はてなキーワード: headsとは
相手に判断をゆだねている点が尊重する態度として受けとられるらしい(例 You might want to read this. これを読んでみるのはどうでしょう。)。
Would you like to ...? も似た部類に入る。
Can you ...? Could you ...? で代替できることもあるけど、これらはどちらかというと頼みごととして受けとられる。
例:If I may suggest, it's better to use foobar for this. ひとつ提案させてもらえるなら、ここは foobar がいいかと
単に if I may と suggest 抜きの例もよくあって、動詞がないので初見ではパースしにくかった。
例:Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. もし質問がおありでしたら遠慮なくお訊きください。
個人間の会話・論文みたいなものではあまり使わないが、ややオフィシャルなメールで比較的よく見る。意味の上では "If ..." とそれほど違いはないんじゃないかと思う。
上述の You might want や would like と同様、丁寧に語りかける表現という位置付け(だから多分、ステートメントをばしっと書く公式文書などでは普通使わない)。
類句の we regret と比べて、軽めの話題や、多少決定的でないことに対しても使う(例 I'm afraid you got it wrong. すみませんが、あなたの勘違いじゃないでしょうか)。
I'm sorry (but) もあるけど、I'm afraid のほうがなんか大人語っぽい。
よく日本語の「すみません」の感覚で I'm sorry を使うと「悪いとも思ってないのに何で謝るんだ」という話になったりするけれども、
I'm afraid は謝罪の意味はないのでその辺は気兼ねなく使える。
内輪の場合、 ..., I'm afraid. と最後につけるややくだけた構文もある。
例: I'm all for that. It might be expensive, though. 大賛成です。ただ、高いかもしれないですけど。
however, ... でも悪くないが、 ..., though のほうが「おまけ」的雰囲気がある(逆に言えば、however はそれ以下がメインだと受けとられる恐れがある)。
インフォーマルに「お知らせしておきます」的な名詞(例 This is just a heads up. ちょっとお知らせしておきます)。
類句に FYI (for your information) があるが、 heads up のほうが積極的。
相手が一人でも heads と常に複数形なのに注意(a に惑わされない)。
例:With that said, there are a few rules you need to remember. その上で、覚えておくべきルールもいくつかあります。
Having that said, [I/we] ...も類句。
The publication in France of our book Impostures Intellectuelles [1] appears to have created a small storm in certain intellectual circles. According to Jon Henley in The Guardian, we have shown that ``modern French philosophy is a load of old tosh.''[2] According to Robert Maggiori in Libération, we are humourless scientistic pedants who correct grammatical errors in love letters.[3] We shall try to explain here why neither is the case.
Some commentators go farther, attacking not our arguments but our alleged motivations for writing the book. Julia Kristeva, writing in Le Nouvel Observateur, accuses us of spreading ``disinformation'' as part of an anti-French politico-economic campaign[4]; she was even quoted (we hope misquoted) by the Italian daily Corriere della Sera as saying that we should undergo psychiatric treatment.[5] Vincent Fleury and Yun Sun Limet, again in Libération, accuse us of seeking to divert research funds from the social to the natural sciences.[6] These defences are curious: for even if our motivations were indeed as ascribed (and they most certainly aren't), how would that affect the validity or invalidity of our arguments? We have the modest hope that calmer heads will soon prevail among both our supporters and our critics, so that the debate can focus on the substantive content of our book.
Which is what? The book grew out of the now-famous hoax in which one of us published, in the American cultural-studies journal Social Text, a parody article chock-full of nonsensical, but unfortunately authentic, quotes about physics and mathematics by prominent French and American intellectuals.[7] However, only a small fraction of the ``dossier'' discovered during Sokal's library research could be included in the parody. After showing this larger dossier to scientist and non-scientist friends, we became (slowly) convinced that it might be worth making it available to a wider audience. We wanted to explain, in non-technical terms, why the quotes are absurd or, in many cases, simply meaningless; and we wanted also to discuss the cultural circumstances that enabled these discourses to achieve such prominence and to remain, thus far, unexposed. Hence our book, the noise and the furore.
上記cssを2chで宣伝してみたら、こんなのがあるよと、 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/oryzan/20080706 を教えてもらいました。