
最初公判では、結審の後、判決が言い渡される前に、一方の当事者にとって重要証拠が明らかになりました。 当事者はこれを提出し、裁判の再開を申請したが、却下された。 当然のことながら、当事者高等裁判所に上訴した。



In the first trial, after completion of the investigation, and before derivering sentence, important evidence for one party emerged. The party filed this and applied to reopen the trial, but it was denied. The party naturally appealed to the High Court.

However the High Court disregarded the statement of the new evidence, allowing only the evidence submitted before the investigation conclusion of the first trial, and hold the sentence of the first trial.

Judges' easy mode thwarts proof efforts.


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