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 写真をとる to take a picture を「撮る」に変換する考え方とかが凄くめんどくさいと感じるようになった。音で聞いても文脈で聞き分けられるものに、いちいち違う漢字を当てる意味とは? とどうしても思ってしまう。










 しかし、英語では元々、口語でも後付けで which is など関係代名詞の複文を継ぎ足していくことが出来るような構造をしているため、短文の連続ひとつに連なった複文で、イントネーションをしっかり変えるというルールがない。だから英語スムーズに読む訓練をするときは、日本語と逆に、「,」だから音を上げたままにする、「.」だから音を下げる、などのルールに拘らず、「,」でも適当に音を下げてしまう。「.」でも音を上げっぱなしにしてしまうというイントネーションになれる方が良い。そうしないと、ネイティブニュースリーダーなどのイントネーションで文の切れ目に変な先入観が入って上手く聴き取れない。








You should understand Hatena is NOT a place where any Tom, Dick, or Harry would randomly sign up. This is a very nerdy, deep, weird place, and in particular, anond is like the concentration of toxicity of these people.


You are usually conveniently choosing the side of the Internet that you want to see.

There are only aspects here that you do not want to see.

Latter is true majority.


That's what happens when you try to see what you don't want to see.

What can I say, let's think about X, for example. What we don't realize, because we only see what we want to see on X, is that there are actually a lot of people like here.


Nah, I don't believe so. This place is full of lame retards who think they're smart. Definitely not a good representation of the entire Japanese online community.


Don't be so crabby. There are certainly all kinds of people out there. They may be all losers, but they are probably distributed in a way that is consistent with the demographics.


Imagine getting a reply like "Why is that? Could it be because of a visual impairment, or is there another explanation?"


この文は、「どうしてなの? あなた、目が見えないの? それとも何か(別の理由があるの)?」という意味です。

この表現は、ややカジュアル軽蔑的なニュアンスがあるため、相手侮辱したり、不快な思いをさせたりする可能性があります。より丁寧で中立的表現としては、"Why is that? Do you have difficulty seeing, or is there another reason?" などが考えられます

この文の自然英語表現としては、"How come?" という部分は、"Why?" や "Why is that?" と言い換えることができます。また、"or something?" という部分は、より明確にするために "or another reason?" などと表現することもできます


"Why? Are you blind or something else?"


"Why is that? Could it be because of a visual impairment, or is there another explanation?"


Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3"03' tall and 63.9 pounds. this means they're large enough to be able to handle human d--ks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based biology, there's no doubt in my mind that an aroused Vaporeon would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Captivate, Charm, and Tail Whip, along with not having fur to hide nipples, so it'd be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough water. No other Pokémon comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Vaporeon turn white.


Doesn't make any sense. Your English is so bad. Sooooo bad. Really. I don't know what you're talking about.

Wow, this place really is cancer. You're all a bunch of edgelords. I'm out, later loosers!


If you don't understand what's written here in English, you won't stand a chance of even getting a recruiter call. Try to improve your English first. English is the language you're going to work in day to day.



hate laboratory?! What the fuck is this?! Are ya racist? Omg


Whores in this house

There’s some whores in this house

There’s some whores in this house

There’s some whores in this house





I said certified freak, sevendays a week

Wet and gushy, make that pullout game weak, woo

イカれた女って認められてるの 週7日稼働してる

濡れたマンコ あなたは抜くのも嫌になるわ

Yeah, you dealin’ with some wet and gushy

Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet and gushy

Give me everything you got for this wet and gushy




Beat it up, baby, catch a charge

Extra large and extra hard

Put this cookie right in your face

Swipe your nose like a credit card

Hop on top, I wanna ride

I do a kegel, I’m kinda wild

Look at my mouth, look at my thighs

This water is wet, come take a dive

激しく突いて 違法なくらいに





中に入れてる時は ケーゲル体操するの

口に唾を吐いて 私を見つめて




Hit points are a combination of actual physical constitution, skill at the avoidance of taking real physical damage, luck and/or magical or divine factors. Ten points of damage dealt to a rhino indicated a considerable wound, while the same damage sustained by the 8th level fighter indicates a near miss, a slight wound, and a bit of luck used up, a bit of fatigue piling up against his or her skill at avoiding the fatal cut or thrust. So even when a hit is scored in melee combat, it is more often than not a grazing blow, a scratch, a mere light wound which would have been fatal (or nearly so) to a lesser mortal. If sufficient numbers of such wounds accrue to the character, however, stamina, skill, and luck will eventually run out, and an attack will strike home...

(Gygax, Dragon Magazine #24, 1979)

クマ駆除依頼が安い理由 is なぜ?






自分は 「言葉意味は変わっていくもの」というスタンスであるが、ここでは敢えて「誤用」と表現することにする。


彼は気の置けない友人です。 → He is a great friend.

わず失笑してしまった。 → I couldn't help but laugh.




知ったかぶって難しい言葉を使うな、と言いたいが、そもそも 誤解されやす言葉だと知らなければ、そんな気遣いさえできないだろう。





Frankfurt Radio Symphony Live: John Storgårds & Martin Helmchen with Bach/Webern, Mozart & Bruckner


2024/05/25 に公開予定

Johann Sebastian Bach/Anton Webern:

Ricercar a 6

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart:

Klavierkonzert D-Dur KV 451

Anton Bruckner:

6. Sinfonie

hr-Sinfonieorchester – Frankfurt Radio Symphony

Martin Helmchen, Klavier

John Storgårds, Dirigent

Alte Oper Frankfurt, 24. Mai 2024

John Storgårds und Martin Helmchen zu Gast beim hr-Sinfonieorchester mit einer bekannten Bach-Bearbeitung Anton Weberns, einem eher wenig beachteten, mit feinsinnigen Überraschungen aufwartenden Mozart-Klavierkonzert und Bruckners ebenfalls nicht eben häufig zu hörender 6. Sinfonie.


John Storgårds and Martin Helmchen are guests of the Frankfurt Radio Symphony with a well-known Bach arrangement by Anton Webern, a piano concerto by Mozart that has received little attention but offers subtle surprises, and Bruckner's Symphony No. 6, which is also not often heard.


Bold Boys Go Straight (and) Gold is Staid


Are people really uncomfortable about All-gender Restrooms?

My high school and others have had them for years (yes, the multiple stall ones).

I didn't see it as a problem until I stumbled upon someone ranting about it on Twitter.

I usually just don't go in there since it's often crowded.

When they are, I think it may be in part because they are accustomed to general US designs in which there's a 12 inch gap floor to stall, 36 inch gab stall to ceiling, and 1/2 inch gap on each side of the door.

The lack of privacy is uncomfortable (at least for me) in any restroom.

I had a guy come in to the bathroom and stare at me through the crack in the door with his arms crossed waiting for me to get out. I hate American bathrooms so much

You want to know the secret?

Business's don't want to have a constantly shit in luxury bathroom to maintain but they know having a bathroom is good for customer relations so they make a bathroom that nobody wants to use.

I have not taken a dump in a public bathroom in at least 10 years. Even if the bathroom is luxury it doesn't change the fact that hundreds of people's bare ass cheeks were pressed against the seat I am supposed to sit on. No amount of permeable paper is going to ease my mind on that one.

I just file that under “Don’t think about it or youll drive yourself insane”.

Top of that list: Doorknobs.

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