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[]We all declare for liberty;

but in using the same word we do not all mean the same thing.

Abraham Lincoln

Address at Sanitary Fair, Baltimore, Maryland April 18, 1864
















| 【全訳】米国史上最年少の女性下院議員キング牧師ばりの演説

| https://courrier.jp/news/archives/150572/


| Watch Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s Inspiring Women’s March Speech | NowThis

| https://youtu.be/TNJZhuZCYow


Hello! Thank you. New York City!

Thank you all.

Are you all ready to make a ruckus?

Are you all ready to fight for our rights?

Are you all ready to say that in the United States of America everyone is loved, everyone deserves justice, and everyone deserves equal protection and prosperity in our country.

It is such an honor to be here, and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that we’re gathering here today, the weekend before Martin Luther King Day.

Because I believe this moment and where we are right now is a resurgence from where the civil rights movement left off.

And we are here to carry the torch forward.

Because when we talked about racial and economic justice, racial and social justice, we started to really extend those issues to the issues of economic justice, environmental justice, and the intersectionality and interconnectedness of all our fights.

Justice is not a concept we read about in a book.

Justice is about the water we drink, justice is about the air we breathe.

Justice is about how easy it is to vote.

Justice is about how much ladies get paid.

Justice is about if we can stay with our children after we have them for a just amount of time – mothers, fathers, and all parents.

Justice is about making sure that being polite is not the same thing as being quiet.

In fact, oftentimes the most righteous thing you can do is shake the table.

Last year we took the power to the polls.

And this year, we’re taking power to the policy, because we have taken back the House of Representatives.

And that’s just step one.

This year we’re gonna organize.

This year we’re gonna fight for voting rights.

This year we’re gonna keep pushing, because 2020, we took – in 2018 we took the House of Representatives, and through 2020, we’re gonna take the White House and Senate, too.

That’s what we’re gonna do because we need to advance and fight for an America where all people are welcome and no people are left behind.

And I know that while this year has been historic, there’s a lot more congresswomen left here in this audience right now.

There’s a lot more city councilwomen.

There’s a lot more workers that will be building businesses.

There’s a lot more – and I know that there’s a future president out here, too.

Let us remember that a fight means no person left behind.

So when people want to stop talking about the issues

that Black women face,

when people want to stop talking about the issues

that trans women or immigrant women face,

we gotta ask them, why does that make you so uncomfortable?

Because now, this is the time that we’re gonna address poverty.

This is the time we’re gonna address Flint.

This is the time we’re gonna talk about Baltimore & the Bronx, and wildfires, and Puerto Rico.

Because this is not just about identity, this is about justice.

And this is about the America that we are going to bring into this world.

Thank you all very, very much.


チーム別日本人メジャーリーガー出場数 1995年から2016年まで



よくある集計と整合性を取るためこの表ではJeff McCurry, Steve Randolph, Craig House, Keith McDonald, Dave Robertsのみなさんは集計から除外した。

リーグ, チーム 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09101112 13 14 15 16 チーム毎合計
A, Baltimore Orioles12 43 43 98
A, Boston Red Sox 8 13 45 98 93 142 81 18 48 144 1351041031032
A, Chicago White Sox 59 166 138 9024 477
A, Cleveland Indians 14 1 5728 59 1 160
A, Detroit Tigers 49 34 83
A, Kansas City Royals 22 32 15 7 3412 132 254
A, Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim 50 61 64 66 46 145 61 42248
A, Minnesota Twins12 68 3 83
A, New York Yankees 13 29 32 163 162 162 51 157 95 142102 182 1952431 1540
A, Oakland Athletics 4010 141 5 196
A, Seattle Mariners 1 6 16 63 226 271 257236209 305296 274 217 162 161 186332820 1513118
A, Tampa Bay Rays 19123 152 69 34 397
A, Texas Rangers 38 63 34 4 61 80 32 22 217 353
A, Toronto Blue Jays 1910 2 96 8223232
N, Arizona Diamondbacks 16 16
N, Atlanta Braves 34 74108
N, Chicago Cubs 150 152 130 87 1528 8 14 584
N, Colorado Rockies 29 3 32104 168
N(現在A), Houston Astros 96 132 27 255
N, Los Angeles Dodgers28333312 62 63 5217 72 63 76 2131 32 35 630
N, Miami Marlins 153 143296
N, Milwaukee Brewers 29 15 21 22 18 30 151 155 441
N, Montreal Expos11 55 63 35 15179
N, New York Mets 35 4631123 25 62114115 3828 87 45 7 34 790
N, Philadelphia Phillies 4592 137
N, Pittsburgh Pirates 19 54 9 82
N, San Diego Padres 73 66 81 220
N, San Francisco Giants118 60 15 93286
N, St. Louis Cardinals 19 43109 143 134 130 578
N, Washington Nationals1111
年毎合計28 34 131 154 251248 528 624 635 853 971 85111691264 989 844 806 697 684 656 428 494 13339

リーグ, チーム 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09101112 13 14 15 16 チーム毎合計
A, Baltimore Orioles12 43 43 98
A, Boston Red Sox 8 13 45 98 93 142 81 18 48 144 1351041031032
A, Chicago White Sox 5931 90
A, Cleveland Indians 14 1 5728 1101
A, Detroit Tigers 49 34 83
A, Kansas City Royals 22 32 15 7 3412122
A, Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim 50 61 64 66 46 61 42 390
A, Minnesota Twins1212
A, New York Yankees 13 29 32 14 2 35 32 522431 264
A, Oakland Athletics 40 5 45
A, Seattle Mariners 1 6 16 63 69114 98 75 47 3033282033 633
A, Tampa Bay Rays 19 19
A, Texas Rangers 38 63 34 4 61 80 32 22 217 353
A, Toronto Blue Jays 1910 231
N, Arizona Diamondbacks 16 16
N, Atlanta Braves 32 74106
N, Chicago Cubs 1528 8 51
N, Colorado Rockies 29 3 32
N, Los Angeles Dodgers28333312 62 63 52 72 63 76 2131 32 32 610
N, Miami Marlins 1 1
N, Milwaukee Brewers28 15 21 22 18 30 134
N, Montreal Expos11 55 63 34 15178
N, New York Mets 35 4631 252828 87 45 7 34 366
N, Pittsburgh Pirates 19 928
N, San Diego Padres 73 66 139
N, San Francisco Giants 60 60
N, Washington Nationals1010
年毎合計28 34 131 154 250248248330207 307 264 153238326 275316 290 262 268 299 160 216 5004

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