

Hit points are a combination of actual physical constitution, skill at the avoidance of taking real physical damage, luck and/or magical or divine factors. Ten points of damage dealt to a rhino indicated a considerable wound, while the same damage sustained by the 8th level fighter indicates a near miss, a slight wound, and a bit of luck used up, a bit of fatigue piling up against his or her skill at avoiding the fatal cut or thrust. So even when a hit is scored in melee combat, it is more often than not a grazing blow, a scratch, a mere light wound which would have been fatal (or nearly so) to a lesser mortal. If sufficient numbers of such wounds accrue to the character, however, stamina, skill, and luck will eventually run out, and an attack will strike home...

(Gygax, Dragon Magazine #24, 1979)

記事への反応 -
  • 「剣で斬りつけたら傷がつく」のではなく「ヒットポイント」という我々の世界には無い、経験しえない存在が減少する。 「死」と「戦闘不能」も別概念。 ヒットポイントというものが...

    • Hit points are a combination of actual physical constitution, skill at the avoidance of taking real physical damage, luck and/or magical or divine factors. Ten points of damage dealt to a rhino indicated a considerable wound, while the same damage s...

      • そういや初期のヒットポイントって傷を受けたら増える感じだったよな ヒットのポイントだし本来そっちかもよな


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