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November 11, 2018


The Simon Wiesenthal Center denounced BTS, an internationally popular Korean band whose live performance on Japan TV was cancelled.


“Wearing a T-shirt in Japan mocking the victims of the Nagasaki A-bomb, is just the latest incident of this band mocking the past,” charged Rabbi Abraham Cooper. Associate Dean and Director of Global Social Action of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a leading Jewish Human Rights NGO.


Members of the band posed for a photo shoot wearing hats with the Nazi SS Death Head logo. The SS was a key component of the Nazi mass murder of 6 million Jews during the WWII Holocaust. “Flags appearing on stage at their concert were eerily similar to the Nazi Swastika. It goes without saying that this group, which was invited to speak at the UN, owes the people of Japan and the victims of the Nazism an apology.”


“But that is not enough. It is clear that those designing and promoting this group’s career are too comfortable with denigrating the memory of the past. The result is that on young generations in Korea and around the world are more likely to identify bigotry and intolerance as beingcool’ and help erase the lessons of history. The management of this group, not only the front performers, should publicly apologize,” Rabbi Cooper added.




この2点はかなり気になる――なぜなら日本人でも知らない「長崎広島キノコ雲の違い」を明らかにして非難していること、Mocking the victimsという表現を使って「被爆者侮辱している」とSWC認識していることを明らかにしていることから、決して「ナチの方は謝るけど、原爆部分は言いがかり」というメッセージを受け入れないという姿勢が伝わるからだ。はっきり言ってこのメッセージナチ部分がかすむほどに反核的に読み取れる。謝罪すべき対象については「日本の人々(被爆者)とナチズムの犠牲者」と「日本の人々」を最初に置く念のいりようだ――これはそういう流儀なのかもしれないが。


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