

http://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/8rb9t/japans_lifesize_gundam_is_complete/ に GundamX という○○なユーザーがいるのだが、誰かこのメンタリティを解説してくれ。

The U.S. has done some bad things, but they were usually done with a air of detachment, and an attitude that it was the best option at the time, the Japanese have had a trend of not caring about the morality at all and many of them did it a little too eagerly.

  • ただのナショナリストじゃないのか? 日本にもそういう人たくさんいるじゃないか。 論理性よりも感情とか直感を重視する人というのはどこにもいる。


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