
You ain't gonna get happy if you don't try to be happy, ya feel me?

It's gonna be a wild ride tho. You gotta fight your way through a shit ton of problems and haters. Ngl, sometimes you'll eat dirt and take some L's.

But here's the tea: if you chicken out and just sit on your ass waiting for happiness, you're gonna get royally fucked by misery anyway. So might as well go down swinging, right?

Bottom line: you gotta fight. It's your duty as a human to go balls to the wall for your own happiness.

Now, peep this: there are losers out there who got steamrolled by unhappiness 'cause they were too lazy to do anything. And then there are the edgelords who gave up and now they're just marinating in their own salt and anger. These miserable MFers are so butthurt about happiness, they'll try every trick in the book to drag down anyone who's happy or trying to be happy.

All the sketchy sh*t that messes with peace? That's coming from their depression cocktail of boredom, anxiety, and being pissed off 24/7.

So if you've got happiness, or if you're grinding for it, you gotta stand your ground against these party poopers. Sometimes you'll win, sometimes you'll lose, but you gotta keep fighting like a boss to protect your freedom, your independence, your peace, and your mojo (aka the secret sauce of happiness).


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