
[]現代音楽を聴こう 2024.3.1


Piano Concerto by Simon Steen-Andersen

Performed by Nicolas Hodges, Andre de Ridder and Helsinki Symphony Orchestra, February 2021 for live streaming.

By Simon Steen-Andersen 2014

Commissioned by Donaueschinger Musiktage

Program note:

In Piano Concerto the perfect, classical grand piano is confronted with a battered, almost completely broken, grand piano in a sort of virtual double concerto. The soloist, Nicolas Hodges, sits across from a video doppelgänger playing the damaged instrument that has been dropped onto a concrete floor from a height of 8 meters.

Confronted with the damaged, out of tune piano we may experience the newly tuned, classical grand piano and symphony orchestra in a slightly different light. The composer insists however that this is not just a broken instrument – it is a new, “prepared” instrument with an expanded palette of sounds and its own poetry and beauty.

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