比較的楽観的な研究としてBroda and Parker (http://www.voxeu.org/index.php?q=node/1541)によるものを取り上げる。これによると
In aggregate, the 2008 rebates total around $100 billion, which is about four% of aggregate personal consumption expenditures (PCE) during the three months in which the rebates were distributed, or about 13.3% of PCE on nondurable goods. Using the relative spending responses to the 2001 rebates, our estimates imply that the receipt of the tax rebates directly raised nondurable PCE by 2.4% in the second quarter of 2008 and will raise it by 4.1% in the third quarter.4 These calculations do not include any potential multiplier effects, which might make the full impact of the rebates on the economy even larger, nor do they include price effects, which might mitigate their impact on real GDP.
逆に悲観的なMartin Feldstein (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB121798022246515105.html?mod=opinion_main_commentaries)によると、
The evidence is now in and that optimism was unwarranted. Recent government statistics show that only between 10% and 20% of the rebate dollars were spent. The rebates added nearly $80 billion to the permanent national debt but less than $20 billion to consumer spending. This experience confirms earlier studies showing that one-time tax rebates are not a cost-effective way to increase economic activity.
少なくともアメリカに関していえば、先ほどのFeldsteinを始め批判を見つけることは難しくない。Shapiro and Slemrod (http://www.aeaweb.org/annual_mtg_papers/2009/retrieve.php?pdfid=294)とか。後はGreg Mankiw's Blog (http://gregmankiw.blogspot.com/)とかで取り上げられる場合もproとconがセットになっているように見える。
081224kaikensiryou.pdf (http://www.kantei.go.jp/jp/asospeech/2008/12/081224kaikensiryou.pdf)によると1次補正11.5兆+2次補正27兆+21年度予算37兆で辻褄は合っているように見えるが、元増田が指摘するとおりこの金額は予算ではない。2次補正予算(http://www.mof.go.jp/jouhou/syukei/h20/sy210105c.pdf)に注目すると、そこで実際に計上されているのは27兆円ではなく4.7兆円でしかない。
定額給付金には賛成だけど、「http://yaruomatome.blog10.fc2.com/blog-entry-1053.html]やる夫ブログ やる夫で学ぶ定額給付金」はだめだろ。きちんと経済学的な議論をしているのかと思えば、景気対策...
俺の過去エントリにもブクマ4649 http://anond.hatelabo.jp/20090117222452