


Where HPV vaccination programmes have been implemented effectively, the benefits are already very apparent. Several countries that have introduced HPV vaccines to their immunization programme have reported a 50% decrease in the incidence rate of uterine cervix precancerous lesions among younger women. In contrast, the mortality rate from cervical cancer in Japan, where HPV vaccination is not proactively recommended, increased by 3.4% from 1995 to 2005 and is expected to increase by 5.9% from 2005 to 2015.

  • 次は英文まったく読まずに「で、それのどこが(略)」とか言い出すよ そして付き合いきれずに黙った時点で勝利確定

  • あっはい「利点は明白です」ってね 欠点から目を背けながらなw


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