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2017 Dutch campaign

Demand is increasing for "urination equality" or "potty parity". A grassroots urination equality campaign in the Netherlands caused a sensation in 2017, with women defiantly using urinals in men's toilets. The protest movement was formed under the name of Zeikwijven ("the wild-peeing women"), which advocates urination equality and takes action against the discrimination of women through by limiting possibilities for urination.

The initiative was triggered after 23-year-old Geerte Piening was sentenced to a fine for urinating in public on the street. Her complaint was rejected on the judicial grounds that Piening should have used a street urinal common in the Netherlands. The objection that this was designed only for men was not accepted: "it may not be comfortable, but it is possible".[78][79][80][81] According to one campaign initiator, the problem is that "it isn't possible for women to urinate in a decent, hygienic and dignified manner in a public urinal designed for men."[82] In 2018, a mobile female urinal called the "Yellow Spot" was created around this protest.[83][84][a]

As part of this campaign, women in the Netherlands began to urinate demonstratively in public urinals for men.[citation needed] So, the Dutch city authorities are planning to increasingly offer a unisex version of the Urilift street urinals, which are now available in Dutch city centers, and can be used comfortably by men and women


オランダでは、 2017年草の根の排尿の平等運動センセーションを巻き起こし、女性たちが男性トイレの小便器を敢えて使用しました。

この抗議運動は、排尿の平等を主張し、排尿の機会を制限することによる女性差別に対抗するZeikwijven (「野放しの女性たち」)という名前で結成されました。




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