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Apple patent to display in portable devices used in fuel cells

Apple on an application for a patent for the fuel cells on Thursday are exposed. In the patent application, apple describes a kind of electronic equipment, such as notebook computer use fuel cells, and without any increase in too much weight of fuel cell performance optimization method.

An application for a patent for the title as "for portable computing devices power supply of fuel cell system". Apple says, consumers are becoming more and more attention to use of renewable energy. Fuel cell in technology competitive, as the energy density high, compared with the traditional batteries can be in the same volume provide more energy.

Apple patent application show: "fuel cells and additional fuel can bring high energy density, in not adding fuel to support of portable electronic devices for days or even weeks." Apple also said, use a fuel cell is to face the challenge of portability and cost.

Usually, the fuel cells to electronic equipment support portable charging, and users need to carry a fuel rods. And this is different, have conceived a and apple electronic equipment tightly integrated fuel cell. And this one the bulk of the patent application in a description of a fuel cell stack is used to optimize the flow of energy control system.

Another apple patent application describes how the fuel cell and rechargeable batteries work together, and to make the fuel cell and rechargeable batteries charging each other. This patent application said: "it will be to make the fuel cell system not necessary to large and heavy integration of the battery, thus obviously reduce the fuel cell system size, weight and cost."

This is not the first application for apple about fuel cell patent. Patently Apple web site said, October the exposure to a patent application shows that Apple are designing a fuel panels, from portable equipment to produce more energy.

About fuel itself, apple a patent application shows that there are a variety of fuel for power electronic equipment, one of which is sodium borohydride and water mixture. But these are still at the experimental stage, has yet to commercial.

Portable fuel cell charger faces a major obstacle is that manufacturers need to establish sales channel sales and recycled fuel rods. Apple will likely use apple retail stores to have finished the work.





Winter warming Yang

Early winter sky, like the patient's face the overcast, day to sink. Anxiety emotions such as this pervading the mist, tightly in my mind, catch my breath. This noon, the sun finally broke through the cloud and mist, show smiling face. The golden sunshine, the clear as on snow, warm warm silver fai in the flow. My heart like this in the window sunshine, suddenly lit up. On the vast expanse of the forms.it, bathed in the warm sunshine, the in the mind unspeakable joy, really want to in the sparkling on snow run, to release under pressure in the life, the one anxious heart, make it in the warm Yang blowing quiet quiet stretch open, as Snow White pure it gently the each place, leave a light the tranquil, calm in heart ripples.

The winter warm Yang heartily of vent to their hot, sprinkle with golden way way, the snow on glaring multicoloured halo, like in a split up around me gorgeous flowers. And as a series of colorful picture, in my sight of dreaming floating, I stand still didn't dare move, very afraid that move will put it like running scared. The sun be warm in my body, face and hands gently touched, a thick warm meaning in my heart rise, and then a puzzling to love is full whole body. Oh! I see, the soft touch, it's like my lover it. As the sun jade-like stone son bright smile, as if appear in the shadows. And when she left the same way, or that naughty smile, two small dimples with the face. She bantered said "to chase me! After a good deal for you win." I'm excited, but at a loss, just gazing at the light faded away in her in in the distance, RenXue the ground I do the footprints of the lonely, in lightly sigh.

Sunshine slowly breeze snow, the BaiXueShan quietly accept this trust god's touch. Like the girl like falling in love with lover's arms in school, doing the colorful dream. I was the true meaning of the snow moved and also enjoy stealthily warm winter sun kissing. The light sad like the like melted, had been in my memory, such as the white as forms.it of, did not leave traces. My heart immersed in the warmth of sunshine, and in the winter it forms.it quietly in fell asleep.

The winter warming Yang, don't abandon not to leave, waiting at my side, as my mother was waiting for the I, with all my heart, have no complaint. It let me understand, life not only it is the exhaustion of body and mind, worried restlessness. There is a kind of beautiful scenery, on our side. In fact they have been waiting for us, as long as pay attention side a flower, a leaf, a wisp of spring breeze, a rain, a snow, a blue sky, and so on. Like I say to this winter warm sample, calm down to, fine fine ground to observe, and deeply to taste, will get unexpected harvest.




これからの「正義」の話をしよう の話をしよう (読書感想文



















それが、 これからの「正義」の話をしよう なのだと思った。



フロー英語Flow )とは、人間がそのときしていることに、完全に浸り、精力的に集中している感覚に特徴づけられ、完全にのめり込んでいて、その過程が活発さにおいて成功しているような活動における、精神的な状態をいう。ZONE、ピークエクスペリエンスとも呼ばれる。その概念は、あらゆる分野に渡って広く論及されている。


1. 明確な目的(予想と法則認識できる)

2. 専念と集中、注意力の限定された分野への高度な集中。(活動に従事する人が、それに深く集中し探求する機会を持つ)

3. 自己に対する意識感覚の低下、活動と意識の融合。

4. 時間感覚のゆがみ - 時間への我々の主体的な経験の変更

5. 直接的で即座な反応(活動の過程における成功と失敗が明確で、行動が必要に応じて調節される)

6. 能力の水準と難易度とのバランス(活動が易しすぎず、難しすぎない)

7. 状況や活動を自分で制御している感覚

8. 活動に本質的価値がある、だから活動が苦にならない。


フロー:wikipedia [ http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%95%E3%83%AD%E3%83%BC ])





1. 生理的欲求(physiological need

2. 安全の欲求(safety need

3. 所属と愛の欲求(social need/love and belonging)

4. 承認の欲求(esteem)

5. 自己実現の欲求(self actualization




1. 「在ること」(Being)の世界について、よく知っている

2. 「在ること」(Being)のレベルにおいて生きている

3. 統合された意識を持つ

4. 落ち着いていて、瞑想的な認知をする

5. 深い洞察を得た経験が、今までにある

6. 他者の不幸に罪悪感を抱く

7. 創造である

8. 謙虚である

9. 聡明である

10. 多視点的な思考ができる

11. 外見は普通であるvery normal on the outside)


(自己実現理論 :wikipediahttp://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%87%AA%E5%B7%B1%E5%AE%9F%E7%8F%BE%E7%90%86%E8%AB%96 ])







MST, dijkstra,Warshall-Floyd, max-flow min-cut あたり



坂本教授の「Energy Flow」聞いてたら感傷に浸ってしまい、ふと不倫して消えた親父を思い出した。






















EA Sports Active



★☆☆☆☆ Not a More Cardio Wii Fit, Rather a Disaster of a Product, July 16, 2009

The concept is fantastic but the wiimote/sensor interaction is too finicky. It made the workout too frustrating. Specifically:

  • Some of the exercises work great on one side but not the other. Moving the sensor doesn't fix it.
  • If the way you hold the wiimote/nunchuck is off even slightly, the exercise stops and waits for you. You have to guess what it's waiting for.
  • There reps are not timed to the music and there's no consistency to the timing. Instead of getting into the flow of the reps, it waits for you before it does the next rep. There's too much "thinking" time between reps making it hard to get a good flow to your workout.
  • When doing reps, it's normal to anticipate the next rep, but this game does not allow for that. You finish a rep, the program goes back to the top of its do loop and then it does the next rep. It's very choppy - there's no smooth rhythm to the reps.
  • If you move even a little faster than the "follow me" droid it stops completely (like its giving up), puts a note on the screen and waits for you to go back to the top of the rep.
  • The instruction videos take FOREVER to demonstrate a simple exercise. Between that and the delay between reps, there's lots of down time.

Overall, I found it very frustrating because every time my workout started to flow, something interrupted it. I've had the Wii for over a year, and play with it daily so I don't think it's a learning curve issue.








訳し終わったらページがAccount Suspendedになってた。これはひどい

二次原文: Cyberwar guide for Iran elections - Boing Boing

  1. TwitterプロキシIPを公開しない。#iranelectionハッシュタグを使う時は特に注意せよ。Security forces(憲兵?)はこのタグを監視しており、発見されればそのプロキシIPイラン国内からブロックされてしまう。イランブロガーのために新しいプロキシを作成した場合、@stopAhmadiか@iran09へDMで通知せよ。弾圧されているイランブロガーへ直接情報を届けられる。
  2. ハッシュタグイランブロガーに使われている正式なタグは、#iranelectionと#gr88の2つである。他のタグ使用情報を錯綜させる可能性がある。
  3. Keep you bull$hit filter up!(く*ったれを排除しろ! ?) 憲兵イランの抵抗者たちに扮してTwitterで偽の情報を流している。慌ててRTしてはならない。信頼できる情報源からの正しい情報をRTせよ。信頼できる情報源を見つけ、フォローするのは難しくない。
  4. ブロガーたちを匿え:Twitterの設定で住所を「テヘラン」、タイムゾーンGMT +3.30に変更せよ。憲兵たちは住所とタイムゾーン検索ブロガーたちを捕らえている。我々が全員「イラン人」になってしまえば彼らを見つける事は難しくなる。
  5. 彼らの隠れ蓑を剥ぎ取るな! あなたが(現地からの)本物の情報を見つけても、彼らの名前、住所、ウェブサイトを公開するな。彼らは現実の危機の中にいる。それらの文章を直接あなたのネットワークに広めろ。しかし、憲兵にそれを教えてはならない。人々は現実にそこで殺されている。それを忘れるな。
  6. サービス妨害攻撃。もしあなたが自分が何をしているか分からないなら、このゲームから抜けろ。狙いは良心的なイランブロガーを(当局に)特定させないことだ。(後段良く分からんので誰か頼んだ。他の似たようなガイドラインでは「イラン政府機関等へのF5攻撃イラン国内全体の通信速度を悪化させてブロガーたちにも悪影響を与えるからやめろ!」って書いてた。)
  7. (正式な)言葉タグ?)を広めろ。それが役に立つ! ブロガーたちはTwitterメンテナンス延期を求めて#nomeintenanceタグを使い、それは望みどおりの効果を挙げた。正しい情報を広める事はブロガーたちの心に支えになり、効果的な貢献になる。



6. Denial of Service attacks. If you don’t know what you are doing, stay out of this game. Only target those sites the legitimate Iranian bloggers are designating. Be aware that these attacks can have detrimental effects to the network the protesters are relying on. Keep monitoring their traffic to note when you should turn the taps on or off.

7. Do spread the (legitimate) word, it works! When the bloggers asked for twitter maintenance to be postponed using the #nomaintenance tag, it had the desired effect. As long as we spread good information, provide moral support to the protesters, and take our lead from the legitimate bloggers, we can make a constructive contribution.

Please remember that this is about the future of the Iranian people, while it might be exciting to get caught up in the flow of participating in a new meme, do not lose sight of what this is really about.






 To the Muslim world, we seek a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect.




 To those leaders around the globe who seek to sow conflict, or blame their society's ills on the West - know that your people will judge you on what you can build, not what you destroy.




 To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history; but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist.




 ; but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist.




 To the people of poor nations, we pledge to work alongside you to make your farms flourish and let clean waters flow; to nourish starved bodies and feed hungry minds.




 And to those nations like ours that enjoy relative plenty, we say we can no longer afford indifference to suffering outside our borders; nor can we consume the world's resources without regard to effect.




 For the world has changed, and we must change with it.




 As we consider the road that unfolds before us, we remember with humble gratitude those brave Americans who, at this very hour, patrol far-off deserts and distant mountains.




 They have something to tell us today, just as the fallen heroes who lie in Arlington whisper through the ages.




 We honor them not only because they are guardians of our liberty, but because they embody the spirit of service; a willingness to find meaning in something greater than themselves.




And yet, at this moment - a moment that will define a generation - it is precisely this spirit that must inhabit us all.




 For as much as government can do and must do, it is ultimately the faith and determination of the American people upon which this nation relies.




 It is the kindness to take in a stranger when the levees break, the selflessness of workers who would rather cut their hours than see a friend lose their job which sees us through our darkest hours.




 It is the firefighter's courage to storm a stairway filled with smoke, but also a parent's willingness to nurture a child, that finally decides our fate.





Viva La Vida(休日の歌)




終わりかけた日曜日は どこかいつも切なくて

しずむ夕日の色さえも いつもよりも薄い気がした

走り抜けた街角 ぼやけた窓の外を


だから 泣くのも笑うのも、またあした


雨降り日曜 だるさ強調 週末終わりで超動揺

だから月・火・水・木・金・土曜 そう、来週末も夢みよう

僕はどこから生まれたの? 誰も教えちゃくれない。

僕はどこに行きたいのか それもなんか難しすぎて。

いつか夜は訪れ そしてまた日が昇る






というか俺らSlow Starters 月曜あたりじゃ、まるで役立たず

ハツラツできず週末 ひたすら夢見てお休みを待つ







なにかにつけてもViva La Vida!


Say what'cha what'cha what'cha gonna do?

I got a flow(say what?)you gatta flow(ah ha)

パンクして来週もはじけそう だから今夜はメシ食って早よ寝よー

時はたつ 摩擦 まきおこすほど速く 目まぐるしい日々 ずーっとくりかえす



A-cross sectional area断面積
C-celerity or phase velocity of waves波の速さか位相速度
C_d-drag coefficient抗力係数
C_s-concentration on the seagrass surface海中植物の 表面への集中
C_w-concentration in the water column 水柱における集中
D-molecular diffusivity 分子拡散率
D-depth 水深
DBL-diffusive boundary layer 拡散境界層
δ-diffusive boundary layer thickness 〃 の厚さ
δ_D-diffusive boundary layer (==DBL)
δ_l-inertial sublayer or logarithmic (log) layer内部境界層かログ
δ_v-viscous sublayer 粘性底層
F_d-friction or viscous drag 摩擦か粘性抵抗
F_p-form or pressure drag 圧力抗力か形状抵抗
g-acceleration due to gravity重力加速度
H-water depth 水深
H-wave height 波高
h-canopy height 林冠の高さ
κ-von Karman constant カルマン定数
l-length scale 長さスケール
λ-wavelength 波長
m-mass 質量
μ-molecular or dynamic viscosity 動粘性係数か分子粘性
p-hydrostatic or dynamic pressure 静水圧か動圧
Q-volume flow rate体積流量率
ρ-density 密度
REI-relative wave exposure index相対波露出
Re-Reynolds numberレイノルズ数
Re_crit-critical Reynolds number臨界レイノルズ数
St-Stanton numberスタントン数
T-wave period 波の周期
τ-shear stress 剪断応力
τ_o-boundary shear stress 境界剪断応力
τ_w-wall shear stress 壁剪断応力
μ-current velocity流速
μ*-friction velocity摩擦速度
U_k-critical velocity臨界速度
U_o-free stream velocity自由流速度
ν-kinematic viscosity 動粘性率
x-horizontal distance水平距離
χ-principal flow direction 主要流向
y-cross-stream direction 交差流の方向
z-vertical direction or depth 縦方向か水深
z_o-roughness height 荒さの高さ
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