Introduction (Grammar in Your Pocket Book 1) (English Edition) の一節。
it helps to learn how the engine works,
the effect of moving the wheel on how the car moves,
and ways to safely handle a 2,000-pound mass of steel (sometimes as powerful as a pound of TNT).
This is not a reasonable task for children.
Similarly, learning the power of words and how to control them will get you the grownup through many a traffic jam (literally) and into safe,
comfortable traveling (literally).
Not for children.
論点は、最後の「Not for children.」の意味。
最もありがちな間違いは、Notが直後の「for children」にかかっていると解釈して、「子供向けではない」と読むこと。
This is not a reasonable task for children. (これは子供にとって容易なことではない。)
This is NOT a reasonable task FOR CHILDREN.
Not for children.になってるってこと。