「giraffe」を含む日記 RSS

はてなキーワード: giraffeとは


English lesson feat. Hatena

In short, don’t you have any guts, do you?


I’m saying the animals should stay locked in a cage.


Whoof. Alas. No. This is just no. Ah no. A killing happiness vibe. Light attribute. Hitting my weak point. Mm. I’m dying. Dying right here. Gee. Am I done. I’m done. I knew my Dark attribute is done. Geez.


Put on a murderer face, at least.


Though you haven’t published solo work.


Long eared rabbit-chan! Long necked giraffe-san! Impressive bookmarker aukusoe! Me, me, it was me!!!

(耳が長くてウサギちゃん! 首が長くてキリンさん! ブコメ面白くてaukusoe! 俺だ俺だ! 俺だった!!!




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