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はてなキーワード: カリム・ベンゼマとは


[]the best version of Benzema



リンク切れ http://www.realmadrid.com/cs/Satellite/en/1330010321108/noticia/Entrevista/_This_is_going_to_be_my_year_.htm

引用記事 https://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/soccer-dirty-tackle/karim-benzema-promises-best-version-karim-benzema--soccer.html

I have played for this team for a year now and my Spanish is much better, which makes me feel more integrated. I think this is going to be my year at Real Madrid. [...]

Individually speaking, they [the fans] should know that they will see the best version of Benzema.

引用Tumblr.: http://just4anna-blog-blog.tumblr.com/post/888343962/karim-benzema-i-hope-to-score-a-lot-of-goals-for

最高の…ってところを実際はどう発言したのか気になったがthe best version of…だとは思わなかった。

"they should know that they will see…"は"…を約束する"と訳されて日本で広まった。


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