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Our delegation’s visit to Taiwan honors America’s unwavering commitment to supporting Taiwan’s vibrant Democracy.

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音源はここ → https://www.se-radio.net/2019/08/episode-376-justin-richer-on-api-security-with-oauth-2/

3:34 So the user’s not really setting authorization policies and it’s not something like, you know, ざっかまる (?) where you’re setting up things that, you know, "when I see this kind of request, this is the kind of result that I’m looking for."

5:13 And it actually did so well that big companies like Google and Yahoo and bunch of others dropped support of their proprietary versions of delegation protocols, おーせぶん, びびお, and bunch of others that sort of influenced OAuth.

11:20 And that automatically allows both sides of the table 何言ってるかわからん who’s doing more because everyone has a different identifiable access token. Right, exactly. That’s where you can and a lot of large providers have started doing a heuristic べーくす monitoring of API access.

12:03 Yeah. のっだっ similar to what your banks do at the moment (???) isn’t it? If you’re pretty much based on UK or US and all the sudden a transaction pops up in Italy, then they know something’s wrong and you get an email or a call.

12:47 何もわからん 本当に英語

13:25 Yeah, 'cause the traceability, you know, it’s like, for example, when someone famous, a video of them gets posted on Twitter or something or shared, you can trace the original share, but you don’t know if ぱぺっちゃ’s been taken or, you know, once it’s out there, it’s out there.






Copyright Innovative Act› The Right of Replication of Protected Materials and the Right of Delegation of Replication of Protected Materials belong to every intellectual being. The Right of Manifestation, the Right of Publication and the Right of Exploitation of Icons of Protected Materials belong to those who involved directly in the manifestation of their Material, and the distribution of the rights is subject to the responsible parties' agreement. Copyright is the hypernym of those aforementioned Rights. No one shall replicate Protected Materials and merchandise them, or propagate them, to the third parties, without the Right of Publication. No one shall disrespect the Right of Replication, disregard of any other Rights. No one shall invoke the Right of Delegation of Replication for profit. The Right of Delegation of Publication implies the Right of Delegation of Replication, and belongs to every intellectual being who has paid a fair loyalty according to the standards that must be expressed besides this act. The Right of Publication expires 50 years later of the deaths of all individuals involved directly in the manifestation of the Protected Material. The Right of Exploitation of Icons belongs to each individual planned the icon in addition to each individual directly involved in the manifestation of the Protected Material, and expires 70 years later of the deaths of them all. The expiration of rights shall be suspended for 20 years if and only if the cause of the triggering death was homicide. Every instance of the invoked right before the expiration shall be righteous and granted if and only if a fair loyalty was paid according to the standards that must be expressed besides this act.

Copyright Innovative Act's Rules of Implementation› All rights that were materialized and should be ruled by the acts to be displaced by this act shall stay effective as prior to the implementation of this act. The legislative body shall not ratify any international declaration of responsibilities that contradicts this act and affects the rights retrospectively, and shall obsolete it after the ratification or implementation if any.


  • Publication → Publishment
  • the rights → the Rights
  • is the hypernym of those aforementioned Rights → is the collective of those aforementioned Rights
  • disregard of any other Rights → regardless of any other Rights
  • shall be righteous and granted if and only if → shall be righteous, and granted if and only if
  • should be ruled by the acts → should be governed by the acts



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