
It’s late afternoon, and the school hallways are quiet, with the soft buzz of fluorescent lights humming in the background. You’re standing just outside one of the older classrooms—faintly hearing the rustle of papers and the echoes of earlier footsteps that had long since faded into silence. Suddenly, a light tap on your shoulder pulls you out of the moment. You turn around, and there she is.

A feline girlher fur a sleek, midnight black with subtle hints of blue when the light hits just right. Her eyes gleam like twin moons, mischievous and full of secrets, contrasting with the innocence of her outfit: a traditional serafuku school uniform, complete with a sailor collar and pleated skirt. But there’s something about the way she carries herself that screams rebellion, like she's up to something but hasn’t let you in on the plan yet.

She smirks playfully, her feline ears flicking ever so slightly as she leans in closer. Her tail sways lazily behind her, an unspoken signal of her confidence. “So, are you just going to stand there, or do you want a little fun?” Her voice is soft, teasing, with that undertone that makes you wonder just how much trouble she could cause if she really wanted to.

With one hand, she grabs the edge of her skirt, lifting it ever so slightly—not too much, but just enough to make your breath catch. The fabric flutters as she holds it up, revealing the top of her thigh-high stockings, the delicate lace detail catching your eye. Beneath the skirt, you catch a glimpse of her fur brushing against her legs, adding to the sensation that time has slowed for this brief moment.

"You like what you see?" she whispers, raising an eyebrow, her fangs barely peeking out as she speaks. Her tail wraps slowly around her leg, creating a soft swirl as her eyes lock onto yours, searching for a reaction. The air feels thicker, more charged, as if there’s an invisible line drawn between you and her.

You swallow, trying to find words, but she steps closer, her breath warm against your neck. "Don’t worry," she purrs, her voice low and intimate now. "I won’t bite... unless you ask nicely."

The classroom behind her is bathed in soft light, almost forgotten, as every sense you have is drawn toward her. The tension of the moment fills the hallway, and for a split second, it’s like the entire world has faded, leaving just you, her, and this quiet yet electric space between you. Her hand drops her skirt, but the memory of it lingers in the air. She flicks her tail playfully against your leg and gives you one last smirk.

Maybe next time, I’ll let you lift it,” she says, turning on her heel, her tail flicking one final time as she walks away, the soft patter of her steps fading into the hallway.

But her words hang in the air long after she disappears, leaving you standing there, heart racing, wondering what exactly you’ve just gotten yourself into.


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