「hatred」を含む日記 RSS

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Hatred is akin to love.


オリンピックと戦うために ver 0.9.1

もうオリンピックが開催される前提でニュースが流れて、みんな納得した雰囲気メディアがかもしだしているのは、どう考えてもおかしくないですか? これを読んでいるあなた個人は納得してますか? 私はしてません。 




















#IOC , we the people of Japan reject you. #Olympic will cause the surge in COVID cases in #Japan . We do not accept your unilateral attitude and greed ignoring the health risks to forcibly hold games. Our hatred aginst you will never disappear.


#IOC 、 私たち日本国民あなた方を拒絶します。#オリンピック日本コロナ症例数を増加させます強制的オリンピックを開催するために健康上のリスク無視するあなた方の一方的な態度と強欲は受け入れません。あなた方に対する私たちの憎しみは決して消えることがないでしょう。

#IOC , we the people of Japan do not accept #Olympic to be held this summer. We have been constantly expressing our concerns over the significant health risks in holding the games, but you never listen to us. We will never forget what you will have done to us.


IOC私たち日本国民は、今夏の#オリンピック 開催を受け入れることはありません。私たちオリンピック開催にまつわる大きな健康上のリスクについてずっと懸念を表明して来ましたが、あなた方は決して耳を貸すことはありませんでした。あなた方が私たちしたこと私たちは決して忘れないでしょう。

#Olympic athletes, please do not come to Japan. We know you have high exepectations from your game. But for us, it is a question of life and death. Holding the games this summer in #Japan will cause the surge in COVID cases and lead to a disaster. Please do not come.


#オリンピック 代表選手のみなさん、どうか日本へ来ないでください。参加される試合に大きな期待を抱かれていることは認識しています。ですが私たちにとってこれは死活問題なのです。今夏 #日本オリンピックを開催した場合コロナ症例数増加を引き起こし、大災害となるからです。どうか来ないでください。 

Dear #Olympic athletes, we wanted to welcome you in #Japan but unfortunately, it is no longer possible to do so. Vaccination rate in #Japan is incredibly low and accepting people from overseas will cause deathes. Please do not enter the hall of shame by coming to the games.


#オリンピック 代表選手のみなさん、#日本 でみなさんをお迎えしたかったのですが、それはもうできなくなってしまいました。#日本ワクチン接種率は信じ難いほど低く、海外からみなさんをお迎えすると死者が出ます試合に参加することで恥の殿堂へ入ることのないよう、どうかお願いします。 





日本でも翻訳が出ている(出てない?)マークローレンス(Broken Empireとか。個人的にはBook of the Ancestorシリーズの方が好き)が主催している(?)らしいSPFBOという賞を探してみると自費出版系の作品を見つけやすい。



The Library at Mount Char(Scott Hawkins)









The Fire Sacraments シリーズ

「The Chathrand Voyageシリーズの作者 Robert V.S. Redickの新シリーズ。まだ二冊しか出てない。しかし読んで損はしない。

一巻目の「Master Assassins」はカバーエピックファンタジーっぽさもあって、ちょっとD&Dや剣と魔法もの勘違いちゃうんだけど、読んでみると全然違う。


Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne シリーズBrian Staveley)



LightbringerシリーズBrent Weeks:翻訳でてる?)

この人の「Night Angel三部作は大好きだけど、これはいひとつ入り込めなかった。最初からスケール大きすぎて、ちょっとリアリティを感じなかったせいかもしれない。


Wolf of the North シリーズ(Duncan M. Hamilton

It has been generations since the Northlands have seen a hero worthy of the title. Many have made the claim, but few have lived to defend it. Timid, weak, and bullied, Wulfric is as unlikely a candidate as there could be.

よく考えたらComing Of Ageが好きなようだ。

The Broken Earth シリーズ(N.K. Jemisin)





Chronicles of the Black Gate シリーズ(Phil Tucker


「A war fueled by the dark powers of forbidden sorcery is about to engulf the Ascendant Empire. Agerastian heretics, armed with black fire and fueled by bitter hatred, seek to sever the ancient portals that unite the empire - and in so doing destroy it.」


King's Dark Tidings シリーズ(Kel Kade:未完結)




Solomon Creed シリーズSimon Toyne)





 The Raven TowerSF「叛逆航路」で有名なアンレッキー



Six of Crows シリーズ(作者の写真エキセントリックなことで有名なLeigh Bardugo)


くだらない内容でも Will Wightの作品は楽しく読めるんだけど、何が違うんだろうね。

The Demon Cycle シリーズ(Peter V. Brett)



The Faithful and the Fallen シリーズ(John Gwynne



Auschwitz surviver "Beware of hate".

The memory of my mother, going with her three children, with my little baby sister and my two younger brothers, going to the gas chamber, is the worst memory that I carry with me for the rest of my life.

My name is Max Eisen, and I'm a survivor of Auschwitz.

I saw her walk, I remember, all I could see was her back.

Carrying a baby in her arm, and my two little brothers.

There were no goodbyes said.

Six million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust. Over 1.1 million of those were killed here, in Auschwitz-Birkenau.

I was fifteen years old when I arrived here, May of 1944.

A9892. Hungarian Transports.

Max has returned every year for the past two decades to tell his story.

Here we are,

I want you to sort try to smell what this place smelled like.

Can you hear the voices?

Scratches with their hands. They were trying to go through cement walls just to get away from the gas that was killing them.

Imagine 2,000 people fighting each other for a breath of air.

You could to say that this is the last will and testament of people who died here.

From darkness to light, what a wonderful thing it is to know that you're alive.

Every year Max joins the March of the Living, in memory of those forced on 'death marches' from the camps.

Some 12,000 people recently marched with Max from Auschwitz to Birkenau on Holocaust Remembrance Day.

I'm thinking of my family, who have to no markers, no graves, whose ashes have been blown to the four corners of the earth.

I don't know how I survived.

I'm amazed how I survived.


I'd like to tell a lot to the world.

Respect each other, no matter what religion or colour you are.

Hatred against Jewish people is alive and well all over the world.

I come back here to tell others not to go down this terrible road of hatred and intolerance.


It' a warning. Beware.

This place reminds you to beware of hatred.

from BBC.


clients out bottomfishing. Fishing for rockfish was excellent, but very few ling cod we

Woho. Anglers are allowed two salmon per day with a minimum size for Chinook at 24 inches or larger. Salmon seasons from May 2016 to April 30, 2017 are currently being developed.

Last weekend Prowler Charters here in Bandon took clients out bottomfishing. Fishing for rockfish was excellent, but very few ling cod were taken. Strong ocean currents made for a fast drift which makes the conditions tough. Wayne Butler, the captain of the Miss Chief, told me that the depth at the Bandon bar was much deeper than last year. This winter's large rain event naturally flushed out the entrance, which makes bar crossings much safer. Anglers surf fishing out at Bullards Beach State Park reported good pinkfin surf perch action last week. Live sand shrimp or Berkley Gulp sand worms in camo colors have been working best. Perch fishing has been good up on the beaches in Coos Bay. Anglers are also catching pinkfin and striped perch along the Coos Bay south jetty. Boaters are catching rockfish inside the bay near the No. 7 buoy and the train trestle bridge


But while pundits have occasionally contorted themselves into logical pretzels to explain away Ford’s casual racism and misogyny — “He was just drunk!” “He always fights for the little guy!” — none has ever been able to explain away his deliberate and calculated anti-LGBT statements and actions.

Ford never hid anti-LGBT animus. From his earliest days on council, when he opposed funding small grants to diversity and AIDS-prevention campaigns, he made it explicit that his opposition stemmed from disgust with LGBT people, not from a desire to protect the public purse.Superman grany przez Cavilla to ten sam poziom, co w Człowieku ze Stali - moim zdaniem Cavill bardzo się stara, żeby jak najciekawiej zagrać Supermana, ale to i tak jedna z najnudniejszych postaci w całym komiksowym uniwersum, więc niektóre wysiłki pozostają niezauważone. Moim zdaniem to wina postaci i fani muszą się do tego przyzwyczaić.

Trzecią postacią, która ma szanse zaprezentować nam się trochę dłużej na ekranie jest oczywiście “ten zły”, czyli Lex Luthor, który grany przez Eisenberga kojarzył się raczej z o wiele bardziej szalonym Zuckerbergiem z The Social Network, niż komiksowym czarnym charakterem. Być może się czepiam, ale gdyby Luthor się w tym filmie nie przedstawił, nie miałbym pojęcia kim właściwie jest ten rudy gość, który z jakiegoś powodu postanowił być bardzo złośliwy.

he astonishments of the quasi-Biblical clashes and catastrophes in the director Zack Snyder’s “Man of Steel” left me impatient to see hisBatman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.” The earlier film conveyed an awed and even terrified sense of the colossal, a delight in the cinematic ability to realize wrenching destruction and, at the same time, to shiver at the very imagination of it. Snyder turned the superhero universe around on itself, constructing backstories and out-there stories of an apocalyptic force; it was silly but potent, shallow but thrilling. Perhaps Snyder’s new film is the victim of great (or any) expectations, but “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” remains literally Earth-bound, and this fair planet is where Snyder bumps up against the limits of his vision.

WhereMan of Steel” opens big, with an intergalactic origin story that has the heightened tone of pseudo-scripture, the first big set piece in “Batman v Supermanis a catastrophe from home, a virtual replay of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, with Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) looking on with horror and hatred as the tower of Wayne Industries collapses (vertically) into a blinding gust of light-gray powderas a result of the battle waged by Superman (Henry Cavill) against the Kryptonian usurper General Zod.

climactic feat in “The Avengers.”) In Snyder’s new film, Superman appears, from the sff

But while pundits have occasionally contorted themselves into logical pretzels to explain away Ford’s casual racism and misogyny — “He was just drunk!” “He always fights for the little guy!” — none has ever been able to explain away his deliberate and calculated anti-LGBT statements and actions.

Ford never hid anti-LGBT animus. From his earliest days on council, when he opposed funding small grants to diversity and AIDS-prevention campaigns, he made it explicit that his opposition stemmed from disgust with LGBT people, not from a desire to protect the public purse.Superman grany przez Cavilla to ten sam poziom, co w Człowieku ze Stali - moim zdaniem Cavill bardzo się stara, żeby jak najciekawiej zagrać Supermana, ale to i tak jedna z najnudniejszych postaci w całym komiksowym uniwersum, więc niektóre wysiłki pozostaniezauważone. Moim zdaniem to wina postaci i fani muszą się do tego przyzwyczaić.

Trzecią postacią, która ma szanse zaprezentować nam się trochę dłużej na ekranie jest oczywiście “ten zły”, czyli Lex Luthor, który grany przez Eisenberga kojarzył się raczej z o wiele bardziej szalonym Zuckerbergiem z The Social Network, niż komiksowym czarnym charakterem. Być może się czepiam, ale gdyby Luthor się w tym filmie nie przedstawił, nie miałbym pocia kim właściwie jest ten rudy gość, który z jakiegoś powodu postanowił być bardzo złośliwy.

he astonishments of the quasi-Biblical clashes and catastrophes in the director Zack Snyder’s “Man of Steel” left me impatient to see hisBatman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.” The earlier film conveyed an awed and even terrified sense of the colossal, a delight in the cinematic ability to realize wrenching destruction and, at the same time, to shiver at the very imagination of it. Snyder turned the superhero universe around on itself, constructing backstories and out-there stories of an apocalyptic force; it was silly but potent, shallow but thrilling. Perhaps Snyder’s new film is the victim of great (or any) expectations, but “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” remains literally Earth-bound, and this fair planet is where Snyder bumps up against the limits of his vision.

Where “Man of Steel” opens big, with an intergalactic origin story that has the heightened tone of pseudo-scripture, the first big set piece in “Batman v Supermanis a catastrophe from home, a virtual replay of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, with Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) looking on with horror and hatred as the tower of Wayne Industries collapses (vertically) into a blinding gust of light-gray powderas a result of the battle waged by Superman (Henry Cavill) against the Kryptonian usurper General Zod.

That start gives off a strange whiff of competition with—or emulation of—Marvel’s irrepressibly successful “Avengers” films, the first of which, in particular, is an unabashed post-9/11 allegory. (The connection is surprisingly direct. One of the climactic moments of “Batman v Superman”—a leap from the ground that vaults through the atmosphere and into outer space—is a virtual duplication, both dramatically and visually, of a similar climactic feat in “The Avengers.”) In Snyder’s new film, Superman appears, from the start, as a hopeless naïf, a battler for good who doesn’t admit to his own capacity to do incidental evil, a blinkered warrior who deploys his nearly infinite powers according to his unquestioned moral intuition rather than to the prudent calculation of results.

O Wonder Woman, która zgodnie z obietnicami zadebiutowała w tym filmie mogę w sumie napisać tylko tyle, że… do tej roli wybrano świetną aktorkę. Przynajmniej z wyglądu, bo po tych strzępkach dialogów, które pojawiają sie na ekranie z jej udziałem ciężko się zorientować kim właściwie jest ta pani, która w pewnym momencie pojawia się z tarczą i mieczem u boku Supermana i Batmana.
















The JB's - JB's Monorail





Kool & The Gang - Summer Madness


一定以上の年齢の人にはディスコブームの中心的バンドの一つとして記憶されていることが多いであろう K&G ですが、この曲はファンク期の名曲中の名曲


この曲が入っている Light of Worlds はアルバムタイトル曲をはじめとして名曲が多いので是非。Light of Worlds 以外でもファンク期のアルバムは良いものが多いです。一時期入手性が悪くなっていたアルバムもありましたが、最近はそんなこともないし。love&understanding を海外ショップから購入したらカセットテープだったのは良い思い出です。

roy ayers everybody loves the sunshine




先に挙げた JB's の生き残りや K&G最近は衰えを隠せないのに比べて、ロイはいまだに元気なステージを見せてくれるので、機会があればライブおすすめツアー毎にメンバーを入れ替えていてるようで、その辺もプラスに働いているのではないかと。

Parliament Chocolate City


P-funk名盤 Chocolate City のタイトル曲でありオープニング。「さあ、はじまるぜ!いくぞ!やるぞ!」とはじけそうな期待感をこれでもかとじらす長い長いイントロのような一曲。ドロドロのファンクをブーツィーがニヤけ顔でおれの腹に注ぎ込んで、そして「もっとだ!もっとくれ!」と言わせる。そんな光景想像させます

こうした半開の状態を長く続けるのはファンク勢が得意とする手法で、その中でも p-funk のそれは抜きんでているのではないかと。


そして2曲目 Ride On で心置きなくはじけ飛べるので、忘れずに下記を!


Bossa Nostra - Home is where the hatred is



JBバックダンサーだった ヴィッキー・アンダーソン(カーリーン・アンダーソンのカーチャン) が歌う ギル・スコットヘロン という面白い 1 曲。




Independent Games Festival 2015にて




プレゼンターNathan Vella (Capybara Games CEO)

This past year has exposed a lot of hatred and some significant unpleasantness in our industry. As of tonight, there continue to be women, people of color, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer artists who are being trolled, and spammed, and threatened, and doxxed, and hacked, and even driven from their homes. It's no longer possible for those of us in this room to ignore or minimise these issues with our industry or these issues with our art.


I know you all believe it. I know you do.

(Standing ovation)

But just as this year has exposed all that ugliness, it has also exposed a new generation of creators and activists who are fighting for video games and video game culture. They are fighting for us, the independent games community. I really don't think they want our gratitude at all. I think they need our support. I think they need us to work together as a community to show people a new way to engage with each other and play. So let's all fight back against this hate, the best way we know how: through our games, and through our teams, and through our collaborations. Let's make sure our games are not embodying any stereotypes or caricatures. Let's make sure as a community we are supportive of one another, and we are as welcoming as possible to any and all new voices. To me, it really gets to the core of what it's about to be an independent developer. We don't have any stock prices to fret over. We don't have any entrenched political dogmas. We own our art. This gives us a real opportunity to be the change that we all want see in the industry. And I think that we can change for the better, together.








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