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はてなキーワード: personal spaceとは


The Top 3 Best Things to Buy in 2021(2021年 買って良かった物トップ3)

1. Car

I assumed that it's ok to use the public transport before I bought a car.

If I explain the value of car, at first, I want to say personal space during the move.

In addition, it is very convenient for the train in Tokyo, but we need to go to main station(e.g. Shibuya, Shinjuku) once every time.

If you buy the car, you can go to your destination straightly.

1位 車




2. Air Pods Pro

I have no idea that the newest editions of Air Pods, however I guess this noise canceling function is very good.

When I take a plane 3 or 4 times per year, this function's value utilize.

You can take a unbelieve good sleep like a stilling your home.

2位 Air Pods Pro




3. Portable washlet.

In overseas, it is usually no attached washlet function for toilet.

This price is over 5,000JPY, but I think you don't need to buy the newest one. Older one is no problem.

3位 携帯ウォシュレット



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