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I'll be backってマッカーサーじゃなかったのかよ



あー早く全面ディスプレイポップアップカメラ液晶指紋認証最上位スナドラを搭載するMi Mix 3が発売されて、








Black Sharkみたいな自称液冷って良かったのかな?でも常に30度台くらいに抑えてほしいよね。







I'll take a rain check. (また今度ね)


あだ名天気予報士(weather forecaster)になり、

「Hi forecaster, how's weather going?」と冗談で呼びかけられるようになってしまったので、




I'm still doing part-time work.

But that's reality.

But, Even so,

I'm not selfless enough to give my on and only life to that shitty company.

Hindsight is 20/20 and all that, but there are people I've met because I quit.

I'm in a world I would never have experienced if I'd stayed.

I'm glad I quit that shitty company.

From the line of "ReLIFE".













Was what I told her really the right thing to say?

In reality, I couldn't grow up, and became a NEET.

And those awful bullies probably still have their jobs.

I know the real truth is uglier.

Maybe it wasn't the ugly truth.

But it wasn't a lie.

It's what you really meant, so isn't that enough?

She'll remember someone yelling at her, if not who.

I think what happened today will stay with her.

From the line of "ReLIFE".


Fireworks may vanish, but memories remain.

A few years, limited edition of youth.

I may be an illusion that'll be forgotten ..

but I'll treasure every moment, and enjoy ..

my life!

From the line of "ReLIFE".




👮🏾‍♂️👮🏾‍♂️👮🏾‍♂️Hey Masuda! You criminal! We’ll arrest you, bastard!!👮🏾‍♂️👮🏾‍♂️👮🏾‍♂️





I want to defeat the me that's dragging this failure around. I don't want to forget my failure. But if I carry it with me as a bad memory, and keep running away, I'll never change. I think there are things you learn to do trough failing. Will you get revenge with me?

From the line of "ReLIFE".

You're like the fireworks.

I'm really glad for them. The truth is, I thought that falling in love when you knew you'd have to part seemed pointless.But when I saw them together, I was happy from the bottom of my heart. Maybe worrying about future parting so much that you miss out on happiness in the present is waste.

Yes, Someday, we'll part. Maybe be forgotten. But we're living in the moment in full throttle!

From the line of "ReLIFE".

We'll remember - Our secret code, The red sky you can only see after class,

"Good-bye" ain't our style

Fate may yank us far apart,

But the start was the same for all us

Even if it all disappears

That one thing will still remain.

Frome the song of "ReLIFE"








Come rain or come shine,

I'll writ my book with cats, with friends living in heaven.



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When I continue into distance, I'll surely long for this place.

I see them faintly and chase the sky's fragments.

Light and shadow paint your heart when you run.

Your smiling face fills me with courage.

With just your careless words, you'll fly away on tearful days.

At any time, at any moment..

And the path goes on.

If follow this path, perhaps I'll meet you again someday.

And now, you know that the pain has bought me everything about the warmth of your words.

You paint your heart with light and shadow,

It' time to run.

Yes, it's the laughing face you make in that moment that fills me with courage.

With just your careless words,

I'll fly away on tearful days.

At any time, at any moment, Firmly hand to hand,

The path goes on,

and binds us together.

From the line of "Dennou Coil"


Walked to a bookshop. In the shop, an old song had come floating up from speaker. It was " What a Wonderful World". I sang It in a low voice.

World is broken, but we'll continue to fly. Just because What a Wonderful World.



外国人に I'll send you a mail って言うと怪訝な顔されるけど「インターネットがない時代しか知らないのかな?」とか思っちゃだめだぞ


She was born from my kiss and your anguish.

So, you gotta come back, You should've left this Space already!

You definitely can't part from me. You're the one who gave birth to me. I'm the child you made to eat your anguish and sadness. It doesn't matter how many times you kill me, I'll always be born again. Because I'm your true soul. You wanted to throw away your feelings for your brother, and become an adult without me. I won't allow that. In this place, your don't need anything. neither the pain, nor the anguish of becoming an adult.

You're courageous, You don't fear the pain. you're courageous, who be named to be brave. You shall come back to present.

That way, there is nothing but pain and anguish.

That's why, That's why I have to go. Because from now on, I have to carry on living by myself without you.

In the direction where you feel the pain, there's an exit!

I was afraid to open my heart to someone. But I'm not afraid anymore. Even if I lose sight of it, there's always a path somewhere. People are connected through narrow paths. Even if sometimes they lose sight of them, there's no doubt they're connected. Welcome back, you. I'm back ,you.

I don't really know what is means "to be friends."

But you, Yup, you were a companion who got lost on the same path as me, and you looked for the same path I did.

But we're companions only when we're looking for the same path. A person like me, if I always stay with other people;e, I lose sight of my own path.

May be you're right.

But Let's meet again. When we get lost again. Until that time, goodbye.

I'm courageous, You're the one who gave me my name.

From the line of "Dennou Coil"


Ichinose must have been very disappointed.

You're the first like-minded friend he's ever had.

Your performance yesterday was inspiring. I'm impressed though not surprised.

I was hoping your praise in particular wouldn't be so generic.


Can I ever hope to move people with my playing the way Kai did? Can I someday..?

I want the honest truth, so please don't hold back.

Fair enough. Since you're aiming to be a professional, I'll give you the unfettered, honest truth. Amamiya, you need to learn to appreciate your own piano playing more. Do that, and you'll understand. You need compare yourself against others. you gave a good performance. Your future excites me.

From the line of "Piano Forest"

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