

気になったので mrs green apple columbus videoでXを検索してみた。



Japanese music band Mrs. GREEN APPLE who did the opening, Inferno for Fire Force, has pulled their latest music video, "Columbus", after huge outrage for depicting themselves as explorers and the native people as monkeys.

The band has issued an apology stating that their intension was to depict these Historical figures having a "fun house party".


オープニング曲炎炎ノ消防隊』を担当した日本音楽バンドMrs. GREEN APPLEは、自分たち探検家原住民を猿に見立てて描いたことに大きな怒りがあったため、最新ミュージックビデオコロンバス」を取り下げた。


Jpop band Mrs. Green Apple’s latest MVColumbushas been pulled just 1 day after release. The highly problematic video features the 3 band members dressed as Christopher Columbus colonizing apes

Can’t believe people thought this was a good idea


even as someone who cannot stand mrs green apple, making the music video for a song called "columbus" like this is astonishingly bad. this was aimed at a GLOBAL AUDIENCE. at least the MV is being wiped from history but why did no one question civilised explorers finding monkeys?!


People saying conservatives were even shocked 🥴 this is one of the reasons why the Japanese market is so insular—they can get away with racist shit all the time and there’s no outside reaction bc of copyrights creating barriers for their artists content.



Japanese people depicting us as monkeys is crazy lol. Now if a Native band wanted to talk about them in the aftermath of Nagasaki and Hiroshima....nevermind. My people would never sink so low. 👎🏼




Watch bunch of fucking Twitter and TikTok morons use this as a Gotcha moment, to be racist towards the Japanese. Fully ignoring the fact that they were forced to apologize for the shit they did by the Japanese themselves.

"I seen a Japanese band do something Racist so I'm gonna bring up Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and be racist to the entirety of Japan"

~ Random Twitter/TikTok morons probably ~



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