「Fish」を含む日記 RSS

はてなキーワード: Fishとは










When I was 18 y/o, I went to a festival with my friends. After I enjoyed it very much, I walked back home. I found a kingyo in a plastic bag which was tied to a tree. Though I didn't want it so much either, I thought it would die soon if I didn't help it. So I returned home with it - I didn't know if it's a male or female.

I told my mother that I brought a fish, she prepared a tank for it. The fish became a member of our family.

I should tell you its name. But I can't do so because I forgot to give it a name. It was just called "kingyo".

Some months later, I had to leave my hometown to go to a university. My parents have two children, a daughter and a son. The daughter had already married and moved out. After that, I also left home, and they remained by themselves. I think they felt lonely.

When my father called me, he didn't have many things to speak. So he told me about 'my' kingyo which was left at the home. Though I wasn't interested in it, I was glad that my father wanted to speak with me. I think they took care it instead of me. Every time I returned home, it became bigger.

Later, my father died, and my mother followed.

The fish was left to me. It is still alive. Its length is about 15 cm. Now I feel a little love for it. But it doesn't still have a name.


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[Translation] <翻訳サイト

  1. Yahoo! Babel Fish - Text Translation and Web Page Translation
  2. WorldLingo Language Translation Services. Free Online translations. Translation Software.
  3. Free Translation and Professional Translation Services from SDL
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  5. Google Translate
  6. Im Translator : Free Translation Service
  7. Dictionary.com
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[Dictionary] <辞書

  1. Glosbe - 多言語オンライン辞書
  2. English Online Dictionaries and References | rhb's warehouse
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  4. Google Dictionary
  5. LEXILOGOS Online dictionaries, maps, documents - languages & countries
  6. Answers.com: Wiki Q&A combined with free online dictionary, thesaurus, and encyclopedias
  7. Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA)
  8. Wiktionary
  9. English to French, Italian, German & Spanish Dictionary - WordReference.com
  10. 英辞郎 on the WEB: 地球人ネットワークを創るアルク:スペースアルク
  11. 怒涛の翻訳辞書
  12. Cambridge Dictionaries Online - Cambridge University Press
  13. Dictionary and Thesaurus - Merriam-Webster Online
  14. ALLWORDS.COM -Online Dictionary, Language Guide, Foreign Language and Etymology
  15. Visuwords™ online graphical dictionary and thesaurus
  16. 英語学習辞典-英和辞典 和英辞典, Japanese-English-Japanese Dictionary
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  19. Longman English Dictionary Online
  20. OneLook Dictionary Search
  21. Dictionary.com
  22. English-Chinese Online Dictionary
  23. Spanish to English Dictionary | Translation | Translator
  24. Free Dictionaries project
  25. Language Tools - iTools
  26. Foreignword.com - The Language Site: Online dictionaries & free translation tools
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  28. Mongolian English Dictionary
  29. Online Japanese dictionary - new technology
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  3. オンライン学術用語
  1. Croatian-English -- English-Croatian Dictionary
  2. EUdict | European dictionary
  3. Croatian - English online dictionary | Hrvatsko - Engleski online rječnik
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  1. Translate at Dictionary.com
  2. English-MultiLingual Online Dictionary. Free online English-MultiLingual translation
  3. Foreign Language Online Dictionaries and Free Translation Links
Special Terms 用途
  1. Internet Slang words - Internet Dictionary - InternetSlang.com
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  4. On-line based typing in Japanese
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    2. http://sumibi.org/
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  6. Internet Japanese Test
  7. rikaichan | polarcloud.com
  8. EReK (English Sentence Search)
  9. JReK - Japanese Sentence Search
  10. ライフサイエンス辞書プロジェクト
  11. Browse Language Support / アドオン検索 :: Firefox Add-ons
  12. Mozilla Japan - Firefoxアドオン - 拡張機能 - 辞書翻訳
  13. East Asian Translator :: Firefox Add-ons
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  15. 辞書翻訳/キングソフト辞書
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