


完全に人生相談してますw 店員さんの声は確かに癒し系

RT @when_we_cry: ヒアリングできないのに癒されてしまいますた

QT @nofrills: 男は…何故クリスチャンショップに強盗に入ろうと / BBChttp://htn.to/psJAkf


  === 向こうのカウンターで強盗開始 ===
  M: OK. Scared?
  F: No-no?
  M: OK
  M: (何か指示したっぽい?ここは正直さっぱり判らなかった)

  === 神の名の下に反撃開始 ===
  F: You know what? <- 意を決して説得開始(以後の頻度から口癖かね)
  F: I know you can do whatever you want with me.
  F: But we can talk with yourabout the Jesus like I.
     あなたの状況について神を前に話しませんか # Jesus and I でいいのか?
  M: A what?
     えっ #他にどう訳せというのか・・・
  F: The Jesus like I. Before you leave.
  M: ...God bless you for that.
     ・・・あなたは良い人だ #「えっえっー」と訳したい気持ちで一杯です

  === 男、言い訳モード突入 ===
  F: I'm Christan and...
  M: So am I and I have to say I hate doing this.
  F: I know.
  M: I do. I-I, OK, I'm embarassed for doing this. But I have no choice.

  === 女、主導権を握る。この時点でもう男は撃てない ===
  F: Ah...I'm the one charge. ...and...never havn't haven't looking before.
     #  一緒に考えない?」と提案始めたが割り込みもあり尻切れトンボに
  F: You know what? You wonk(?)? #これわからん
  F: You have beatiful life(?). You don't need to...

  M: How about making a quarter.
     頼むよ # 「慈悲のカケラもない==no quarter」の応用と思われる

  === そして説得の王道へ ===
  F: You know, you don't need to get difficulty(?)...find a way
     better for you ...for everyone out there.


  F: I'm not blaming you or not judging you...don't know what you're
     going through, but all of us are going through a hard time right now...
     ...very hard time right now.

  M: XXXXX police(?) are pleased to do anything to anybody up in the street.
     Never had time like this before.

  === 驚愕の事実発覚と怒涛の進行 ===
  F: You know what. I can try to help you.
     Try to find a job. I have lot of friend in charge.
  M: I have a job.
  F: You do? Then why you're doing this?
  M: Because I might be depicted if I don't come up with $300.

  === リア充の口撃がぐさぐさ ===
  F: You mean you don't have any friend that could borrow you?
  M: I'm sorry for doing this to you.
  F: You don't have any friend that could borrow you the money?

  === しかし切羽詰った男も最後の説得を試みる ===
  M: I spent last 3 days trying to do that.
  M: Look, I know that you have to call the police.
     I know that you have to do what you have to do.
  M: I'm not really good at these stuff....
  M: There's no money in the store?... Can you show me...

  === 新たな驚愕。そして男の後悔 ===
  F: That all we have. We only keep these for change.
  M: You own the store?
  F: No.
  M: You don't own the store.
  F: I'm the manager. I'm, the one who take care of anything.
     Anything that happens.
     店長なの。店のことは全て私が  #「全て」が伏線だとは男は予想だにせず
  M: Then it wouldn't be hurting you. I'm sorry. I have to take it
     with that. I'm sorry.

  F: They will ...charge me for it.
  M: They will charge you for it...!?
     *驚愕* あなたが・・・!?
     #「な、なんだってー 」。男、迷惑をかけた反省の念で心が一杯に
     # つか雇われ店長にこれは酷くないか。They vs Us で男女一体となった瞬間

  F: I'm the one responsible.
     Nobody comes here. I'm the one to deposit the money. I'm the one to order.

  === 反省、そして撤退 ===
  M: I don't...I didn't mean to do that to you. I'm sorry.

  M: I understand you still have to call the police.

  F: You know... you don't need to do that.
  M: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. God bless you.
  F: You know Jesus! He can help you! He can change your life!
  M: God bless you.
  F: Jesus helps you! He can change your life!

  F: Go back to church!
  F: Find a job! Get real friend from church!
  F: Talk to a path(?) that can pray for you!


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