

Occupied Japan has gotten publication censorship by the CCD of General Headquarters of Allies in Kumamoto, and the existence of the censorship was strictly hidden as well

It's easy to guess censorship continues in the present world

記事への反応 -
  • 私は甲斐と聞いたら熊本CIAだと思いますけどね 熊本には硫黄鉱山があり弾薬原料が取れ、赤十字社支部博愛社が初めて開設された場所で、甲斐姓が多い 熊本からは米国移民が大変多く、...

    • Occupied Japan has gotten publication censorship by the CCD of General Headquarters of Allies in Kumamoto, and the existence of the censorship was strictly hidden as well It's easy to guess censorship continues in the present world

    • 「雪の女王」主人公の少年カイは、ディズニーアニメでは消されてたな


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