はてなキーワード: EUROPEとは




村上春樹:「常に卵の側に」( http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1064909.html )でハアレツに寄せられたコメントの一部です。


Title: To Mr. Murakami: a few words of reply from an egg

Name: A Philosopher

City: State:

First, let me welcome you to the region. Second, I would like to disagree with you about your description of literature as a skilful lie. A lie must, by definition, involve malice, deception, whereas literature is about imagination: there is no malice about that. Unfortunately, much of what you hear lately on international TV about Israel are indeed lies, not even fiction. You say that Israel is the wall and the Palestinians are the eggs, just because we have Tanks. You tend to forget that the Palestinians are part of more than one billion Muslims in the world, many of whom would like to get rid of Israel if they just could. You also forget that if the situation were reversed and the Palestinians were instead in possession of tanks, there wouldn`t be any eggs left in the middle-east. The wall we build is exactly to protect us, as eggs, from the wolf lurking outside. And If the terrorists didn`t use their own eggs as shield, they wouldn`t break either. All the best to you.





Title: Like Quixote tilting at windmills

Name: Fed Up

City: Barcelona State:

I don`t doubt that this fellow`s books may be addictive, but I do doubt the value of getting hooked on stories that are all, apparently, based on a false ontology of the world being clearly divided into "walls" and "eggs." As talkback #1 points out, even tank-drivers have their fragility, and to deny their humanity by summarily labeling them "walls," and considering them to be part of some chimerical menace called "the system," is to paint a thin veneer of chivalry over a rotten base of moral recklessness.

What`s been going on in Sderot over the last several years? Have Gazans, driven to desperation by the evil system-monster, been left with no option but to toss their eggs against the walls that surround them? Is it evil for people on the receiving end to retreat unto bomb-shelters (aka "walls") against which these eggs can`t help but break?

Mr. Murakami, walls don`t break eggs unless there is someone throwing those eggs.




Title: wall & eggs

Name: JR

City: Amsterdam State:

bit folish to say that the only option is that the hurt civilians are the eggs and the israeli tank and bombs are the wall. Never thought that the israel people are the eggs in a small basket called eretz jisrael which is surrounded by a rather large muslim wall?

No fiction here mr , just hard facts.

Kind regards from the Netherlands


負傷した人々が卵でイスラエル戦車爆弾が壁だとしか言えないなんてちょっとまぬけだね。もっと大きいムスリムの壁に包囲されたイスラエルの地(eretz jisrael)という小さなかごにいる人たちが卵だって考えなかったのかね?フィクションじゃないよ、ちゃんとした事実だ。


Title: re #5

Name: B

City: SF State: CA

I get where you`re coming from because I`m tired of utopian solutions from dreamers in Europe.

But I believe Murakami is a guy who also understands the tank driver and our kids in Sderot. I know we`re not used to having media acknowledge our citizens as people, so we get defensive, but I give Mr. Murakami the benefit of the doubt.

From his speech I feel he`s criticizing the entire system that has our neighbors trying to destroy us in the first place and the world legitimizing it and the common acceptance of boycotting Israel because it`s the in thing to do. This guy is acknowledging our fight to overcome this as individuals and as societies.

This guy is deeper than our critics from Europe, and this guy is a novelist, not a critic.

In Norwegian Wood he painted a really accurate picture of some self-righteous university organizations, quite similar to many of our critics. All I`m saying is before dismissing him or arguing, see that he`s not picking fights or sides.. besides us eggs



















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元はここ http://www.nber.org/papers/w10988

We analyze fiscal policy and fiscal sustainability in Japan using a variant of the methodology developed in Blanchard (1990). We find that Japan can achieve fiscal sustainability over a 100-year horizon with relatively small changes in the tax-to-GDP ratio. Our analysis differs from more pessimistic analyses in several dimensions. First, since Japanese net debt is only half that of gross debt, we demonstrate that the current debt burden is much lower than is typically reported. This means that monetization of the debt will have little impact on Japan's fiscal sustainability because Japan's problem is the level of future liabilities not current ones. Second, we argue that one obtains very different projections of social security burdens based on the standard assumption that Japan's population is on a trend towards extinction rather than transitioning to a new lower level. Third, we demonstrate that some modest cost containment of the growth rate of real per capita benefits, such as cutting expenditures for shrinking demographic categories, can dramatically lower the necessary tax burden. In sum, no scenario involves Japanese taxes rising above those in Europe today and many result in tax-to-GDP ratios comparable to those in the United States.

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