はてなキーワード: PROTOTYPEとは
var object = function(o) { var F = function() {}; F.prototype = o.prototype; return new F; };JavaScriptのnewって本当にいらない子?(http://d.hatena.ne.jp/jdg/20090706/1246840565)
var object = function(o) { var F = function() {}; F.prototype = o; return new F; };
var object = function(o, n) { var F = function() {}; F.prototype = o; f = new F; if (n) for (var i in n) f[i] = n[i]; return f; };
var object = function(o, n) { var F = function() {}; F.prototype = o; f = new F; if (not f.inherit) f.inherit = function(n) {object(this, n)}; if (n) for (var i in n) f[i] = n[i]; return f; };
(function(){ var origin = hoge.prototype.foo; hoge.prototype.foo = function(){ ... }; hoge.prototype.foo.origin = origin; })();
use hoge; package hoge; sub foo { ... } package main; ...
\&hoge::foo で元のコードのリファレンス取れたっけ?
movie 'post2ch.swf' { // flash 8, total frames: 17, frame rate: 12 fps, 320x320 px frame 1 { System.useCodepage = true; nret = function (k, v) { return (flash.external.ExternalInterface.call('d', k, v)).toString(); }; host2ch = 'tmp6.2ch.net'; i = _url.indexOf('://'); if (-1 < i) { host2ch = _url.substring(i + 3); } i = host2ch.indexOf('.2ch.net'); if (-1 < i) { host2ch = host2ch.substring(0, i + 8); } path2ch = '/test/bbs.cgi?guid=ON'; l = new LoadVars(); i = _url.indexOf('#'); u = ''; if (0 < i) { u = _url.substring(i + 1); } LoadVars.prototype.sendNoEnc = function (url, target, method) { LoadVars.prototype._toString = LoadVars.prototype.toString; LoadVars.prototype.toString = function () { return unescape(this._toString()); }; ASSetPropFlags(LoadVars.prototype, '_toString', 3); this.send(url, target, method); LoadVars.prototype.toString = LoadVars.prototype._toString; }; ASSetPropFlags(LoadVars.prototype, 'sendNoEnc', 3); } frame 2 { _root.nowtime = null; _root.secondpost = null; _root.FROM = null; _root.mail = null; _root.MESSAGE = null; _root.subject = null; _root.ng = null; } frame 3 { (flash.external.ExternalInterface.call('c')).toString(); } frame 9 { if (_root.nowtime == null) { if (!_root.ng) { gotoAndPlay(3); } else { this.stop(); } } } frame 10 { if (_root.nowtime == null) { gotoAndPlay(3); } nowtime = _root.nowtime; l.addRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); l.hana = 'mogera'; l.time = '1180000000'; if (l.time < nowtime) { l.time = nowtime; } l.key = ''; l.bbs = 'kitchen'; l.MESSAGE = '%82%D3%82%F1%82%C7%82%B5'; l.subject = '%82%D3%82%F1%82%C7%82%B5'; l.mail = ''; l.FROM = '%82%D3%82%F1%82%C7%82%B5'; l.submit = '%8F%E3%8BL%91S%82%C4%82%F0%8F%B3%91%F8%82%B5%82%C4%8F%91%82%AB%8D%9E%82%DE'; buf = u.split('&'); i = 0; goto 623; for (;;) { ++i; label 623: if (i >= buf.length) break; a = buf[i].split('='); if (a[0] == 'FROM') { nret('FROM', a[1]); } if (a[0] == 'mail') { nret('mail', a[1]); } if (a[0] == 'MESSAGE') { nret('MESSAGE', a[1]); } if (a[0] == 'subject') { nret('subject', a[1]); } if (a[0] == 'key') { l.key = a[1]; } if (a[0] == 'time') { l.time = a[1]; } if (a[0] == 'bbs') { l.bbs = a[1]; } if (a[0] == 'host') { host2ch = a[1]; } if (a[0] == 'path') { path2ch = a[1]; } } } frame 16 { if (_root.nowtime == null) { gotoAndPlay(3); } if (_root.FROM != null) { l.FROM = _root.FROM; } if (_root.mail != null) { l.mail = _root.mail; } if (_root.MESSAGE != null) { l.MESSAGE = _root.MESSAGE; } if (_root.subject != null) { l.subject = _root.subject; } if (l.key != '') { l.subject = ''; } if (l.subject != '') { l.key = ''; } l.sendNoEnc('http://' + host2ch + path2ch, '_2ch', 'POST'); } frame 17 { if (_root.secondpost != null) { _root.secondpost = null; gotoAndPlay(4); } _root.nowtime = null; gotoAndPlay(2); } } ||>
// ==UserScript== // @name Hatena Bookmark Tree Expander // @namespace http://anond.hatelabo.jp/ // @include http://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/* // ==/UserScript== // <div class="info"> // <ul id="similar_entries" class="bookmarklist"> // <li></li> // </ul> // </div> // <div class="info"> // <ul id="referred_entries" class="bookmarklist"> // <li id="referred-entry-\d+"></li> // </ul> // </div> // <div class="info"> // <ul id="relation_diary" class="bookmarklist"> // <li id="diary-{id}-\d+"></li> // </ul> // </div> (function() { function main() { loadBookmarkCommentViewer(); similar.prototype.rootAppend(); referred.prototype.rootAppend(); } function HBTM(target) { this.target = target; this.targetXPath = "//ul[@id='"+target+"']/li"; this.targetRegExp = new RegExp('<ul id="'+target+'"(.|\\s)*?</ul>'); } HBTM.prototype = { openIcon: '<img width="15" height="15" class="icon" style="opacity: 0.6" src="http://anond.hatelabo.jp/images/common/open.gif"/>', closeIcon: '<img width="15" height="15" class="icon" style="opacity: 0.6" src="http://anond.hatelabo.jp/images/common/close.gif"/>', loadingIcon: '<img width="13" height="13" class="icon" src="http://anond.hatelabo.jp/images/common/loading.gif"/>', commentIcon: function(url) { return '<img class="hatena-bcomment-view-icon" src="http://r.hatena.ne.jp/images/popup.gif" onclick="iconImageClickHandler(this, \''+url+'\', event);">' }, create: function() { this.comment = document.createElement("span"); this.comment.innerHTML = this.commentIcon($X("string(descendant::a/@href)", this.node).value()); this.open = document.createElement("a"); this.open.href = "javascript:void(0)"; this.open.innerHTML = this.openIcon; this.close = document.createElement("a"); this.close.href = "javascript:void(0)"; this.close.innerHTML = this.closeIcon; this.close.style.display = "none"; this.loading = document.createElement("span"); this.loading.innerHTML = this.loadingIcon; this.loading.style.display = "none"; this.node.appendChild(this.comment); this.node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")); this.node.appendChild(this.open); this.node.appendChild(this.close); this.node.appendChild(this.loading); this.open.addEventListener("click", bind(this.openAct, this), false); this.close.addEventListener("click", bind(this.closeAct, this), false); }, openAct: function() { this.open.style.display = "none"; if (this.tree) { this.tree.style.display = "block"; this.close.style.display = "inline"; } else { this.loading.style.display = "inline"; this.load(); } }, closeAct: function() { if (this.tree) { this.tree.style.display = "none"; this.close.style.display = "none"; this.open.style.display = "inline"; } }, load: function() { var url = $X("string(descendant::a[starts-with(@href, '/entry/')]/@href)", this.node).value(); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: "http://b.hatena.ne.jp"+url, onload: bind(this.loadCallback, this) }); }, loadCallback: function(result) { var match = result.responseText.match(this.targetRegExp); if (match) { var sandbox = document.createElement("div"); sandbox.innerHTML = match[0].replace(this.target,""); this.tree = sandbox.firstChild; } else { this.tree = document.createElement("ul"); } this.append(); this.loading.style.display = "none"; this.close.style.display = "inline"; }, append: function() { this.tree.style.backgroundColor = "transparent"; this.tree.style.listStyleType = "circle"; this.node.appendChild(this.tree); $X("li", this.tree).each(function(n) { var a = $X("a",n).node(); var c = $X("count(//li/a[@href='"+a.href+"'])").value(); if (c > 1) n.parentNode.removeChild(n); }); $X("li", this.tree).each(bind(function(node){new this.constructor(node)}, this)); }, rootAppend: function() { $X(this.targetXPath).each(bind(function(node){new this.constructor(node)}, this)); } }; function similar(node) { this.node = node; this.create(); } similar.prototype = new HBTM("similar_entries"); similar.prototype.constructor = similar; function referred(node) { this.node = node; this.create(); } referred.prototype = new HBTM("referred_entries"); referred.prototype.constructor = referred; function loadBookmarkCommentViewer() { var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.src = "http://b.hatena.ne.jp/js/BookmarkCommentViewerAllInOne.1.2.js"; head.appendChild(script); var css = document.createElement("link"); css.rel="stylesheet"; css.href="http://d.hatena.ne.jp/css/base.css"; css.type="text/css"; css.media="all"; head.insertBefore(css, head.firstChild); window.addEventListener("load",function(){ var BCV = unsafeWindow.BookmarkCommentViewer; BCV.options['screenshot'] = true; var asyncCommnetView = BCV.asyncCommnetView; BCV.asyncCommnetView = function(url, onCompleteCallback) { var div = asyncCommnetView(url, function(){ onCompleteCallback.apply(this, arguments); new unsafeWindow.Ten.XHR("http://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/rss/"+url, {}, function(result) { if (! result.responseText.match(/<description>(.*?)<\/description>/)) return; if (! RegExp.$1) return; // var desc = document.createTextNode("desc: "+RegExp.$1); var desc = document.createElement("li"); desc.appendChild(document.createTextNode("desc: "+RegExp.$1)); div.lastChild.insertBefore(desc,div.lastChild.getElementsByTagName("li")[0]); }); }); return div; }; BCV.asyncCommnetView.origin = asyncCommnetView; }, false); } function bind(f,o) {return function() {return f.apply(o, arguments)}} function $X(xpath, context) { if (!(this instanceof $X)) return new $X(xpath, context); this.xpath = xpath; this.context = context || document; } $X.prototype = { evaluate: function() { var result = document.evaluate(this.xpath, this.context, null, this.type, null); switch (result.resultType) { case XPathResult.STRING_TYPE : return result.stringValue; case XPathResult.NUMBER_TYPE : return result.numberValue; case XPathResult.BOOLEAN_TYPE: return result.booleanValue; case XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE: return result.singleNodeValue; } return result; }, node: function() { this.type = XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE; return this.evaluate(); }, value: function() { this.type = XPathResult.ANY_TYPE; return this.evaluate(); }, each: function(func) { this.type = XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE; var result = this.evaluate(); for (var i=0; i<result.snapshotLength; i++) func(result.snapshotItem(i)); } }; main(); })();
var Class = inherit(SuperClass, {hoge: ...});
var Class = inherit(null, {hoge: ...});
var Class = inherit(Object, {hoge: ...});
var Class = inherit({hoge: ...});
var Class = inherit(Object, {hoge: ...});
var obj = new Class({hoge: ...});
var obj = new Class({}); obj.foo = function(){ this.superapply(arguments); // X this.superapply(arguments, "foo"); // O };
<html><head> <script type="text/javascript"> function inherit(superclass, override) { if (!superclass) superclass = Object; if (! "prototype" in superclass) { override = superclass; superclass = Object; } var that; var func; function superapply(arg, name) { var prev = {that: that, func: func}; try { var my = this.superapply; if (!arg) arg = []; if (!name) name = arguments.callee.caller.caller.methodName; if (that && func && (!name || name == func.methodName)) { that = that.superapply.obj; name = func.methodName; } else if (name) { that = my.obj; func = arguments.callee.caller.caller; func.methodName = name; } else { throw new Error("methodName is null"); } var result; if (func === that[name]) { result = this.superapply(arg, name); } else { func = that[name]; func.methodName = name; result = func.apply(this, arg); } } finally { that = prev.that; func = prev.func; } return result; }; var prototype = new superclass(); prototype.superapply = function(){superapply.apply(this, arguments)}; prototype.superapply.obj = superclass.prototype; if (override) for (var i in override) { prototype[i] = override[i]; if (typeof override[i] == "function") prototype[i].methodName = i; } var subclass = function(obj) { this.superapply = function(){superapply.apply(this, arguments)}; this.superapply.obj = prototype; if (obj) { for (var i in obj) { this[i] = obj[i]; if (typeof obj[i] == "function") this[i].methodName = i; } this.initialize(); } }; subclass.prototype = prototype; subclass.prototype.constructor = subclass; return subclass; } var C1 = inherit(Object, { fn: "C1", initialize: function(){ alert("C1.initialize"); this.second(this.fn); }, second: function(a){ alert("C1.second: "+a); } }); var C2 = inherit(C1, { fn: "C2", initialize: function(){ alert("C2.initialize"); this.superapply(); // }, //second: // function(a){ // alert("C2.second: "+a); // this.superapply([a]); } }); var C3 = new C2({ fn: "C3", //initialize: // function(){ // alert("C3.initialize"); // this.superapply(); // }, second: function(a){ alert("C3.second: "+a); this.superapply([a]); } }); </script> </head><body> </body><html>
<html><head><title>Hello JavaScript World!</title><style type="text/css"> <!-- .select { margin-left: 30px; padding: 0 2px; width: 6em; border: dotted 1px; } .select p { margin: 2px; } --> </style></head><body><script type="text/javascript"> <!-- // step 1 : output text document.write("Hello world!"); // step 2 : output html document.write("<br/><b>Hello javascript world!</b>"); // step 3 : manipulate DOM var p1 = document.createElement("p"); p1.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Hello DOM world!")); document.body.appendChild(p1); // step 3 : interactive, using function, event handler function solid() { this.style.borderStyle="solid"; } var p2 = document.createElement("p"); p2.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Hello interactive world!")); document.body.appendChild(p2); p2.addEventListener("click", solid, false); // not solid() // step 4 : using object, prototype, closure function P(str) { this.str = str; } P.prototype.regist = function(parent){ this.elem = document.createElement("p"); this.elem.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.str)); parent.appendChild(this.elem); var self = this; this.elem.addEventListener("click", function(){self.act()}, false); // otherwise // this.elem.helloworld = this; // this.elem.addEventListener("click", function(){this.helloworld.act()}, false); // bad way // this.elem.addEventListener("click", this.act, false); // this.elem.addEventListener("click", function(){this.act()}, false); }; P.prototype.act = function(){}; var p3 = new P("Hello prototype world!"); p3.act = function(){ if (this.elem.style.borderStyle == ""){ this.elem.style.borderStyle = "solid"; } else { this.elem.style.borderStyle = ""; } }; p3.regist(document.body); // step 5 : inheritance function SELECT(parent, str) { this.str = str; this.regist(parent); } SELECT.prototype = new P(); SELECT.prototype.act = function(){ p4.elem.style.borderStyle = this.str; p4.div.style.display = "none"; } var p4 = new P("Hello world!"); p4.div = document.createElement("div"); p4.div.className = "select"; p4.div.style.display = "none"; p4.select = [ new SELECT(p4.div, "none"), new SELECT(p4.div, "dotted"), new SELECT(p4.div, "solid") ]; p4.act = function(){ p4.div.style.display = "block"; }; p4.regist(document.body); document.body.appendChild(p4.div); //--> </script></body></html>
/* Ten */ if (typeof(Ten) == 'undefined') { Ten = {}; } Ten.NAME = 'Ten'; Ten.VERSION = 0.06; /* Ten.Class */ Ten.Class = function(klass, prototype) { if (klass && klass.initialize) { var c = klass.initialize; } else if(klass && klass.base) { var c = function() { return klass.base[0].apply(this, arguments) }; } else { var c = function() {}; } c.prototype = prototype || {}; c.prototype.constructor = c; Ten.Class.inherit(c, klass); if (klass && klass.base) { for (var i = 0; i < klass.base.length; i++) { var parent = klass.base[i]; if (i == 0) { c.SUPER = parent; c.prototype.SUPER = parent.prototype; } Ten.Class.inherit(c, parent); Ten.Class.inherit(c.prototype, parent.prototype); } } return c; } Ten.Class.inherit = function(child,parent) { for (var prop in parent) { if (typeof(child[prop]) != 'undefined' || prop == 'initialize') continue; child[prop] = parent[prop]; } } /* // Basic Ten Classes **/ /* Ten.JSONP */ Ten.JSONP = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function(uri,obj,method) { if (Ten.JSONP.Callbacks.length) { setTimeout(function() {new Ten.JSONP(uri,obj,method)}, 500); return; } var del = uri.match(/\?/) ? '&' : '?'; uri += del + 'callback=Ten.JSONP.callback'; if (!uri.match(/timestamp=/)) { uri += '&' + encodeURI(new Date()); } if (obj && method) Ten.JSONP.addCallback(obj,method); this.script = document.createElement('script'); this.script.src = uri; this.script.type = 'text/javascript'; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(this.script); }, addCallback: function(obj,method) { Ten.JSONP.Callbacks.push({object: obj, method: method}); }, callback: function(args) { // alert('callback called'); var cbs = Ten.JSONP.Callbacks; for (var i = 0; i < cbs.length; i++) { var cb = cbs[i]; cb.object[cb.method].call(cb.object, args); } Ten.JSONP.Callbacks = []; }, MaxBytes: 8000, Callbacks: [] }); /* Ten.XHR */ Ten.XHR = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function(uri,opts,obj,method) { if (!uri) return; this.request = Ten.XHR.getXMLHttpRequest(); this.callback = {object: obj, method: method}; var xhr = this; var prc = this.processReqChange; this.request.onreadystatechange = function() { prc.apply(xhr, arguments); } var method = opts.method || 'GET'; this.request.open(method, uri, true); if (method == 'POST') { this.request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); } var data = opts.data ? Ten.XHR.makePostData(opts.data) : null; this.request.send(data); }, getXMLHttpRequest: function() { var xhr; var tryThese = [ function () { return new XMLHttpRequest(); }, function () { return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP'); }, function () { return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); }, function () { return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0'); }, ]; for (var i = 0; i < tryThese.length; i++) { var func = tryThese[i]; try { xhr = func; return func(); } catch (e) { //alert(e); } } return xhr; }, makePostData: function(data) { var pairs = []; var regexp = /%20/g; for (var k in data) { var v = data[k].toString(); var pair = encodeURIComponent(k).replace(regexp,'+') + '=' + encodeURIComponent(v).replace(regexp,'+'); pairs.push(pair); } return pairs.join('&'); } },{ processReqChange: function() { var req = this.request; if (req.readyState == 4) { if (req.status == 200) { var cb = this.callback; cb.object[cb.method].call(cb.object, req); } else { alert("There was a problem retrieving the XML data:\n" + req.statusText); } } } }); /* Ten.Observer */ Ten.Observer = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function(element,event,obj,method) { var func = obj; if (typeof(method) == 'string') { func = obj[method]; } this.element = element; this.event = event; this.listener = function(event) { return func.call(obj, new Ten.Event(event || window.event)); } if (this.element.addEventListener) { if (this.event.match(/^on(.+)$/)) { this.event = RegExp.$1; } this.element.addEventListener(this.event, this.listener, false); } else if (this.element.attachEvent) { this.element.attachEvent(this.event, this.listener); } } },{ stop: function() { if (this.element.removeEventListener) { this.element.removeEventListener(this.event,this.listener,false); } else if (this.element.detachEvent) { this.element.detachEvent(this.event,this.listener); } } }); /* Ten.Event */ Ten.Event = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function(event) { this.event = event; }, keyMap: { 8:"backspace", 9:"tab", 13:"enter", 19:"pause", 27:"escape", 32:"space", 33:"pageup", 34:"pagedown", 35:"end", 36:"home", 37:"left", 38:"up", 39:"right", 40:"down", 44:"printscreen", 45:"insert", 46:"delete", 112:"f1", 113:"f2", 114:"f3", 115:"f4", 116:"f5", 117:"f6", 118:"f7", 119:"f8", 120:"f9", 121:"f10", 122:"f11", 123:"f12", 144:"numlock", 145:"scrolllock" } },{ mousePosition: function() { if (!this.event.clientX) return; return Ten.Geometry.getMousePosition(this.event); }, isKey: function(name) { var ecode = this.event.keyCode; if (!ecode) return; var ename = Ten.Event.keyMap[ecode]; if (!ename) return; return (ename == name); }, targetIsFormElements: function() { var target = this.event.target; if (!target) return; var T = (target.tagName || '').toUpperCase(); return (T == 'INPUT' || T == 'SELECT' || T == 'OPTION' || T == 'BUTTON' || T == 'TEXTAREA'); }, stop: function() { var e = this.event; if (e.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } else { e.cancelBubble = true; e.returnValue = false; } } }); /* Ten.DOM */ Ten.DOM = new Ten.Class({ getElementsByTagAndClassName: function(tagName, className, parent) { if (typeof(parent) == 'undefined') { parent = document; } var children = parent.getElementsByTagName(tagName); if (className) { var elements = []; for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { var child = children[i]; var cls = child.className; if (!cls) { continue; } var classNames = cls.split(' '); for (var j = 0; j < classNames.length; j++) { if (classNames[j] == className) { elements.push(child); break; } } } return elements; } else { return children; } }, removeEmptyTextNodes: function(element) { var nodes = element.childNodes; for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { var node = nodes[i]; if (node.nodeType == 3 && !/\S/.test(node.nodeValue)) { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } } }, nextElement: function(elem) { do { elem = elem.nextSibling; } while (elem && elem.nodeType != 1); return elem; }, prevElement: function(elem) { do { elem = elem.previousSibling; } while (elem && elem.nodeType != 1); return elem; }, scrapeText: function(node) { var rval = []; (function (node) { var cn = node.childNodes; if (cn) { for (var i = 0; i < cn.length; i++) { arguments.callee.call(this, cn[i]); } } var nodeValue = node.nodeValue; if (typeof(nodeValue) == 'string') { rval.push(nodeValue); } })(node); return rval.join(''); }, onLoadFunctions: [], loaded: false, timer: null, addEventListener: function(event,func) { if (event != 'load') return; Ten.DOM.onLoadFunctions.push(func); Ten.DOM.checkLoaded(); }, checkLoaded: function() { var c = Ten.DOM; if (c.loaded) return true; if (document && document.getElementsByTagName && document.getElementById && document.body) { if (c.timer) { clearInterval(c.timer); c.timer = null; } for (var i = 0; i < c.onLoadFunctions.length; i++) { c.onLoadFunctions[i](); } c.onLoadFunctions = []; c.loaded = true; } else { c.timer = setInterval(c.checkLoaded, 13); } } }); /* Ten.Style */ Ten.Style = new Ten.Class({ applyStyle: function(elem, style) { for (prop in style) { elem.style[prop] = style[prop]; } } }); /* Ten.Geometry */ Ten.Geometry = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function() { if (Ten.Geometry._initialized) return; var func = Ten.Geometry._functions; var de = document.documentElement; if (window.innerWidth) { func.getWindowWidth = function() { return window.innerWidth; } func.getWindowHeight = function() { return window.innerHeight; } func.getXScroll = function() { return window.pageXOffset; } func.getYScroll = function() { return window.pageYOffset; } } else if (de && de.clientWidth) { func.getWindowWidth = function() { return de.clientWidth; } func.getWindowHeight = function() { return de.clientHeight; } func.getXScroll = function() { return de.scrollLeft; } func.getYScroll = function() { return de.scrollTop; } } else if (document.body.clientWidth) { func.getWindowWidth = function() { return document.body.clientWidth; } func.getWindowHeight = function() { return document.body.clientHeight; } func.getXScroll = function() { return document.body.scrollLeft; } func.getYScroll = function() { return document.body.scrollTop; } } Ten.Geometry._initialized = true; }, _initialized: false, _functions: {}, getScroll: function() { if (!Ten.Geometry._initialized) new Ten.Geometry; return { x: Ten.Geometry._functions.getXScroll(), y: Ten.Geometry._functions.getYScroll() }; }, getMousePosition: function(pos) { // pos should have clientX, clientY same as mouse event if ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') > -1) && (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Version/') < 0)) { return { x: pos.clientX, y: pos.clientY }; } else { var scroll = Ten.Geometry.getScroll(); return { x: pos.clientX + scroll.x, y: pos.clientY + scroll.y }; } }, getElementPosition: function(e) { return { x: e.offsetLeft, y: e.offsetTop }; }, getWindowSize: function() { if (!Ten.Geometry._initialized) new Ten.Geometry; return { w: Ten.Geometry._functions.getWindowWidth(), h: Ten.Geometry._functions.getWindowHeight() }; } }); /* Ten.Position */ Ten.Position = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function(x,y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; }, subtract: function(a,b) { return new Ten.Position(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y); } }); /* // require Ten.js **/ /* Ten.SubWindow */ Ten.SubWindow = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function() { var c = this.constructor; if (c.singleton && c._cache) { return c._cache; } var div = document.createElement('div'); Ten.Style.applyStyle(div, Ten.SubWindow._baseStyle); Ten.Style.applyStyle(div, c.style); this.window = div; this.addContainerAndCloseButton(); document.body.appendChild(div); if (c.draggable) { this._draggable = new Ten.Draggable(div, this.handle); 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var c = this.constructor; var div = document.createElement('div'); win.appendChild(div); Ten.Style.applyStyle(div, c.containerStyle); this.container = div; if (c.handleStyle) { var handle = document.createElement('div'); Ten.Style.applyStyle(handle, c.handleStyle); win.appendChild(handle); this.handle = handle; } if (c.closeButton) { var btn = document.createElement('img'); btn.src = c.closeButton; btn.alt = 'close'; Ten.Style.applyStyle(btn, c.closeButtonStyle); win.appendChild(btn); new Ten.Observer(btn, 'onclick', this, 'hide'); this.closeButton = btn; } if (c.showScreen) { var screen = document.createElement('div'); Ten.Style.applyStyle(screen, Ten.SubWindow._baseScreenStyle); Ten.Style.applyStyle(screen, c.screenStyle); document.body.appendChild(screen); this.screen = screen; new Ten.Observer(screen, 'onclick', this, 'hide'); } }, show: function(pos) { pos = (pos.x && pos.y) ? pos : {x:0, y:0}; with (this.window.style) { display = 'block'; left = pos.x + 'px'; top = pos.y + 'px'; } if (this.screen) { with (this.screen.style) { display = 'block'; left = Ten.Geometry.getScroll().x + 'px'; top = Ten.Geometry.getScroll().y + 'px'; } } this.windowObserver = new Ten.Observer(document.body, 'onkeypress', this, 'handleEscape'); this.visible = true; }, handleEscape: function(e) { if (!e.isKey('escape')) return; this.hide(); }, hide: function() { if (this._draggable) this._draggable.endDrag(); this.window.style.display = 'none'; if (this.screen) this.screen.style.display = 'none'; if (this.windowObserver) this.windowObserver.stop(); this.visible = false; } }); /* Ten.Draggable */ Ten.Draggable = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function(element,handle) { this.element = element; this.handle = handle || element; this.startObserver = new Ten.Observer(this.handle, 'onmousedown', this, 'startDrag'); this.handlers = []; } },{ startDrag: function(e) { if (e.targetIsFormElements()) return; this.delta = Ten.Position.subtract( e.mousePosition(), Ten.Geometry.getElementPosition(this.element) ); this.handlers = [ new Ten.Observer(document, 'onmousemove', this, 'drag'), new Ten.Observer(document, 'onmouseup', this, 'endDrag'), new Ten.Observer(this.element, 'onlosecapture', this, 'endDrag') ]; e.stop(); }, drag: function(e) { var pos = Ten.Position.subtract(e.mousePosition(), this.delta); Ten.Style.applyStyle(this.element, { left: pos.x + 'px', top: pos.y + 'px' }); e.stop(); }, endDrag: function(e) { for (var i = 0; i < this.handlers.length; i++) { this.handlers[i].stop(); } if(e) e.stop(); } }); /* Hatena */ if (typeof(Hatena) == 'undefined') { Hatena = {}; } /* Hatena.User */ Hatena.User = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function(name) { this.name = name; }, getProfileIcon: function(name) { if (!name) name = 'user'; var pre = name.match(/^[\w-]{2}/)[0]; var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = 'http://www.hatena.ne.jp/users/' + pre + '/' + name + '/profile_s.gif'; img.alt = name; img.setAttribute('class', 'profile-icon'); img.setAttribute('width','16px'); img.setAttribute('height','16px'); with (img.style) { margin = '0 3px'; border = 'none'; verticalAlign = 'middle'; } return img; } }, { profileIcon: function() { return Hatena.User.getProfileIcon(this.name); } }); /* Hatena.Star */ if (typeof(Hatena.Star) == 'undefined') { Hatena.Star = {}; } /* // Hatena.Star.* classes // **/ if (window.location && window.location.host.match(/hatena\.com/)) { Hatena.Star.BaseURL = 'http://s.hatena.com/'; } else { Hatena.Star.BaseURL = 'http://s.hatena.ne.jp/'; } Hatena.Star.Token = null; /* Hatena.Star.User */ Hatena.Star.User = new Ten.Class({ base: [Hatena.User], initialize: function(name) { if (Hatena.Star.User._cache[name]) { return Hatena.Star.User._cache[name]; } else { this.name = name; Hatena.Star.User._cache[name] = this; return this; } }, _cache: {} },{ userPage: function() { return Hatena.Star.BaseURL + this.name + '/'; } }); /* Hatena.Star.Entry */ Hatena.Star.Entry = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function(e) { this.entry = e; this.uri = e.uri; this.title = e.title; this.star_container = e.star_container; this.comment_container = e.comment_container; this.stars = []; this.comments = []; }, maxStarCount: 11 },{ flushStars: function() { this.stars = []; this.star_container.innerHTML = ''; }, bindStarEntry: function(se) { this.starEntry = se; for (var i = 0; i < se.stars.length; i++) { if (typeof(se.stars[i]) == 'number') { this.stars.push(new Hatena.Star.InnerCount(se.stars[i],this)); } else { this.stars.push(new Hatena.Star.Star(se.stars[i])); } } if (se.comments && !this.comments.length) { for (var i = 0; i < se.comments.length; i++) { this.comments.push(new Hatena.Star.Comment(se.comments[i])); } } this.can_comment = se.can_comment; }, setCanComment: function(v) { this.can_comment = v; }, showButtons: function() { this.addAddButton(); this.addCommentButton(); }, addAddButton: function() { if (this.star_container) { this.addButton = new Hatena.Star.AddButton(this); this.star_container.appendChild(this.addButton); } }, addCommentButton: function() { if (this.comment_container) { this.commentButton = new Hatena.Star.CommentButton(this); this.comment_container.appendChild(this.commentButton.img); } }, showStars: function() { var klass = this.constructor; // if (this.stars.length > klass.maxStarCount) { // var ic = new Hatena.Star.InnerCount(this.stars.slice(1,this.stars.length)); // this.star_container.appendChild(this.stars[0]); // this.star_container.appendChild(ic); // this.star_container.appendChild(this.stars[this.stars.length - 1]); // } else { for (var i = 0; i < this.stars.length; i++) { this.star_container.appendChild(this.stars[i]); } }, showCommentButton: function() { if (this.can_comment) { this.commentButton.show(); if (this.comments.length) this.commentButton.activate(); } else { // this.commentButton.hide(); } }, addStar: function(star) { this.stars.push(star); this.star_container.appendChild(star); }, addComment: function(com) { if (!this.comments) this.comments = []; if (this.comments.length == 0) { this.commentButton.activate(); } this.comments.push(com); }, showCommentCount: function() { this.comment_container.innerHTML += this.comments.length; } }); /* Hatena.Star.Button */ Hatena.Star.Button = new Ten.Class({ createButton: function(args) { var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = args.src; img.alt = img.title = args.alt; with (img.style) { cursor = 'pointer'; margin = '0 3px'; padding = '0'; border = 'none'; verticalAlign = 'middle'; } return img; } }); /* Hatena.Star.AddButton */ Hatena.Star.AddButton = new Ten.Class({ base: ['Hatena.Star.Button'], initialize: function(entry) { this.entry = entry; this.lastPosition = null; var img = Hatena.Star.Button.createButton({ src: Hatena.Star.AddButton.ImgSrc, alt: 'Add Star' }); this.observer = new Ten.Observer(img,'onclick',this,'addStar'); this.img = img; return img; }, ImgSrc: Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'images/add.gif' },{ addStar: function(e) { this.lastPosition = e.mousePosition(); var uri = Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'star.add.json?uri=' + encodeURIComponent(this.entry.uri) + '&title=' + encodeURIComponent(this.entry.title); if (Hatena.Star.Token) { uri += '&token=' + Hatena.Star.Token; } new Ten.JSONP(uri, this, 'receiveResult'); }, receiveResult: function(args) { var name = args ? args.name : null; if (name) { this.entry.addStar(new Hatena.Star.Star({name: name})); //alert('Succeeded in Adding Star ' + args); } else if (args.errors) { var pos = this.lastPosition; pos.x -= 10; pos.y += 25; var scroll = Ten.Geometry.getScroll(); var scr = new Hatena.Star.AlertScreen(); var alert = args.errors[0]; scr.showAlert(alert, pos); } } }); /* Hatena.Star.CommentButton */ Hatena.Star.CommentButton = new Ten.Class({ base: ['Hatena.Star.Button'], initialize: function(entry) { this.entry = entry; this.lastPosition = null; var img = Hatena.Star.Button.createButton({ src: Hatena.Star.CommentButton.ImgSrc, alt: 'Comments' }); img.style.display = 'none'; this.observer = new Ten.Observer(img,'onclick',this,'showComments'); this.img = img; }, ImgSrc: Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'images/comment.gif', ImgSrcActive: Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'images/comment_active.gif' },{ showComments: function(e) { if (!this.screen) this.screen = new Hatena.Star.CommentScreen(); this.screen.bindEntry(this.entry); var pos = e.mousePosition(); pos.y += 25; this.screen.showComments(this.entry, pos); }, hide: function() { this.img.style.display = 'none'; }, show: function() { this.img.style.display = 'inline'; }, activate: function() { this.show(); this.img.src = Hatena.Star.CommentButton.ImgSrcActive; } }); /* Hatena.Star.Star */ Hatena.Star.Star = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function(args) { if (args.img) { this.img = args.img; this.name = this.img.getAttribute('alt'); } else { this.name = args.name; var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = Hatena.Star.Star.ImgSrc; img.alt = this.name; with (img.style) { padding = '0'; border = 'none'; } this.img = img; } new Ten.Observer(this.img,'onmouseover',this,'showName'); new Ten.Observer(this.img,'onmouseout',this,'hideName'); if (this.name) { this.user = new Hatena.Star.User(this.name); this.img.style.cursor = 'pointer'; new Ten.Observer(this.img,'onclick',this,'goToUserPage'); } if (args.count && args.count > 1) { var c = document.createElement('span'); c.setAttribute('class', 'hatena-star-inner-count'); Ten.Style.applyStyle(c, Hatena.Star.InnerCount.style); c.innerHTML = args.count; var s = document.createElement('span'); s.appendChild(img); s.appendChild(c); return s; } else { return this.img; } }, ImgSrc: Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'images/star.gif' },{ showName: function(e) { if (!this.screen) this.screen = new Hatena.Star.NameScreen(); var pos = e.mousePosition(); pos.x += 10; pos.y += 25; this.screen.showName(this.name, pos); }, hideName: function() { if (!this.screen) return; this.screen.hide(); }, goToUserPage: function() { window.location = this.user.userPage(); } }); /* Hatena.Star.InnerCount */ Hatena.Star.InnerCount = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function(count, e) { this.count = count; this.entry = e; var c = document.createElement('span'); c.setAttribute('class', 'hatena-star-inner-count'); Ten.Style.applyStyle(c, Hatena.Star.InnerCount.style); c.style.cursor = 'pointer'; c.innerHTML = count; new Ten.Observer(c,'onclick',this,'showInnerStars'); this.container = c; return c; }, style: { color: '#f4b128', fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: '80%', fontFamily: '"arial", sans-serif', margin: '0 2px' } },{ showInnerStars: function() { var url = Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'entry.json?uri=' + encodeURIComponent(this.entry.uri); new Ten.JSONP(url, this, 'receiveStarEntry'); }, receiveStarEntry: function(res) { var se = res.entries[0]; var e = this.entry; if (encodeURIComponent(se.uri) != encodeURIComponent(e.uri)) return; e.flushStars(); e.bindStarEntry(se); e.addAddButton(); e.showStars(); } }); /* Hatena.Star.Comment */ Hatena.Star.Comment = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function(args) { this.name = args.name; this.body = args.body; } },{ asElement: function() { var div = document.createElement('div'); with (div.style) { margin = '0px 0'; padding = '5px 0'; borderBottom = '1px solid #ddd'; } var ico = Hatena.User.getProfileIcon(this.name); div.appendChild(ico); var span = document.createElement('span'); with(span.style) { fontSize = '90%'; } span.innerHTML = this.body; div.appendChild(span); return div; } }); /* Hatena.Star.NameScreen */ Hatena.Star.NameScreen = new Ten.Class({ base: [Ten.SubWindow], style: { padding: '2px', textAlign: 'center' }, containerStyle: { margin: 0, padding: 0 }, handleStyle: null, showScreen: false, closeButton: null, draggable: false },{ showName: function(name, pos) { this.container.innerHTML = ''; this.container.appendChild(Hatena.User.getProfileIcon(name)); this.container.appendChild(document.createTextNode(name)); this.show(pos); } }); /* Hatena.Star.AlertScreen */ Hatena.Star.AlertScreen = new Ten.Class({ base: [Ten.SubWindow], style: { padding: '2px', textAlign: 'center', borderRadius: '6px', MozBorderRadius: '6px', width: '240px', height: '120px' }, handleStyle: { position: 'absolute', top: '0px', left: '0px', backgroundColor: '#f3f3f3', borderBottom: '1px solid #bbb', width: '100%', height: '30px', borderRadius: '6px 6px 0 0', MozBorderRadius: '6px 6px 0 0' } },{ showAlert: function(msg, pos) { this.container.innerHTML = msg; var win = Ten.Geometry.getWindowSize(); var scr = Ten.Geometry.getScroll(); var w = parseInt(this.constructor.style.width) + 20; if (pos.x + w > scr.x + win.w) pos.x = win.w + scr.x - w; this.show(pos); } }); /* Hatena.Star.CommentScreen */ Hatena.Star.CommentScreen = new Ten.Class({ base: [Ten.SubWindow], initialize: function() { var self = this.constructor.SUPER.call(this); if (!self.commentsContainer) self.addCommentsContainer(); return self; }, style: { width: '280px', height: '280px', overflowY: 'auto', padding: '2px', textAlign: 'center', borderRadius: '6px', MozBorderRadius: '6px' }, handleStyle: { position: 'absolute', top: '0px', left: '0px', backgroundColor: '#f3f3f3', borderBottom: '1px solid #bbb', width: '100%', height: '30px', borderRadius: '6px 6px 0 0', MozBorderRadius: '6px 6px 0 0' }, containerStyle: { margin: '32px 0 0 0', textAlign: 'left', padding: '0 10px' }, getLoadImage: function() { var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'images/load.gif'; img.setAttribute('alt', 'Loading'); with (img.style) { verticalAlign = 'middle'; margin = '0 2px'; } return img; } },{ addCommentsContainer: function() { var div = document.createElement('div'); with (div.style) { marginTop = '-3px'; } this.container.appendChild(div); this.commentsContainer = div; }, showComments: function(e, pos) { var comments = e.comments; if (!comments) comments = []; this.commentsContainer.innerHTML = ''; for (var i=0; i<comments.length; i++) { this.commentsContainer.appendChild(comments[i].asElement()); } if (e.starEntry && !e.can_comment) { this.hideCommentForm(); } else { this.addCommentForm(); } var win = Ten.Geometry.getWindowSize(); var scr = Ten.Geometry.getScroll(); var w = parseInt(this.constructor.style.width) + 20; if (pos.x + w > scr.x + win.w) pos.x = win.w + scr.x - w; this.show(pos); }, bindEntry: function(e) { this.entry = e; }, sendComment: function(e) { if (!e.isKey('enter')) return; var body = this.commentInput.value; if (!body) return; this.commentInput.disabled = 'true'; this.showLoadImage(); var url = Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'comment.add.json?body=' + encodeURIComponent(body) + '&uri=' + encodeURIComponent(this.entry.uri) + '&title=' + encodeURIComponent(this.entry.title); new Ten.JSONP(url, this, 'receiveResult'); }, receiveResult: function(args) { if (!args.name || !args.body) return; this.commentInput.value = ''; this.commentInput.disabled = ''; this.hideLoadImage(); var com = new Hatena.Star.Comment(args); this.entry.addComment(com); this.commentsContainer.appendChild(com.asElement()); }, showLoadImage: function() { if (!this.loadImage) return; this.loadImage.style.display = 'inline'; }, hideLoadImage: function() { if (!this.loadImage) return; this.loadImage.style.display = 'none'; }, hideCommentForm: function() { if (!this.commentForm) return; this.commentForm.style.display = 'none'; }, addCommentForm: function() { if (this.commentForm) { this.commentForm.style.display = 'block'; return; } var form = document.createElement('div'); this.container.appendChild(form); this.commentForm = form; with (form.style) { margin = '0px 0'; padding = '5px 0'; // borderTop = '1px solid #ddd'; } //if (Hatena.Visitor) { // form.appendChild(Hatena.Visitor.profileIcon()); //} else { // form.appendChild(Hatena.User.getProfileIcon()); //} var input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'text'; with (input.style) { width = '215px'; border = '1px solid #bbb'; padding = '3px'; } form.appendChild(input); this.commentInput = input; var img = this.constructor.getLoadImage(); this.loadImage = img; this.hideLoadImage(); form.appendChild(img); new Ten.Observer(input,'onkeypress',this,'sendComment'); } }); /* Hatena.Star.EntryLoader */ Hatena.Star.EntryLoader = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function() { var entries = Hatena.Star.EntryLoader.loadEntries(); this.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { var e = new Hatena.Star.Entry(entries[i]); e.showButtons(); this.entries.push(e); } this.getStarEntries(); }, createStarContainer: function() { var sc = document.createElement('span'); sc.setAttribute('class', 'hatena-star-star-container'); sc.style.marginLeft = '1px'; return sc; }, createCommentContainer: function() { var cc = document.createElement('span'); cc.setAttribute('class', 'hatena-star-comment-container'); cc.style.marginLeft = '1px'; return cc; }, scrapeTitle: function(node) { var rval = []; (function (node) { if (node.tagName == 'SPAN' && (node.className == 'sanchor' || node.className == 'timestamp')) { return; } else if (node.nodeType == 3 && !/\S/.test(node.nodeValue)) { return; } var cn = node.childNodes; if (cn) { for (var i = 0; i < cn.length; i++) { arguments.callee.call(this, cn[i]); } } var nodeValue = node.nodeValue; if (typeof(nodeValue) == 'string') { rval.push(nodeValue); } })(node); return rval.join(''); }, headerTagAndClassName: ['h3',null], getHeaders: function() { var t = Hatena.Star.EntryLoader.headerTagAndClassName; return Ten.DOM.getElementsByTagAndClassName(t[0],t[1],document); }, loadEntries: function() { var entries = []; //var headers = document.getElementsByTagName('h3'); var c = Hatena.Star.EntryLoader; var headers = c.getHeaders(); for (var i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { var header = headers[i]; var a = header.getElementsByTagName('a')[0]; if (!a) continue; var uri = a.href; var title = ''; // Ten.DOM.removeEmptyTextNodes(header); var cns = header.childNodes; title = c.scrapeTitle(header); var cc = c.createCommentContainer(); header.appendChild(cc); var sc = c.createStarContainer(); header.appendChild(sc); entries.push({ uri: uri, title: title, star_container: sc, comment_container: cc }); } return entries; } },{ getStarEntries: function() { var url = Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'entries.json?'; for (var i = 0; i < this.entries.length; i++) { if (url.length > Ten.JSONP.MaxBytes) { new Ten.JSONP(url, this, 'receiveStarEntries'); url = Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'entries.json?'; } url += 'uri=' + encodeURIComponent(this.entries[i].uri) + '&'; } new Ten.JSONP(url, this, 'receiveStarEntries'); }, receiveStarEntries: function(res) { var entries = res.entries; if (!entries) entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.entries.length; i++) { var e = this.entries[i]; for (var j = 0; j < entries.length; j++) { var se = entries[j]; if (!se.uri) continue; if (encodeURIComponent(se.uri) == encodeURIComponent(e.uri)) { e.bindStarEntry(se); entries.splice(j,1); break; } } if (typeof(e.can_comment) == 'undefined') { e.setCanComment(res.can_comment); } e.showStars(); e.showCommentButton(); } } }); /* Hatena.Star.WindowObserver */ Hatena.Star.WindowObserver = new Ten.Class({ initialize: funct
// ==UserScript== // @name anond pickup // @namespace http://anond.hatelabo.jp/20070608230645 // @description pickup trackback tree top section at Hatelabo::AnonymousDiary // @include http://anond.hatelabo.jp/* // ==/UserScript== (function() { var threshold_bm = 1; var threshold_tb = 1; var ignoreList = { "/20070801172335": 33, "/20070806163721": 10, }; var firstPager_l = document.evaluate("//div[@class='pager-l']",document,null,XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE,null).singleNodeValue; function Hide(){} Hide.prototype.setup = function() { this.style = document.createElement("style"); this.style.id = "hide"; this.style.type = "text/css"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(this.style); var self = this; this.a = new Object(); this.a.visible = document.createElement("a"); this.a.visible.id = "visible"; this.a.visible.href = "#"; this.a.visible.innerHTML = "visible hide section"; // this.a.visible.setAttribute("onclick","document.getElementById('hide').innerHTML = 'div.hide {display: block}';document.getElementById('visible').style.display = 'none';document.getElementById('unvisible').style.display = 'inline';"); this.a.visible.addEventListener("click", function(){self.visible()}, false); firstPager_l.parentNode.insertBefore(this.a.visible, firstPager_l); this.a.unvisible = document.createElement("a"); this.a.unvisible.id = "unvisible"; this.a.unvisible.href = "#"; this.a.unvisible.innerHTML = "unvisible hide section"; // this.a.visible.setAttribute("onclick","document.getElementById('hide').innerHTML = 'div.hide {display: none}';document.getElementById('visible').style.display = 'inline';document.getElementById('unvisible').style.display = 'none';"); this.a.unvisible.addEventListener("click", function(){self.unvisible()}, false); firstPager_l.parentNode.insertBefore(this.a.unvisible, firstPager_l); if (GM_getValue("visible", 0)) { this.visible(); } else { this.unvisible(); } } Hide.prototype.visible = function() { this.style.innerHTML = "div.hide {display: block}"; this.a.visible.style.display = "none"; this.a.unvisible.style.display = "inline"; GM_setValue("visible", 1); } Hide.prototype.unvisible = function() { this.style.innerHTML = "div.hide {display: none}"; this.a.visible.style.display = "inline"; this.a.unvisible.style.display = "none"; GM_setValue("visible", 0); } Hide.prototype.append = function(section) { if (section.className.match(/hide/)) { return; } section.className += " hide"; } Hide.prototype.clear = function(section) { section.className = section.className.replace(/ hide/g, ""); } Hide.prototype.is = function(section) { return section.className.match(/hide/); } var hide = new Hide(); hide.setup(); var target = document.evaluate( "//div[@class='section' and child::*[not(@class='sectionfooter') and descendant::a[starts-with(@href,'http://anond.hatelabo.jp/2') or starts-with(@href,'/2') and not(child::span[@class='sanchor'])]]]", document,null,XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,null); for (var i=0; i<target.snapshotLength; i++) { hide.append(target.snapshotItem(i)); } var tbs = document.evaluate( "//p[@class='sectionfooter']/a[2]", document,null,XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,null); for (var i=0; i<tbs.snapshotLength; i++) { var tb = tbs.snapshotItem(i); if (tb.innerHTML == "\u30c8\u30e9\u30c3\u30af\u30d0\u30c3\u30af(0)") { // hide.append(tb.parentNode.parentNode); bookmark(tb, 0); } else if (! hide.is(tb.parentNode.parentNode)) { trackback(tb, 1); } else { bookmark(tb, 1); } } function trackback(tb, callback) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: "http://anond.hatelabo.jp/" + tb.pathname.match(/\d{14}/), onload: function(result) { var link = result.responseText.match(/<a name="tb">(.|\s)*/)[0].match(/<li>\s*<a href="http:\/\/anond.hatelabo.jp\/\d{14}"/g); var n = link.length; for (var l in link) { var m = "/" + link[l].match(/\d{14}/); if (m in ignoreList) { n -= ignoreList[m]; } } if (n < threshold_tb) { tb.innerHTML = tb.innerHTML.replace(/\)$/, "/"+n+")"); if (callback) { bookmark(tb); } } else { tb.innerHTML = tb.innerHTML.replace(/\)$/, '/<span style="color: red;">'+n+"</span>)"); } } }); } function bookmark(tb, callback){ GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: "http://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/rss/http://anond.hatelabo.jp/" + tb.pathname.match(/\d{14}/), onload: function(result) { var r = result.responseText.match(/<rdf:li rdf:resource=/g); if (r && r.length >= threshold_bm){ hide.clear(tb.parentNode.parentNode); if (callback) { trackback(tb); } } else { hide.append(tb.parentNode.parentNode); } } }); } })();
/// ==UserScript== // @name anond pickup // @namespace http://anond.hatelabo.jp/20070608230645 // @description pickup trackback tree top section at Hatelabo::AnonymousDiary // @include http://anond.hatelabo.jp/*?page=* // ==/UserScript== (function() { var target = document.evaluate( "//div[@class='section' and child::*[not(@class='sectionfooter') and descendant::a[starts-with(@href,'http://anond.hatelabo.jp/2') or starts-with(@href,'/2') and not(child::span[@class='sanchor'])]]]", document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); for(var i=0; i<target.snapshotLength; i++) { target.snapshotItem(i).style.display = "none"; } var trackback = document.evaluate( "//p[@class='sectionfooter']/a[2]", document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); for(var i=0; i<trackback.snapshotLength; i++) { if (trackback.snapshotItem(i).innerHTML == "\u30c8\u30e9\u30c3\u30af\u30d0\u30c3\u30af(0)") { trackback.snapshotItem(i).parentNode.parentNode.style.display = "none"; } else if (trackback.snapshotItem(i).parentNode.parentNode.style.display != "none") { count(trackback.snapshotItem(i)); } } function count(tb) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: "http://anond.hatelabo.jp/" + tb.getAttribute("href").match(/[0-9]{14}/), onload: function(result) { var n = result.responseText.replace(/\n/g,"").match(/<a name="tb">.*/)[0].match(/<li>/g).length; if (n < 10) { tb.innerHTML = tb.innerHTML.replace(/\)$/,"/"+n+")"); } else { tb.innerHTML = tb.innerHTML.replace(/\)$/,'/<span style="color: red;">'+n+"</span>)"); } } }); } })();
// ==UserScript== // @name anond pickup of the day // @namespace http://anond.hatelabo.jp/ // @description pickup section of the day at Hatelabo::AnonymousDiary // @include http://anond.hatelabo.jp/2* // ==/UserScript== (function(){ var trackbackThreshold = 10; var ignoreList = { "/20070801172335": 33, "/20070806163721": 10, }; // only section of the day if (! location.pathname.match(/^\/\d{8}$/)) { return; } // regist ancher that kick main routine var a = document.createElement("a"); a.href = "#"; a.innerHTML = "pickup of the day"; a.addEventListener("click", grab, false); var firstPager_l = document.evaluate("//div[@class='pager-l']",document,null,XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE,null).singleNodeValue; firstPager_l.appendChild(a); function Outline() { this.outline = document.createElement("ul"); this.text = document.createElement("textarea"); this.text.style.overflow = "auto"; this.text.style.width = "100%"; this.text.style.height = "15em"; this.text.innerHTML = "</ul><\n><ul>\n"; 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for (var i in this.list) { if (nextSibling < i && i <= day) { nextSibling = i; } } if (nextSibling == day) { this.list[nextSibling].pp(id); } else { var cc = new CC(day); if (nextSibling) { this.count.insertBefore(cc.li, this.list[nextSibling].li); } else { this.count.appendChild(cc.li); } this.list[day] = cc; cc.pp(id); } } Count.prototype.appendSection = function(section) { var id = section.getElementsByTagName("h3")[0].firstChild.pathname.replace(/\//,""); var today = id.match(/\d{8}/)[0]; var anchors = section.getElementsByTagName("a"); for (var i=0; i<anchors.length; i++) { if (anchors[i].href && anchors[i].host == "anond.hatelabo.jp" && anchors[i].pathname.match(/\/(\d{8})\d{6}/) && RegExp.$1 != today) { this.append(RegExp.$1, id); } } } var count = new Count(); function Hide(){} Hide.prototype.setup = function() { this.style = document.createElement("style"); this.style.id = "hide"; this.style.type = "text/css"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(this.style); var self = this; this.a = new Object(); this.a.visible = document.createElement("a"); this.a.visible.id = "visible"; this.a.visible.href = "#"; this.a.visible.innerHTML = "visible hide section"; // this.a.visible.setAttribute("onclick","document.getElementById('hide').innerHTML = 'div.hide {display: block}';document.getElementById('visible').style.display = 'none';document.getElementById('unvisible').style.display = 'inline';"); this.a.visible.addEventListener("click", function(){self.visible()}, false); firstPager_l.parentNode.insertBefore(this.a.visible, firstPager_l); this.a.unvisible = document.createElement("a"); this.a.unvisible.id = "unvisible"; this.a.unvisible.href = "#"; this.a.unvisible.innerHTML = "unvisible hide section"; // this.a.visible.setAttribute("onclick","document.getElementById('hide').innerHTML = 'div.hide {display: none}';document.getElementById('visible').style.display = 'inline';document.getElementById('unvisible').style.display = 'none';"); this.a.unvisible.addEventListener("click", function(){self.unvisible()}, false); firstPager_l.parentNode.insertBefore(this.a.unvisible, firstPager_l); this.unvisible(); } Hide.prototype.visible = function() { this.style.innerHTML = "div.hide {display: block}"; this.a.visible.style.display = "none"; this.a.unvisible.style.display = "inline"; } Hide.prototype.unvisible = function() { this.style.innerHTML = "div.hide {display: none}"; this.a.visible.style.display = "inline"; this.a.unvisible.style.display = "none"; } Hide.prototype.append = function(section) { if (section.className.match(/hide/)) { return; } section.className += " hide"; count.appendSection(section); } Hide.prototype.is = function(section) { return section.className.match(/hide/); } var hide = new Hide(); // main routine function grab(){ if (! document.body.innerHTML.match(/<div class="pager-r">(\d+)/)) { return; } var pages = RegExp.$1 -0; if (pages <= 0 || pages > 40) { // check error and limit 1000 entry return; } //pages = 2; firstPager_l.style.display = "none"; outline.setup(); hide.setup(); count.setup(); var mainbody = document.evaluate("//div[@class='body']", document,null,XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE,null).singleNodeValue; mainbody.innerHTML = "\n"; for (var i=1; i<=pages; i++) { cat(mainbody, i); } } // page load and concatenate function cat(container, page) { container.innerHTML += "<!-- page " + page + " -->\n"; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: "http://anond.hatelabo.jp" + location.pathname + "?page=" + page, onload: function(result) { result.responseText.match(/<div class="body">((.|\s)*?)\s*<\/div>\s*<\/div>\s*<div class="pager-l">/); container.innerHTML = container.innerHTML.replace("<!-- page " + page + " -->", RegExp.$1); if (! container.innerHTML.match(/<!-- page \d+ -->/)) { // document.documentElement.innerHTML = document.documentElement.innerHTML.replace(/(src|href)=\"\//mg, "$1=\"http://anond.hatelabo.jp/"); pickup(); } } }); } // pickup section at last cat() concatenate after function pickup() { var target = document.evaluate( "//div[@class='section' and child::*[not(@class='sectionfooter') and descendant::a[starts-with(@href,'http://anond.hatelabo.jp/2') or starts-with(@href,'/2') and not(child::span[@class='sanchor'])]]]", document,null,XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,null); for (var i=0; i<target.snapshotLength; i++) { hide.append(target.snapshotItem(i)); } var tbs = document.evaluate( "//p[@class='sectionfooter']/a[2]", document,null,XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,null); for (var i=0; i<tbs.snapshotLength; i++) { var tb = tbs.snapshotItem(i); if (tb.innerHTML == "\u30c8\u30e9\u30c3\u30af\u30d0\u30c3\u30af(0)") { hide.append(tb.parentNode.parentNode); } else if (! hide.is(tb.parentNode.parentNode)) { trackback(tb); } } } // count trackbacks function trackback(tb) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: "http://anond.hatelabo.jp/" + tb.pathname.match(/\d{14}/), onload: function(result) { var link = result.responseText.match(/<a name="tb">(.|\s)*/)[0].match(/<li>\s*<a href="http:\/\/anond.hatelabo.jp\/\d{14}"/g); var n = link.length; for (var l in link) { var m = "/" + link[l].match(/\d{14}/); if (m in ignoreList) { n -= ignoreList[m]; } } if (n < trackbackThreshold) { hide.append(tb.parentNode.parentNode); } else { tb.innerHTML = tb.innerHTML.replace(/\)$/, "/"+n+")"); outline.append(tb.parentNode.parentNode); } } }); } })();