
アブストを1 wordも書けてないけど彼女と別れたことをアブストっぽく書く



I was rejected by my best girl nine months ago. It has been unclear the reason why they broke up despite the each other's intense love. In this thesis, we provide a clear explanation about the event.

What plays a invaluable role for our study is descriptions gathered from me about each incident that had happened along them. We were able to obtain a large number of the descriptions, since a winter chill in the air reminded me the divine memories of the days with her. We carefully examined each of them and arranged the incidents into some categories. By combing chronological order and categories of the incidents, we analyzed the emotional changes of me and her.

We propose a simple model that explain the breakup between them, based on the above mentioned analysis. From discussions about the model with some people, the model is considered to be capturing major matters. We also present our attempt to match the model to the existing collection of patterns of the way how once loved people would break up. Even though this attempt is not much succeeded, at least it reveals that what I experienced was quite ordinal breakup.





  • I was rejected by my best girl My girlfriend left me What plays a invaluable role for our study What plays an invaluable role in our study a simple model that explain a simple model that explains a large number of the descriptions nume...


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