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minori official website.

This website cannot be browsed excluding Japan.

Some foreigners seem to be having an antipathy against EROGE.

Therefore, We prohibited the access from foreign countries, to defend our culture.

Sorry for you of the fan that lives in a foreign country.

minori Inc.


Why minori blocking foreign accesses?

We are little perplexing now because we received a lot of response about this issue from foreign people.

Now we will tell you the short detail about the reason why blocking you to this website, because of we, all Japanese EROGE makers were facing at the problem, the crisis of "Freedom of speech".

Currently, The bill that allows to limiting the content (It is censorship. Isn't it?) to all EROGEs is being discussed in the Diet because intellectuals and politicians said "Japanese EROGE were being problem and troubled with the foreign country. Therefore we should make EROGE hidden away from foreign country, and also its content should be limited and censored".

Okay, now we trusted the word what they said at once. So we blocked you to make stay away from the trouble.

...Do you like that?

If not, please tell your idea directly to Japanese government and politicians.

(For example, you can write the letter to the administration of Japan directly from here.)

(If you can comprehend Japanese...There is information of the politicians in Japan.)

Otherwise, you just can talk your idea about this issue at your blog or other media to inform the existance of this problem to the public. It would be very helpful for us.

If you do so, we might be able to recover the "Freedom of speech" and the barricade lying in between us would be taken away.

Please help us.

We hope this separation would be only for short moment.


minori Inc.


梅田望夫 が夢見た世界

Linked In "Digital Marketing"グループでのある会話。

Share knowledge and receive knowledge...

I'm experimenting with Huddle workspaces in my Linkedin profile.

I'm starting to list all the free, or low fee, marketing tools worth looking at...

I'm using an excel sheet in Huddle as a starter.

Drop me an email and i'll grant you access to it, all i ask in return is that you contribute to the list to make it more comprehensive.

“There is no delight in owning anything unshared.”

(Roman philosopher, mid-1st century AD)


Hi Peter,

Great idea and I love your quote about sharing.

Funnily enough I have been searching free tools today and here are a few goodies I am happy to share with you and the group.

1. http://www.keotag.com/ - searches tags on blogs and social bookmarking sites. (been having plenty of fun with this one and it's seems v. useful).

2. http://boardtracker.com/ - Searches posts on bullitin boards / forums for mentions of keywords / brand terms.

3. http://www.trendrr.com/ - enables you to track trends and provides some very valuable competitive analysis functionality.

4. http://usernamecheck.com/ This tool is essential for brand name protection. It lets you search a wide range of social sites to see if anyone is using your brand term / name as their profile ID. If they are not then I would suggest you register your brand / business name even if you do not plan to use the site to protect your business from damage. If your name is taken and not being used the chances are it is being squatted by a chancer. I had this issue on twitter with my social site for business people marzar.com but the nice folks at twitter reverted the name to me as the trade mark owner as soon as I contacted them in regards to the issue.

5. http://hellotxt.com update your status from one place across multiple social sites.

6. http://www.twilert.com/ Seems to be a number of tools to monitor twitter but this one seems to be pretty useful. Twilert is a Twitter application that lets you receive regular email updates of tweets containing your brand, product, service, well any keyword you like really.

7. http://www.backtype.com/ Monitors comments left on blog posts monitoring posts for sentiment may not be enough and issues and or insights often come from the comments posted by readers.

8. http://socialmention.com/ Again allows you to search blog posts, comments, news, events, images, bookmarks, microblogs and video all at once or on their own. This is a very useful tool and when I searched on my brand terms it came back with results that the other tools did not pick up on. In particular I found the bookmark search to be of value.

9. http://www.samepoint.com conversation search engine again came back with differing results to the other tools listed above.

10. http://www.marzar.com free to use business networing platform. Many members are involved with online marketing and or are senior business people. The audience is similar to Linkedin but the functionality differs. I built this site and I am working hard towards the next release of our platform now that we are funded.

Hope that this list posted publicly to the group helps others :)




Wow John you rock I haven't heard of any of these!



Thanks :) you are welcome I only added 10 but I could have listed at least 50 if I had the time. I hope you find this list of use.




梅田望夫 が夢見た世界

~~Share knowledge and receive knowledge...

I'm experimenting with Huddle workspaces in my Linkedin profile.

I'm starting to list all the free, or low fee, marketing tools worth looking at...

I'm using an excel sheet in Huddle as a starter.

Drop me an email and i'll grant you access to it, all i ask in return is that you contribute to the list to make it more comprehensive.

“There is no delight in owning anything unshared.”

(Roman philosopher, mid-1st century AD)

Posted 6 months ago | Reply Privately

Peter Abraham

Digital Marketing & E-commerce Professional, Director Econsultancy.com (80,000 professionals) Twitter:peterjabraham

See all Peter’s discussions »

Comments (32)

John Horsley

Internet Evangelist email john@marzar.com 9000+

Hi Peter,

Great idea and I love your quote about sharing.

Funnily enough I have been searching free tools today and here are a few goodies I am happy to share with you and the group.

1. http://www.keotag.com/ - searches tags on blogs and social bookmarking sites. (been having plenty of fun with this one and it's seems v. useful).

2. http://boardtracker.com/ - Searches posts on bullitin boards / forums for mentions of keywords / brand terms.

3. http://www.trendrr.com/ - enables you to track trends and provides some very valuable competitive analysis functionality.

4. http://usernamecheck.com/ This tool is essential for brand name protection. It lets you search a wide range of social sites to see if anyone is using your brand term / name as their profile ID. If they are not then I would suggest you register your brand / business name even if you do not plan to use the site to protect your business from damage. If your name is taken and not being used the chances are it is being squatted by a chancer. I had this issue on twitter with my social site for business people marzar.com but the nice folks at twitter reverted the name to me as the trade mark owner as soon as I contacted them in regards to the issue.

5. http://hellotxt.com update your status from one place across multiple social sites.

6. http://www.twilert.com/ Seems to be a number of tools to monitor twitter but this one seems to be pretty useful. Twilert is a Twitter application that lets you receive regular email updates of tweets containing your brand, product, service, well any keyword you like really.

7. http://www.backtype.com/ Monitors comments left on blog posts monitoring posts for sentiment may not be enough and issues and or insights often come from the comments posted by readers.

8. http://socialmention.com/ Again allows you to search blog posts, comments, news, events, images, bookmarks, microblogs and video all at once or on their own. This is a very useful tool and when I searched on my brand terms it came back with results that the other tools did not pick up on. In particular I found the bookmark search to be of value.

9. http://www.samepoint.com conversation search engine again came back with differing results to the other tools listed above.

10. http://www.marzar.com free to use business networing platform. Many members are involved with online marketing and or are senior business people. The audience is similar to Linkedin but the functionality differs. I built this site and I am working hard towards the next release of our platform now that we are funded.

Hope that this list posted publicly to the group helps others :)



Posted 6 months ago | Reply Privately

Darren Monroe

Chief Operating Officer/ President

Wow John you rock I haven't heard of any of these!

Posted 6 months ago | Reply Privately

John Horsley

Internet Evangelist email john@marzar.com 9000+


Thanks :) you are welcome I only added 10 but I could have listed at least 50 if I had the time. I hope you find this list of use.


Posted 6 months ago | Reply Privately

Steve Momorella

Owner, TEKgroup

Great list! Wow, I'd certainly be interested in seeing more if you have them posted somewhere. Thanks for sharing.

Posted 6 months ago | Reply Privately

Karla Ferrer

Brand Specialist at IBM

Bravo for this sharing! thanks a lot.. I will take a look

Posted 5 months ago | Reply Privately

Carrie Orfield Oman

Residential Sales Specialist at ADT Security Services

Thanks. I haven't heard of any of these, either.

Posted 5 months ago | Reply Privately

Caroline Bogart

Owner, Bogart Computing, LLC and Computer Software Consultant

Fantastic list. Thank you.

Posted 5 months ago | Reply Privately

Judy Hoffman

Marketing and PR Consultant

Here is my email: judy@ judymae.com

Posted 5 months ago | Reply Privately

Lisa Russell

Independent Interactive Marketing Professional

Thanks for sharing!

Posted 5 months ago | Reply Privately

Darren Monroe

Chief Operating Officer/ President

OK been a month but all of our posts (me included) and no one has shared more resources so here goes



Jesus went unto the Mount of Olives.

And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them.

And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst,

They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.

Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?

This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.

So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.

(John, Chapter 8)



まずは関係ない話から。12月22日にTVAのKingstonの火力発電所のcoal combustion(石炭燃焼とでも訳すか)が大気中に放出されたそうな。そこで約84m^2 of natural uraniumが放出されたそうな。約800kg/m^2, 0.336curies (Ci)/kgが275エイカーの土地放出されたそうな。約20000 curiesが漏れたわけだね。そのまま引用すると

the most massive uncontrolled release of radioactie material in history may have jsut taken place - at a coal -fired power plant.



食の危機を産業技術で救えるか?「植物工場」に集まる期待度(ダイヤモンドオンライン) - Yahoo!ニュース














 My fellow citizens:




 I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors.




 I thank President Bush for his service to our nation, as well as the generosity and cooperation he has shown throughout this transition.




 Forty-four Americans have now taken the presidential oath.




 The words have been spoken during rising tides of prosperity and the still waters of peace.




 Yet, every so often the oath is taken amidst gathering clouds and raging storms.




 At these moments, America has carried on not simply because of the skill or vision of those in high office, but because We the People have remained faithful to the ideals of our forbearers, and true to our founding documents.


(A) そのような時に米国がやってこれたのは、指導者の技量や洞察力だけによってではなく、「我ら合衆国人民」が先人の理想に誠実で、(独立宣言など)建国の文書に忠実だったからだ。


 So it has been.




 So it must be with this generation of Americans.








P2PCDの売上に明確な関係はないというのが結論。調査結果はこちら。はじめから読むのはめんどくさいのでちゃっちゃとResultsへ。「The effect of P2P file-sharing on music purchasing」という節(or 章?)に次のような文章がある。

In the aggregate, we are unable to find direct evidence that P2P file-sharing either increases or decreases CD purchases in Canada.


Among Canadians engaged in P2P file-sharing, we find a positive and statistically significant relationship between the number of music tracks downloaded via P2P networks and the number of CDs purchased.
The report, prepared by University of London researchers, Birgitte Andersen and Marion Frenz, found that music downloads have a positive effect on music purchases among Canadian downloaders but that there is no effect taken over the entire population aged 15 and over.







While Hypothesis 1 predicts that the price of CDs is negatively associated with the number of CD albums purchased, we find no statistically significant relationship for the entire population
Our third hypothesis, Hypothesis 3, states that the level of income is positively associated with the sales of music CD albums. In our estimations this hypothesis is not supported.


The analysis in this paper is based on direct answers (or micro-data) provided by 2,100 Canadian respondents. For example, respondents were asked about how many CDs and paid electronically-delivered tracks they purchased and the average prices paid.

The Impact of Music Downloads and P2P File-Sharing: Data and methodologyP2Pやっている人間がほんとのことを書くのか疑問。たぶんカナダでも違法だからこうした調査が行われていると思うんだが、そういう違法なことをやっている人間が素直に書くんだろうか?P2Pをやる人は「P2Pを含めた違法ダウンロードは宣伝になる」っていって正当化してるんだから、その主張にそうような嘘の回答をする可能性も充分考慮すべき。そういうバイアスもかかっているかもしれないということも頭に入れておいたほうがいい。


KEREM SHALOM, Israel, July 11 ?? Real life has a way of intruding into the airy absolutes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Each side may deny the other’s historical legitimacy, or plot the other’s demise, but somehow, the gritty business of coexistence marches on.

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Rina Castelnuovo for The New York Times

An Israeli man signaled for a truck to move toward Gaza at Sufa on Wednesday. Commerce continues despite the Hamas takeover.

The New York Times

For the past month, since the Islamic militants of Hamas took over the Gaza Strip, Israel has kept the main commercial crossing point at Karni shuttered, squeezing the life out of the limp Gazan economy. Israel bans contact with Hamas, and Hamas seeks Israel’s destruction, making border crossing etiquette more precarious than elsewhere.

Yet at this small crossing near the Egyptian border on Wednesday, between mortar attacks by Hamas and other militants, about 20 truckloads of milk products, meat, medicines and eggs passed from Israel into Gaza, part of the effort to keep basic commodities reaching the 1.5 million Palestinians of the largely isolated strip. Most of the supplies are not humanitarian relief, but are ordered by Palestinian merchants from Israeli suppliers, relying on contacts built up over years.

The mechanics of the crossover manage to answer Israel’s security needs while avoiding contact with Hamas. At Kerem Shalom, Israeli trucks transfer their goods to what Israeli military officials describe as a “sterile” Palestinian truck. Driven by a carefully vetted Palestinian driver, the truck never leaves the terminal, carrying the goods to the Palestinian side, where they are transferred onto ordinary Palestinian trucks that drive into Gaza.

Kerem Shalom, which means “vineyard of peace,” is surrounded by fences and concrete barriers. It can process only about 20 trucks a day, so it is reserved for products that require refrigeration.

The hardier goods, which make up the bulk of the supplies, go through another crossing, at Sufa, to the north. About 100 Israeli trucks a day come from Israel, swirling up clouds of dust before dumping thousands of tons of dry products, bales of straw and crates of fruit on “the platform,” a fenced-in patch of baked earth. At 3 p.m. the Israeli suppliers leave. Like drug dealers picking up a “drop,” the Gaza merchants send in trucks from a gate on the other side and take the products away.

Other products make their way into Gaza with virtually no human interaction. At the fuel depot at Nahal Oz, Israeli tankers pour diesel, gasoline and cooking gas into Gaza through pipes that run beneath the border. And even at Karni, the main crossing that closed for normal operations on June 12, the Israelis have adapted a 650-foot-long conveyor belt, which was previously used for gravel, to send in grain.

“It is better all around from a security point of view that commodities go in,” said Maj. Peter Lerner of the Coordination and Liaison Administration, the Israeli military agency that deals with the civilian aspects of the Gaza border. “More despair doesn’t serve anyone.”

Israeli officials cite security reasons for having shut Karni, the only crossing equipped to send containers into Gaza, or to handle exports out of the strip. “Karni was based on the concept of two sides operating together,” said Col. Nir Press, the head of the coordination agency.

Colonel Press noted that in April 2006, a vehicle loaded with half a ton of explosives got through three of four checkpoints on the Palestinian side of Karni, and was stopped at the last security position by members of the American-backed Presidential Guard, loyal to the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah.

But the Presidential Guard is no longer there, having been routed, along with all other Fatah forces in Gaza, by Hamas.

Instead, the military wing of Hamas and other Palestinian factions have been firing mortar shells at Kerem Shalom. On Tuesday, 10 of them landed in and around the terminal as two trucks of milk were passing. The crossing was closed for the rest of the day. [Another barrage of mortar shells hit areas around Kerem Shalom on Thursday.]

Hamas suspects that Israel wants to use Kerem Shalom to replace the Rafah crossing on the Egypt-Gaza border, which has been closed since June 9. The Palestinians had symbolic control at Rafah. At Kerem Shalom, Israel can better supervise who ?? and what ?? is going in and out of the strip.

“Kerem Shalom is a military post, a place from which Israeli tanks begin their incursions into Gaza,” said Fawzi Barhoum, a Hamas spokesman, justifying the mortar attacks. “How can we consider it a safe and legitimate crossing to replace Rafah?”

But when it comes to food, rather than principle, Hamas is proving itself pragmatic as well. On Sunday, Palestinian merchants, trying to press Israel to reopen Karni, told the Israelis that Hamas had barred the import of Israeli fruit. But by Wednesday, the Israeli fruit was ordered again. “Hamas does not want to lose the private sector,” a Gaza businessman explained.

Tellingly, the exposed Sufa crossing, through which most of the food comes, has not been attacked with mortars so far. Without Karni, however, and with the smaller crossings operating on a one-way basis, Gaza can barely subsist. With hardly any raw materials going in, and no products from Gazan farms, greenhouses and factories so far allowed out, Gaza’s tiny industrial base is on the verge of collapse.

Hamas officials say they want to start negotiations with Israel about reopening the formal crossings. Major Lerner said that Hamas had “a few things to do” first, including recognizing Israel’s right to exist and freeing Gilad Shalit, the Israeli soldier captured and taken to Gaza in a raid more than a year ago.

But the ultimate test of pragmatism may come in September when the Hebrew calendar enters what is known in Jewish law as a “shmita” year. Then the fields of Israel are supposed to lie fallow, and observant Jews seek agricultural products grown elsewhere. Before the Hamas takeover, Israel’s rabbis had reached agreements with Palestinians to import vegetables from Gaza, Major Lerner said. Given the needs of both sides, it may still happen.

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