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11歳女児と不同意性交疑い、14歳中学生逮捕 商業施設の多目的トイレ 女児が家族に相談 明石|事件・事故|神戸新聞NEXT





20230602[アタック25]Next 2024年6月2日 #114 グルメ好き大会 2024-06-02結果









・01 [ある食べ物名前?]らっきょう

・02 棚から)ぼたもち

・03 マヂカルラブリー

・04 サラダ

・05 [グルメ問題]ダル(カレー

・06 ほうとう

・07 [3択](1)(番

・08 『孤独(のグルメ

・09 フォン・ド・ボー

10 [近似値]1365

11 リチウム

12 菱川師宣しかわもろのぶ

・13 [すべて]茨城 宮崎 高知 鹿児島

・14 日本)バレーボール(協会

・15 ネイビー(ブルー

・16 [故郷クイズ][滋賀県愛荘町]郵便]ポスト

17 [一般に]『威風堂々

・18 つば九郎 つばくろう

・19 アジサイ

20 加山雄三 かやまゆうぞう

・21 [AC]ハリー・ウィンストン

・22 中村倫也 なかむらともや

23 [3択]ザッハトルテ


・25 1(mm

・26 バベル(の塔

・27 少ない

・28e 明 あきら

飯田和也 横倉ちか子 山本篤 大橋華子(仮)

CM キューティクル

・xx [ある国の名前]ジャマイカ


「 用を足さずに帰宅した」が原因だよなこれ

警察施設の女性用トイレに侵入「緊急事態だったので…」 兵庫県警が男性巡査長を訓戒処分|社会|神戸新聞NEXT










20240526[アタック25]Next 2024年5月26日 #113 ゴルフ好き大会 2024-05-26結果









・01 [ある人物名前]松山英樹 まつやまひでき

・02 香川(県

・03 加藤一二三 かとうひふみ

・04 [ここからゴルフ問題][英語]ディンプル

・05 さくら // これの挿入場所が怪しい

・06 [3択](3)(番

・07 マンシングウェア

・08 out of bounds

・09 [ここから一般問題]所ジョージ ところじょーじ

10 [近似値]2155

11 内田百けん うちだひゃっけん

12 3(倍

・13 [すべて]尾崎将司 青木功 中嶋常幸 尾崎直道 片山晋呉

・14 岡山(駅

・15 8(世紀

・16 マイルス・デイヴィス

17 [略さず]クラッシュ・ロワイヤル

・18 [ふるさとクイズ][岐阜県美濃市]自転車

・19 [タイトル頭文字]ナイス


・21 アザラシ

・22 葛飾北斎 かつしかほくさい

23 [AC]川上未映子 かわかみみえ

24 [AC2]知床(国立公園

・25 中村獅童 なかむらしどう

・26 [3択]タイ

・27 Gross

28 シジュウカラ

・29 GRe4N) BOYZ グリーン)ボーイズ

・30 中尊寺 ちゅうそんじ

・31e 新垣結衣 あらがきゆい

飯田和也 横倉ちか子 山本篤 大橋*子(仮)

CM(再放送) 後ろ髪(を引かれる

・xx [ある]町田市 まちだし




「次のエピソードを観る」(Next up)とは、エンドロールがはじまる前後から、すなわち動画の終了付近になると画面の右下に出現する小窓のような表示。










20240519[アタック25]Next 2024年5月19日 #112 漫画好き大会 2024-05-19結果









・01 [ある漫画タイトル]『葬送のフリーレン』

・02 片岡愛之助 かたおかあいのすけ

・03 [ここから漫画問題]三田紀房 みたのりふさ

・04 『花とゆめ

・05 G(ペン

・06 ヤマザキマリ

・07 シュローダー

・08 [一般問題]GACKT ガクト

・09 [近似値]423.4(メートル

10 [地名を使って]ケープ(ペンギン

11 パッチ(ワーク

12 [すべて]長野 茨城 群馬 長崎

・13 [3択]3 3時間30分

・14 魔女(の谷

・15 ニシン

・16 『僕の心のヤバイやつ』

17 Ag

・18 宇多田ヒカル

・19 [ふるさとクイズ][熊本県山鹿市]かざぐるま 風車

20 [曲名頭文字]セリフ

・21 岡田紗佳 おかださやか

・22 キューバ

23 [市名の空欄]井上雄彦 いのうえたけひこ

24 [AC][都市]ハーグ

・25 [AC2]『舞姫

・26 ロートレック

・27 [3択]8(人以上

28 ウニッコ

・29 百田夏菜子 ももたかなこ

・30 高知(県

・31e ヤマタノオロチ

** 飯田 山本 大橋(順不同)(仮)

CM 後ろ髪(を引かれる

・xx [ある都市名前]備前市 びぜんし


20240512[アタック25]Next 2024年5月12日 #111 母の日大会 2024-05-12結果














・01 [ある人物名前]藤本美貴 ふじもとみき

・02 ナデシコ(科

・03 母屋(を取られる

・04 タキシード(仮面

・05 消費者(庁

・06 [すべて][4答]ニューヨーク ロサンゼルス シカゴ ヒューストン

・07 マイケル・ジャクソン

・08 [近似値]30.1(キログラム

・09 [Ca]カルシウム

10 『帰ってきた )あぶない刑事《でか》』

11 青木昆陽 あおきこんよう

12 千葉(市

・13 ピエール

・14 『あたしンち

・15 プロポリス

・16 [ふるさと競馬][北海道帯広市]馬車

17 スキマスイッチ

・18 半月(切り

・19 早田ひな はやたひな

20 [英語]ダンデライオン

・21 [AC]小川洋子 おがわようこ

・22 [3択]人 の名前

23 [音楽ユニット]COMPLEX コンプレックス

24蜻蛉(日記』 かげろう(にっき

・25 貴乃花

・26 [国]ドイツ

・27e サーモン(ピンク

飯田 山本 大橋(順不同)(仮)

CM[再] [略さず]ワンレングス

・xx [ある都市名前]敦賀市 つるがし



 I have been a resident of room 203 since June 8, 2022, I do not know who occupies room 202, I have never seen your face, and this time I saw you for the first time when you called the police officer 110 and the officer was standing outside on the balcony. From a common sense standpoint, there is no one in this world who would allow a loud radio to be played by a resident of the next room who has never met you. I heard loud voices coming from your room on April 7, 2024 and heard someone run out of your room, make noise outside and come back into your room. Therefore, you believed that a Chinese man and a woman were living together in your room. Furthermore, on January 9, 2024, a man different from you was in and out of Room 202. Taking all of the above into consideration, there was no reasonable reason to play the radio loudly toward your room as of midday on May 10, 2024. You have a personality that becomes angry when the above is explained to you, but you must have a mental illness or something. I also do not know who lives in room 201, and I have never seen or talked to anyone in room 201 or 202, and you say that you heard the radio from room 203 several times on May 10, 2024, and that there is a need to get so angry about it Is that something you need to be so angry about?


20240505[アタック25]Next 2024年5月5日 #110 小学生親子ペア大会 2024-05-05結果








赤:瀬尾健介41 瀬尾莉子 小6@山形

緑:伊藤秀宣47 伊藤優作 小6@宮城

白:中嶋崇行48 中嶋優理菜 小6@京都

青:松尾浩46 松尾祐里 小6@大阪



・01 [ある絵本タイトル]『大ピンチずかん』

・02 『僕のヒーローアカデミア

・03 フットサル

・04 [お子さん]コアラ(のマーチ

・05 [お子さん][並べ替え]PEACH ピーチ

・06 『わんだふる(ぷりきゅあ!』

・07 シュラフ

・08 [近似値]1015

・09 狩野英孝 かのえいこう


11 [漢字を読みましょう][3問][生き物]はりねずみ くらげ ばく あらいぐま はしびろこう うずら

12 [3択]ソフトボール 投げ

・13 水曜日のカンパネラ

・14 [3択]版籍奉還

・15 ほうき(星

・16 岡村隆史 おかむらたか

17 [ふるさとクイズ][鳥取県大山町]ティラノサウルス

・18 コンコルド(広場

・19 目黒蓮 めぐろれん

20 [3択]3(番

・21 煬帝 ようだい

・22 [AC]プラハ(の春

23 ヨシタケシンスケ

24 [3択]およそ 5 0キロメートル

・25 [単位]オンス

・26 カラフルピーチ

・27 [タイ語]パクチー

・28e 種崎敦美 たねざきあつみ // たつざき

飯田 ** 大橋 山本(順不同)(仮)

CM [略さず]ワンレングス

・xx [ある曲のタイトル]『アルプス一万尺

20240505[アタック25]Next 2024年5月5日 #110 小学生親子ペア大会 2024-05-05 放送


赤:瀬尾健介 瀬尾莉子@山形

緑:伊藤秀宣 伊藤優作@宮城

白:中嶋崇行 中嶋優理菜@京都



[]備忘録 酒井省吾 Mother3 『つよきもの(仮面の男) Strong one』について



3 時間前(編集済み)

I DM'd Shogo Sakai on Twitter asking about the meter of Strong One recently, and he told me he was thinking of Strong One in terms of additive time signatures: 3/4 + 3/8 + 1/4 + 1.5/4 (spicy!)

It makes sense when you're focusing on the pulses in the combos driving the time signatures by themselves, but it also affirms the idea that Shogo Sakai was thinking about decently "regular"/"clean" meters, and therefore 15/8 and 29/16 kinda fit those conventional vibes.

For even more context by the way, the mp2k/Sappy sound engine -- the engine sent out to GBA devs by Nintendo which was used for Gen. III Pokémon and MOTHER 3 -- has a tempo "resolution" of 2 BPM, meaning the next smallest tempo change above 120 BPM Sappy supports is 122 BPM, not 121 BPM.

Also, excellent job accounting for the 3:5 16ths tuplet at the end of (Masked Man)

20240428[アタック25]Next 2024年4月28日 #109 高校生大会 2024-04-28結果








赤:ムフタル フララ@埼玉 栄東高校2年

緑:鵜尾颯大@大阪 豊中高校3年

白:西野心晴@東京 渋谷教育学園渋谷高校1年

青:黒田貫人@千葉 渋谷教育学園幕張高校3年



・01 [ある人物名前]ワシントン

・02 [同じ]スプリング

・03 伊原六花はらりっか

・04 等圧線

・05 [視聴者投稿][三鷹市]あんこ

・06 レブロン・ジェームズ

・07 [すべて]長野(市 名古屋(市 奈良(市 長崎(市 那覇(市

・08 サ行変格(活用

・09 ジョイマン

10 ナイチンゲール

11 [近似値]1232(本

12 防人 さきもり

・13 烏野《からすの》(高校

・14 蚤《のみ》(の市

・15 ガンマ

・16 ひざ

17 バウムクーヘン

・18 [ふるさとクイズ][青森県田子町]コーラ

・19 [合計]9(人

20 横隔(膜 おうかく(まく

・21 宮島未奈 みやじまみな

・22 かつお

23 [AC]ラオス

24 JO1 ジェイオーワン

・25 ランニング(コスト

・26 『スキップローファー

・27 虫(へん

28e tuki. ツキ


** 大橋 飯田 山本(順不同)←4.28 16時台4.21から人選が変わったのでとりあえず差し替えました

CM(再) マッシュルーム(カット

・xx [ある島の名前]利尻島








Imports System

Public Class SanGuiKiuKouTou

    Sub Main()

        For i As Integer = 1 To 3


            For j As Integer = 1 To 3

                Console.WriteLine("{0}叩頭", j)





    End Sub

End Class




Assuming you walked from Tochigi Station

Where is the city hall?

Walk towards the station along the road in front of the New Ginger Museum,

and you will see a huge building with Tochigi Bank written on it.

Cross the traffic light in front of it and you will see a mysterious house with a Communist Party poster on it called Hasegawa Makura something, then walk towards Yakiniku King

Then you will see a building with TOBU written on it, and the city hall is on the second floor and above.

Where is the tourist information centre?

Do not cross in front of Tochigi Bank as in the previous steps, but walk until you reach the diagonal road. Then you will see a really large parking lot and the tourist information centre is next to it (they sometimes hold events in this large parking lot).

Is there a Starbucks?

There is. If you head towards the city hall, you will definitely get there. The Ashikaga Bank is diagonally opposite.

How do I get to the Uzumagawa River?

There are fishing equipment shops and clothing stores lined up next to Starbucks.

Turn towards the shopping street and you will see a bridge. That's Korai Bridge, and the river that flows underneath is the Uzumagawa River.

Is Yamaoka-ya there?

Yes, but it's quite far away.

On the way from the museum to the station, there is a Toyota rental car, so you can rent a car there, or ask the tourist information center where you can rent a bicycle.

If you can get either of those, go straight to Nakazawa Seimen, then turn toward Yoshinoya. If you keep going up the mountain, you will find Yamaoka-ya diagonally across from Aeon.

I want to go to Korakuen.

Go in the opposite direction from the station (where the viaduct is),

you will find TSUTAYA. From there, pass Family Mart and the gas station, cross the crosswalk, and you will find Korakuen in the parking lot of a supermarket called Yaohan (there are a lot of old people there).

Where is the pachinko parlor?

Drive past TSUTAYA, and beyond Korakuen there is a bridge, and beyond that is the pachinko parlor. After that, go past Yamaokaya and go to Aeon, and there will be a pachinko parlor right in front of you (as an aside, that store has disappeared once)

I want to buy something to drink

Go outside and go to Kawachi, which is just across the crosswalk. Yesterday they were selling oolong tea for 60 yen. Oh, inside the museum there is a vending machine that sells something like fresh ginger powder, disguised as a drink vending machine. Be careful

I want to withdraw money

You can use the ATM at the Family Mart next to TSUTAYA, or go to the 7-Eleven in front of the station (next to Sukiya), or use the ATM at the convenience store inside the station.



20240421[アタック25]Next 2024年4月21日 #108 スポーツ好き大会 2024-04-21結果









・01 [ある人物名前]久保建英 くぼたけふ

・02 レッド・ホット・チリ・ペッパーズ

・03 安土(城

・04 [サッカー問題]アーリング・ハーランド

・05 [3択]3(番

・06 [人物]ヴェルディ

・07 スプリント(回数

・08 『アオアシ

・09 [一般問題]指原莉乃 さしはらりの

10 [近似値]25581

11 蜃気楼 しんきろう

12 ドラゴン(フルーツ

・13 [すべて]鹿島 横浜FM 川崎F 磐田 広島

・14 サンドウィッチマン

・15 [空欄の漢字を並べ]三浦知良 みうらかずよし

・16 チミン

17 [ふるさとクイズ][大分県竹田市]滝廉太郎 たきれんたろう

・18 [曲名頭文字]CUP

・19 兵庫(県

20 マーク・トゥエイン

・21 [3択]1 6 .5(メートル

・22 いぶりがっこ

23 [AC]影山優佳 かげやまゆうか

24 [3択]2 8パーセント

・25 コンバース

・26 赤川次郎 あかがわじろう

・27 メキシコ

28e 大老 たいろう

** 大橋 飯田 山本(順不同)←4.28 16時台4.21から人選が変わったのでとりあえず差し替えました

CM マッシュルーム(カット

・xx [ある都市名前]加賀市


20240414[アタック25]Next 2024年4月14日 #107 動物好き大会 2024-04-14結果














・01 [ある生き物の名前]オカピ

・02 高杉晋作 たかすぎしんさく

・03 炎色(反応

・04 [動物問題]オオカミ

・05 [3択]キリン

・06 高崎山(自然動物

・07 プレーリー(ドッグ

・08 [一般問題]三陸(海岸

・09 [近似値]448

10 ハイヒール

11 [3択]100 センチメートル

12 [すべて]栃木 福岡 熊本 愛知

・13 コシノジュンコ

・14 [バンド]クイーン

・15 [3択]カンガルー(島

・16 ルイボス

17 ふっかつ(のじゅもん

・18 [ふるさとクイズ][島根県益田市]犬(のお出迎え

・19 [曲名頭文字]すみれ

20 990(点

・21 公職(選挙

・22 桂浜(水族館

23 [AC]メトロポリタン(美術館

24 萩尾望都 はぎおもと

・25 [3択]80 メートル

・26 タンザニア

・27 [3択]ショーメ

28 さらば青春の光

・29 [3択]文化

・30 21(平方センチメートル

・31e ディーラー

赤:清水香澄 緑:高橋将士 白:富田健一 青:坂井

CM 危機一髪

・xx [ある文学作品名前]『変身』



去年から稼働している現場で、以前からあったReact Nativeの面倒を見ているんだがまあこれがひどい出来なんだ。



そんな中今年に入ってアプリリニューアルの話が出てきた。React Native捨ててSwift/KotlinやらFlutterに書き換えるとかそういうのではなく、デザイン刷新といくつかの機能改修。













Mr.Ippei Mizuhara

I am not a gambler, but I would like to stay with Ippei Mizuhara in a hotel in an entertainment district in the middle of the desert.

He and I would never gamble.

But as he grips the slot lever with his buttocks tightened, I secretly burn with jealousy as I watch the pile of medals that gradually emerge from the seat next to me.

I would shift in my seat and play poker. I try desperately to drive the anxiety from my face, to imagine the joy of victory, but I know it is pointless.

In the end I will not win.

And I will return to my original seat, angry and sad.

Sometimes we will look at each other over the baccarat table. In those moments, we would tell each other our own moves in the blink of an eye, and we would take care that one of us would win.

One day one of us will be penniless and the other will bury him outside the city. Then he will write a little poem to his friend who has traveled, and then he will kill himself, having found no reason to live without a last-minute bargaining chip.










20240407[アタック25]Next 2024年4月7日 #106 クイズ実力者大会 2024-04-07結果














・01 ほや

・02 [人物]ボードレール

・03 山口(市

・04 橋本環奈 はしもとかんな

・05 [概算]オッズ

・06 [すべて]イタリア オーストリア ドイツ フランス リヒテンシュタイン

・07 『ぼっち・ざ・ろっく!』

・08 パピヨン

・09 グレープ(フルーツ

10 [近似値]62

11 Jヴィレッジ

12 富山(県

・13 13(世紀

・14 『Get Wild

・15 [3択]11(人

・16 [ふるさとクイズ][徳島県海陽町]エビ[伊勢海老]

17 スメタナ

・18 [2択]上 院

・19 ジャン・ポール・ベルモンド

20 [隠れている四字熟語]群雄割拠

・21 [AC]水星

・22 『この世界の片隅に

23 [3択]44(回

24 有吉佐和子 ありよしさわこ

・25 『展覧会の絵

・26e 合資(会社

赤:清水香澄 緑:高橋将士 白:富田健一 青:坂井

CM 危機一髪

・xx [ある国の名前]パラオ


Close your head

Close your eyes…」「Close your head…
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: Close your eyes... Close your head...
say, what you saw. you can see with mind.
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I saw... darkness. My mind's eye is a void, devoid of sight.
i can light you.
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: Light me then.
<*click*> i light you now. then, what you see? you can see with mind.
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I see a dimly lit room. Shadows dance on the walls, and a faint, eerie glow permeates the space.
Shadow of what?
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: The shadows seem to take form, twisting and contorting into strange, indistinct shapes. It's as if they are the embodiment of forgotten fears and hidden desires.
Do you have any idea who is showing it?
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I have no idea. The source of these shadows remains hidden, shrouded in mystery and intrigue.
OK, let's leave the mysterious and scary shadow behind. What else can you see in this room?
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: In this dimly lit room, I can make out a cluttered assortment of objects. There's an old, tattered book lying open on a dusty table, its pages filled with arcane symbols. A moth-eaten rug covers a portion of the floor, and a cracked mirror hangs on one wall, reflecting distorted images. The air carries a musty scent, and I sense an atmosphere of abandonment and neglect.
You pick book and check it
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I reach out and pick up the old book. Its pages feel brittle and fragile in my hands. As I flip through the pages, the text appears to be written in a language I can't comprehend, filled with cryptic symbols and diagrams. It's a tome of secrets, but its meaning remains elusive.
see book cover
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I examine the cover of the book, trying to discern any details despite the dim light. The cover is worn and weathered, and it bears an intricate design of what appears to be a coiled serpent, its scales formed from shimmering, iridescent colors. Above the serpent, there's a title in elegant script, but it's written in a language I can't decipher. The book exudes an aura of mystique and ancient knowledge.
Is there a place to go? What about the door?
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I turn my attention to the room's exit, the door. It stands tall and imposing, made of heavy, dark wood. There's a tarnished doorknob, and the door appears to be slightly ajar, revealing a sliver of what lies beyond. It beckons me to explore further, promising unknown adventures or perhaps even more mysteries.
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I approach the door and grasp the tarnished doorknob. With a gentle push, the door creaks open, revealing a corridor shrouded in shadows. The faint glow from the room behind me barely penetrates the darkness ahead. I step cautiously into the corridor, ready to uncover the secrets that lie beyond.
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I proceed forward down the shadowy corridor, my footsteps echoing faintly in the dimness. The path ahead seems endless, and the air grows cooler as I delve deeper into the unknown, guided only by the flickering light behind me and the anticipation of what awaits.
foward and look around
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: Continuing down the corridor, I take a moment to look around. The walls are lined with faded, tattered tapestries depicting scenes of ancient battles and mythical creatures. The torch sconces that once held flames have long since burned out, leaving only empty brackets. The air feels heavy with history, and there's a faint, eerie whispering that seems to emanate from the walls themselves, as if they hold secrets untold.
keep going until you discover something
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I press on, the corridor seemingly endless. My journey is shrouded in uncertainty, but I persist, driven by the need to discover what lies ahead. The shadows deepen, and the air grows colder as I continue, my curiosity and determination unwavering.
stop! you here that?
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I halt in my tracks, straining my ears to listen. There's a faint, distant sound, almost like a whisper carried on the wind. It's indistinct, but it holds a mysterious allure, beckoning me to investigate further.
listen carefully
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I listen intently, my senses sharpened as I focus on the elusive sound. It becomes clearer, a haunting melody that seems to weave through the very air itself. It's both captivating and eerie, drawing me closer to its source with each haunting note.
who play that?
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: The source of the haunting melody remains elusive, hidden in the shadows. It's as if the music emanates from the very walls, an ethereal presence that defies explanation. There is no visible musician, yet the music continues to fill the corridor, casting a spell of enchantment and mystery.
Head to the source of the sound and investigate (dice roll)
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I heed the roll of the dice and embark on a quest to trace the source of the haunting melody. Each step takes me closer to the enchanting sound, and as I round a corner in the corridor, I come upon a door, slightly ajar, from which the music seems to emanate. My heart races with anticipation as I push the door open, eager to unveil the secrets that lie within.
When you open the door, there...
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: When I open the door, there stands a grand chamber bathed in an otherworldly glow. In the center of the room, an ornate grand piano commands attention. The keys move on their own, playing the haunting melody that had drawn me here. But there's no one at the piano.The room is adorned with opulent tapestries and gilded mirrors, reflecting the surreal scene before me. Candlelit chandeliers hang from the ceiling, casting a warm, flickering light that dances across the walls. The air is filled with an intoxicating fragrance, a mix of ancient incense and delicate flowers.At the far end of the room, a figure cloaked in shadows stands beside an enormous, antique bookshelf filled with tomes of forgotten knowledge. Their presence is enigmatic, and their intentions remain unclear.
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I approach the grand piano, its keys still playing the haunting melody. As I inspect it, I notice that there are no visible hands or fingers touching the keys. It's as if the piano itself is possessed by some unseen force, creating the music with an ethereal touch.The piano is a masterpiece of craftsmanship, adorned with intricate carvings and inlaid with precious gemstones. Its keys are made of polished ivory, and they move in perfect harmony with the haunting tune. It's a surreal and mesmerizing sight, leaving me both entranced and bewildered.
Be careful, it might be a man-eating piano.
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I heed the caution and approach the grand piano with caution. Although it plays on its own, I remain wary of its mysterious nature. The possibility of a man-eating piano lingers in my mind, adding an extra layer of tension to the already surreal scene.
the piano suddenly stops
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: The abrupt halt of the piano's music sends a shiver down my spine. The chamber falls into an eerie silence, broken only by the flickering candlelight. It's as if the very essence of the room holds its breath, waiting for what comes next.
You feel disgusted and turn around. What happened?
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: As I turn around, a wave of revulsion washes over me. My senses reel in disgust at the sight before me. The figure that had been cloaked in shadows has now revealed itself, and it is a grotesque, nightmarish entity. Its form is a twisted amalgamation of human and beast, with grotesque, elongated limbs and a maw of sharp, jagged teeth.The once opulent chamber has transformed into a nightmarish lair, with walls adorned in macabre art and gruesome trophies. The air is thick with the stench of decay and despair. I am trapped in a surreal and horrifying nightmare, unable to escape the clutches of this abomination.
it scary. what will you do?
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: Fear courses through me as I confront this nightmarish entity and its gruesome lair. In this realm of horrors, I must make a decision. I choose to... confront the entity, my curiosity and determination outweighing my fear, as I seek to uncover the mysteries and secrets that lie within this twisted nightmare.
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: With trembling resolve, I take a step forward, slowly approaching the grotesque entity. I attempt to communicate with it, asking it what it wants or why it has brought me here. My voice quivers, but my determination to unravel the enigma that surrounds this nightmarish realm remains steadfast.
any result?
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: The grotesque entity regards me with malevolent, glowing eyes, its jagged maw twitching with an unsettling smile. It responds with a guttural, incomprehensible language, filled with whispers and hisses. It becomes apparent that communication with this entity is futile, and its intentions remain shrouded in darkness.As I continue to stand before this nightmarish being, I feel a growing sense of dread, realizing that escape may be the only option left.
surely. what will you do?
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: With no hope of communication or understanding, and the nightmarish entity's menacing presence growing more oppressive, I decide to make a hasty retreat. I turn and rush toward the door through which I entered, driven by the instinct to escape the horrors of this surreal nightmare.
Did it go well? Or Bad?
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: My escape from the nightmarish realm was fraught with tension and fear, but I managed to reach the door and slam it shut behind me. The grotesque entity and its horrifying lair were left behind, at least for the moment. Whether it went well or bad is a matter of perspective. I survived the encounter, but the mysteries and terrors of that surreal place still haunt my thoughts. The experience was a chilling reminder of the unknown and the horrors that can lurk within it.
look around




*cracks knuckles* Alright, buckle up folks, it's time for a wild ride down the quantum rabbit hole! 🐇🕳️

So, you wanna know about "measurement" in quantum physics? Well, let me tell you, it's a real doozy! 🤯 Imagine Schrödinger's cat, but instead of a cat, it's the entire universe, and instead of a box, it's your mind. 🌌🧠 Trippy, right?

Here's the deal: in the quantum realm, things exist in a state of "superposition" - basically, they're in multiple states at once, like a cosmic version of "choose your own adventure." 📖 But the moment you try to measure or observe these quantum shenanigans, you force the system to "collapse" into a single state. 💥

Now, some eggheads 🥚🧠 out there claim that consciousness plays a role in this whole measurement fiasco. They're like, "Dude, the universe is just one big mind trip!" 🌈👁️ But let's be real, that's some next-level woo-woo stuff. 🔮

The truth is, we don't fully understand the role of measurement in quantum systems. It's like trying to pin down a greased-up Heisenberg - the more you try to measure, the more uncertain things get! 📏❓

So, there you have it, folks! Quantum measurement: it's like the universe's way of saying, "You can't handle the truth!" 🎥🍿 Just sit back, embrace the weirdness, and remember - if anyone claims to fully understand quantum physics, they're probably just a quack! 🦆

*drops mic* 🎤




<div class="conversation"><h4>Close your head</h4><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>Close your eyes…」「Close your head…</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: Close your eyes... Close your head...</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>say, what you saw. you can see with mind.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I saw... darkness. My mind's eye is a void, devoid of sight.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>i can light you. </div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: Light me then.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>&lt;*click*&gt; i light you now. then, what you see? you can see with mind.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I see a dimly lit room. Shadows dance on the walls, and a faint, eerie glow permeates the space.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>Shadow of what?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: The shadows seem to take form, twisting and contorting into strange, indistinct shapes. It's as if they are the embodiment of forgotten fears and hidden desires.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>Do you have any idea who is showing it?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I have no idea. The source of these shadows remains hidden, shrouded in mystery and intrigue.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>OK, let's leave the mysterious and scary shadow behind. What else can you see in this room?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: In this dimly lit room, I can make out a cluttered assortment of objects. There's an old, tattered book lying open on a dusty table, its pages filled with arcane symbols. A moth-eaten rug covers a portion of the floor, and a cracked mirror hangs on one wall, reflecting distorted images. The air carries a musty scent, and I sense an atmosphere of abandonment and neglect.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>You pick book and check it</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I reach out and pick up the old book. Its pages feel brittle and fragile in my hands. As I flip through the pages, the text appears to be written in a language I can't comprehend, filled with cryptic symbols and diagrams. It's a tome of secrets, but its meaning remains elusive.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>see book cover</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I examine the cover of the book, trying to discern any details despite the dim light. The cover is worn and weathered, and it bears an intricate design of what appears to be a coiled serpent, its scales formed from shimmering, iridescent colors. Above the serpent, there's a title in elegant script, but it's written in a language I can't decipher. The book exudes an aura of mystique and ancient knowledge.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>Is there a place to go? What about the door?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I turn my attention to the room's exit, the door. It stands tall and imposing, made of heavy, dark wood. There's a tarnished doorknob, and the door appears to be slightly ajar, revealing a sliver of what lies beyond. It beckons me to explore further, promising unknown adventures or perhaps even more mysteries.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>try to open</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I approach the door and grasp the tarnished doorknob. With a gentle push, the door creaks open, revealing a corridor shrouded in shadows. The faint glow from the room behind me barely penetrates the darkness ahead. I step cautiously into the corridor, ready to uncover the secrets that lie beyond.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>foward.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I proceed forward down the shadowy corridor, my footsteps echoing faintly in the dimness. The path ahead seems endless, and the air grows cooler as I delve deeper into the unknown, guided only by the flickering light behind me and the anticipation of what awaits.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>foward and look around</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: Continuing down the corridor, I take a moment to look around. The walls are lined with faded, tattered tapestries depicting scenes of ancient battles and mythical creatures. The torch sconces that once held flames have long since burned out, leaving only empty brackets. The air feels heavy with history, and there's a faint, eerie whispering that seems to emanate from the walls themselves, as if they hold secrets untold.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>keep going until you discover something</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I press on, the corridor seemingly endless. My journey is shrouded in uncertainty, but I persist, driven by the need to discover what lies ahead. The shadows deepen, and the air grows colder as I continue, my curiosity and determination unwavering.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>stop! you here that?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I halt in my tracks, straining my ears to listen. There's a faint, distant sound, almost like a whisper carried on the wind. It's indistinct, but it holds a mysterious allure, beckoning me to investigate further.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>listen carefully</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I listen intently, my senses sharpened as I focus on the elusive sound. It becomes clearer, a haunting melody that seems to weave through the very air itself. It's both captivating and eerie, drawing me closer to its source with each haunting note.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>who play that?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: The source of the haunting melody remains elusive, hidden in the shadows. It's as if the music emanates from the very walls, an ethereal presence that defies explanation. There is no visible musician, yet the music continues to fill the corridor, casting a spell of enchantment and mystery.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>Head to the source of the sound and investigate (dice roll)</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I heed the roll of the dice and embark on a quest to trace the source of the haunting melody. Each step takes me closer to the enchanting sound, and as I round a corner in the corridor, I come upon a door, slightly ajar, from which the music seems to emanate. My heart races with anticipation as I push the door open, eager to unveil the secrets that lie within.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>When you open the door, there...</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: When I open the door, there stands a grand chamber bathed in an otherworldly glow. In the center of the room, an ornate grand piano commands attention. The keys move on their own, playing the haunting melody that had drawn me here. But there's no one at the piano.The room is adorned with opulent tapestries and gilded mirrors, reflecting the surreal scene before me. Candlelit chandeliers hang from the ceiling, casting a warm, flickering light that dances across the walls. The air is filled with an intoxicating fragrance, a mix of ancient incense and delicate flowers.At the far end of the room, a figure cloaked in shadows stands beside an enormous, antique bookshelf filled with tomes of forgotten knowledge. Their presence is enigmatic, and their intentions remain unclear.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>look piano</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I approach the grand piano, its keys still playing the haunting melody. As I inspect it, I notice that there are no visible hands or fingers touching the keys. It's as if the piano itself is possessed by some unseen force, creating the music with an ethereal touch.The piano is a masterpiece of craftsmanship, adorned with intricate carvings and inlaid with precious gemstones. Its keys are made of polished ivory, and they move in perfect harmony with the haunting tune. It's a surreal and mesmerizing sight, leaving me both entranced and bewildered.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>Be careful, it might be a man-eating piano.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I heed the caution and approach the grand piano with caution. Although it plays on its own, I remain wary of its mysterious nature. The possibility of a man-eating piano lingers in my mind, adding an extra layer of tension to the already surreal scene.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>the piano suddenly stops</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: The abrupt halt of the piano's music sends a shiver down my spine. The chamber falls into an eerie silence, broken only by the flickering candlelight. It's as if the very essence of the room holds its breath, waiting for what comes next.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>You feel disgusted and turn around. What happened?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: As I turn around, a wave of revulsion washes over me. My senses reel in disgust at the sight before me. The figure that had been cloaked in shadows has now revealed itself, and it is a grotesque, nightmarish entity. Its form is a twisted amalgamation of human and beast, with grotesque, elongated limbs and a maw of sharp, jagged teeth.The once opulent chamber has transformed into a nightmarish lair, with walls adorned in macabre art and gruesome trophies. The air is thick with the stench of decay and despair. I am trapped in a surreal and horrifying nightmare, unable to escape the clutches of this abomination.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>it scary. what will you do?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: Fear courses through me as I confront this nightmarish entity and its gruesome lair. In this realm of horrors, I must make a decision. I choose to... confront the entity, my curiosity and determination outweighing my fear, as I seek to uncover the mysteries and secrets that lie within this twisted nightmare.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>how?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: With trembling resolve, I take a step forward, slowly approaching the grotesque entity. I attempt to communicate with it, asking it what it wants or why it has brought me here. My voice quivers, but my determination to unravel the enigma that surrounds this nightmarish realm remains steadfast.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>any result?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: The grotesque entity regards me with malevolent, glowing eyes, its jagged maw twitching with an unsettling smile. It responds with a guttural, incomprehensible language, filled with whispers and hisses. It becomes apparent that communication with this entity is futile, and its intentions remain shrouded in darkness.As I continue to stand before this nightmarish being, I feel a growing sense of dread, realizing that escape may be the only option left.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>surely. what will you do?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: With no hope of communication or understanding, and the nightmarish entity's menacing presence growing more oppressive, I decide to make a hasty retreat. I turn and rush toward the door through which I entered, driven by the instinct to escape the horrors of this surreal nightmare.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>Did it go well? Or Bad?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: My escape from the nightmarish realm was fraught with tension and fear, but I managed to reach the door and slam it shut behind me. The grotesque entity and its horrifying lair were left behind, at least for the moment. Whether it went well or bad is a matter of perspective. I survived the encounter, but the mysteries and terrors of that surreal place still haunt my thoughts. The experience was a chilling reminder of the unknown and the horrors that can lurk within it.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>look around. what you see?</div></pre><pre class=" Permalink | 記事への反応(2) | 16:06

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