
EA Sports Active



★☆☆☆☆ Not a More Cardio Wii Fit, Rather a Disaster of a Product, July 16, 2009

The concept is fantastic but the wiimote/sensor interaction is too finicky. It made the workout too frustrating. Specifically:

  • Some of the exercises work great on one side but not the other. Moving the sensor doesn't fix it.
  • If the way you hold the wiimote/nunchuck is off even slightly, the exercise stops and waits for you. You have to guess what it's waiting for.
  • There reps are not timed to the music and there's no consistency to the timing. Instead of getting into the flow of the reps, it waits for you before it does the next rep. There's too much "thinking" time between reps making it hard to get a good flow to your workout.
  • When doing reps, it's normal to anticipate the next rep, but this game does not allow for that. You finish a rep, the program goes back to the top of its do loop and then it does the next rep. It's very choppy - there's no smooth rhythm to the reps.
  • If you move even a little faster than the "follow me" droid it stops completely (like its giving up), puts a note on the screen and waits for you to go back to the top of the rep.
  • The instruction videos take FOREVER to demonstrate a simple exercise. Between that and the delay between reps, there's lots of down time.

Overall, I found it very frustrating because every time my workout started to flow, something interrupted it. I've had the Wii for over a year, and play with it daily so I don't think it's a learning curve issue.


  • 訳すなんてほどのもんじゃないだろう。 要は コンセプトはいいんだけどさあ wiimote(新しいコントローラ?)のセンサーがクソすぎる死ね シーケンス処理とか同期処理とかがクソすぎて...

    • サンキュ。 海外では「ポストWiifit」って多いんだなー http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001H0RZX2/ http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001KX504C/ UBI Softのが比較的高評価って感じだった。 同会社の「ラビッツ...


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