

Memberships & Subscriptions

Name: Professional Membership

Qty: 1

Line Total: $99

Amount Paid: $99.00

Amount Due: $0

Name: Communications Of The Acm

Qty: 1

Line Total: $0

Amount Paid: $0

Amount Due: $0

Name: Acm Digital Library

Qty: 1

Line Total: $99

Amount Paid: $99.00

Amount Due: $0

Memberships & Subscriptions Sub-Total

Line Total: $0

Amount Paid: $198

Amount Due: $0


Single Purchase Items

Name: Email Forwarding Account

Qty: 1

Line Total: 0

Amount Paid: $0

Amount Due: $0

Single Purchase Sub-Total

Line Total: $0

Amount Paid: $0

Amount Due: $0


Grand Total

Amount Paid: $198

Amount Due: $0


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