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What Japanese Girls Think of Chikan (molesting girls on trains)







Damn, it's really sad and heartbreaking to hear how many of them said yes to being molested...



The comments that were the most shocking was that they would actually take part of the blame for the situation happening. Incredible



Some Random Edgy Guy

Interesting, most women seem to think it's partly their fault, which is worrying. Maybe they're just too considerate and not wanting to give definitive judgement, but if someone molests then he (or she) is on the offensive, taking action and clearly to be blamed. It doesn't matter how short the skirt is or sth like that, if you grope - you're to blame.

2 か月前(編集済み)



Taj Parker

It’s very depressing seeing the ratios. It should’ve been 100% the gropers fault. There’s things that i love about japan but the way they treat women brain washing them into thinking this is somehow their fault is unfathomable.

2 か月前






Culture shock. Very passive attitudes toward sexual harassment.

2 か月前







How likely is your e-cigarette to explode?

I'm not you.

I think it nice.


You don't alone. I don't want to anybody to die.

To my mother and my father.

Dad. Mom.

Thank you for raising me.

This might be my last letter.

If you're ever reincarnated…

and marry each other again,

I would want to be your son again.


I wasn't supposed to end like this.

I was supposed to find happiness, and show you I was happy.

That was the plan. So…

So, I'm praying…

that you would have me as your son again.


How with that sound?

I think it's good as is.

Sir, Is there anyone else you would want to send a letter to?

Maria. To Maria.

Ones to Ms.Maria?

Yes, she's a girl I grew up with. We've known each other since we were kids. She was like a sister to me. She told me she liked me. I think I liked her, too.

But I shipped out before we started acting like a true couple. We didn't even kiss.

Maria, How are you doing?

Do you remember the time you confessed your feelings for me?

I was really, really, really happy.

Maria. Maria, I want to go home to be by your side.

I don't want to die.

I want to go home, to be beside you.

Wait for me, please.

I can't open my eyes anymore,

Are you getting everything down?

Yes, I am.

Violet. Send off the letters for me.

Thank you for helping me.

I don't feel alone.

I am right here. I am right by your side.

I need touch you me. I need your touch.

I am holding your hand now, sir.

Oh I'm getting cold

Dad Mom Maria

"Kiss me"

"Thank you"

"Everything will be okay, sir. I promise your letters will be delivered.

I'm sorry that I wasn't able to protect him.

I'm sorry that let him die.

I don't want to anybody to die.

from the line of "Violet Evergarden"

from a battlefield with love.



"Hatenar" is translated from "はてなー". I think it a proper noun.

A little grammatical mistakes are not crucial things.

What is important is to make you understand what I want to say.

You were able to understand what I wanted to say, right?


Macro Portrait digital photography In the region of Factors

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Feeling of the cat

Translated from http://anond.hatelabo.jp/20110907020451

For a long time, I am in a dark box.

According to someone's comment I heard outside of the box, a tiny bottle containing deadly poison is located in this box. Although the bottle is completely sealed, a hammer is positioned in the vicinity of the bottle. And they said the hammer would fall down at a certain time.

When is "the certain time"? I don't know. In this very moment? Or distant future? Possibly, it already has come (I don't want to think about it). No one can affect the hammer. As an independent event, it will fall down with probability 50%. The probability is exactly 50%. Possibly, the bottle may be broken, or may not. About myself, dead, or, alive.

I must say, how terrible the situation is.

It is impossible for me to avoid having a furious indignation. My life, the most important issue for me, is completely away from me, and is solely dependent on the simple figure, FIFTY PERCENT! Too much terrible.

Additionally, and I think it is completely unreasonable, I am shackled in many ways to keep the probability at exactly 50%.

Visual perception. The box is completely shielded from any light. It's for avoiding me from finding and destroying the bottle and apparatus. Complete darkness. I am in the total darkness. Thus, now I can’t see even the outline of myself. Possibly it sounds strange, the darkness makes me have a doubt about the existence of my body itself.

Acoustic perception. Maybe, from the reason I mentioned above, a perfect sound insulation is used. I can’t hear even the voice of my own. I don't know the mechanism. In the first place, as I can’t see anything, how can I investigate it? So, this is only a speculation, possibly, my drum membranes were damaged before enclosure in this box, or, some special material is used for the wall of the box.

Anyway, in a dark box too much good at shielding light and sound, my visual and acoustic perception is dead just as the term indicates.

As if further confirmation are needed, a huge fatigue weighing heavily upon me is another shackle for me. It seems that they gave me some kind of muscle relaxant to avoid me from struggling. As I can’t change from the same posture, my tactile perception is almost paralyzed.

No light. No sound. Smell and taste are unreliable. Tactile perception is in malfunction. I am like a puppet. All the five senses are out of control of mine. Too much cruel. Perfect shackles. I wish if they had given a sleeping medicine. I feel I am in agony without any external injury. My life, my existence itself, is completely ignored. Such a humiliation keeps my sanity. Only such a humiliation can.

The right to control the life and death of myself is completely deprived. I hate such situation. The core determinant of the continuity of my life is completely dependent upon, solely upon, a pure probability. Completely away from anyone's will. I hate it, again, I hate it!

Why do I have to be enclosed in such a box? In such a ridiculous box, why do I have to be in fear of life and death with such perfect shackles?

Unreasonable. Cruel.

I am lonely. Am I feeling empty and flat? Difficult to avoid sobbing? No. My loneliness is much deeper. I am in a sea of void. I am alone. Completely alone. As an orphan, I was thrown into this endless darkness. I am quivering in the absolute zero.

There is no perspective in this box. Only the darkness is here. I can’t feel the bottle and the hammer. I can’t feel the wall, the bottom, and the ceiling neither. They should be there. But all the five senses of mine are deprived. I feel like there is nothing. While those things have some meanings.

Speaking honestly, I am not so sure I am in a box. I am sure that what I am exists. I am thinking. I am fantasizing. It is the evidence showing the uniqueness of mine, which is called the ego or the consciousness or the mind, is solid. But, is the uniqueness is truly enclosed in the box? Is it possible that it is floating in another space? I can’t eliminate such doubts.

Possibly, what I am here is floating in the end of the universe, or is lying down at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. Or going down from a vent of the Kilauea volcano, maybe.

I don't have any method to know how the box (enclosing me) is. All the senses of mine are dead. It is impossible for me to determine whether here is inside of a box or not.

In addition to that, I am not so sure that I am truly alive. I don't have any way to confirm such a simple thing. Possibly, the 50% probability has already passed beyond me. Maybe I am already dead. I am still alive, maybe. Injected with muscle relaxant, shallow breathes, weak heartbeats. Or, cessation of all of them, simply leaving meat bolus.

I am deprived of any capability of controlling my own body. Who can say that my mind resides in the body continuing vital activities? The five senses have been poisoned with the total darkness. They can’t function as sensory organs. I don't have any chance to know the truth. Possibly, any supposition is fabricated by myself. The situation surrounding me and the uniqueness of myself are components of programmed role-play, possibly.

About the existence of mine, I can’t determine the behavior. I hate to admit it, but I am in the middle of fluctuation.

I wish someone could find me. I wish someone could open the box and observe how I am, and determine what I am. There is not enough power inside me to do so. All I can do is to continue to quiver in the loneliness.

If I were the Almighty, I could say "Let there be light". I know it is impossible. But I can‘t help feeling how nice it would be if I could say so.

My own free will! It could fix every fluctuation surrounding myself!

At the same time, longing produces shadow. If the box is opened, I will be found and observed. As a result, what I am will be determined. To tell the truth, I can’t look away from the fact I am anxious about being determined.

Although I am unable to determine whether I am alive or dead by myself, I am afraid of the death. I am afraid that I am determined as a dead. I can’t accept. Still I can’t feel, I can’t imagine the death as a specific phenomenon. Probably, that is why I am afraid of death.

No, it should not be restricted to me. King of virtue. Deadly murderer. Regular folks. All the same. Maybe, the elder people or patients of bad disease could have some imagination sufficiently close to the true death. But, even so, it is impossible to know the specific experience of death.

In the end, death is the final destination with overwhelming significance. The time and the consciousness have an absolute irreversibility. Death also has the absoluteness which can’t be changed. Even if it is a ritual pass point or an outstanding impressive event.

Myself, the mind of mine here is, will be vanished at the moment at which how I am is determined. If they deprive the lukewarm water, in which I can’t feel the temperature, it is impossible for me to avoid exposing myself to the air.

I am afraid of such an irreversible change. It is not limited to the determination of death. Also I am so anxious that I am determined being alive.

The current existence of myself is like a tiny, tiny illusion standing on an endless point. Not larger than that. Not smaller than that. Not longer than that. Not shorter than that. No expansion. No shrinkage. Standing upon a unique single point. It is mathematically correct. I am something like a ghost staying upon such a point, having confusion about identity of myself.

The point exists at every position on a plane of coordinates, at the same time, not existing at a certain position. If a certain event occurs, on that moment, it will converge me to a single point among all the space-times, in which the event has occurred, as if having me step off a bus. Without any concern. Even if the point and I have been a one. The illusion, which has stayed in such a point, has possibilities of being real and being vanished like a mist, to an equal degree.

Now, I am existing in every time-space, I have every nature. At the same time, I am suffering from the loneliness that I am away from every nature. I wish someone can find me. At the same time, I am so anxious that where I will be, and that how I will be at that moment.

I have been released from the law of cause and effect. I am undetermined ever, for ever.






# 回答がまったく助けになっていないのが酷い。


怠け癖が再発してしまったのでしょうか? | 教えて!goo プラス - 教えて!goo


















第4回 これってうつ病?それともなまけ? | Think IT



"しかし、最近増加している若い世代のうつ病は、自己愛的で、社会ルールストレスと感じ、仕事熱心ではない傾向を持つタイプで、現代型うつ病やディスチミア親和型うつ病などといわれています。もともとやる気に乏しく、熱心に何かに取り組んで認められた経験のない人が多いのも特徴です。友人とはうまくいくが、仕事ノルマ上司との関係など厳しい社会生活で簡単に壁にぶつかり、うつ状態に陥ってしまます。 "








岡野憲一郎のブログ:気弱な精神科医 Ken Okano. A Blog of an insecure psychiatrist: うつ病再考 (2) 怠け病は本当にないのか?








岡野憲一郎のブログ:気弱な精神科医 Ken Okano. A Blog of an insecure psychiatrist: うつ病再考 その(7) かくしてうつは誤解される








岡野憲一郎のブログ:気弱な精神科医 Ken Okano. A Blog of an insecure psychiatrist: うつ病再考 その(11)結論


































Call me taxi と同じで、通じるか通じないかと言われれば、相手も人間から、通じるけど





Please help me.

It is some credit card trouble.

It is not inbalid in your site. I think it is not true. It is active.





1. ビジネスを立ち上げる日を設定する。BeckySheila場合は、5月会社をその年の9月に設立すると決めた。最初は「どんなにか大変だろう」と思ったのだが、それほどでもないことに気づいたが、日付にはこだわった。信念を持って計画を達成しよう。

2. 自分たちに完璧を求めないこと。努力するのはよいことだけど、顧客のための自分のドアを開く方法を見つけた方がよい。

3. テスト期間中に収益をあげよう。ビジネスを立ち上げ、ビジネスを始めるときには、すでに顧客からのフィードバック、何を売るのか、何に優れているのか、何が収益が高いのか、自分が何がしたいのか、ということが土台になっているように。

4. 狭いターゲットに絞ろう。これは非常に難しいことだ。なぜなら、人間の傾向として、巨大な市場の後についていって成長するほうが簡単だと、考えがちだからだ。小さな市場サービス提供するという信念は、最もよいチャンスに注力することや、とてもよい製品ソリューションを作るときに役立つはずだ。そうすれば顧客クチコミによってそれを広め売上がついてくるだろう。

5. 顧客課題を解決するために自分たちのツールを売り込むことよりも、顧客課題自体に集中しよう。この心構えは、ビジネスプランを練ったり、製品顧客ニーズに合わせることに役立つはずだ。これは、異なる製品サービスビジネスを成長させるためのソリューションになるかもしれないということを気づかせるかもしれない。


5 Secrets from a Profitable Start-Up business

 A year ago, Becky McCray and Sheila Scarborough were entrepreneurs with their own businesses who attended the SOBCon conference and decided to partner to start a business. By September 2009, they had launched Tourism Currents to teach tourism professionals how to use social media. In their first month, they generated a profit. Today, they came back to SOBCon and shared the secrets of their success, with the caveat ? these are not rules, the path has not been perfect, but it worked for them, so it could work for you too:


 1.Set a deadline to launch your business. They decided in May that they would launch in September, and stuck to the deadline even as they learned their initial expectations of “How hard could it be?” were inaccurate. Push forward and…

 2.Don’t expect perfection of yourself. It is good to strive for this, but is better to find a way to open your doors to customers so you can…

 3.Generate revenue while you test. Launch and iterate on your business based on feedback from your customers, what sells, what you’re good at, what is profitable, what you want to do.

 4.Solve for a narrow target. This is very difficult because our natural tendency is to think it is easier to grow by going after a big market. Trust that solving for a narrow market helps you focus on the best opportunities and will help you create great products and solutions that your customers help you sell through word of mouth.

 5.Focus on your customer’s problems rather than the tools you’re selling to solve them. Having this mindset allows you to evolve both your business plan and products to meet their needs. This allows you to see that a different tool (your product or service), rather than a better one, might be the solution that helps you grow your business.



ザ・コーヴ』狂想曲 海外メディア関係者監督を直撃!(英訳

ザ・コーヴ』狂想曲 海外メディア関係者監督を直撃!(後編)






== What was the production intention of the movie?

I wanted to change the world.

It's not just a movie to pay $10 and have fun.

Both dolphins and Japanese will be happy with this.

== You don't eat dolphins. But how about other creatures like fish ?

There was a time I did not eat them.

But, without meat my body lack energy.

So, I now eat some.

== Don't you need to eat fish and animal to gain energy ?

I mainly eat small and short living fish like sardine.

It's in the bottom of the food chain.

Long living fish contains liquid silver.

== I am not asking about the liquid silver problem. I am asking about the need to eat animal and fish, and the food culture.

Ideally speaking, I would like to be a vegetarian.

But I do not have that strong will.


== You say that killing dolphins are cruel. Don't you eat cows and pigs ?

In '86, I went to the slaughterhouse, and after that I could not eat cows and pigs.

I do not ask my wife and kids to stop eating them, and I do not ask Japanese to stop eating them too.

== Does that mean that you stopped eating not because it is cruel, but it makes you feel sick ?

I am a vegetarian. I do not eat animals that walk.


== In your movie, you keep telling that the Japanese government hides information about liquid silver. But the Health, Labour and Welfare Ministry of Japan has the data about 60 types of fish out into the open.

It also saids that it could have influence to expectant mother.

It was repored by the news, and was much discussed.

But I do not trust that numerical value.

In our research, the numbers are much higher.

== I am not talking about the numbers. I am asking about the description, hiding, that you are repeatedly using in your film.

The government releases the data, but on the net, people will not see it, and the numbers are not correct.


== You entered into a restricted area for filming. And you also did a secret filming while you talked with the police. Don't you have a law-abiding spirit ?

If I secretly film the savagery in Auschwitz, will I be blamed ?

== I am not talking about Auschwitz. I am talking about Ohtacho.

I think it's in the same range.

Many people must know this.


Original Story : The Cove madness (Written in japanese)



Wonder why he didn't go to Europe for filming.

Just hated yellow monkeys?

Dolphin Slaughter in Europe


How about Seal Slaughter ?

Canada's Seal Slaughter



EA Sports Active



★☆☆☆☆ Not a More Cardio Wii Fit, Rather a Disaster of a Product, July 16, 2009

The concept is fantastic but the wiimote/sensor interaction is too finicky. It made the workout too frustrating. Specifically:

  • Some of the exercises work great on one side but not the other. Moving the sensor doesn't fix it.
  • If the way you hold the wiimote/nunchuck is off even slightly, the exercise stops and waits for you. You have to guess what it's waiting for.
  • There reps are not timed to the music and there's no consistency to the timing. Instead of getting into the flow of the reps, it waits for you before it does the next rep. There's too much "thinking" time between reps making it hard to get a good flow to your workout.
  • When doing reps, it's normal to anticipate the next rep, but this game does not allow for that. You finish a rep, the program goes back to the top of its do loop and then it does the next rep. It's very choppy - there's no smooth rhythm to the reps.
  • If you move even a little faster than the "follow me" droid it stops completely (like its giving up), puts a note on the screen and waits for you to go back to the top of the rep.
  • The instruction videos take FOREVER to demonstrate a simple exercise. Between that and the delay between reps, there's lots of down time.

Overall, I found it very frustrating because every time my workout started to flow, something interrupted it. I've had the Wii for over a year, and play with it daily so I don't think it's a learning curve issue.


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