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Are people really uncomfortable about All-gender Restrooms?

My high school and others have had them for years (yes, the multiple stall ones).

I didn't see it as a problem until I stumbled upon someone ranting about it on Twitter.

I usually just don't go in there since it's often crowded.

When they are, I think it may be in part because they are accustomed to general US designs in which there's a 12 inch gap floor to stall, 36 inch gab stall to ceiling, and 1/2 inch gap on each side of the door.

The lack of privacy is uncomfortable (at least for me) in any restroom.

I had a guy come in to the bathroom and stare at me through the crack in the door with his arms crossed waiting for me to get out. I hate American bathrooms so much

You want to know the secret?

Business's don't want to have a constantly shit in luxury bathroom to maintain but they know having a bathroom is good for customer relations so they make a bathroom that nobody wants to use.

I have not taken a dump in a public bathroom in at least 10 years. Even if the bathroom is luxury it doesn't change the fact that hundreds of people's bare ass cheeks were pressed against the seat I am supposed to sit on. No amount of permeable paper is going to ease my mind on that one.

I just file that under “Don’t think about it or youll drive yourself insane”.

Top of that list: Doorknobs.




A long time ago, in a certain country, there was a bastard named Cinderella. The reason why she is called Cinderella is because she sprinkled her own ashes on her own head at her mother's funeral, which led to her being called the ash-coverer, which is why her real name is Cinderella. I lost

The husband who lost his wife was also a bastard, and the day after the funeral he cheated on a woman three years younger than him, had sex with her, and even got married.

I have decided. Then, to her Cinderella

She now has an older sister and a younger sister who are not related by blood.

Her sister was a bitch too, she came to Cinderella's house

After a few days, she thought, ``Wouldn't it be more convenient to have an outbuilding?'' and cut down Cinderella's mother's grave in her garden and the hundreds of years old tree that was next to her grave, and built an outbuilding. We forced construction.

One day, the bastard's family receives news of a ball from the castle. But before Cinderella could read it, her sister broke the news and said, ``There's no way you can go.'' Cinderella didn't seem to have any intention of going either, saying, ``I had no intention of going in the first place.I'd rather go to hell.''

Then, on the day her mother was admitted to the hospital to give birth, her sister went to the ball. In the garden, the construction of an outbuilding was progressing as usual.

Let’s light a fire here and make a bonfire.”

She thought about that, but Cinderella stopped her. Suddenly, a witch appeared

``Cinderella, why aren't you going to the ball?'' asked the witch.

"What's the point of telling Teme?"

Cinderella returned with an ax in her hand

Then, for some reason, Cinderella was wrapped in a jewel-like dress.

"If you don't go to the ball, that dress will kill you. Now go."

Cinderella doesn't want to die in a place like this, so she reluctantly decides to go to the castle.

In the castle, some asshole like her sister was looking for a one-night stand and was dancing wildly. No one really praised others, and in their hearts they all seemed to think that they were the center of the world.

Cinderella didn't dance, but killed her time by smoking a cigarette at the end of her room. There, she was approached by a man wearing formal clothes that were flashier and more expensive than anyone else, and said to her, ``Miss, won't you dance?''

She is Cinderella with a cigarette in her mouth

She said, ``I only dance with the Grim Reaper and bad luck.''

she answered. For some reason, the man fell in love with her at first sight, and she said, ``Let's have some fun in the other room.Here, come.'' She tried to force Cinderella to take her to another room in the castle. However, Cinderella pressed the cigarette she was holding into her hand.

"Her hand slipped," she laughed.

When she pressed the cigarette, the sound in her voice was so pitiful that no one tried to get close to him or dance with him. Of course, no one even knows that such a pitiful man is the prince who owns this castle.

Eventually, she had enough, Cinderella threw her shoes on her stairs and went back to her house in her bare feet. Her shoes were made of glass, so they shattered into pieces.

The next day, while her servant was cleaning the castle, she found one shoe on the stairs. Obviously thinking this was strange, she secretly examined her shoes and discovered that they had been smeared with a deadly amount of poison.

Rumors spread within the castle that this must be an attempt to kill the prince, and soon a large-scale investigation was conducted. Even though it's a survey, it's simple.

The idea was to create a replica of a shoe and imprison the person who matched it perfectly as a suspect.

And one after another, people were imprisoned just because of their size. Some of them had not been to the ball, but they thought it must be a lie and were forcibly taken away.

Eventually, an investigation came to Cinderella's house. That's when we all looked at her mother and child after she was discharged from the hospital, and of course her sister didn't fit.

So all that was left was Cinderella. Then, her sister said to Cinderella, ``Hell suits you better than this world.''

She was of course the perfect size for Cinderella.

However, she protested her innocence, saying that I hadn't gone to the ball and there was no dress anywhere in the house to prove it.

However, the prince showed him an empty pack of cigarettes that had been discarded in a trash can and said, ``This is the same brand that the criminal was smoking that time.Why?''

Then Cinderella grinned and

I unbuttoned all the buttons on her jacket.

She said, ``After all, I feel like dancing with the Grim Reaper. Right, little prince?'' she said.

By the time the princes realized it, it was already too late.

The grenade that fell at his feet blew up Cinderella and the prince.

The time was around noon. Bells rang throughout the city and residents prayed for lunch.

The flying fragments of the shoe became a weapon, a sad fragment that could only hurt someone, and no one could imagine its original form.



Xi farm is just the farmer Guo money circle tool

Guo Wengui has always defined his people as "saving China from fire and water" and "letting his comrades live a decent life" through Xi Farm, who knows there is a big conspiracy behind it. When it comes to farms, to borrow Mark Twain's phrase "The fragrance of earth, the pale colors of wildflowers, and the crackling of pecans and walnuts raining down on my head" is what most of us yearn for in a good life on a farm. However, the Himalayan farm in Guo Wengui's mouth, from the beginning to describe the scene as a general farm, to later say that "it is not to make money, the key is that comrades go to each country, have a safe platform that can be trusted for 24 hours and can be taken care of." After several years of Guo Wengui's mouth, a living farm was completely reduced to a "complete business organization." To complete the farm's series transformation to pave the way, Wengui only moved his lips, and his ultimate purpose is "to Himalayan farms around the country to start earning money from comrades." From September 2020, Guo Wengui said, "GDOLLAR is pegged to the US dollar, which is cash, and we have POS machines." Send to the global farm POS machine, local farm personnel responsible for promotion. Promotion success, excellent performance, will get a certain percentage and reward "began, Guo Wengui just put" circle money ants help, extract the last bit of surplus value "these words on the face. Indeed, on March 24, Wengui said again that there were 140 million US dollars in the money, it can be seen that under Guo Wengui's money grab mode, the ants muddily joined in, expecting to live the happy life described by Wengui, but they did not know that they had become the main course of Wengui's scam.


画像生成 AI (LoRA)によるポルノ被害







以下のPostが X (Twitter) で話題になっていました。



(2.5万RT, 16万いいね 863コメント


元の投稿は (r/TwoXChromosomes)になされたものです。 

内容はインスタグラム写真を使われてポルノ画像を作られてしまったという話です。調べてみると友人、知人に LoRAされた AIポルノを生成されたという被害はそこそこ稀にあるトラブルのようです。今回炎上しているのは警察対応してくれないということについてです。以下翻訳


(r/TwoXChromosomes) url:https://x.gd/gl4BT









Someone made AI porn of me…

…And the police officer said they can’t do anything about it. The phone call (to the non-emergency line) lasted four minutes. He didn’t even ask for my name. He told me to block them and hope they don’t contact me again. Like I hadn’t already blocked them by the time I decided to report it.

The person had taken a photo of me from my instagram and put it though an AI generator… and it looked sickeningly realistic. It didn’t look altered at all. Even the fingers were fine. It was so uncanny-valley. I am shaking, and I don’t know what to do.

Is this really what life as a woman has come to?






Laws always lag far behind technology.

File a DMCA takedown notice with the hosting service. It's your copyrighted image being used without your permission, you can even sue if you want. (+ 2.9k)







































RoLA  → LoRA

LoRAする → の写真で追加学習させる

LoRAされた → AIポルノを生成された


あー すでにあるんですか・・・・困りましたね





短縮url 追記しました



増田仕様でRで始まる某所へのリンクが貼れなくて困っていたのですが、短縮url がありましたね




https://www.theverge.com/2023/11/29/23982046/sam-altman-interview-openai-ceo-rehired このインタビューにおいて、サムアルトマン氏の解任理由を明かさないという姿勢は明確である




















※ OpenAI researchers warned board of AI breakthrough ahead of CEO ouster, sources say


記事中のAI Breakthroughである Q*(Q star) を独自解釈解説している動画の一つ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3d0kk88IE8c




「No particular comment on that unfortunate leak」(「不運なリークに関してコメントはありません」)。




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFFvqRemDv8 50分40秒頃より

"The model capability will have taken such a leap forward that no one expected.”






























[] 例えばウルトラ雑にAIに尋ねるとこうなるのよな・・・





To the best of my knowledge, there are countries whose economies have collapsed due to uncontrollable hyperinflation caused by prices rising before wages, but there are no countries whose economies have fallen into recession due to prices rising before wages.

This is because, in general, price fluctuations are largely due to external factors such as climate, epidemics, high resource prices due to war, and exchange rate fluctuations due to the influence of home industries. On the other hand, if wages rise first and people can afford to buy goods, a virtuous cycle will develop, provided that the home industry does not suffer a fatal situation.

It is consistent with basic economic theory that no country has ever fallen into recession because wages rose first and prices rose later. Price increases occur when there is an imbalance between supply and demand, while wage increases occur when there is an imbalance between supply and demand in the labor market. Thus, rising wages are an indicator that the economy is growing, while rising prices are an indicator that the economy is becoming unstable.


Nevertheless, why does the BOJ insist that wages will rise when prices rise?

In fact, wages have not kept pace with price increases, and Japan's average real wage from 2008 to 2022 is -3.

Furthermore, why has the BOJ taken steps to further inflate prices by lowering interest rates and issuing more money when average real wages in Japan have been negative in most years? Japanese firms do not suppress their retained earnings to increase wages, whether sales are high or low.

















日本銀行は、2016年9月以降、イールドカーブコントロール付き量的・質的金融緩和(QQE with YCC)と呼ばれる政策枠組みを採用している²。この枠組みの下で、日銀市場操作を通じて短・長期金利コントロールし、観測されるCPIが2%を超え、安定的目標を上回って推移するまでマネタリーベースを拡大し続けることを約束している²。日銀は、この政策が実質金利を低下させ、インフレ期待を高め、総需要と総供給を刺激すると期待している²。











Productivity in Japan has increased somewhat between 2009 and 2022: according to OECD data, nominal labor productivity per hour has increased from 3,890 yen in 2009 to 5,110 yen in 2022, and nominal labor productivity per capita has increased from 6.69 million yen in 2009 to 8.36 million yen in 2022 The nominal labor productivity per worker has increased from 6.69 million yen in 2009 to 8.36 million yen in 2022. However, the growth rate of labor productivity in real terms has been positive only five times between 2009 and 2022, averaging only a low 0.3%.















Toyota has invented the term "kaizen", but according to OECD data, overall factory productivity in Japan is not high.

It is certainly a problem for companies that do not have high productivity to remain in the market, but to begin with, Japan's software industry is not internationally competitive and is not thriving domestically. Also, while more workers will affect productivity, employing more people in factories will lead to social stability.































anond:20231108123110 anond:20231108142737 anond:20231114081626





I have seen some posts asking if they should talk about "the case" even though they were not involved in it and were not born in Nagasaki or Hiroshima, and I am a bit aware of it, so I have to say what I have to say. I say this because I was born in Nagasaki, am a third generation atomic bomb survivor, and grew up hearing the stories of those who experienced the atomic bombing firsthand. I know it's a little bit too much for me, but I'm going to say this because there are very few survivors left.

In Nagasaki, children grow up hearing stories about the atomic bombing. They were stuffed into sushi for nearly an hour in the gymnasium of an elementary school in the middle of summer, with no air conditioner or fan, and told stories about the atomic bombing. That was a hard time for me. I think it must have been even harder for the old people who told the stories, but there was no way an elementary school kid could imagine such a thing, and I had forgotten most of the stories I had been told for a long time. I have forgotten most of the stories I was told. I can only remember one or two at most. There is one more hard thing. Every year around this time, a row of grotesque images that would drive the PTA crazy in other areas are prominently displayed in the hallways. These days, I hear that the atomic bomb museum has been bleached out and many of the radical and horrifying exhibits that traumatized visitors have been taken down. I don't know if they are still there, but they were there when I was in elementary school.

There was one photo that I just couldn't face when I was in elementary school. It is a picture of Sumiteru Taniguchi. If you search for it, you can find it. It is a shocking picture, but I would like you to take a look at it. I couldn't pass through the hallway where the photo was posted, so I always took the long way around to another floor of the school building to avoid seeing the photo.

Now I'm thinking that my grandfather, who headed into the burnt ruins to look for his sister, couldn't have turned away or taken a different path. There would have been a mountain of people still alive and moaning, not just pictures, and a mountain more who would have given up at the end of their suffering. He walked for miles and miles, towing his handcart through the narrow streets of rubble-strewn Nagasaki in search of his sister. My grandfather was not a child at the time, but of course there were children who did similar things. Not that there wouldn't have been. There were. I heard the story from him, and I still remember it. A young brother and sister found their father's body in the ruins of a fire and they burned it. They didn't have enough wood to burn his body, and when they saw the raw brain that spilled out, they ran away and that was the last time they ever saw him anymore.

I can never forget the story I heard when I was a kid, and even now it is painful and painful, my hands are shaking and I am crying. I keep wondering how the old man who escaped from that father's brain could have been able to unravel the most horrible trauma imaginable and expose it to the public with scars that will never heal.

Now I think I can understand a little.

The reason I can't help but talk about my grandfather and that old man, even if I have to rehash my own trauma, is that this level of suffering is nothing compared to the fact that their words will be forgotten. My hands shaking, my heart palpitating and dizzy, my nose running with tears, it's nothing compared to the tremendous suffering that was once there and will be forgotten.

So maybe it's the same thing.

My grandfather, who went through an unimaginable hell, lived to see his grandchildren born, and met his sister's death in the ruins of the fire. In other words, my grandfather was one of the happiest people in the ruins of the fire. My grandfather and that old man were, after all, just people wading in the depths of hell. I think that the suffering that even people who had experienced unimaginable pain could not imagine was lying like pebbles in Nagasaki 78 years ago, and no one paid any attention to it. Their suffering, which I can't even imagine, is nothing compared to the countless, tremendous suffering they witnessed, which they pretend never happened.

Memories fade inexorably every time people talk about them. The memories that those people could not allow to be forgotten are now largely forgotten; the tremendous suffering of 78 years ago is mostly gone, never to be recounted again. Those who suffered the most from the atomic bombing died rotting in the ruins of the fire, unable to tell anyone about it. Many of those who saw it with their own eyes kept their mouths shut and took it with them to their graves. Most of those who spoke a few words are now under the grave.

Compared to the words of the old men, my own words are so light. I would rather keep my mouth shut than speak in such light words. But still, someone has to take over. I realize that even my words, which are so light, are only the top of the voices that are left in this world to carry on the story of the atomic bombing. I know how it feels to wonder if someone like myself is allowed to speak about this. Still, I hope that you will not shut your mouth. This is the result of our silence.

Sometimes I almost choose to stop imagining the unimaginable suffering and live my life consuming other people's suffering for the fun of it. I am writing this while I still have some imagination of the suffering of the old people whose voices, faces, and even words I can no longer recall.

Translator's note: The original post in Japanese is a response to a post by a Japanese contributor who wondered if he was qualified to speak out on the subject of the A-bomb when he was not from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but still spoke out about Barbie and the A-bomb. I translated it here because I think it deserves to be read by the world.



Henya Accidentally Reveals She Has Kids...



その中でHenyaは、"They are so nice. They have kids as well."と発言


どういうことかと言うと、Henya自身は「隣の人たちはすごくいい人たちだったし、"しかも"子供もいるんだよ」というつもりで発言したのだが(as well は両方の文に掛かっている)

as well が They have kids だけに掛かっていると捉えると、

「彼ら"にも"子供がいる → Henya"にも"子供がいる」




as well は「明示された情報」にも「言外の情報」に対しても使用でき、明示された情報(彼らはとてもいい人たち / 彼らは子供がいる)を繋ぐこともできれば、言外の情報(Henyaには子供がいる / 彼らには子供がいる)を繋ぐこともできるという。



Actually, her sentence wasn't that wrong. "They are so nice. They have kids as well." Grammatically it's not entirely wrong. "As Well" can depend on given information as well as inferred information. In this case she was clearly stating that they are nice and they have kids. The chat inferred that Henya was saying "They have kids (as I do), which really wasn't part of the conversation or immediate subject and thus the inference is imagined rather than implied. It's a nuance of English that can result in a formal speech tone playing out differently if taken as casual.

Yep exactly. Her English was actually fine. She was talking about how she felt awkward due to being caught off guard by them being outgoing and friendly. In that context the kids were mentioned as a contributing factor to her awkwardness and their pleasant and energetic greetings.

Yeah, in this case, the sentence would be the same as saying "They are so nice. Additionally, they have kids."

  • まとめ

"They are so nice. They have kids as well."という文は、文脈次第では














I had taken the Eiken SCBT test because it takes one day.

First is the speaking part(speaking for the mic)

Second is the listening part(Wearing the headphone)

The last two are the reading part and the writing part.

I passed only the speaking part as the result.

However, I bombed other parts so badly.

I could pass the Grade 2 easily then I assumed I can pass Grade Pre-1 it, but it was really difficult for me.

According the result of Google, Eiken Grade 2 is about 550 of TOEIC and Pre-1 is about 785 of TOEIC.

No wonder... My TOEIC score was 400... However, I am glad because my EN skill grows that I felt,

As a practice of my studying English of the writing, I tried to write this diary in English.






The intelligence quotients by countries are taken from the studies conducted by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen (2002), Heiner Rindermann (2007), Khaleefa and Lynn (2008), Ahmad, Khanum and Riaz (2008), Lynn, Abdalla and Al-Shahomee (2008), Lynn and Meisenberg (2010), as well as the PISA tests from 2000 to 2015. The more recent study by Richard Lynn and David Becker (PDF) at the Ulster Institute for Social Research from 2019 was also included here. In this, Lynn corrects several values of his earlier publications. The studies are not entirely uncontroversial, as they consider only specific population groups in individual countries or only a few and thus unrepresentative reference groups.




The Sacrament—and the Sacrifice

By Elder David B. Haight

Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

I pray for your faith and prayers that my utterances will be received and understood “by the Spirit of truth” and that my expressions will be given “by the Spirit of truth” so that we might all be “edified and rejoice together.” (See D&C 50:21–22.)

As I stand here today—a well manwords of gratitude and acknowledgment of divine intervention are so very inadequate in expressing the feelings in my soul.

Six months ago at the April general conference, I was excused from speaking as I was convalescing from a serious operation. My life has been spared, and I now have the pleasant opportunity of acknowledging the blessings, comfort, and ready aid of my Brethren in the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve, and other wonderful associates and friends to whom I owe so much and who surrounded my dear wife, Ruby, and my family with their time, attention, and prayers. For the inspired doctors and thoughtful nurses I express my deepest gratitude, and for the thoughtful letters and messages of faith and hope received from many places in the world, many expressing, “You have been in our prayers” or “We have been asking our Heavenly Father to spare your life.” Your prayers and mine, thankfully, have been answered.

One unusual card caused me to ponder upon the majesty of it all. It is an original painting by Arta Romney Ballif of the heavens at night with its myriad golden stars. Her caption, taken from Psalms, reads:

“Praise ye the Lord: …

“He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.

“He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names.

“… His understanding is infinite.” (Ps. 147:1, 3–5.)

As I lay in the hospital bed, I meditated on all that had happened to me and studied the contemplative painting by President Marion G. Romney’s sister and the lines from Psalms: “He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names.” I was then—and continue to be—awed by the goodness and majesty of the Creator, who knows not only the names of the stars but knows your name and my name—each of us as His sons and daughters.

The psalmist, David, wrote:

“When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;

“What is man, that thou art mindful of him? …

“For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.” (Ps. 8:3–5.)

To be remembered is a wonderful thing.

The evening of my health crisis, I knew something very serious had happened to me. Events happened so swiftly—the pain striking with such intensity, my dear Ruby phoning the doctor and our family, and I on my knees leaning over the bathtub for support and some comfort and hoped relief from the pain. I was pleading to my Heavenly Father to spare my life a while longer to give me a little more time to do His work, if it was His will.

While still praying, I began to lose consciousness. The siren of the paramedic truck was the last that I remembered before unconsciousness overtook me, which would last for the next several days.

The terrible pain and commotion of people ceased. I was now in a calm, peaceful setting; all was serene and quiet. I was conscious of two persons in the distance on a hillside, one standing on a higher level than the other. Detailed features were not discernible. The person on the higher level was pointing to something I could not see.

I heard no voices but was conscious of being in a holy presence and atmosphere. During the hours and days that followed, there was impressed again and again upon my mind the eternal mission and exalted position of the Son of Man. I witness to you that He is Jesus the Christ, the Son of God, Savior to all, Redeemer of all mankind, Bestower of infinite love, mercy, and forgiveness, the Light and Life of the world. I knew this truth before—I had never doubted nor wondered. But now I knew, because of the impressions of the Spirit upon my heart and soul, these divine truths in a most unusual way.

I was shown a panoramic view of His earthly ministry: His baptism, His teaching, His healing the sick and lame, the mock trial, His crucifixion, His resurrection and ascension. There followed scenes of His earthly ministry to my mind in impressive detail, confirming scriptural eyewitness accounts. I was being taught, and the eyes of my understanding were opened by the Holy Spirit of God so as to behold many things.

The first scene was of the Savior and His Apostles in the upper chamber on the eve of His betrayal. Following the Passover supper, He instructed and prepared the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper for His dearest friends as a remembrance of His coming sacrifice. It was so impressively portrayed to me—the overwhelming love of the Savior for each. I witnessed His thoughtful concern for significant details—the washing of the dusty feet of each Apostle, His breaking and blessing of the loaf of dark bread and blessing of the wine, then His dreadful disclosure that one would betray Him.

He explained Judas’s departure and told the others of the events soon to take place.

Then followed the Savior’s solemn discourse when He said to the Eleven: “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33.)

Our Savior prayed to His Father and acknowledged the Father as the source of His authority and powereven to the extending of eternal life to all who are worthy.

He prayed, “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.”

Jesus then reverently added:

“I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.

“And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.” (John 17:3–5.)

He pled not only for the disciples called out from the world who had been true to their testimony of Him, “but for them also which shall believe on me through their word.” (John 17:20.)

When they had sung a hymn, Jesus and the Eleven went out to the Mount of Olives. There, in the garden, in some manner beyond our comprehension, the Savior took upon Himself the burden of the sins of mankind from Adam to the end of the world. His agony in the garden, Luke tells us, was so intense “his sweat was as … great drops of blood falling … to the ground.” (Luke 22:44.) He suffered an agony and a burden the like of which no human person would be able to bear. In that hour of anguish our Savior overcame all the power of Satan.

The glorified Lord revealed to Joseph Smith this admonition to all mankind:

“Therefore I command you to repent …

“For … I, God, … suffered … for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent; …

“Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, …

“Wherefore, I command you again to repent, lest I humble you with my almighty power; and that you confess your sins, lest you suffer these punishments.” (D&C 19:15–16, 18, 20.)

During those days of unconsciousness I was given, by the gift and power of the Holy Ghost, a more perfect knowledge of His mission. I was also given a more complete understanding of what it means to exercise, in His name, the authority to unlock the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven for the salvation of all who are faithful. My soul was taught over and over again the events of the betrayal, the mock trial, the scourging of the flesh of even one of the Godhead. I witnessed His struggling up the hill in His weakened condition carrying the cross and His being stretched upon it as it lay on the ground, that the crude spikes could be driven with a mallet into His hands and wrists and feet to secure His body as it hung on the cross for public display.

Crucifixion—the horrible and painful death which He suffered—was chosen from the beginning. By that excruciating death, He descended below all things, as is recorded, that through His resurrection He would ascend above all things. (See D&C 88:6.)

Jesus Christ died in the literal sense in which we will all die. His body lay in the tomb. The immortal spirit of Jesus, chosen as the Savior of mankind, went to those myriads of spirits who had departed mortal life with varying degrees of righteousness to God’s laws. He taught them the “glorious tidings of redemption from the bondage of death, and of possible salvation, … [which was] part of [our] Savior’s foreappointed and unique service to the human family.” (James E. Talmage, Jesus the Christ, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1977, p. 671.)

I cannot begin to convey to you the deep impact that these scenes have confirmed upon my soul. I sense their eternal meaning and realize thatnothing in the entire plan of salvation compares in any way in importance with that most transcendent of all events, the atoning sacrifice of our Lord. It is the most important single thing that has ever occurred in the entire history of created things; it is the rock foundation upon which the gospel and all other things rest,” as has been declared. (Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1966, p. 60.)

Father Lehi taught his son Jacob and us today:

“Wherefore, redemption cometh in and through the Holy Messiah; for he is full of grace and truth.

“Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto all those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit; and unto none else can the ends of the law be answered.

“Wherefore, how great the importance to make these things known unto the inhabitants of the earth, that they may know that there is no flesh that can dwell in the presence of God, save it be through the merits, and mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah, who layeth down his life according to the flesh, and taketh it again by the power of the Spirit, that he may bring to pass the resurrection of the dead, being the first that should rise.

“Wherefore, he is the firstfruits unto God, inasmuch as he shall make intercession for all the children of men; and they that believe in him shall be saved.” (2 Ne. 2:6–9.)

Our most valuable worship experience in the sacrament meeting is the sacred ordinance of the sacrament, for it provides the opportunity to focus our minds and hearts upon the Savior and His sacrifice.

The Apostle Paul warned the early Saints against eating this bread and drinking this cup of the Lord unworthily. (See 1 Cor. 11:27–30.)

Our Savior Himself instructed the Nephites, “Whoso eateth and drinketh my flesh and blood unworthily [brings] damnation to his soul.” (3 Ne. 18:29.)

Worthy partakers of the sacrament are in harmony with the Lord and put themselves under covenant with Him to always remember His sacrifice for the sins of the world, to take upon them the name of Christ and to always remember Him, and to keep His commandments. The Savior covenants that we who do so shall have His spirit to be with us and that, if faithful to the end, we may inherit eternal life.

Our Lord revealed to Joseph Smith that “there is no gift greater than the gift of salvation,” which plan includes the ordinance of the sacrament as a continuous reminder of the Savior’s atoning sacrifice. He gave instructions thatit is expedient that the church meet together often to partake of bread and wine in the remembrance of the Lord Jesus.” (D&C 6:13; D&C 20:75.)

Immortality comes to us all as a free gift by the grace of God alone, without works of righteousness. Eternal life, however, is the reward for obedience to the laws and ordinances of His gospel.

I testify to all of you that our Heavenly Father does answer our righteous pleadings. The added knowledge which has come to me has made a great impact upon my life. The gift of the Holy Ghost is a priceless possession and opens the door to our ongoing knowledge of God and eternal joy. Of this I bear witness, in the holy name of Jesus Christ, amen.



Damn freelance IT engineers are less than SES.

Even if you become a freelancer because you are fed up with being exploited by SES, if you can't get work on your own and end up using an agency, you will be charged a margin. In the end, freelance agents are slave traders just like SES companies.

Full-time employees have to pay taxes and insurance premiums from what is deducted from their paychecks, but the shitty freelancers have to pay taxes and insurance premiums separately from what is taken from their margin.

So, it's still better to be an SES with a stable income, benefits, and the credit of a full-time employee, and without the hassle of paperwork.

The only way to survive as a freelance IT engineer is to make a name for yourself as a top player in a particular field, so that stable, high-paying jobs will come your way. But such an existence is like Captain Levi, who was looked up to by the ordinary soldiers of the garrison corps. Can he slice the nape of the neck of multiple Titans in an instant with a rotating slash? How many such beings exist?

Most ordinary geniuses would be better off as full-time employees, desperately clinging to their companies even if they are thrown into a firestorm or relegated to the window, owning a service that brings in money even when they are asleep as a manager, selling people as a slaver, or moving to another profession such as a cleaner or a security guard. or move to another occupation such as a janitor or a security guard.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)















日本アニメを観るだけで、日本社会において若い女性がいか過小評価され、見下されているか(underestimated and not taken seriously)がわかります
















 そうした二面性は、彼の最初のヒット作『劇場版デジモンアドベンチャー ぼくらのウォーゲーム!から観られるようなデジタル世界の魅力にも現れています











あ、いや、喜多野氏は「保留」と言って逃げているので、もへもへ氏やMGTOW NEWSが、もしくはこの件で批判されるべきだと言っている一部はてなユーザー達が規準アップデートしたと言うべきか。

もちろん、訳しただけで問題だと言っているわけではあるまい。実際、MGTOW NEWS過去部分的に訳して説明を付している(https://archive.ph/2QksL何故かMGTOW NEWS消滅してしまった)。その中で、当マニフェストに対する否定的見解は「フィクションに登場する悪役、はたまたブラックすぎるジョークのように思える」という部分以外にオウム引用して暗に否定している部分だけである。加えて次のようなツイートをしている。








もちろん、これは皮肉であるしかしこのような調子ツイートであっても問題はないということをMGTOW NEWSは示している(ダブスタなんてするはずないからね)。換言すれば「このような悪質な憎悪文書を茶化し結果的矮小化することは不謹慎だ」という非難はそれ単体では適用できないということだろう。ということは多角的分析せねばなるまい。

なお、MGTOW NEWSは何故かこのツイートを削除してしまったので魚拓での引用とさせてもらう。



…(前略)…基本的にはレズビアンパレティストの立場から男性抹殺を主張するものである(?!)。ソラナスによるとこの文章辛辣風刺目的としたもので、別に本人は男性を本気で皆殺しにする気はなかったようだ(ハムレットも芝居の中で結婚している奴を皆殺しにすると宣言していたが、別にしなかったし、そのノリとたいして変わらん)。ただしソラナス本人は子供の頃から性的虐待を受けており、…(中略)…"cut up"を「抹殺」だと原文にある去勢イメージがなくなるから「根絶協会」のほうがいいと思う。





ではMGTOW NEWSの紹介記事とは何が違うのだろうか?「風刺文として面白い」のように少しでも価値を認めた時点でダメなのだろうか(なお風刺文として面白いというのは的を射た風刺だというのを意味ないらしいのに注意。後述)?もしくはミソジニーテキストと比べてそう突出していないという論評がどっちもどっち的な矮小化を思わせてよくないのだろうか?それはさておきもう2箇所程引用して少し検討してみよう。






















リベラルは超特大の馬鹿class-A moron)だ。いつでも自分達が正しいと考え意図に沿わない他者糾弾排斥する。自らを民主主義者の守り手と称するが、その実彼らは選民思想エリート主義者に過ぎない。弱者多様性を言い寛容を謳うが本性は非寛容で本当の弱者に対して無関心。アメリカを偉大さから引きずり下ろした犯人なのだ。今回もDSを支持し選挙を盗み民主主義だと嘯いている。彼らは引きずり出され、八つ裂きにされるべきだ。夜明けに連れ出され銃殺されるべきだ。」









ところで繰り返しになるが今回北村氏を批判した人々はマニフェスト翻訳したという事実とそれに言及したツイートをもって批判している。であるから、ここで適切だと考えた規準はいささか正確性に欠ける嫌いがある。ここで言うところの「中核の評価基準」で論じるべきかもしれない。しかしMGTOW NEWSも同じく男性皆殺し協会マニフェスト引用し「とっても素敵」と茶化し皮肉を言っている。これは「その攻撃性を軽視しているように見られかねない発言をしていた場合」と言えなくもない。

所与の条件である今回の批判者は過去発言と直接的なダブスタをしていないは動くわかげないので困った話である。これをMGTOW NEWSパラドクスと言う。これを解消するためにこの論考では別の項目、特に引用における態度」の項を作り表面上逃れることとした。だが後続者の皆さんには正面から向き合ってこの点をブレイクスルーしていただきたい。




[※1] ここはみんな合意してくれると思うんだけど中傷ではないという意見の人もいると思うので次の増田で詳しく説明しておきたい。


[※2] 一応元ネタは何個かあるが、1つはトランプ政権で大規模な選挙不正は無いと言って事実上の更迭をされたKrebsに対してトランプ大統領の弁護士diGenovaが冗談?として言った”that guy is a class A moron. He should be drawn and quartered. Taken out at dawn and shot.”






IT HAD BEEN more than twenty years since I'd traveled Asia. Our seven-day tour started in Tokyo, where I delivered a speech on the future of the U.S.-Japan aliance and met with Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama to discuss the economic crisis, North Korea, and the proposed relocation of the U.S. Marine base in Okinawa. A pleasant if awkward fellow, Hatoyama was Japan's fourth prime minister in less than three years and the second since I'd taken office -- a symptom of the sclerotic, aimless politics that had plagued Japan for much of the decade. He'd be gone seven months later.


"if awkward"に対するコミュ障という訳語は、原文にはそぐわないが、純粋意味を伝える目的では最適だと思う。書籍ならばぎこちないとした方が適切だ。独特というのは多少余計にオブラートに包んでいるかもしれないと思うが、まあTwitter治安の悪さを鑑みて専門家が言うならば正しいのだろう。当時2ch辺りでロンパリだとかルーピーだとか(今にして思えば身体的特徴をあげつらうのは随分だと思う)言われたような、よく言えば理系っぽいあの雰囲気を指す語と考えていいのではないだろうか。「君はいい友人であったが、君の父上がいけないのだよ」というセリフの中で「いい友人」に込められている「御しやす些末なことで慌てる様子に見ていてほんわかするアホさがある」というニュアンスと似たような感覚かもしれない。なお、"A pleasant if awkward, Hatoyama was..."と並ぶのは「ご紹介しましょう、少々コミュ障だが気さくな青年鳩山君です!」というような演出効果を与える書き方。





It had been more than twenty years since I’d traveled to Asia. Our seven-day tour started in Tokyo, where I delivered a speech on the U.S.-Japan alliance and met with Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama to discuss the economic crisis, North Korea, and the proposed relocation of the U.S. Marines base in Okinawa. A pleasant if awkward fellow, Hatoyama was Japan’s fourth prime minister in less than three years and the second since I’d taken office—a symptom of the sclerotic, aimless politics that had plagued Japan for much of the decade. He’d been gone seven months later.



1.鳩山元首相の人柄について、"pleasant if awkward"の翻訳の順番

(1)鳩山は"pleasant"であるが "awkward"なのか、それとも、(2)鳩山は "awkward" であるが "pleasant"なのか



2.”a symptom of the sclerotic, aimless politics that had plagued Japan for much of the decade” は、何を指す文章








2020年11月17日 8:21


オバマ回顧録 「硬直化し、迷走した日本政治象徴だ」 | NHKニュース




同日 14:58


鳩山氏は「感じ良いが厄介」 オバマ米大統領回顧録時事ドットコム



同日 22:52


オバマ氏、鳩山元首相は「付き合いにくい」 | 共同通信



11月18日 5:00


鳩山元首相らの短命政権は「硬直化し、目的ない政治象徴だ」…オバマ回顧録 : 国際 : ニュース : 読売新聞オンライン














Obama: Japan's politics were 'sclerotic' | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News





Obama recalls Japan's revolving-door leadership era with frustration - The Mainichi





Obama Recalls Ex-Japan PM Hatoyama as "Pleasant If Awkward" | Nippon.com


共同通信と違って"pleasant if awkward"と全体を引用しているので、オバマによる鳩山の人柄論評で誤解が生じることはない。しかし、その後の沖縄基地問題で信頼が崩れたといった付け足し部分は日本版と変わってないので、記事構成おかしくなっている。


π 歌詞

 ※ BYE-BYE-BYE feel your pain

   BYE-BYE-BYE in the rain

   BYE-BYE-BYE feel the pain



※※ BYE-BYE-BYE feel your pain

   BYE-BYE-BYE in the rain

   BYE-BYE-BYE feel the pain


(Shining time! x2)

Ah forking take'n time for seek.

(Shall we dance? x2)

Oh taken shave rush take could I say?

(Shining time! x2)

Who toy singin‘ for seek.

(Shall we dance? x2)

Cut winkle cue to my love night!






わたしのOh Man call…

♤Oh Man call…

♡Oh Man callが…




(Keep motivation x2)

Sacred knee-high chance, and I need a chance.

(He watched me x2)

I wanna need its π its π, beautiful.

(Keep motivation x2)

So cool! So cool! I caught the chance.

(He watched me x2)










High jump!

BYE-BYE-BYE feel the pain

BYE-BYE-BYE in the rain


It's a chance! It's a chance!

(chance! chance! chance! chance!)


EVERYBODY DANCE with the rain

EVERYBODY DANCE feel the rain





















私は中国人です。中国インターネットからコロナウイルスに関する情報収集しています。ここで、新しいコロナウイルスからあなた保護することができるいくつかの手段を共有します。それはあなたの命を救うかもしれません。多くの外国人は、新しいコロナウイルスは単なるインフルエンザ一種だと考えていることを知っていますしかし、それは真実ではありません。死亡率はインフルエンザよりもはるかに高いです。 HuBei州以外での死亡率は低いです。なぜなら、私たちウイルス拡散遮断するために極端かつ強力な手段を講じているからです。感染人口が急速に増加すると、地元医療システムは短時間故障します。病院は、呼吸困難のある発熱患者でいっぱいになり、医療資源の不足は大きな犠牲者を出します。これが現在武漢で起こっていることです。中国は数千人の医師武漢派遣し、たった1週間で2つの新しい病院建設し、多くの検疫センターを準備しました。しかし、まだ十分ではありません。

まず、個人的機器は非常に重要です。 n95マスク現在中国で長い間売り切れています中国には最大の手術用マスク製造業があることに留意してください。どんなに高価であっても、できるだけ多く購入してください。

n95メディカルマスクを購入できない場合は、n95産業マスク使用できますヨーロッパにいる場合は、FFP2 / FFP3マスクを購入してください。これらは同じフィルタリングレベルを持っていますn95マスクバルブが付いている場合でも、それはあなた保護できますが、感染している場合は他の人を保護できません。

使い捨てマスク理論的には1回しか使用できないため、ご家族のために産業マスク/防毒マスクを準備する必要があります。それは冗談ではありません。中国では、防毒マスクさえ売り切れました。 3M HF-52マスク3M 6500および7500シリーズマスクお勧めします。呼吸器用に十分なn95フィルターを購入することを忘れないでください。 p100フィルターも優れていますn95マスクが完全に売り切れた後、家族のために4つのマスクを購入しました。







薬物に関しては、医師たちがまだ試みているので、私は誰も推薦できません。レムデシビル効果的だと思いますが、まだ実験中であり、市場から購入することはできません。彼らは武漢病院でレムデシビルテストしており、10日後に結果が出ることを願っていますしかし、多くの中国医師によって有効であることが証明された薬物があり、長い間マラリア対処するために使用されてきました。ヒドロキシクロロキンです。 OTCではないため、処方箋なしでは購入できません。医師に尋ねる前に薬を使用しないでください。

ニューヨーク日本香港などの混雑した都市アパートに住んでいる場合は、新しいコロナウイルスエレベーター内に広がる可能性があることに注意してください。コロナウイルス下水道にも広がる可能性があり、2003年に混雑したアパートSARSが発生したとき香港で非常に有名な問題によって証明されました。 。




【How to protect your family from the new coronavirus

I'm a Chinese. I have been gathering information about the coronavirus from the Chinese internet. Here I share some measures that can protect you from the new coronavirus. It may save your life. I know that many foreigners think the new coronavirus is just some kind of flu. However, it's not the truth. The death rate is much higher than the flu. The death rate outside of HuBei province is low because we have taken extreme and strong measures to cut off the virus spreading. When the infected population rises rapidly, the local medical system will breakdown in a short time. The hospitals will be full of fever patients who have breathing difficulties, and the shortage of medical resources will cause huge casualties. This is what happening in WuHan now. China has sent thousands of doctors to Wuhan and built two new hospitals in just one week, and prepared many quarantine centers. BUT it's still not enough now.

First, personal equipment is extremely important. The n95 masks have been sold out for a long time in China now. Keep in mind that China has the largest surgical mask manufacturing industry. Please buy them as many as possible now, no matter how expensive.

If you can't buy the n95 medical masks, the n95 industry masks can also do the job. If you are in Europe, please buy the FFP2/FFP3 masks, they have the same filtering level. If the n95 masks have a valve, it can still protect you but it can't protect others if you are infected.

The one-time masks can be used only one time theoretically, therefore you need to prepare industry respirators/gas masks for your family. It's not a joke. In China, even the gas masks have been sold out. I recommend the 3M HF-52 respirator, the 3M 6500 and 7500 series respirators. Remember to buy enough n95 filters for your respirators. The p100 filters are also good. I bought four respirators for my family after the n95 masks are completely sold out.

The common surgical masks or medical masks are also important. They can't prevent the coronavirus 100% but they can highly reduce the risks. Please buy them as many as possible. In China, many local governments have announced that it's illegal to use public transmission without a medical mask. The cotton masks are useless, don't buy them.

The eye protectors can help you to prevent being infected through the eye. We have strong evidence that the new coronavirus can spread through the eye-air contact. If you can't buy them, the swimming glass can do the same job (even better).

Considering that you may face masks shortage, the 75% alcohol disinfectant and UV disinfection lamp can disinfect masks for reusing them. Prepare enough alcohol disinfectant and a UV lamp for your family.

Don't use dirty hands to rub your eyes. Clean your hand with a portable hand sanitizer before eating and drinking.

When the new coronavirus outbreaks in your city and you have to go to the hospital to treat other diseases, please remember to wear n95 masks, eye protectors and gloves. Many patients and doctors are infected in Chinese hospitals. They weared the common medical masks but they are not 100% effective.

Before the coronavirus outbreak in your city, please prepare a fueled car. Don't trust the government when they say it's under control. Escape your city before things become too bad and lockdown (I don't know if the US government can lockdown a city). The people who escaped WuHan are lucky now. Those people who believed the government and stayed in WuHan is facing a disaster. Many families are infected. First one person has a fever and breathing difficulty, then all the family members are infected one by one. The hospitals are full of patients and hundreds of patients die every day. Nurses and doctors mentally breakdown. It's a nightmare.

When it comes to drugs, I can't recommend anyone since the doctors are still trying. I believe the Remdesivir is effective however it's still in the experiment and you can't buy them from the market. They have tested Remdesivir in WuHan hospital and hopefully the result will come out in 10 days. However, there is one drug that has been proved effective by many Chinese doctors and it has been used for dealing with malaria for a long time. It's Hydroxychloroquine. It's not OTC, therefore, you can't buy it without a prescription. Don't use any drugs before asking your doctor.

If you are living in an apartment in a crowded city like New York, Japan, and Hong Kong, please remember that the new coronavirus can spread in the elevator. The coronavirus can also spread through the sewer and it has been proved by a very famous issue in Hong Kong when SARS outbreaks in a crowded apartment in 2003. Seal your drains in the toilet if anyone has been infected in your apartment and please avoid using elevators.

When you have a fever, please measure the body temperature many times a day. The patients may only have low fever. Some patients (the percentage is still not sure) will have breathing difficulty in about one week. When you feel it's diffcult to breath, please report to your doctor as soon as possible.










根拠となっているのは上記のChildren vs ClimateCrisisで「ドイツフランスブラジルアルゼンチントルコ非難して排出トップ中国非難しなかった」という話だが、この五カ国は「国連子どもの権利条約」の第三選択議定書権利侵害された子どもたちが国連に救済を求めることができるというもの)を批准しているからそれに則って名指しされているだけで、グレタはTwitterで「もちろん五カ国だけの問題ではない」とし、この第三選択議定書批准していない国として「中国アメリカサウジアラビアロシアなど」を挙げている。またグレタに影響を受けて気候変動問題活動をしている中国人の少女を紹介して応援してもいる。

もう一度; これは5か国(ドイツフランスブラジルアルゼンチントルコ)だけの話ではありません。

















Traveling on overcrowded trains through Germany. And I’m finally on my way home!


Liebe #Greta, danke, dass Du uns Eisenbahner im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel unterstützt! Wir haben uns gefreut, dass Du am Samstag mit uns im ICE 74 unterwegs warst. Und das mit 100 Prozent Ökostrom. 1/2

Noch schöner wäre es gewesen, wenn Du zusätzlich auch berichtet hättest, wie freundlich und kompetent Du von unserem Team an Deinem Sitzplatz in der Ersten Klasse betreut worden bist. #Greta 2/2


Our train from Basel was taken out of traffic. So we sat on the floor on 2 different trains. After Göttingen I got a seat.This is no problem of course and I never said it was. Overcrowded trains is a great sign because it means the demand for train travel is high!











"Christmas food shopping choices have changed a lot in the 12 years I've been here," says Ingerson. "In the past two years salmon has really taken off. Hot smoked salmon is very popular at Christmas and Easter and we sell truckloads of fresh salmon – boneless cutlets, kebabs, filet mignon, even whole salmon.

クリスマスフードショッピング選択肢は、私がここにいた12年間で大きく変わりました」とインガーソンは言います。 「過去2年間でサーモンは本当に人気がありますホットスモークサーモンクリスマスイースターで非常に人気があり、骨なしカツレツケバブフィレミニョン、さらにはサーモン全体をトラックで大量の新鮮なサーモン販売しています



Sales of smoked salmon and lobster increase dramatically at this time, with families both eating and gifting seafood. According to Young’s Seafood, the UK’s leading smoked salmon processor, smoked salmon is a firm favorite of British families for Christmas morning breakfast.

スモークサーモンロブスターの売り上げはこの時期に劇的に増加し、家族魚介類を食べたり、贈ったりします。 イギリス代表するスモークサーモン工業であるYoung's Seafoodによると、スモークサーモンクリスマスの朝の朝食にイギリス家族大人気です。



この日は、イオンクリスマス全体のコンセプトや新CMグループ全体で重点展開する「トップバリュ グリーンアイ 生アトランティックサーモン」の商品について商品企画部の松本金蔵氏から説明サーモンクリスマスに人気な食品商品だそうで、イオンでは12月の売り上げがこの5年で約1.5倍にまで拡大していることから、今年はサーモンに力を入れてレシピを開発した。







Of course the ongoing hate campaigns never rests…

There is at least one new conspiracy theory a day.

The latest - and perhaps most entertaining - spin is thatI can see CO2 with my own eyes”.

This is of course a metaphor from a book taken out of it's context, taken from a German newspaper.

No one has said that I can literally see CO2… that is beyond stupid.

This should of course not be necessary to mention but since some respected newspapers have written about this without realizing that this is a fake news campaign I thought it was best to point this out.

While I am at it I also want to point out that when I say that ”our civilisation is almost like a castle built in the sand” or that ”our house on fire” these are metaphors too:)

PS This book is written by my family and our earnings from this book will go to charity.





The publisher of the book in Sweden said: “I was shocked by the commotion in Germany, Belgium and now also in Italy”. “I can assure you that it is a metaphor; if you read the entire passage, end it with the tale of “The New Emperor’s Clothes” by Christian Anderson. So it is certainly not literal.” In a text message, the mother also says that it is only about imagery.




The latest - and perhaps most entertaining - spin is that ”I can see CO2 with my own eyes”.

This is of course a metaphor from a book taken out of it's context, taken from a German newspaper.

No one has said that I can literally see CO2… that is beyond stupid.




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