Global Income Inequality, 1820-2020: The Persistence and Mutation of Extreme Inequality
these two components of global inequality have moved separately between 1910 and 2020: within-country inequality dropped in 1910- 1980 (while between-country inequality kept increasing) but rose in 1980-2020 (while between-country inequality started to decline).
As a consequence of these contradictory and compensating evolutions, early 21st century neo-colonial capitalism involves similar levels of inequality as early 20th century colonial capitalism,
多分これだね。 国家間格差と国内格差の拡大と縮小は、時代によって違いがあるというのが論旨。 元増田は現代の国家間格差はかつてよりも縮小しているという点のみをもってあのよう...
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