ただ一方で”I think that Miss Nightingale was quite capable of the dreadful deed." (ナイチンゲール女史は荒事に非常に長けていたはずだと思う)とも言っている。
(ちゃんと訳せてないかもですが。Roebuck Committeeってなんだ?)
"February 1855, she received a requisition from the medical
officers at Balaclava for shirts. She knew that 27,000 shirts
had at her instance been sent by Government from home,
and they were already landed. But the Purveyor would
not let them be used ; "he could not unpack them without
a Board." Three weeks elapsed before the Board released
the shirts. The sick and wounded, lying shivering for want
of rugs and shirts, would have expressed themselves forcibly,
I fear, if it had been explained that they must shiver still
until the Board of Survey's good time had arrived.
Miss Nightingale's impatience at such delays was the
origin, doubtless, of a story which had wide currency at
the time that on one occasion she ordered a Government
consignment to be opened forcibly, while the officials wrung
their hands at the thought of what the Board of Survey
might presently say. The story was mentioned in the
Roebuck Committee ; and, though it was not confirmed, I
think that Miss Nightingale was quite capable of the dreadful
ローバック委員会とはクリミア戦争における管理運営上の問題を調べるために英下院議員John Arthur Roebuckが設置した委員会。 以下に載っている委員会...