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Tokyo 2020 Olympics composer apologizes for bullying disabled classmates
 Keigo Oyamada, who uses the stage name "Cornelius" once described his abuse in graphic detail. He now apologizes.






Back in the 1990s, when his star was still on the rise, the now 52-year-old Oyamada, in interviews with local music magazines, recalled how he would, among other things, force a mentally-disabled boy to eat his own feces and masturbate in front of other students.






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英国デイリー・テレグラフ (The Telegraph)で取り上げられたので話題ひとつとして Resetera にポストされてた


Japanese composer (Cornelius) who abused disabled classmates and forced them to perform sex acts remains involved in Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony

🔴Tokyo Olympics organisers insist they are happy for a Keigo Oyamada to continue as a composer for the opening ceremony despite interviews resurfacing where he described abusing mentally ill classmates.



Fuckでいっぱい ← 残当


That translated article is kind of a sad read, and he definitely didn’t feel an ounce of remorse残当



I'd only believe he really changed if he revealed he spent the last couple decades trying to make things right and using a great deal of his time and money to assist his victims and disabled people in general. 一般的にはそうだろうね



Cornelius is an artist I really admired, I am shocked at this.  ←ほんこれな。この話はパラリンピック以前から知っては居たけど胸糞&反省なさ過ぎてな。彼の音楽は好きなんだけどね



wooow,, did not know this about Cornelius, disgusted.
And he wasn't even a kid when he blatantly admitted to these things in interview, he was 25 at the time... I feel like tossing a couple songs off my spotify now I feel like tossing a couple songs off my spotify now
 ← 記事を見た時、ワイもそうした








#Cornelius や #METAFIVE など、多様な音楽を紡いできた #小山田圭吾 さんギター

古くからの #ウォークマン ユーザーでもある小山田さんが、ご自身リスニングスタイル音楽専用機に感じている魅力を紹介しまスタジオマイク複数の音符






















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A creative member of the Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony music was found to have been a fierce bullying assailant in the past.

Keigo Oyamada (born 1969) became a creative member of the Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony music.

In an interview with a music magazine in the 1990s, He talked about being a perpetrator of bullying as if it were a funny thing.

Interview in the January 1994 issue of the music magazine "Rockin' On Japan 20,000-word interview with Keigo Oyamada"

"Also, the bullying was really bad at my school."

 But you said you were the bully.

"Yeah. I bullied him. When I think about it now, it was really awful. I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize (laughs) because I've been bullying him pretty hard."

 Did you do something that bad?

"Yes. Yes, it's against the rules of humanity. I would strip them completely naked, wrap a string around them, and make them masturbate. They feed you shit. And backdropping him after he ate shit."

The school he attended was a combination of primary, secondary, high school and university.

The school offers "joint education" where normal children and disabled children are placed in the same class.

A writer who read this interview planned a dialogue between the "bully" and the "bullied", but it did not happen.

It became a personal interview with Keigo Oyamada.

There was a guy named Sawada. He was a very epoch-making guy, and he came to the school when I was in the second grade. It was a shock to the whole school (laughs). When he moved to a new school and introduced himself, he would suddenly say (in a tone that sounded like he had a speech impediment), "I'm Sawada. It's like, "Wow, that's great! Then, on the first day at the new school, I took a dump. It's a felony for elementary school students to take a dump at school, isn't it?

There was a cardboard box or something like that, and I put Sawada in it, tied it all up with duct tape, made air holes in it (laughs), and said, "Hey, Sawada, are you okay? (laughs) Then, with a chalkboard eraser or something, I slapped it around and said, "Poison gas attack! (laughs) Then, I took a blackboard eraser and said, "Poison gas attack! ...? He said something really interesting. I don't know what it was, but he said something like "Mommy" or something like that (laughs), and everyone burst out laughing.

When it comes to his jersey, everyone takes it off, but it's nothing for him to take his dick out, so he just walks around with it out. But he's got a big dick, and it's been that way since elementary school, but in high school it got even bigger (laughs). (laughs) The girls would react to it, so we would take it off on purpose and have him walk down the hallway.




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