

The fact you speak more definitively in a formal setting, and the fact "going to" is informal (or not) are 2 different things. Cambridge dictionary is correct in that "going to" is used in more informal setting. It's that YOU are reading it wrong. It is not an informal expression. And by the way, some people take being proficient in one language not being in another, but they can actually co-exist. I write more in English than Japanese. Have been for over 10 years.

記事への反応 -
  • 英語学習でよく言われる「直読直解」「英語で英語を理解する」というのはネイティブみたいに理解できるかといえばそんなことは全くなくて 単に「英語を読む→日本語に置き換えて理...

    • 演説は喋ってるわけだからそりゃ口語的な表現は使われやすいでしょ 別に全く使われないと言ってるわけではなく傾向の話をしてるわけだから 大体ネイティブですらないくせにケンブリ...

      • The fact you speak more definitively in a formal setting, and the fact "going to" is informal (or not) are 2 different things. Cambridge dictionary is correct in that "going to" is used in more informal setting. It's that YOU are reading it wrong. It ...

        • やれやれ、反論できないから英語でマウント取るしかないとか情けねえな I looked through the state of the union you mentioned but it's actually a lot more informal than you made it out to be. I thought you were talking abo...

          • >Should've written like this "some people are proficient in one language but not in another" Nope. You didn't get it. And like I said, you would be an idiot if you callED(oops!) State of the Union informal. I don't know if you are an idiot or not.

            • Nope. You didn't get it. Then what did you mean by that? It just doesn't make sense. And like I said, you would be an idiot if you callED(oops!) State of the Union informal. I don't know if you are an idiot or not. That's all you've got to say? ...

              • Whatever. Do you or do you not think The State of the Union Address is informal?

                • 結局お前これの意味答えないのかよ。情けねえ "some people take being proficient in one language not being in another" だからthe right amount of colloquial languageと言っただろ 演説だから法律文書のようにと...

                  • 遅くなってすまんな 俺アメリカ人なんよ お前自分の日本語がどうかとか学習者に言われてなんか思うか? そもそも煽ってきたのそっちじゃん

                    • 匿名なら誰でもアメリカ人になれるぞ 本当に信じてほしいならWordreferenceかStackexchange辺りで以下の点について複数のネイティブに尋ねてこいよ going toはwillよりインフォーマルかどうか som...

                  • Take something somethingをわからないのは典型的な日本人の英語学習者やね 日本語母語のひとはTake something AS somethingとか入れたくなるけどそれは英語的ではない

          • It's 1,000 years early for a young man like you to f*ck against me.

            • 英語マウントの次は年齢マウントすかw あんた何歳なの?英米25年ってことは50歳くらいか?

              • これほんとに恥ずかしいよなあ 英語の言い方がどうのこうのって、そういうところがジャップ根性丸出しっていうか…大事なのは議論の中身だと思うけどなあ 俺は英語に詳しいぞ、年齢...

            • やめろw

      • Native speaker or not, you would be an idiot if you call State of the Union informal. If you want to be in that camp, go ahead, I don't care.

      • 英語学習者のリンクが面白かったから反応しちゃうけど 日本語をインストールした脳に英語をインストールするのは大変ではあるけど可能だ まずはインストールされた母音子音をぶっ壊...

    • 調べればわかるけど1人や2人が言ってるわけではなく大勢のネイティブが同じことを言ってるよ cambridge dictionaryにさえそう書かれている Be going to is commonly used in informal styles. https://dictiona...

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