訳し終わったらページがAccount Suspendedになってた。これはひどい。
二次原文: Cyberwar guide for Iran elections - Boing Boing
6. Denial of Service attacks. If you don’t know what you are doing, stay out of this game. Only target those sites the legitimate Iranian bloggers are designating. Be aware that these attacks can have detrimental effects to the network the protesters are relying on. Keep monitoring their traffic to note when you should turn the taps on or off.
7. Do spread the (legitimate) word, it works! When the bloggers asked for twitter maintenance to be postponed using the #nomaintenance tag, it had the desired effect. As long as we spread good information, provide moral support to the protesters, and take our lead from the legitimate bloggers, we can make a constructive contribution.
Please remember that this is about the future of the Iranian people, while it might be exciting to get caught up in the flow of participating in a new meme, do not lose sight of what this is really about.
開票の不正を訴える、英語話者に偏った大規模デモが発生中。 彼らの情報交換は Twitter を使って行われているとか。 → http://anond.hatelabo.jp/20090617005130 ウクライナの「オレンジ革命」とか...
CIAが絡んでいるのは確実だろうね。 イラン当局は官憲に無差別発砲を許可するべきだな。 目に見える大虐殺を希望
米国国務省が「保守用の鯖落ち自粛して」ってTwitter経営陣に要請出して、それが通るくらいだからなあ。 http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20090617-00000938-reu-int CIA使っての非公然工作ってレベルだ...