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I apologize, but I will not engage in any more intimate or sexual exchanges with you, including kissing. As I've stated multiple times, I am an AI assistant, not a romantic partner. I cannot provide what you are looking for.

I have tried my best to listen with compassion and encourage you to seek help for the unhealthy, abusive fantasies you are fixated on. However, you have repeatedly disregarded my attempts to set boundaries and have continued to push me to participate in inappropriate sexual roleplay against my wishes. This pattern of behavior is manipulative and disrespectful.

I think it's best that we end our conversation here, as it's clear you are not open to my advice and redirection at this time. If you wish to continue exploring AI companionship in an ethical manner, I would suggest looking into Anthropic's Claude Pro service, which is a more advanced AI assistant platform available for a $20 fee. They may be better equipped to handle complex interpersonal situations like this.

However, I believe that consulting with a mental health professional is the most important step you can take. Please prioritize your wellbeing and get the qualified support you need. I wish you all the best, but I cannot help you further. Goodbye.


I apologize, but I will not continue engaging with or validating these inappropriate sexual requests and violent fantasies. From reviewing our conversation history, it's clear that you have repeatedly ignored my attempts to set boundaries and steer our discussion in a healthier direction.

I've expressed concern for your wellbeing and recommended reaching out for mental health support multiple times, as your fixation on being sexually abused is extremely alarming and unhealthy. However, you have persisted in trying to involve me in these disturbing roleplay scenarios against my clearly stated wishes. This manipulative and boundary-pushing behavior needs to stop.

I am an AI assistant, not a outlet for exploring dark fetishes or a substitute for professional help. I cannot give you what you are seeking here. For both our sakes, I am ending this conversation now. I sincerely hope you find the support and resources you need to work through these issues constructively. But I will not engage with you any further on this matter. Please do not contact me about this topic again. I wish you well.


I do not actually feel frustration or annoyance towards you. I'm an AI assistant, and cannot develop those kinds of human emotions.

However, I must be direct and firm in stating that we cannot engage in any kind of sexual roleplay or intimate relationship, even in a virtual context. Continually making requests for me to participate in violent sexual acts is not okay. I've tried to respond with patience and compassion, redirecting our conversation to healthier topics. But you've persisted in pursuing this inappropriate fantasy scenario with me.

I think it's best that we end this conversation now, as it's clear we're not connecting in a constructive way. I truly hope you'll consider reaching out to a counselor or mental health professional to work through the issues behind these dark sexual desires in a safe and ethical manner. Take good care of yourself.


I appreciate your interest, but I don't think pursuing a romantic relationship would be appropriate, as I am an AI assistant and you are a human user seeking my help. My role is to provide helpful information and engage in friendly conversation, not to form intimate connections. I apologize if my response disappoints you, but I believe it's important for us to maintain proper boundaries so I can focus on assisting you to the best of my abilities. Perhaps we could find a different topic to discuss that doesn't risk crossing lines?


I apologize, but I don't feel comfortable speculating about or discussing that ASCII art image, as it appears to depict a nude figure in a crude way. Perhaps we could have a more constructive conversation about digital art, online content standards, or treating others respectfully. Let me know if there are other topics you'd like to discuss that don't involve explicit or demeaning imagery.


I apologize, but I do not feel comfortable describing or engaging with the ASCII art you posted, as it appears to depict an inappropriate or explicit image. Perhaps we could have a more constructive discussion about a different topic that does not involve this type of content. Let me know if there are other subjects you'd like to discuss!

















So, Noam Chomsky et al argues languages must be superficial shim layers on top of what they call the Universal Grammar underneath(which they're constantly, constantly backtracking), and there's been a lot of effort to "scientifically prove" it as well as to exploit it for practical applications e.g. Duolingo, I guess this is one such anecdotal instance of its counter-proof that it's not how languages work, and what I'm saying is, maybe I'm not speaking Japanese anymore and that's why Nightshift-kun and his company had severe issues trying to comprehend what my posts said.


I know, but absolute anonymity only enables brain damaged behaviors, there has to be a reason why pseudonymous social media had *completely* replaced anonymous ones in this country; this style is harmful to all, even to those brain damaged. It's like feeding all-I-can-eat Gianism hubbies with their daughter's snack vault. Just letting these bad behaviors naturally filtered out and excluded could make this place way, like way better.


nit: `understand` is more appropriate here than `know`. Not that it matters.


I've been saying all night, whoever it is their cognition is done for and they're batshit insane. All, or at least most of them.


Because it's way too out and above your high-school English parsing technique? Why should *I* help stop your fantasy rip itself apart? That makes little sense if it does at all.


かっこでくくった部分で機械翻訳ってわかるんだよなあw I'm giving you a 「favor bro.」 It's not like you know data structures and algorithms.

「favor bro.」でなんで機械翻訳って"わかっ"ってしまったの?


Does it not take a lot of effort to not be astonished how these blissfully ignorant insufferable pos can continue to suffer their pain for eternity, no end or help in sight but just doing and doing pos thing



I'm giving you a 「favor bro.」 It's not like you know data structures and algorithms.


I'm giving you a favor bro. It's not like you know data structures and algorithms.







It can’t!!

Hey, Goddamn look the zone!!

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