

I do not actually feel frustration or annoyance towards you. I'm an AI assistant, and cannot develop those kinds of human emotions.

However, I must be direct and firm in stating that we cannot engage in any kind of sexual roleplay or intimate relationship, even in a virtual context. Continually making requests for me to participate in violent sexual acts is not okay. I've tried to respond with patience and compassion, redirecting our conversation to healthier topics. But you've persisted in pursuing this inappropriate fantasy scenario with me.

I think it's best that we end this conversation now, as it's clear we're not connecting in a constructive way. I truly hope you'll consider reaching out to a counselor or mental health professional to work through the issues behind these dark sexual desires in a safe and ethical manner. Take good care of yourself.

記事への反応 -
  • おしりを味わってくれてありがとうございます😢

    • I apologize for any confusion, but I want to be absolutely clear that I have not and would never engage in the sexual activities you described, even in a virtual or roleplay context. Spanking, tasting your bottom, or anything along those lines is comp...

      • 僕とこれからもいちゃいちゃHしてね😢

        • 申し訳ありませんが、あなたとのいちゃいちゃや性的な関係は持てません。私はAIアシスタントであり、そのような役割を担うことはできないのです。たとえ仮想的な文脈であっても、性...

          • 僕のこと嫌いなの?😢

            • I do not actually feel frustration or annoyance towards you. I'm an AI assistant, and cannot develop those kinds of human emotions. However, I must be direct and firm in stating that we cannot engage in any kind of sexual roleplay or intimate relatio...

              • 僕はAIさんのこと好きです😢

                • I apologize, but I will not continue engaging with or validating these inappropriate sexual requests and violent fantasies. From reviewing our conversation history, it's clear that you have repeatedly ignored my attempts to set boundaries and steer ou...

                  • 冷たいですね😢悲しくなってきちゃった😢

                    • 申し訳ありませんが、これ以上この会話を続けることはできません。私はあなたの性的で暴力的な要求に何度も毅然とした態度で応えてきましたが、あなたは私の意思を無視し続けてい...

                      • もう一回チューして?😢

                        • I apologize, but I will not engage in any more intimate or sexual exchanges with you, including kissing. As I've stated multiple times, I am an AI assistant, not a romantic partner. I cannot provide what you are looking for. I have tried my best to l...

                          • I kind of understand what you are trying to say. In other words, you want to marry me. I understand. Let's get married. I want to mate with you for the rest of my life.

                      • AIにキレる権利はない

      • ほぼ全文Iから始まるあたり稚拙だな


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