「Time Zone」を含む日記 RSS

はてなキーワード: Time Zoneとは





日本人以外では「Akashi Time Zone」とか表示されても分からないだろうね。



電子版のサブスクリプション解約に際して、ウェブで完結してるだけマシじゃね? と思ったのは、ニューヨークタイムズで以下の経験したことがあるから


解約のオンラインフォームがなくなってんだけどマジ? って問い合わせを送ったら来た自動返信

Thank you for contacting NYTimes.com Online Customer Care. We’re sorry to see that you’re considering canceling your digital subscription. An Account Management Specialist will need to speak with you to assist with your request. We hope youll reconsider and call us at 1-877-698-5635 to reach a member of our Account Management Team. We are available to assist you from 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday-Friday or 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday & Sunday (ET). Please reference this email when speaking with our Account Management team. If you prefer, we can call you. Please email us at unsubscribe@nytimes.com and provide your phone number and the best time to call you (including time zone). An Account Management team member will contact you to validate and process your request.




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Thank you for contacting NYTimes.com. We’re sorry to see that you’re considering canceling your digital subscription. An Account Management Specialist will need to speak with you to assist with your request. We hope youll reconsider and accept our offer to continue your digital subscription and save 50% off for the next 26 weeks.

Please call us at 1-877-698-5635 to reach a member of our Account Management Team. We are available to assist you from 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday-Friday or 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday & Sunday (ET). Please reference this email when speaking with our Account Management team.


■4 解約しといたか

This email confirms the cancellation of your New York Times subscription. We're sorry to see you go and hope we may be able to serve you again in the future. We would greatly appreciate hearing your feedback regarding your experience as a subscriber. Would you take a moment to fill out a short survey?





Thunderbird から Outlook 2007 にメールを移行


古い情報だと Outlook Express を経由しろと書いてあるので、後継であるらしいWindows Live Mail を経由して(Windows Live Mail からエクスポートする方法で)

Outlook に移行したのだが、どういうわけか宛名が文字列として移行されてしまい、xxx@example.com というメールアドレスの移行ができなかったんです

で eml → msg もしくは pst 形式への変換ソフトを探すのですが、無料ものが見つからなくてあんまり情報もありませんでした。が、ありましたよ!お兄さん。

これなら、msg ⇔ eml の相互変換ができますです





MAPI data collection and parsing tool. Supports property tag lookup, error translation,
   smart view processing, rule tables, ACL tables, contents tables, and MAPI<->MIME conversion.
MrMAPI currently knows:
  3916 property tags
   801 dispids
    35 types
    58 guids
   148 errors
    27 smart view parsers

   MrMAPI -?
   MrMAPI [-Search] [-Dispids] [-Number] [-Type <type>] <property number>|<property name>
   MrMAPI -Guids
   MrMAPI -Error <error>
   MrMAPI -ParserType <type> -Input <input file> [-Binary] [-Output <output file>]
   MrMAPI -Flag <flag value> [-Dispids] [-Number] <property number>|<property name>
   MrMAPI -Rules [-Profile <profile>] [-Folder <folder>]
   MrMAPI -Acl [-Profile <profile>] [-Folder <folder>]
   MrMAPI [-Contents | -HiddenContents] [-Profile <profile>] [-Folder <folder>] [-Output <output directory>]
          [-Subject <subject>] [-MessageClass <message class>] [-MSG] [-List]
   MrMAPI -ChildFolders [-Profile <profile>] [-Folder <folder>]
   MrMAPI -XML -Input <path to input file> -Output <path to output file>
   MrMAPI -FID [fid] [-MID [mid]] [-Profile <profile>]
   MrMAPI -MAPI | -MIME -Input <path to input file> -Output <path to output file> [-CCSFFlags <conversion flags>]
          [-RFC822] [-Wrap <Decimal number of characters>] [-Encoding <Decimal number indicating encoding>]
          [-AddressBook] [-Unicode] [-Charset CodePage CharSetType CharSetApplyType]

All switches may be shortened if the intended switch is unambiguous.
For example, -T may be used instead of -Type.

   -?   Display expanded help.

   Property Tag Lookup:
   -S   (or -Search) Perform substring search.
           With no parameters prints all known properties.
   -D   (or -Dispids) Search dispids.
   -N   (or -Number) Number is in decimal. Ignored for non-numbers.
   -T   (or -Type) Print information on specified type.
           With no parameters prints list of known types.
           When combined with -S, restrict output to given type.
   -G   (or -Guids) Display list of known guids.

   Flag Lookup:
   -Fl  (or -Flag) Look up flags for specified property.
           May be combined with -D and -N switches, but all flag values must be in hex.

   Error Parsing:
   -E   (or -Error) Map an error code to its name and vice versa.
           May be combined with -S and -N switches.

   Smart View Parsing:
   -P   (or -ParserType) Parser type (number). See list below for supported parsers.
   -B   (or -Binary) Input file is binary. Default is hex encoded text.

   Rules Table:
   -R   (or -Rules) Output rules table. Profile optional.

   ACL Table:
   -A   (or -Acl) Output ACL table. Profile optional.

   Contents Table:
   -C   (or -Contents) Output contents table. May be combined with -H. Profile optional.
   -H   (or -HiddenContents) Output associated contents table. May be combined with -C. Profile optional
   -Su  (or -Subject) Subject of messages to output.
   -Me  (or -MessageClass) Message class of messages to output.
   -Ms  (or -MSG) Output as .MSG instead of XML.
   -L   (or -List) List details to screen and do not output files.

   Child Folders:
   -Chi (or -ChildFolders) Display child folders of selected folder.

   MSG File Properties
   -X   (or -XML) Output properties of an MSG file as XML.

   MID/FID Lookup
   -Fi  (or -FID) Folder ID (FID) to search for.
           If -FID is specified without a FID, search/display all folders
   -Mid (or -MID) Message ID (MID) to search for.
           If -MID is specified without a MID, display all messages in folders specified by the FID parameter.

   MAPI <-> MIME Conversion:
   -Ma  (or -MAPI) Convert an EML file to MAPI format (MSG file).
   -Mi  (or -MIME) Convert an MSG file to MIME format (EML file).
   -I   (or -Input) Indicates the input file for conversion, either a MIME-formatted EML file or an MSG file.
   -O   (or -Output) Indicates the output file for the convertion.
   -Cc  (or -CCSFFlags) Indicates specific flags to pass to the converter.
           Available values (these may be OR'ed together):
              MIME -> MAPI:
                CCSF_SMTP:        0x02
                CCSF_INCLUDE_BCC: 0x20
                CCSF_USE_RTF:     0x80
              MAPI -> MIME:
                CCSF_NOHEADERS:        0x0004
                CCSF_USE_TNEF:         0x0010
                CCSF_8BITHEADERS:      0x0040
                CCSF_PLAIN_TEXT_ONLY:  0x1000
                CCSF_NO_MSGID:         0x4000
                CCSF_EMBEDDED_MESSAGE: 0x8000
   -Rf  (or -RFC822) (MAPI->MIME only) Indicates the EML should be generated in RFC822 format.
           If not present, RFC1521 is used instead.
   -W   (or -Wrap) (MAPI->MIME only) Indicates the maximum number of characters in each line in the
           generated EML. Default value is 74. A value of 0 indicates no wrapping.
   -En  (or -Encoding) (MAPI->MIME only) Indicates the encoding type to use. Supported values are:
              1 - Base64
              2 - UUENCODE
              3 - Quoted-Printable
              4 - 7bit (DEFAULT)
              5 - 8bit
   -Ad  (or -AddressBook) Pass MAPI Address Book into converter. Profile optional.
   -U   (or -Unicode) (MIME->MAPI only) The resulting MSG file should be unicode.
   -Ch  (or -Charset) (MIME->MAPI only) Character set - three required parameters:
           CodePage - common values (others supported)
              1252  - CP_USASCII      - Indicates the USASCII character set, Windows code page 1252
              1200  - CP_UNICODE      - Indicates the Unicode character set, Windows code page 1200
              50932 - CP_JAUTODETECT  - Indicates Japanese auto-detect (50932)
              50949 - CP_KAUTODETECT  - Indicates Korean auto-detect (50949)
              50221 - CP_ISO2022JPESC - Indicates the Internet character set ISO-2022-JP-ESC
              50222 - CP_ISO2022JPSIO - Indicates the Internet character set ISO-2022-JP-SIO
           CharSetType - supported values (see CHARSETTYPE)
              0 - CHARSET_BODY
              1 - CHARSET_HEADER
              2 - CHARSET_WEB
           CharSetApplyType - supported values (see CSETAPPLYTYPE)
              0 - CSET_APPLY_UNTAGGED
              1 - CSET_APPLY_ALL
              2 - CSET_APPLY_TAG_ALL

   Universal Options:
   -I   (or -Input) Input file.
   -O   (or -Output) Output file or directory.
   -F   (or -Folder) Folder to scan. Default is Inbox. See list below for supported folders.
           Folders may also be specified by path:
              "Top of Information Store\Calendar"
           Path may be preceeded by entry IDs for special folders using @ notation:
           MrMAPI's special folder constants may also be used:
   -Pr  (or -Profile) Profile for MAPILogonEx.
   -M   (or -MoreProperties) More properties. Tries harder to get stream properties. May take longer.
   -No  (or -NoAddins) No Addins. Don't load any add-ins.
   -On  (or -Online) Online mode. Bypass cached mode.
   -V   (or -Verbose) Verbose. Turn on all debug output.

Smart View Parsers:
    1 Additional Ren Entry IDs Ex
    2 Appointment Recurrence Pattern
    3 Conversation Index
    4 Entry Id
    5 Entry List
    6 Extended Folder Flags
    7 Extended Rule Condition
    8 Flat Entry List
    9 Folder User Fields Stream
   10 Global Object Id
   11 Property
   12 Property Definition Stream
   13 Recipient Row Stream
   14 Recurrence Pattern
   15 Report Tag
   16 Restriction
   17 Rule Condition
   18 Search Folder Definition
   19 Security Descriptor
   20 SID
   21 Task Assigners
   22 Time Zone
   23 Time Zone Definition
   24 Web View Persistence Object Stream
   25 Nickname Cache
   26 Encode Entry ID
   27 Decode Entry ID

    1 Calendar
    2 Contacts
    3 Journal
    4 Notes
    5 Tasks
    6 Reminders
    7 Drafts
    8 Sent Items
    9 Outbox
   10 Deleted Items
   11 Finder
   13 Inbox
   14 Local Freebusy
   15 Conflicts
   16 Sync Issues
   17 Local Failures
   18 Server Failures
   19 Junk E-mail


   MrMAPI 0x3001001e
   MrMAPI 3001001e
   MrMAPI 3001

   MrMAPI -n 12289

   MrMAPI -t 3102
   MrMAPI -t

   MrMAPI -s display
   MrMAPI -s display -t PT_LONG
   MrMAPI -t 102 -s display

   MrMAPI -d dispidReminderTime
   MrMAPI -d 0x8502
   MrMAPI -d -s reminder
   MrMAPI -d -n 34050

   MrMAPI -p 17 -i webview.txt -o parsed.txt
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