The character 𓂺 is a hieroglyph from the ancient Egyptian writing system. Specifically, this hieroglyph represents a seated figure or person and is part of the set of symbols that often depict humans or gods in different postures or roles.
If you have more context about where you saw this hieroglyph (e.g., on an artifact, in a text, or in a symbolic context), I can provide more precise information about its interpretation!
𓂸おちんこでたりしましたが、もう 𓂺アッー
The character 𓂺 is a hieroglyph from the ancient Egyptian writing system. Specifically, this hieroglyph represents a seated figure or person and is part of the set of symbols that often depict humans or gods in different postures or roles. Key Det...
ひとの増田を『みんなおまんこ』みたいな紹介するんじゃねぇよ😠 𓂺という文字は、古代エジプトの表記法に由来する象形文字です。具体的には、この象形文字は座っている人物を表...
🌶️「そうか… 辛いか…」