

  === 女、主導権を握る。この時点でもう男は撃てない ===
  F: Ah...I'm the one charge. ...and...never havn't haven't looking before.
     #  一緒に考えない?」と提案始めたが割り込みもあり尻切れトンボに
  F: You know what? You wonk(?)? #これわからん
  F: You have beatiful life(?). You don't need to...

  M: How about making a quarter.
     頼むよ # 「慈悲のカケラもない==no quarter」の応用と思われる

  === そして説得の王道へ ===
  F: You know, you don't need to get difficulty(?)...find a way
     better for you ...for everyone out there.


  F: I'm not blaming you or not judging you...don't know what you're
     going through, but all of us are going through a hard time right now...
     ...very hard time right now.

  M: XXXXX police(?) are pleased to do anything to anybody up in the street.
     Never had time like this before.

  === 驚愕の事実発覚と怒涛の進行 ===
  F: You know what. I can try to help you.
     Try to find a job. I have lot of friend in charge.
  M: I have a job.
  F: You do? Then why you're doing this?
  M: Because I might be depicted if I don't come up with $300.

  === リア充の口撃がぐさぐさ ===
  F: You mean you don't have any friend that could borrow you?
  M: I'm sorry for doing this to you.
  F: You don't have any friend that could borrow you the money?

  === しかし切羽詰った男も最後の説得を試みる ===
  M: I spent last 3 days trying to do that.
  M: Look, I know that you have to call the police.
     I know that you have to do what you have to do.
  M: I'm not really good at these stuff....
  M: There's no money in the store?... Can you show me...

  === 新たな驚愕。そして男の後悔 ===
  F: That all we have. We only keep these for change.
  M: You own the store?
  F: No.
  M: You don't own the store.
  F: I'm the manager. I'm, the one who take care of anything.
     Anything that happens.
     店長なの。店のことは全て私が  #「全て」が伏線だとは男は予想だにせず
  M: Then it wouldn't be hurting you. I'm sorry. I have to take it
     with that. I'm sorry.

  F: They will ...charge me for it.
  M: They will charge you for it...!?
     *驚愕* あなたが・・・!?
     #「な、なんだってー 」。男、迷惑をかけた反省の念で心が一杯に
     # つか雇われ店長にこれは酷くないか。They vs Us で男女一体となった瞬間

  F: I'm the one responsible.
     Nobody comes here. I'm the one to deposit the money. I'm the one to order.

  === 反省、そして撤退 ===
  M: I don't...I didn't mean to do that to you. I'm sorry.

  M: I understand you still have to call the police.

  F: You know... you don't need to do that.
  M: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. God bless you.
  F: You know Jesus! He can help you! He can change your life!
  M: God bless you.
  F: Jesus helps you! He can change your life!

  F: Go back to church!
  F: Find a job! Get real friend from church!
  F: Talk to a path(?) that can pray for you!





The Next Place

By Warren Hanson

The next place that I go

Will be as peaceful and familiar

As a sleepy summer Sunday

And a sweet, untroubled mind.

And yet . . .

It won't be anything like any place I've ever been. . .

Or seen. . . or even dreamed of

In the place I leave behind.

I won't know where I'm going,

And I won't know where I've been

As I tumble through the always

And look back toward the when.

I'll glide beyond the rainbows.

I'll drift above the sky.

I'll fly into the wonder, without ever wondering why.

I won't remember getting there.

Somehow I'll just arrive.

But I'll know that I belong there

And will feel much more alive

Than I have ever felt before.

I will be absolutely free of the things that I held onto

That were holding onto me.

The next place that I go

Will be so quiet and so still

That the whispered song of sweet belonging will rise up to fill

The listening sky with joyful silence,

And with unheard harmonies

Of music made by no one playing,

Like a hush upon breeze.

There will be no room for darkness in that place of living light,

Where an ever-dawning morning pushes back the dying night.

The very air will fill with brilliance, as the brightly shining sun

And the moon and half a million stars are married into one.

The next place that I go Won't really be a place at all.

There won't be any seasons --

Winter, summer, spring or fall --

Nor a Monday, Nor a Friday,

Nor December, Nor July.

And the seconds will be standing still. . .

While hours hurry by.

I will not be a boy or girl,

A woman or man.

I'll simply be just, simply, me.

No worse or better than.

My skin will not be dark or light.

I won't be fat or tall.

The body I once lived in

Won't be part of me at all.

I will finally be perfect.

I will be without a flaw.

I will never make one more mistake,

Or break the smallest law.

And the me that was impatient,

Or was angry, or unkind,

Will simply be a memory.

The me I left behind.

I will travel empty-handed.

There is not a single thing

I have collected in my life

That I would ever want to bring Except. . .

The love of those who loved me,

And the warmth of those who cared.

The happiness and memories

And magic that we shared.

Though I will know the joy of solitude. . .

I'll never be alone. I'll be embraced

By all the family and friends I've ever known.

Although I might not see their faces,

All our hearts will beat as one,

And the circle of our spirits

Will shine brighter than the sun.

I will cherish all the friendship I was fortunate to find,

All love and all the laughter in the place I leave behind.

All these good things will go with me.

They will make my spirit glow.

And that light will shine forever In the next place that I go.










ダニエルピンク 「やる気に関する驚きの科学




最初に告白させてください。20年ほど前にしたあることを私は後悔しています。あまり自慢できないようなことをしてしまいました。誰にも知られたくないと思うようなことです。それでも明かさなければならないと感じています(ざわざわ)。1980年代の後半に私は若気の至りからロースクールlaw schoolに行ったのです(笑)。

In America, 法律専門職学位です。まずuniversityを出て、それからlaw schoolへ行きます。law schoolで私はあまり成績が芳しくありませんでした。控えめに言ってもあまり良くなく、上位90パーセント以内という成績で卒業graduateしました(笑)。どうもlaw関係の仕事はしたことがありません。やらせてallowed toもらえなかったというべきかも (笑)。

But today, betterではないことだとは思いつつ、wifeの忠告にも反しながら、このlegal skillsを再び引っ張り出すことにしました。今日はstoryはtellしません。主張caseを立証します。合理的で証拠evidenceに基づいた法廷におけるような論証で、how we run our businessesを再考してみたいと思います。

陪審員juryの皆さん, take a look at this。This is called 「ロウソクの問題」。ご存じの方もいるかもしれません。1945年にKarl Dunckerという心理学者psychologistがこの実験experimentを考案し、様々な行動scienceのexperimentで用いました。ご説明しましょう。私が実験者だとします。私はあなた方を部屋に入れてcandle画鋲thumbtackとマッチmatchesを渡します。そしてこう言います。「テーブルtableに蝋waxがたれないようにcandleを壁wallに取り付けattachしてください。」Now what would you do?

Many peopleはthumbtackでcandleをwallに留めようとします。でもうまくいきません。あそこで手真似をしている人がいましたが、matchの火でcandleを溶かしてwallにくっつけるというideaを思いつく人もいます。いいideaですがうまくいきません。After five or 10 minutes, most peopleは解決法を見つけます。このようにすればいいのです。Keyになるのは「機能的固着functional fixedness」を乗り越えるovercomeするということです。最初、あのboxを見て、単なる画鋲の入れ物だと思うでしょうが、それは別な使い方をすることもできます。candleの台platformになるのです。これがcandle problemです。

次にSam Glucksbergというscientistが、このcandle problemを使って行ったexperimentをご紹介します。彼は現在Princeton Universityにいます。この実験でthe power of incentivesがわかります。彼は参加者participantsを集めてこう言いました。「this problemをどれくらい早く解けるsolveできるか時計で計ります。」そしてone groupにはthis sort of problemを解くのに一般にどれくらい時間がかかるのかaverage時間を知りたいのだと言います。もう1つのgroupには報酬rewardsを提示します。「上位25percentの人には5dollarsお渡しします。fastestになった人は20dollarsです。」Now this is several years ago物価上昇inflation考慮に入れればa few minutes of workでもらえるmoneyとしては悪くありません。十分なmotivatorになります。

このグループはどれくらい早く問題を解けたのでしょう?答えはon average, 3分半余計に時間がかかりました。Three and a half minutes longer。そんなのおかしいですよね?I'm an American。I believe in 自由市場。そんな風になるわけがありません(笑)。If you want people to perform better, 報酬を出せばいい。Bonuses, commissions, あるいは何であれ、incentiveを与えるのです。That's how business works。しかしここでは結果が違いました。Thinkingが鋭くなり、creativityが加速されるようにと、incentiveを用意したのに、結果はoppositeになりました。思考は鈍く、creativityは阻害されたのです。

この実験experimentがinterestingなのは、それが例外aberrationではないということです。この結果は何度も何度もfor nearly 40 years 再現replicateされてきたのです。この成功報酬的な動機付けmotivators―If Then式に「これをしたらこれが貰える」というやり方は、in some circumstancesでは機能します。しかし多くのtasksではうまくいかず、時には害harmにすらなります。これはsocial scienceにおける最も確固robustとした発見findingsの1つです。そして最も無視ignoreされている発見でもあります。

私はthe last couple of years, human motivation科学に注目してきました。特に外的動機付けextrinsic motivatorsと内的動機付けintrinsic motivatorsのdynamicsについてです。大きな違いがあります。If you look at これ、scienceが解明したこととbusinessで行われていることにmismatchがあるのがわかります。business operating system、つまりビジネスの背後にある前提assumptionsや手順においては、how we motivate people、どう人を割り当てるかという問題は、もっぱらextrinsic motivators(アメとムチ)にたよっています。That's actually fine for many kinds of 20th century tasks。But for 21st century tasks, 機械的mechanisticなご褒美と罰reward-and-punishmentというapproachは機能せず、うまくいかないか、害harmになるのです。Let me show you what I mean。

Glucksbergはこれと似たanother experimentもしました。このように若干違ったslightly differentな形で問題を提示したのです。Tableにwaxがたれないようにcandleを壁にattachしてください。条件は同じ。あなたたちは平均時間を計ります。あなたたちにはincentiveを与えます。What happened this time?今回はincentivizedグループの方が断然勝ちました。Why?箱に画鋲が入っていなかったから。it's pretty easy isn't it?(「サルでもわかる」ロウソクの問題) (笑)

If-then rewards work really well for those sorts of tasks。Simpleなルールとclearな答えがある場合です。Rewardsというのはfocusを狭めmindを集中させるものです。That's why報酬が機能する場合が多い。だからこのような狭い視野で目の前にあるゴールをまっすぐ見ていればよい場合にはthey work really well。But for the real candle problem, そのような見方をしているわけにはいきません。The solutionが目の前に転がってはいないからです。周りを見回す必要があります。Rewardはfocusを狭め、私たちの可能性possibilityを限定restrictしてしまうのです。

Let me tell you why this is so important。In western Europe, in many parts of Asia, in North America, in Australia, white collarの仕事にはthis kind of workは少なく、このような種類の仕事が増えています。That routine, rule-based, left brain work, certain kinds of accounting, certain kinds of financial analysis, certain kinds of computer programingは 簡単にアウトソースできます。簡単にautomateできます。Softwareのほうが早くできます。世界中Low-cost providersがいます。だから重要になるのはthe more right-brained creative, conceptual kinds of abilitiesです。

Your own workを考えてみてください。Youが直面faceしている問題は、あるいはweがここで議論しているようなproblemsは、こちらのkindでしょうか?A clear set of rules, and a single solutionがあるような?そうではないでしょう。ルールあいまいで、答えはそもそも存在するとしての話ですが、驚くようなsurprisingものであり、けっして自明obviousではありません。Everybody in this room is dealing with their own version of the candle problem。And for candle problems of any kind, in any field, if-then rewardsは機能しないのです。企業の多くはそうしていますが。

Now, これにはcrazyになりそうです。どういうことかというと、これはfeelingではありません。私は法律家lawyerです。Feelingsなんて信じません。This is not a 哲学philosophy。I'm an American。Philosophyなんて信じません(笑)。This is a fact。私が住んでいるWashington D.C.でよく使われる言い方をするとtrue factです(笑)。(拍手)Let me give you an example of what I mean。Evidenceの品を提示します。Iはstoryをtellしているのではありません。I'm making a 立証。

Ladies and gentlemen of the 陪審員, 証拠を提示します: Dan Ariely, one of the great economists of our time, Heは3人の仲間とともにsome MIT studentsを対象に実験studyを行いました。These MIT studentsにたくさんのgamesを与えます。Creativity, and 運動能力motor skills, and concentrationが要求されるようなゲームです。そして成績に対するthree levels of rewardsを用意しました。Small reward, medium reward, large reward。Okay?非常にいい成績なら全額、いい成績なら半分の報酬がもらえます。What happened?「As long as the task involved only mechanical skill、bonusesは期待通りに機能し、報酬が大きいほどパフォーマンスが良くなった。 しかし、cognitive skillが多少とも要求されるタスクになると、larger rewardはより低い成績をもたらした。」

Then they said,「cultural biasがあるのかもしれない。Indiaのマドゥライで試してみよう。」In Madurai, Standard of livingが低いので、North Americaではたいしたことのないrewardが 大きな意味を持ちます。実験の条件はSameです。A bunch of games, three levels of rewards. What happens? medium level of rewardsを提示された人たちは small rewardsの人たちと成績が変わりませんでした。But this time, people offered the highest rewards, they did the worst of all。「In eight of the nine tasks we examined across 3回の実験, よりhigherインセンティブがworse成績という結果となった。」

これはおなじみの感覚的なsocialistの陰謀conspiracyなのでしょうか?No. Theyはeconomists from MIT, from Carnegie Mellon, from the University of Chicagoです。And do you know who sponsored this research? FRBです。これはまさにAmerican experienceなのです。

Let's go across the pond to the London School of Economics。11人のNobel 受賞者 in economicsを輩出しています。Great経済頭脳がここで学んでいます。George Soros, and Friedrich Hayek, and Mick Jagger(笑)。Last month, just last month, economists at LSE looked at 51 studies of 成果主義 plans, inside of companies。彼らの結論は「We find that 金銭的なインセンティブ can result in a negative impact on 全体的なパフォーマンス.」ということでした。

There is a 食い違い between what 科学 knows and what ビジネス does. And what worries me, as この潰れた経済の瓦礫の中に立って, is that あまりに多くの組織 are making their decisions, their policies about 人や才能, based on assumptions that are 時代遅れ, 検証されていない, and rooted more in 神話 than in 科学. this 経済の窮地からget out ofと思うなら 21st century的な答えのないtasksで high performanceを出そうと思うのなら、wrong thingsを これ以上続けるのはやめるべきです. To 誘惑 people with a sweeter carrot, or 脅す them with a 鋭いムチ. まったく新しいアプローチが必要なのです.

And the いいニュース about all of this is that scientistsが新しいapproachを示してくれているということです. It's an approach built much more around 内的な motivation. Around the desire to do things because they matter, because we 好き it, because they're 面白い, because they are 何か重要なことの一部. And to my mind, that new operating system for our businesses revolves around three elements: 自主性、成長、目的. 自主性, the 欲求 to 方向 our own lives. 成長, the desire to get better and better at 何か大切なこと. 目的, the 切望 to do what we do in the service of 大きな何か than ourselves. これらがour businessesのentirely new operating systemの要素なのです.

I want to talk today only about 自主性. In the 20th 世紀, we came up with this idea of マネジメント. Management did not 自然に生じた. Management is like -- it's not a 木. It's a テレビ. Okay? Somebody 発明した it. And it doesn't mean it's going to work 永久に. Management is great. 服従を望むなら, Traditional notions of management are ふさわしい. しかし参加を望むなら, 自主性 works better.

Let me give you some 例 of some kind of 過激なnotions of 自主性. What this means -- あまり多くはありませんが 、非常に面白いことが起きています. Because what it means is paying people 適切に and 公正に, 間違いなく. Getting お金の問題 off the table. And then giving people 大きな自主性. Let me give you 具体的な例.

How many of you ご存じ of the 会社 Atlassian? 半分もいない感じですね(笑). Atlassian is an オーストラリアソフトウェア会社. And they do すごくクールなこと. A few times a year they tell their エンジニア, "これから24時間何をやってもいい, as long as it's not part of your regular job. Work on 好きなことを何でも" So that エンジニア use this time to come up with a cool 継ぎ接ぎ for code, come up with an エレガントなハック. Then they 何を作ったのか見せる to their teammates, to the rest of the company, in 雑然とした全員参加の会合 at the end of the day. And then, オーストラリアですから, everybody has a ビール.

They call them 「FedExの日」. Why? Because you 何かを一晩で送り届けなければならない. It's 素敵. It's not bad. It's a huge 商標権 侵害. But it's pretty clever. (Laughter) That one day of 集中的な自主活動 has produced 多数の software 修正 that might never have existed.

And it's worked so well that Atlassian has taken it to 次のレベル with 20 Percent Time. Googleがやっていることで有名ですね.Where エンジニア can work, spend 20 percent of their time working on anything they want. They have 自主性 over their time, their task, their team, their 技術. Okay? Radical amounts of 自主性, And at Google, as many of you know, 新製品の半分近く in a typical year are 生まれています during that 20 Percent Time. Things like Gmail, Orkut, Google News.

Let me give you an even more 過激な example of it. Something called 「完全結果志向職場環境」. The ROWE(Results Only Work Environment). Created by two American コンサルタント, in place at about a dozen companies around 北アメリカ. In a ROWE people don't have スケジュール. They show up 好きなときに. They don't have to be in the office 特定の時間に, or any time. They just have to 仕事を成し遂げる. How they do it, when they do it, where they do it, is totally up to them. ミーティング in these kinds of environments are オプショナル.

What happens? ほとんどの場合, productivity goes up, 雇用期間 goes up, 社員満足度 goes up, 離職率 goes down. 自主性Autonomy, 成長mastery and 目的purpose, These are the 構成要素 of a new way of doing things. Now some of you might look at this and say, "Hmm, 結構だけど、it's 夢物語." And I say, "Nope. I have 証拠."

The mid 1990s, Microsoft started an 百科事典encyclopedia called Encarta. They had deployed all the right インセンティブ. All the right incentives. They paid プロ to write and edit 何千という記事. たっぷり報酬をもらっている managers oversaw the whole thing to make sure it came in on budget and on time. 何年か後に another encyclopedia got started. 別なモデル, right? Do it for 楽しみ. No one gets paid a cent, or a Euro or a Yen. Do it because you 好き to do it.

ほんの10年前に, if you had gone to an 経済学者, anywhere, And said, "Hey, I've got 百科事典を作る2つのモデル. 対決したら, who would win?" 10 years ago you could not have found a single まともな経済学者 anywhere on planet Earth, who would have predicted the Wikipediaモデル.

This is the 大きな battle between these two approaches. This is モチベーションにおけるアリ vs フレージャー戦. Right? This is 伝説マニラ決戦. Alright? 内的な motivators versus 外的な motivators. Autonomy, mastery and purpose, versus アメとムチcarrot and sticks. And who wins? Intrinsic motivation, autonomy, mastery and purposeが ノックアウト勝利します.まとめましょう.

There is a 食い違い between what science knows and what business does. And here is what science knows. One: Those 20th century rewards, those motivators we think are a 当然 part of business, do work, but only in a surprisingly narrow band of circumstances. Two: Those if-then rewards often 損なう creativity. Three: The 秘訣 to high performance isn't rewards and punishments, but that 見えない intrinsic drive. The drive to do things 自分自身のため. The drive to do things それが重要なことだから.

And here's the best part. Here's the best part. We already know this. The science confirms what we know in our hearts. So, if we repair this mismatch between what science knows and what business does, If we bring our motivation, notions of motivation into the 21st century, if we get past this lazy, dangerous, ideology of carrots and sticks, we can strengthen our businesses, we can solve a lot of those candle problems, and maybe, maybe, maybe we can change the world. I rest my 立証。



fmccabeで、 今日(7時間前)報告

I have been working on a programming language, also called Go, for the last 10 years.私は、プログラミング言語にも、移動と呼ばれ、過去10年間のために働いている。 There haveが存在して

been papers published on this and I have a book.された論文は、この上で公開され、私の本がある。

I would appreciate it if google changed the name of this language; as I do not want to have toもしGoogleがこの言語名前を変更私はそれをお願い申し上げます。私にはしたくない

change my language!私の言語を変更!

Comment 1 by dsymonds , Today (7 hours ago) コメント1 dsymondsで 、 今日(7時間前)


Comment 2 by fmccabe , Today (7 hours ago) コメント2 fmccabeで 、 今日(7時間前)

If you google (sic) francis mccabe go you will find some references.場合は()を原文のままGoogleフランシス、いくつかの参照を見つける行くマッケイブ

I published the book on lulu.com私lulu.com上の本を出版

Comment 3 by reidellis , Today (4 hours ago) コメント3 reidellisで 、 今日(4時間前)

I think Mr McCabe's language is called "Go!".私は氏マッケイブ言語"と呼ばれてみろ!"。 Here's the Lulu link:ここでは、ルルのリンクです:

http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/lets-go/641689 http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/lets-go/641689

Comment 4 by niral.n95 , Today (3 hours ago) コメント4 niral.n95で 、 今日(3時間前)

reidellis: is right! reidellis:ですね! its "Lets Go!"その"はLets Go!" or "Go!".や"ゴー!"。 This is google "go", "The Goこれは、"行くに"google、"移動されます

Programming Language" Bigg Difference.. :)プログラミング言語"Biggの違い..:)

Ps Anyone hearing the release of Google "go" would have picked up their book that psの誰""行っても本を手にしてはGoogleリリース公聴会では

never sold and started finding the work "GO" and as they would find their 1st "GO"販売されなかったとの仕事"Go"を見つけることを始め、などに気づくような、その第一の"Go"

they wil go , Eureka!彼らはエウレカ行くウィル! :) :)

Comment 5 by fmccabe , Today (3 hours ago) コメント5 fmccabeで 、 今日(3時間前)

My language is called Go!.自分言語へと呼ばれます!。 The book is called Let's Go!.本の行こうと呼ばれます!。

The issue is not whether or not Google's go will be well known.問題かどうかは、Googleの移動も呼ばれることもありません。 It is one of fairness.これは1つの公平性の一つです。

Comment 6 by zhenshe41 , Today (3 hours ago) コメント6 zhenshe41で 、 今日(3時間前)

In Go!行くで! , can the IDE know the differences between Go!は、IDEへの違いを知ることができます! and go ?行く?

Comment 9 by shirish4you , Today (2 hours ago) コメント9 shirish4youで 、 今日(2時間前)

ah...ああ... Google should change the name... Googleは、名前を変更する必要があります...

Comment 11 by spronkey , Today (2 hours ago) コメント11 spronkeyで 、 今日(2時間前)

Indeed they should.確かにそうあるべきだ。 Full support for you, Mr. McCabe.あなたのためのフルサポートミスターマッケイブ。 It's not that hard to findそれを見つけるために、ハードではない

references to your language online either - it was on the first page of Bing, secondあなたの言語オンラインへの参照のいずれか-それはビンビンの最初のページに2番目だった

of Google for 'go programming language'. Googleの'のために行くのプログラミング言語'。

In fact, the title of the Google go tutorial page is even "Let's Go".実際には、Googleタイトルチュートリアルページに行っても"行こう"です。

It would be pretty poor for you folks Google to keep this name given your "do noそれはかなりあなたのための人々 、Googleはこの名が指定さを維持する貧困層になるお客様の"ありませんか

evil" slogan!悪"のスローガン

Comment 12 by nofakesallowed , Today (2 hours ago) コメント12 nofakesallowed、 今日(2時間前 に )

Google should totally change the name, fmccabe you should find a (cheap) lawyer just Googleの完全に、あなたは(安い)弁護士を見つける必要がありますだけfmccabeの名前を変更する必要があります

in case...場合には...

Google has deep pockets. Googleの深いポケットにしています。

Comment 13 by nofakesallowed , Today (2 hours ago) コメント13 nofakesallowed、 今日(2時間前 に )

btw, what's up redditところで、どうしたのreddit

Comment 14 by alex.salkever , Today (2 hours ago) コメント14 alex.salkeverで 、 今日(2時間前)

fmcabe -- could you contact me at alex @ dailyfinance.com? fmcabe -あなたalex@dailyfinance.comで、私に連絡だろうか? Might want to write a可能性のある記述する

little article about this.このことについて少し記事 Thanks.ありがとう。

Comment 16 by matthew.m.mckenzie , Today (2 hours ago) コメント16 matthew.m.mckenzieで 、 今日(2時間前)

google should change!グーグル変更してください!

Comment 17 by senthil.nayagam , Today (2 hours ago) コメント17 senthil.nayagamで 、 今日(2時間前)

maybe name it Goo or Foo多分グーかはFooという名前を付けます

Comment 18 by mail2ankitgupta , Today (119 minutes ago) コメント18 mail2ankitguptaで 、 今日(119分前)

A company claiming to capture world's info, missed it!!!同社は、世界情報キャプチャすると主張し、それを逃した!

Comment 19 by terence.stuart , Today (117 minutes ago) コメント19 terence.stuartで 、 今日(117分前)

Let the language with the most users keep its name.ほとんどのユーザーは、その名前のままにして言語をしましょう。

Er... Erを... That's not yours, is it?それは、あなたではないって?

Comment 20 by blair.briggs , Today (113 minutes ago) コメント20 blair.briggsで 、 今日(113分前)

Go, find a new name.移動し、新しい名前を探します。 ;) ;)

Comment 21 by josecamporro , Today (111 minutes ago) コメント21 josecamporroで 、 今日(111分前)

I agree with majority on this.私はこの上の部分に同意する。 Google should change the name of this language... Googleはこの言語名前を変更する必要があります...

Francis McCab is right, Go!フランシスMcCabが正しいでGO! and Go are not that different.と移動の違いはありませんです。 And he went first, public.彼は、公共の最初に行った。

Comment 22 by sebastian.krause , Today (104 minutes ago) コメント22 sebastian.krauseで 、 今日(104分前)

Google should consider a different name simply for the reason that "Go" is just a too Googleはその理由は、"移動"されに別の名前を検討する必要がありますだけでも

common word and it might eventually become difficult to google for references and一般的な単語と、最終的に参照するためにGoogleが困難になる可能性があります

examples about this language.この言語についての例です。 A somewhat more unique name can have its benefits.もう少しユニーク名前は、その利点を持つことができます。

Comment 23 by Afro.Systems , Today (95 minutes ago) コメント23 Afro.Systemsで 、 今日(95分前)

I think lango would be a great name and I am hereby to give away to google any私はランゴすばらしい名前だと思うと私は、ここから何かグーグルに与えるために午前

copyrights for the name.名の著作権

Comment 24 by ismetdere , Today (94 minutes ago) コメント24 ismetdereで 、 今日(94分前)

Goo, whould be just fine.グー、されるだけで罰金whould。

Comment 25 by QrczakMK , Today (68 minutes ago) コメント25 QrczakMKで 、 今日(68分前)

Goo is already taken too, although it has been dead for a few years I think.ただし、それが思う数年前に死んだがグー、すでにも、撮影されます。

Comment 26 by zak.wilson , Today (68 minutes ago) コメント26 zak.wilsonで 、 今日(68分前)

Goo is the name of a Lisp dialect.具は、Lisp方言名前です。

Comment 27 by daniel.kolman , Today (67 minutes ago) コメント27 daniel.kolmanで 、 今日(67分前)

Both Google and fmccabe should find a new name, "Go" is silly name for a programming Googleとfmccabe、"Go"をテコな名前プログラミングされている新しい名前を見つける必要があります


Comment 28 by br...@silcon.com , Today (67 minutes ago) コメント28 brで... silcon.com @、 今日(67分前)

how about GOOP = Google Object Oriented Programming?方法については無神経な人= Googleオブジェクト指向プログラミング

mccabe- personally, I agree with you, but while you may be first, and you may beマッケイブ、個人的に、私はあなたと、しかし、中に最初にすることに同意し、することがあります

published, your issue title begs not to take you seriously regardless of your actual公開され、あなたの問題のタイトル真剣にかかわらず、お客様の実際の場合を取らないように頼む


I do hope this is resolved in your favor though.私はあなたのおかげでも解決されてほしいですか。

Comment 29 by jwb.public , Today (66 minutes ago) コメント29 jwb.publicで 、 今日(66分前)

how about ogle?方法については色目を使う?

Comment 30 by srikumarks , Today (60 minutes ago) コメント30 srikumarksで 、 今日(60分前)

Given that is derives from Limbo, "Bo" would be short and sweet as well.つまり、辺獄から、"ボー"不足しているだろうと甘いだけでなく派生を考える。 They can alsoこれらのこともできます。

use "boroutines" :P "boroutines":pを使用

Comment 31 by ismetdere , Today (57 minutes ago) コメント31 ismetdereで 、 今日(57分前)

Goo is gone too?具も行ったですか? damn..気.. what about Goat?何ヤギは?

Comment 32 by killercore , Today (52 minutes ago) コメント32 killercoreで 、 今日(52分前)

I'd go for JAgo: Just Another go私JAgoのために行くだろう:ちょうど別のものへ

Comment 33 by jason.lee.quinn , Today (51 minutes ago) コメント33 jason.lee.quinnで 、 今日(51分前)

Goat Special Editionヤギスペシャルエディション

Comment 34 by nikola.tepper , Today (50 minutes ago) コメント34 nikola.tepperで 、 今日(50分前)

It is completely absurd to use name of an already existing language.それは完全に既存の言語名前を使用するのはばかげている。 Hey Google,ちょっとGoogleは、

couldn't you, i don't know... 、私を知らない場合が...。 google it?とGoogleの? Oh right, the name is so generic, that isそう、名ので、つまり、汎用的なもの

almost impossible to get relevant matches.ほとんどの関連性と一致を得ることは不可能。 If this language catches on, it'll be aこの言語キャッチし、それになります

nightmare to search for problems and solutions.問題と解決策を検索する悪夢のような。

Comment 36 by jsykari , Today (40 minutes ago) コメント36 jsykariで 、 今日(40分前)

May I humbly suggest "go2"? 5私は謙虚に""go2いかがでしょう?

Even C++ got away with naming the language after an esoteric feature of C -- perhapsも、C + +の距離Cの難解な機能の後に、言語名前付け規則だ-おそらく

naming a language after "goto" isn't that bad. "の後に、後藤は"悪くはない言語のネーミングになります。

Comment 37 by Linnsey , Today (38 minutes ago) コメント37 Linnseyで 、 今日(38分前)

There are so many hobby and specialist programming languages it'd be hard to find aあるので趣味や専門のプログラミング言語でそれを見つけることは難しいですね、多くの

name that's not taken.名は、撮影ではない。

Comment 39 by david.kitchen , Today (32 minutes ago) コメント39 david.kitchenで 、 今日(32分前)

@33 Disturbing but funny... @ 33不穏がおかしい... I can imagine the logo now: 3OE私は今のロゴ想像することができます:3OE

@34 Look at the dates of these things, it would appear that go started around the @これらのものの日程を34歳で見て、その周りを開始へ表示されます

same time that the book was being written (but Go! already existed).同じ時間には、図書(ただし、移動書かれていた!既に存在していた)。 I wouldn't be私ではない

surprised to learn that due diligence was done at the time but simply that since thenは、デューデリジェンス時間でも行われていた知って驚く人は、単にそれ以来、

it just hadn't been revisited.それだけで再訪されていませんでした。

@36 http://xkcd.com/292/ @ 36 http://xkcd.com/292/

Comment 40 by patla073 , Today (31 minutes ago) コメント40 patla073で 、 今日(31分前)

Why not just name it Golang?理由だけではなく、それGolang名前は?

Erlang - "Ericsson Language"アーラン- "エリクソン言語"

Golang - "Google Language" Golang - "Google言語"

Comment 41 by drc.uvic , Today (31 minutes ago) コメント41 drc.uvic、 今日(31分前 に )

Does anyone use 'Go!'?誰'移動を使用しますか!'? If yours is better, or has a decent user base then a name change might be the right thingもしあなたの優れているか、またはその名前の変更は正しいかもしれませんが、まともなユーザーベースを持って

to do.を行う。 If you're bringing it up for academic pride then I don't see why they should have to change anything.もし私はなぜ何も変更する必要がありますが表示されない学問の誇りをのために育てている。

Comment 42 by abouthors , Today (29 minutes ago) コメント42 abouthorsで 、 今日(29分前)

Jago is already taken by a program to play the game of go. Jago既に行くのゲームプレイするためのプログラムによって行われる。

Comment 44 by charles.majola , Today (18 minutes ago) コメント44 charles.majolaで 、 今日(18分前)

This is issue 9 ......この問題は9 ...... Plan 9..... Plan 9の.....


Comment 45 by tuxthelinuxdood , Today (14 minutes ago) コメント45 tuxthelinuxdoodで 、 今日(14分前)

It is obvious that Google employees did not research the name in terms of existingこれは、Google従業員の面では、名前研究していない明らかにされ、既存の

languages before release.リリース前の言語。 In such a situation I believe Google is at fault and the nameこのような状況では私はGoogle断層の名前ではと考えています

should be changed.変更する必要があります。 I doubt it will happen but it to change it would be in line with "do私はそれが起こるとは思えませんが、それを行となる"を変更するか

no evil".邪悪な"。

Comment 46 by GeoffreyJ.Lee , Today (14 minutes ago) コメント46 GeoffreyJ.Leeで 、 今日(14分前)

How about "Google Go"?方法については"Googleの移動"?

Go2 is pretty clever though, so my vote is on that. Go2かなりかかわらず、僕の投票をするには利口だ。

Comment 47 by roblesjm , Today (9 minutes ago) コメント47 roblesjmで 、 今日(9分前)

Google always releases new products with the prefix "Google". Googleでは常に接頭辞"Googleとの"新製品リリースします。 In this case, I don'tこの場合、私はしないでください

know if Google want release a new product or make an Alliance like Android.知っている場合、Googleは新製品リリースしたい、またはするアライアンスAndroidのような。

In the first case, I would use "GoogleC".最初のケースで、私は"を使用します。GoogleC"。 For the second, something like "GCP" fromについては、2番目の、何か"GCPの"からのような

(Google C Python). (GoogleのĈパイソン)。

Comment 48 by ismetdere , Today (4 minutes ago) コメント48 ismetdereで 、 今日(4分前)

Goat it is...ヤギって... there, settled.そこに定住した。

Comment 49 by Peter.Schweizer , Today (4 minutes ago) コメント49 Peter.Schweizerで 、 今日(4分前)

i'd suggest "giggity giggity goo" as new name since quagmire is a very funny guy私は""新しい名前として泥沼非常に面白いやつなんだからgiggity giggityグーをお勧めしたい

btw.ところで。 hi reddit :)ハイテクしかし:)

Comment 50 by ruivaldo , Today (4 minutes ago) コメント50 ruivaldoで 、 今日(4分前)

"Do" ? ""ですか? Makes sense, check the purpose of the lang.理にかなっては、langの目的をご確認ください。



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梅田望夫 が夢見た世界

Linked In "Digital Marketing"グループでのある会話。

Share knowledge and receive knowledge...

I'm experimenting with Huddle workspaces in my Linkedin profile.

I'm starting to list all the free, or low fee, marketing tools worth looking at...

I'm using an excel sheet in Huddle as a starter.

Drop me an email and i'll grant you access to it, all i ask in return is that you contribute to the list to make it more comprehensive.

“There is no delight in owning anything unshared.”

(Roman philosopher, mid-1st century AD)


Hi Peter,

Great idea and I love your quote about sharing.

Funnily enough I have been searching free tools today and here are a few goodies I am happy to share with you and the group.

1. http://www.keotag.com/ - searches tags on blogs and social bookmarking sites. (been having plenty of fun with this one and it's seems v. useful).

2. http://boardtracker.com/ - Searches posts on bullitin boards / forums for mentions of keywords / brand terms.

3. http://www.trendrr.com/ - enables you to track trends and provides some very valuable competitive analysis functionality.

4. http://usernamecheck.com/ This tool is essential for brand name protection. It lets you search a wide range of social sites to see if anyone is using your brand term / name as their profile ID. If they are not then I would suggest you register your brand / business name even if you do not plan to use the site to protect your business from damage. If your name is taken and not being used the chances are it is being squatted by a chancer. I had this issue on twitter with my social site for business people marzar.com but the nice folks at twitter reverted the name to me as the trade mark owner as soon as I contacted them in regards to the issue.

5. http://hellotxt.com update your status from one place across multiple social sites.

6. http://www.twilert.com/ Seems to be a number of tools to monitor twitter but this one seems to be pretty useful. Twilert is a Twitter application that lets you receive regular email updates of tweets containing your brand, product, service, well any keyword you like really.

7. http://www.backtype.com/ Monitors comments left on blog posts monitoring posts for sentiment may not be enough and issues and or insights often come from the comments posted by readers.

8. http://socialmention.com/ Again allows you to search blog posts, comments, news, events, images, bookmarks, microblogs and video all at once or on their own. This is a very useful tool and when I searched on my brand terms it came back with results that the other tools did not pick up on. In particular I found the bookmark search to be of value.

9. http://www.samepoint.com conversation search engine again came back with differing results to the other tools listed above.

10. http://www.marzar.com free to use business networing platform. Many members are involved with online marketing and or are senior business people. The audience is similar to Linkedin but the functionality differs. I built this site and I am working hard towards the next release of our platform now that we are funded.

Hope that this list posted publicly to the group helps others :)




Wow John you rock I haven't heard of any of these!



Thanks :) you are welcome I only added 10 but I could have listed at least 50 if I had the time. I hope you find this list of use.




梅田望夫 が夢見た世界

~~Share knowledge and receive knowledge...

I'm experimenting with Huddle workspaces in my Linkedin profile.

I'm starting to list all the free, or low fee, marketing tools worth looking at...

I'm using an excel sheet in Huddle as a starter.

Drop me an email and i'll grant you access to it, all i ask in return is that you contribute to the list to make it more comprehensive.

“There is no delight in owning anything unshared.”

(Roman philosopher, mid-1st century AD)

Posted 6 months ago | Reply Privately

Peter Abraham

Digital Marketing & E-commerce Professional, Director Econsultancy.com (80,000 professionals) Twitter:peterjabraham

See all Peter’s discussions »

Comments (32)

John Horsley

Internet Evangelist email john@marzar.com 9000+

Hi Peter,

Great idea and I love your quote about sharing.

Funnily enough I have been searching free tools today and here are a few goodies I am happy to share with you and the group.

1. http://www.keotag.com/ - searches tags on blogs and social bookmarking sites. (been having plenty of fun with this one and it's seems v. useful).

2. http://boardtracker.com/ - Searches posts on bullitin boards / forums for mentions of keywords / brand terms.

3. http://www.trendrr.com/ - enables you to track trends and provides some very valuable competitive analysis functionality.

4. http://usernamecheck.com/ This tool is essential for brand name protection. It lets you search a wide range of social sites to see if anyone is using your brand term / name as their profile ID. If they are not then I would suggest you register your brand / business name even if you do not plan to use the site to protect your business from damage. If your name is taken and not being used the chances are it is being squatted by a chancer. I had this issue on twitter with my social site for business people marzar.com but the nice folks at twitter reverted the name to me as the trade mark owner as soon as I contacted them in regards to the issue.

5. http://hellotxt.com update your status from one place across multiple social sites.

6. http://www.twilert.com/ Seems to be a number of tools to monitor twitter but this one seems to be pretty useful. Twilert is a Twitter application that lets you receive regular email updates of tweets containing your brand, product, service, well any keyword you like really.

7. http://www.backtype.com/ Monitors comments left on blog posts monitoring posts for sentiment may not be enough and issues and or insights often come from the comments posted by readers.

8. http://socialmention.com/ Again allows you to search blog posts, comments, news, events, images, bookmarks, microblogs and video all at once or on their own. This is a very useful tool and when I searched on my brand terms it came back with results that the other tools did not pick up on. In particular I found the bookmark search to be of value.

9. http://www.samepoint.com conversation search engine again came back with differing results to the other tools listed above.

10. http://www.marzar.com free to use business networing platform. Many members are involved with online marketing and or are senior business people. The audience is similar to Linkedin but the functionality differs. I built this site and I am working hard towards the next release of our platform now that we are funded.

Hope that this list posted publicly to the group helps others :)



Posted 6 months ago | Reply Privately

Darren Monroe

Chief Operating Officer/ President

Wow John you rock I haven't heard of any of these!

Posted 6 months ago | Reply Privately

John Horsley

Internet Evangelist email john@marzar.com 9000+


Thanks :) you are welcome I only added 10 but I could have listed at least 50 if I had the time. I hope you find this list of use.


Posted 6 months ago | Reply Privately

Steve Momorella

Owner, TEKgroup

Great list! Wow, I'd certainly be interested in seeing more if you have them posted somewhere. Thanks for sharing.

Posted 6 months ago | Reply Privately

Karla Ferrer

Brand Specialist at IBM

Bravo for this sharing! thanks a lot.. I will take a look

Posted 5 months ago | Reply Privately

Carrie Orfield Oman

Residential Sales Specialist at ADT Security Services

Thanks. I haven't heard of any of these, either.

Posted 5 months ago | Reply Privately

Caroline Bogart

Owner, Bogart Computing, LLC and Computer Software Consultant

Fantastic list. Thank you.

Posted 5 months ago | Reply Privately

Judy Hoffman

Marketing and PR Consultant

Here is my email: judy@ judymae.com

Posted 5 months ago | Reply Privately

Lisa Russell

Independent Interactive Marketing Professional

Thanks for sharing!

Posted 5 months ago | Reply Privately

Darren Monroe

Chief Operating Officer/ President

OK been a month but all of our posts (me included) and no one has shared more resources so here goes


村上春樹講演英文と和訳まとめ(仮) 付録II












Kとの類似から、Mはテープから起した英文のようです。ただし、「失礼しました、大統領」(M前半和訳)に相当する部分は書き起こされていません。K和訳は、ハアレツ紙のみにある’’ This is an impression, of course, that I would not wish to give. I do not approve of any war, and I do not support any nation.’’にあたる部分を含んでいますが、M前半和訳はそれを含みません。




(K)Politicians do it, too, as we all know.

(M)Some politicians do it, too, as we all know.


(K)The lies of novelists differ from others, however,

(M)The lies of novelists, however, differ from others,


(K)the novelist can bring a truth out to a new place

(M)the novelist can bring out the truth to a new place


(K)it is virtually impossible to grasp a truth

(M)it is virtually impossible to grasp the truth


(K)This is why we try to grab its tail

(M)This is why … we are trying to grab its tail


(K)where the truth-lies within us,

(M)where the truth lies within us,


(K)a few days in the year when I do not engage in telling lies,

(M)a few days in the year I do not engage in telling lies,


(K)In Japan a fair number of people advised me

(M)Back in Japan a fair number of people advised me


(K)Some even warned me they would instigate a boycott

(M)Some even warned me that they would instigate a boycott


(K)after receiving notice of the award,

(M)after receiving notice of this award,


(K)accepting a literary prize was the proper thing to do, whether

(M)accepting a literary prize is a proper thing to do, and whether


(K)that I supported one side in the conflict, that

(M)that I supported one side in the conflict, and that


(K)One reason for my decision was that

(M)One reason for my decision is that


(K)Perhaps, like many other novelists,

(M)Like many other novelists,


(K)If people are telling me—and especially if they are warning me— “Don’t go there,” “Don’t do that,” I tend to want to

(M)If people are telling me, and especially if they are warning me, “Don’t go there,” or “Don’t do that,” I tend to … want to


(K)They cannot genuinely trust anything they have not seen

(M)They cannot genuinely trust anything that they haven’t seen


(K)Please do allow me to deliver a message, one very personal message. It is something that I always keep in mind

(M)So, please do allow me to deliver a message--one very personal message. It is something I keep in my mind … always keep in mind


(K)it is carved into the wall of my mind, and it goes

(M)it is carved into the wall of my mind. It goes


(K)no matter how right the wall may be and how wrong the egg,

(M)no matter how right the wall may be, how wrong the egg,


(K)What is the meaning of this metaphor?

(M)What is the meaning of this metaphor, of the wall and the egg?


(K)The eggs are the unarmed civilians who are crushed and burned and shot by them.

(M)The eggs are unarmed civilians who are crushed, burned and shot by them.


(K)This is one meaning of the metaphor.

(M)This is one meaning of this metaphor that is true.


宣伝用 ブクマの伸びている方の毎日新聞掲載和訳(前半)




追記: id:le-matin さん( http://d.hatena.ne.jp/le-matin/20090217/p1 )より抜粋である事を明記した方がいいと助言を頂きました。ありがとうございます。

これを受けて、明らかな間違いの修正及び説明の追加、変更を加えさせて頂きました(2月17日 20:00)










i chose to come here rather than stay away. rather i chose speak rather than nothing....



i chose to see for myself rather than not to see. ... like novelist opposite....



whether this to create impression i supported one side in the conflict and that i endorsed the policy of a nation that chose to unleash its overwhelming military power...




I asked myself whether travelling to israel at a time like this and accepting a literary prize is a proper thing to do, they can not genuinly trust anything that they haven't seen on their own eyes or touched with their own hands...

Japan Today:



"sometimes takes on a life of its own and it begins to kill us and cause us to kill others coldly, efficiently and systematically."

"We are all fragile eggs faced with a solid wall called the system....To all appearances, we have no hope...the wall is too high and too strong...If we have any hope of victory at all, it will have to come from our utter uniqueness"

"Each of us possesses a tangible living soul. The system has no such thing. We must not allow the system to exploit us"












(以下記者自身の記述を含め、だいたい訳しています。"the lucid wisdoms in his novels tend to come from acquaintances of the protagonist"の訳については全く自信がありません)


わかりにくい? 日本ベストセラー作家である村上春樹から聞く事になる説明としてはこれが唯一のものだろう。まさしく村上スタイルであり、さらにどことなく曖昧である。






















語学学習サイト個人的リンクメモ / Lists of Language Learning Links


[Links]Language learning resources

  1. Language learning resources
  2. BUBL LINK: Language learning
  4. Language Learning Links
  5. 外国語広場 - 外国語学習者のための情報源情報交換の場
  6. Languages and Linguistics (EServer.org: Accessible Writing http://eserver.org/)
  7. Free Foreign Language Lessons (Download to MP3 Player, iPod or Computer) | Open Culture
  8. OCW Consortium - OpenCourseWare Websites




Voice & Speech Source


Science of Babies




YouTube Japan Blog: キャプション機能が追加。YouTube 動画字幕を表示できるようになりました


YouTube自動キャプション機能が開発された : ライフハッカー日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログメディア


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[Spanish] <スペイン語> 


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Find the truck back link "[Japanese] <日本語> にほんご" on the bottom of this page.


[Translation] <翻訳サイト


[Dictionary] <辞書


  1. オンライン学術用語集

[Tools] <Tools / Web services> 語学学習サポートツール Language Learning support tools


See track back link "翻訳サイトオンライン辞書"

  1. Welcome to Popling - The Learn Spanish, French, German, Italian, Anything Without Studying App
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