
【US】最も役に立たない学位 - 社会学心理学、そして芸術

The Most Useless College Degrees – Sociology, Psychology and the Arts


The Top 8, most worthless college degrees based on earnable lifetime income are as follows:

1 社会学

Sociology.Based on a poor return of investment, and with the market flooded with so many people seeking sociology degrees to do a white variety of jobs, this degree can make you virtually un-hirable. And the average income rests around $32,000 per year.

2 芸術

Fine arts. No matter how much the arts are revered, unless you can put your art to work for you – chances are it won’t pay off in the end.

3 教育学

Education. Nearly 2 out of every 3 degrees earned in 2010, according to Fox news was an education-based degree. This means the market if flooded with people hoping to engage in the world’s noblest profession. Worse, teachers pay is not that great. On the flip side, if family in the future is important to you – then teaching can be a great job where you can still remain with your family.

以下 リンク先にて



  • 社会学は、社会学者自身が「インチキ」だと言うほどの似非学問。 於・現代風俗研究会、2015年9月例会 加藤秀俊:社会学はインチキで大学では不要ではないか。 高田公理:日本では...

  • 数十年後には外国語や文学がはるかに凌いでクソ扱いになるで 社会学や心理学は、最近はAI研究やビッグデータ研究に付随して多少見直されてるはずやが・・・

  • 「教育学」っていうのもイミフだよな いわゆる教員養成系でもなく、 教育にまつわる屁理屈並べてるだけじゃんか、っていう


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